Saturday 10 August 2013

Yearning For A Lay

Eve walked around the garden.  She liked the smell of the roses -  they were sweet, like perfume, like soap; the scent made her feel inspired and she got drunk off the smell.  Eve wished she could eat the blossoms and smell as nice, it would be the ultimate allure!  However she didn't need blossoms to turn her into a figure of allure, there was someone already watching her -  his name was Kent Adams.

Kent glared at Eve from the garden and he smiled -  she was a nice looking young woman who had just blossomed into her nineteen year old body.  He looked at her and knew he wanted her, but he had only ever thought about it in his daydream.  Kent looked to the house and knew her parents were inside -  he couldn't even kiss her without them noticing.

“Sigh;”  he muttered to himself as he glared at Eve as she walked around the stream and into the area where the trees stood tall.  “Luck!  The sun must have stroked her skin too many times!”  he gasped before he coyly followed.

There was no one at the windows and so Kent followed without reserve on his shy feet.  He followed Eve into the canopy and he glared as he saw her pick at some bark.  Kent cleared his throat and entered the scene -  he felt as though the movement was daring, but to Eve it was boring -  she flicked her eyes his way once and then she looked away again;  it wasn't lust on her end despite the fact that shivers ran down Kent's spine.

“Hello there Eve;”  muttered Kent as Eve began to crumble bark through her fingers.  “A good day is it?”  he asked.

“Oh yes it is a fine day;”  told Eve as she blinked his way.  “It is a very nice day and the blossoms are appealing;”  she muttered as though bored.

“Oh yes, they are fresh this wet season;”  told Kent as he approached a little more.

Eve did not recoil -  in fact if Kent's shoes hadn't made so much noise she would not have even noticed Kent as he stepped towards her.  Eve flicked her eyes up in order to look at Kent, and then she flicked her stare away.

“Are you getting the barbecue ready?  Are you wanting to find wood?”  she asked as she began to furrow her brow.

“Oh no;”  told Kent as he glared at Eve.  “Your parents are cooking in the oven and on the stove -  they do not need the barbecue;”  he retorted.

“I see;”  muttered Eve as she looked to Kent again -  he was very close, and this time she did shudder a little.  “So you have come for a stroll?”  she asked.

“A stroll at least;”  told Kent as he glared at Eve hard as he walked around her.  “I was looking at you Eve, and I admire your appearance;”  he muttered.

“I see;:  told Eve as she felt his fingers curl around her shoulders.  “So you should like to get closer perhaps?”  she asked.

“That would be my ambition;”  whispered Kent as he began to feel his cheek warm as he pressed it close to her ear.  “Should you allow me to get so close without screaming?”  he asked.

“Why should I scream?”  asked Eve as she flicked the rest of the bark debris from her fingers.  “You may have something I could desire;”  she muttered before she turned around to face Kent.  “What do you desire?”  she then whispered in a sultry tone. 

“I would desire to be close to you;”  muttered Kent in a shy tone.  

“How close?”  asked Eve as she glared at him with emerald stare.

“Very close;”  told Kent as he blinked her vision into his memory.  “I enjoy you Eve, I would like to enjoy you in the most adult manner possible;”  he added as he smiled.

“I see;”  told Eve as she stepped back.  “You want to lay with me;”  she added.

“Yes I do;”  told Kent.

“But you don't want to marry me?”  she muttered.

“No;”  outlined Kent.

“But you want to sow your seeds?”  she asked.

“Yes of course;”  told Kent as he glared at Eve.

“Well that is a shame;”  flirted Eve.  “All joy without honour would make me a slut!”  she gasped before she began to walk away.

“Yes, indeed;”  smiled Kent as he leaned towards the direction in which Eve walked -  however he could not follow her, inside of his heart he knew she had just told him 'no'.  “What a shame;”  he muttered to himself before he took out a cigarette and lit its tip.

“Dinner!”  called Eve's mother Rye as she watched Eve stroll around the stream.  

“Kent is in the forest!”  told Eve as she passed Rye with a blush on her face.

“I see;”  muttered Rye before she looked at the stream and picked up her skirt.  “I suppose I should collect him;”  she then announced before she stepped across the stream and into the canopy where she picked up the smell of cigarette smoke right away.

“Kent you will spoil your appetite!”  scolded Rye as she glared at the house-guest who had sunk in the shadows as soon as he had seen her.  

“I know;”  he muttered as he glared at Rye.  “I do believe I will hunger later if I staple my appetite;”  he added.  “No dinner you make will go to waste;”  he told before he began to smoke a little more.  “I am in the mood for nicotine now;”  he added.

“It is such a horrible habit!”  gasped Rye as she stepped forward.  “Let me help you save your lungs and allow me to coax you to move to the dinner table;”  she added as she sent him a petty stare.

“No!”  gasped Kent as he glared at Rye and thought her quite attractive as well.  “I can't, you shall not stop me;”  he muttered as he smiled and coughed a laugh.

“See, you are harming yourself as we speak!”  told Rye.  “Let me tell you once again to put the cigarette away, and we shall go to dinner!”  he gasped.

“No;”  muttered Kent as he leaned on a tree.  “I shall not move;”  he slurred as he began to wonder if Rye would give his turn-on some honour.  “You are a nice woman, how about you say we lay?”  he then muttered as though his brain had just lit up.

“Oh horror!”  gasped Rye as she blushed from head to toe.  “My husband is at the dinner table!”  she added.

“So, tell him I am depressed!”  told Kent as he glared at Rye.  “Or pretend I will not put my cigarette away, and I shall bunt it out to be able to lay with you;”  he wagered.

Rye smiled, she was charmed by Kent's words, however she could not lay with him!  She was a married woman, and he was a very evil guest!  He had horrible ideals that came with man's nature, and she wished him to be gone before she allowed her dress to fall from her shoulders.  However she couldn't order him to go away -  her heart softened as Kent continued to smoke;  for a moment she let the question rest, and then Kent spoke and she felt electricity.

“I wish you would put that cigarette away;”  she muttered before she stepped forward.  

Kent smiled as Rye approached, and he watched as she stopped in front of him.  She looked very nice, and she smelt even better!  He wanted to say 'damn the ethics' if she agreed to have him for a lay!  He could sow his seeds and dig them deep, a grand ambition for such a nice afternoon.  

“So you wish to lay with me?”  asked Kent as he put his cigarette inside of his mouth one last time.  

Rye looked to Kent and smiled.   She didn't want to say yes, but her body was curious -  Kent was so good looking, she wanted to discover what he was like inside.  She knew it was an evil wrong, and that she should have gone to speak to her husband about escorting Kent to the driveway!  However she was curious, and it was not every day Kent offered her his body or his lust.

“You are an evil being;”  told Rye as she looked to Kent.  “Lust is the devils' trait;”  she muttered.  “It feeds us our apple and God punishes if we are caught;”  she added.

“God?  What is God but wind, air, and human spirit?”  retorted Kent as he glared at Rye.  “We have all three ingredients here, and the shade of the canopy to protect us from any being who may wish to punish you for being with another man;”  he muttered.  

“I gasp still!”  told Rye as she looked to Kent as he held his cigarette closer to the tree.  “I have never had an affair, and it makes me tremble to think that I could;”  she added.

“That is nice;”  told Kent before he stubbed the cigarette out.  “It isn't hard -  let us just get naked and do it fast;”  he muttered before he grabbed Rye's zip and unzipped her dress until her back opened to the waist.

“You have such tact!”  told Rye before she peeled the dress away.  

“Yes I suppose I do;”  told Kent as he opened his shirt and tore the fabric open.

Rye looked at Kent's chest and she shivered as she began to feel her nipples turn to hard.  Kent smiled and approached her, he rubbed her spine for a moment as he drunk in the sight of her good figure. 

“Let us take that underwear off!”  he then gasped as he pushed his hands onto Rye's hips and slipped the underwear off!

Rye blushed as she looked to Kent as he glared at her total nakedness.  She was an attractive woman, and his blood began to turn -  however his hard on was still weak, he would have preferred Eve.  Nevertheless he thanked Rye's gift and he planned to use it!

“You should lay down!”  muttered Kent.

Rye did and she watched as Kent took his own clothes off.  He was the ultimate male with a classic figure  that had good muscle tone!  Rye felt her thighs quiver as she saw him, and she felt her loins grow wet with weakness.  She wanted to fall in love with Kent, however he made her nervous -  he reminded her that they were not having a lovers romp, but an affair.

“Are you ready?”  asked Kent as he shadowed her body with his own.

“Ready as ever;”  told Rye as she opened her legs to let Kent settle onto her body with ease.

“I am glad to hear it;”  muttered Kent with a little bit of harsh inside of his tone as he concentrated on settling down in the right position which was comfortable for them both.  “Now let us lay;”  he breathed out before he began to guide his loins inside of Rye.

Rye gasped as Kent pushed himself inside.  He was warm, but he was big and he was doing it in the raw!  Rye felt her breath draw in sharply as he pushed again and stuffed himself in all the way.  It was like putting ice through a cheese grater -  it was cold and wet!  But it could be done.  

Rye looked to Kent and saw him smile, and then she moaned as he began to pump his hot raw erection inside of her.  He didn't stop not even when she complained -  it was a hot rub that grazed her tunnel and made her feel sore!  Kent did it too hard, too fast; it was all being done too soon -  the wetness hadn't even glazed his erection, and as he pumped Rye began to feel abrasion.  Rye closed her eyes as she tried to let her body detach from her mind; she wanted the sex -  it was just harder then usual.  Rye shivered as Kent beat her with his loins.

“It is a bit dry;”  she complained.

“Of course, it is in the raw;”  told Kent as he gasped.  “My jack is stinging as though it is about to pop out of its shell!”  he whined as he closed his eyes.  “But pain is pleasure;” he reminded.  

“Oh, I am glad you are in hell too!”  moaned Rye as she felt her hips move with Kent's weighty movements.

“It is hell, pure hell!”  added Kent as he began to shift himself at a greater momentum.  “I am being ripped of my fore-skin;” he muttered before he stopped in order to cream.  “Let us finish this now;”  he ended as he gasped as Rye rubbed her lips together to hide the blubber.  “Then we can have dinner;”  muttered Kent before he pulled himself away from Rye to re-dress.

Rye rolled her eyes -  she felt foolish all of a sudden!  She wanted to apologise to herself for having had allowed the affair to persist; however she couldn't!  She didn't want to say sorry, she just wished she had chosen it for a better time.  

Rye gasped out her sore as she rose up from the ground and began to re-dress.  

“I can't wait to have dinner!”  she muttered.

“Me too I am starved!”  told Kent before he moved to step out from the shadows.  “Maybe we shall do it again;”  he sung before he lit a cigarette and walked towards the house.

“Maybe;”  told Rye as she looked at the stubbed cigarette on the ground and wished she had a light.  “I feel old and sore!”  she gasped before she moved to return to the house.

Rye slipped inside and she smiled at her family who were gathered at the table.  She wanted to ask where Kent had gone, however he showed up after having had washed his hands.  Rye smiled, the family smiled, and Kent smiled; all began to eat, and it was a pleasure to fill up on food -  it made Rye forget about what she had done, and it made Kent remember what he had wanted as he looked to Eve and began to wish they were alone once again.

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