Saturday 10 August 2013

Bullied By A Belt

Bullied By A Belt
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Angie looked at her magazine as she wasted time.  She didn't feel like studying and so she just sat and relaxed as she flipped through one page after another.  The pages were interesting, however she just glanced at them more then studied them.  She didn't want to read at all, and so she just rested as she peered at the pages.

Pearl walked into Angie's room and glared at her sister as she read a magazine.

“Where did you get that?”  asked Pearl as she narrowed her eyes to see if it was the current month's magazine.  “Where did you get money?”  she asked.

“It's a library magazine;”  told Angie as she concentrated on a glossy page.  “You can't borrow it;”  she added.

“Why not?”  asked Pearl as she sulked.  “I want to read the magazine too;”  she added.

“Too bad;”  told Angie as she shrugged.  “I have to keep it in safe hands;”  she added.

Pearl sighed and then she crossed her brows.  Angie made her steaming mad and she battled with her anger for a short while until her fury subsided.

“Are you just going to stand there feeling stupid?”  asked Angie as she raised her brows.  “Go back to your room;”  she advised.

“I will later;”  told Pearl as she shook her head.  “But I am hungry and there is no food;”  she sighed.  “Do you have any money?”  she asked.

“No;”  told Angie as she flicked her eyes to the bottom of the page.  “Otherwise I would have ordered a pizza;”  she said.

“Well I don't like pizza, I just get food from the petrol station;”  told Pearl as she sighed.  “But  I have no money;”  she added.

“Neither do I;”  told Angie as she flicked her eyelids.

“Well you should;”  told Pearl as she grew a pint mad yet again.  “After all you are seventeen!”  she gasped.

“Well you are fifteen that is also old enough to work;”  told Angie as she began to grow glum.  “But I can't get a job while I am studying;”  she declared.

“Well I can't either!”  gasped Pearl as she grew mad.  “Couldn't we get five dollars every week?”  she then asked as she sat on a chair.

Angie looked at Pearl as she took a seat and she grew tempered for she had not invited her to take a seat.  Angie grew a bit of rush and then she knotted her jaw in place.

“Can you go to your room?”  she asked.

“Sure later;”  told Pearl as she began to play with a comb.

“Not later, now;” told Angie as she brooded.  “I don't want to be annoyed with your presence;”  she added.

“Later;”  sighed Pearl as she put down the comb and then picked up a bottle of perfume.  “Yuck I hate this scent;”  she muttered after a whiff.  “Too strong;”  she declared.

“Go to your room!”  gasped Angie as she grew upset.

“Later;”  muttered Pearl as she shrugged.

Behind them the door creaked and both teenagers looked over their shoulders to see their father Nathan who had walked in on the argument.  He shook his head to Pearl and he pointed at her head.

“Go to your room;”  he muttered in a calm tone.  “You sister is wanting to be alone;”

Pearl glared at Angie and threw a face before she rose from her seat and walked past Nathan to her bedroom half a meter away.  Angie smiled to Nathan who rolled his eyes at her magazine.

“What is that?  That is not a study book;”  he told Angie who wanted to hide the cover from his view.

“I borrowed it from the library;”  told Angie as she tried to smile over her shyness.

“I don't care if you borrowed it from the library, that is not a book!”  told Nathan as he glared.  “You study;”  he muttered.  “You don't read magazines;”  he added.  “You read books;”

“I will try to remember that;”  told Angie as she slipped her magazine under her bed.  

“Do remember it;”  told Nathan before he opened his jacket and took off his belt.

“Don't undress in front of me!”  gasped Angie as she crossed her brows.  

“Oh I am not undressing;”  told Nathan as he backed out of the door.  “Stay in your room;”  he then muttered before he closed the door with a quiet click.

Angie glared at the closed door and then she heard the one next door open.  Angie sucked in her breath as she glared at the wall and then she heard conversation between Pearl and Nathan.  Angie pressed her ear against the wall to listen.

Nathan glared at Pearl in a haunting manner.  Pearl gulped as she saw him as a stranger amongst the shadows.

“What do you want?”  she asked.

Nathan narrowed his eyes.

“Why were you being annoying?”  he asked as he rested on the door-frame.  “You are not five or six years old;”  he scolded.

“I don't know;”  told Pearl as she rolled her eyes.  “I was hungry and I wanted to distract myself;”  she added.

“Angie told you to get out and you sat there;”  scolded Nathan as he glared.  “You should move when a person asks;”  he added.

“Maybe;”  told Pearl as she rolled her eyes.  

“Not maybe!”  retorted Nathan as he closed the door.  “That is what you do;”  he declared before he stretched the belt inside of his hands.

Pearl shivered as she saw the long black strap and she recoiled.

“I am sure Angie didn't mind;”  she muttered as she thought about trying to make a break for the door.

“I am sure she did;”  told Nathan as he glared at Pearl in a wicked manner.  “You have to listen;”  he added as he stepped a little closer.

Pearl waited for the last moment and then she ran for the door; she almost made it past Nathan's shoulder, however he tripped her with a foot flex and he made sure she fell onto the carpet.

Pearl landed hard with a thump; her bones ached all of a sudden as she heard a crack in her right wrist.  Pearl wanted to scream as she felt her mind shriek, however she only had second before Nathan jumped on her and began to beat her with the belt.  It didn't hurt until he uncovered some skin, and when it began to sting Pearl screamed out violent curse.  It was a battle that lasted ten minutes and by the end Pearl had tears over her face.

“You are going to go to bed early;”  told Nathan before he lifted Pearl with a pull and then pushed her onto her bed.

Pearl landed with a thump that made her head dizzy -  she had banged her skull on the wall and she dribbled to the bedspread and blanked out.  

“There ready for sleep;”  muttered Nathan before he walked out of the room.  

Angie sighed as she threw herself away from the wall.  Pearl had been punished and it was all over a silly feud.  Angie felt depressed and she picked up the magazine from under the bed and began to read.  She read for a full hour then she quietly slipped into bed.

Angie woke up the next morning and moved to the breakfast table.  Pearl was at the table and she ate slowly as she sulked.  Angie glared at Pearl and wondered if she was okay -  she couldn't forget about what had happened the night before and she began to egg Pearl for information.

“I heard the punishment;”  told Angie as she glared.

“I felt it;”  told Pearl as she sighed.  “Nathan is a big fat loser!”  she muttered as she poured honey on some toast.  “He is the ultimate loser;”  she added.

“I didn't know you were going to be punished I would have stayed quiet;”  told Angie as she looked to Pearl who looked normal despite the bruise on her neckline.

“Too late;”  told Pearl as she looked up to Angie.  “But you can let me borrow your magazine;”  she sung as she tried her best to smile.  “I can distract myself;”  she added.

“I was going to take it back to the library;”  told Angie as she shrugged.  “I was told not to waste time on reading magazines;”  she added.

“Why not?  Who is learning anything at school?”  asked Pearl as she shrugged.

“I don't want to do anything but the right thing;”  told Angie before she helped herself to some toast.

“Okay;”  told Pearl with a resigned sigh.  “I suppose I shouldn't tread over the line;”  she muttered.

“There you go kids, you are learning;”  told Nathan from behind the corridor shadow before he jiggled his keys.  “See you two later;”  he added as he walked out of the house.

Angie narrowed her eyes as Pearl rolled her eyes.

“He could have left some money;”  told Pearl as she sulked.

“I hate him!”  muttered Angie before she slipped the magazine out from her bag.  “Here you can read this, I don't want to send it back yet anyway;”  she added.

“Cool;”  muttered Pearl as she took the magazine.  “It will keep me busy all day long;”  she added.

“What about school?”  asked Angie as she narrowed her eyes.

“All day long;”  told Pearl as she thought how she was never going to go to school again.


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