Saturday 10 August 2013

Led Into The Devil's Domain

Jade looked left and right. She saw that the road was clear and she walked across in quick steps and motions. Jade continued to walk as she hit the pavement, she didn't want to stop - the world was a scary place and only yesterday did someone get arrested for having had stabbed a girl who walked home from school. Jade didn't want to take too long and end up in a critical condition, and so she hurried. Jade walked under the shade as the trees lined the pavement. She didn't want to stop, she wanted to continue on and move on like a runner but at a more sensible place. She wasn't a lunatic, she didn't want to run, she just wanted to scurry and so she scurried down the road to avoid trouble. Jade walked several blocks, turned a corner, and then she saw her house - it was at the end of the block and had a big bush on its right hand side. Jade smiled as she declared that she had found home, however a whistle to the left broke her attention. “Hey Jade!” cheered neighbour named Emma. “Hey Emma!” cheered Jade as she waved her arm. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Nothing!” gasped Emma as she glared. “Come over for a drink!” she called. “No one is here!” she added. “Okay;” told Jade before she moved to Emma's house. Jade walked inside of the house and seated herself on a chair. Emma moved to the kitchen to get drinks and she came back with ice cream cones. “We have ice-cream!” she cheered before she gave Jade a cone. “Well this is like soda;” told Jade before she took a cone and gave it a lick. “Tastes pretty good;” she muttered. “I know it's the good ice-cream;” told Emma before she took a lick of her own cone. “So what did you do today?” asked Jade as she narrowed her eyes. “Nothing;” told Emma as she shrugged. “I didn't want to do anything so I just sat here and watched television;” she declared. “That is cool;” told Jade as she smiled. “What did you watch?” she asked. “Just news and shows;” told Emma as she rolled her eyes. “Nothing too interesting;” she added. “I bet you wish you went to school;” told Jade as she grinned. “Maybe not!” gasped Emma before she sighed. “I don't know about you but school is crap!” she added. “I know but it's year ten;” told Jade as she swallowed some ice-cream. “I can quit after this year;” she added. “I can't!” gasped Emma as she rolled her eyes. “I have to go all the way;” she added as she began to lose her cool. “I don't;” muttered Jade as she smiled. “I can work and get rich;” she declared. “I can't!” gasped Emma as she sulked. “I am going to be a book for the rest of my life!” she added before she began to brood. A silence lingered for a moment; it made the house quiet and the air cool, it was restive and for a moment there was some relax however a terrible roar drove up the driveway and Emma and Jade screamed as though the house was going to get ground down by an out of control vehicle. “What was that?” asked Jade as she placed a hand on her chest. “Oh...” muttered Emma before she moved to the front door and opened it. Emma saw her father Graham as he stormed towards the house. He looked as though he were in an evil mood, and he swore inside of his head as he looked to Emma who seemed like a rash that he had under his shirt. Emma gasped and hurried back to the lounge room. “I am sorry!” she gasped in heated whisper. “It's my dad, you will have to go;” she said. “What? Why?” asked Jade before the door behind Emma creaked open. Graham saw Jade on the couch and he grinned before he told Emma to go to her room. Emma almost dropped her ice-cream as she trembled, and after she offered Jade a wave goodbye she moved. “She has to clean her room;” told Graham as he looked to Jade. “So what are you? A school kid?” he asked. “I live down the street;” told Jade as she began to feel a dryness inside of her throat. “That is good;” told Graham as he crooked his head. “Do your parents know you are here?” he muttered as his eyes caught sight of the ice-cream Jade held. Graham wanted to hit Emma for having had offered ice-cream as a treat; that was his ice-cream, all his, no one was to touch it! “No;” told Jade as she began to feel a little sick. “They would have been okay, but Emma called to me on my way home and I just visited for a short time;” she added. “Okay;” told Graham as he smiled. “I only asked to know if I have to worry;” he added. “No;” told Jade as a voice inside of her mind told her to leave. “Would you like a tour of the house?” asked Graham as he began to feel a little hot. “No thanks;” told Jade as she began to grow a sulk. “I should go home;” she added. “Okay;” told Graham as he dropped his work suitcase and loosened his tie. Jade nodded and rose from her chair. She gobbled down her ice-cream in a rush as Graham threw his tie to the carpet. He was distracted by Jade's ravenous and finally he offered a laugh as she almost gulped the base of the cone down her throat. “Are you going to need a drink?” asked Graham as Jade took a moment to choke before she was able to breathe. “No that is fine;” she added before she began to move. Jade walked past Graham and with every moment that passed she felt a chill. Graham wanted to wave, however he turned his temper, and after a while he realised Jade was scared. Graham's carnal side crept out from the recesses of his soul, and soon he began to realise that he was the Devil in human form. “Oh hello!” gasped Graham as Jade brushed by his shoulder. Jade gasped as she turned her head and steadied her feet. Her body froze as she remained in a state of terror, and she almost whimpered as Greg blinked at her image. “I mean... hello;” he whispered in a tone that made him feel like an empty vessel. “Bye;” muttered Jade before she moved to step on. However Graham grabbed Jade as he kicked a foot that slammed the exit door closed. Jade puffed out her breath as her heartbeat ran riot, however she managed to smile a brave smile. Graham glared at Jade before he pulled her off her feet in one large rush. “Wait!” gasped Jade as she tripped over carpet before she bumped into Graham's side with a yelp in her throat. “I was going to leave!” she gasped as she glared at Graham whose eyes had turned so hot they almost looked red. “In a minute. You look tired. How about you lay down first?” suggested Graham before he pushed Jade behind the couch and tripped her so she landed onto the carpet with a thud. Jade blacked out for a moment and then she groaned. When she opened her eyes she saw Graham with an electric hand-saw inside of his hand. He tore open her shirt with its blade without having had turned the reel on. Jade screamed, however Graham caught her face. “Just stay still;” he muttered her he squeezed her cheeks. “This will just take a moment;” he added before he tore open her shirt until he was able to have clear view of her breast bone. Graham knocked on the bone for a couple of seconds before he pushed his bent leg onto Jade's legs so they were weighed down. Jade tried to squirm however she could only move a little to the left or the right - she felt like a worm that had been nailed down onto the earth. “What are you going to do?” asked Jade as she waited for Graham to reach for his buckle before she screamed. “Nothing just lay still;” told Graham before he switched the hand-saw on and moved it over her chest. Jade screamed; as the blade touched her skin and tore it clean open she screamed; as blood spat over her face and torso as her whole chest was sawed open she screamed; finally Jade whimpered - her body was weak from having had lost blood however she could still feel her heart beat. Graham could feel it too and he sawed a hole over her heart until he was able to dig inside with his hand and snatch the human heart that had the strength to beat until he cut the apple off its thread. Graham laughed as he grabbed the heart and held it up high. There was real offering in the gift of red meat and his teeth ached to eat as blood dribbled over his arm and head. Graham bit into the mould of bloody red fat, and he munched and gobbled the sick, sweet, meaty treat. He had released the devil inside of him and his eyes grew bright as his soul began to sing. He had never felt so nourished as he ate every bit of heart until it was sunk deep inside of his belly where his dark soul praised him for the welcome of bloody human flesh. “That was special;” told Graham as he glared at the dead body before him. “I need some wine - when I come back I'll finish off the rest;” he muttered before he rose from his seat.

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