Saturday 10 August 2013

Dragon's Egg

Dragon's Egg
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica P 2010
Smashwords Edition

Abby walked home with lethargy on her mind. She felt odd, so odd that she wanted to puke. She had been out at the cafeteria munching on a burger when a sick sensation entered her body. She continued to feel it as she walked around the mall, and it never went away.

“It must be a stomach flu;” Abby muttered as she looked around the atmosphere and spied several levels of shade.

Abby walked to her room, picked up her phone-book, and called her friend Shelly who had a mothers boyfriend who was a doctor. Abby asked if she could go over for a test, and Shelly soon agreed. Abby walked two blocks to get to Shelly's home, and she was shown to the doctors office at the back of the building. Abby sat in the office for five minutes while she talked to Shelly about her problems, and then she was shown inside a little room.

“I have a stomach flu.” Abby muttered in a calm tone that was a little mopey.

“Well let me be the judge of that;” muttered Shelly's mothers boyfriend Dr Garry Gray.

Abby rolled her eyes as she felt his hands press on her stomach - she flinched a little as one press seemed to feel pinched, and then she was told to go to the backroom for a test. Clear white gel was applied to Abby's stomach, and she squirmed as it chilled her skin. Garry then moved an instrument over her stomach as he looked at a screen, and after a moment he cheered.

“You've eaten a dragon's egg!” he cheered as he pointed at a portion of screen where a white blob sat.

“A what?” gasped Abby as she frowned at the dot.

“It's a dragons egg;” muttered the doctor. “These little things are like clear blobs that grow in size in the pits of the womb. They grow similar to the way a baby grows inside a mothers stomach - however they don't grow into a human being;” he muttered as he pushed in a DVD and turned the channel in order to play it. “It's much like this...” he muttered as he turned on Aliens Resurrection and showed a part where the alien child pops out of a hosts stomach.” this is what happens when they grow – they turn violent, and peck a hole right through the abdomen if roused to do so.”

“What?” gasped Abby in surprise and horror. “Is there a cure?” she asked as she began to feel her gut grow squeamish.

“Yes, a great one;” muttered the doctor as he leaned back in order to smear a grin on his face. “You must collect sperm of a natural human, and attempt to make a hybrid before this dragons egg grows.” he diagnosed.

“What does that mean?” asked Abby with a knot in-between her brows.

“It means that you are to have sex, and lots of it. A dragon's egg takes a few months to grow into what you saw on the screen, and so you have plenty of time. But start early, today or tomorrow; that way your egg will evolve before it grows and thus make an ever more ideal human child. Don't wait.” he advised before he wiped off her stomach and then replaced all equipment items.

Abby nodded as she felt her mind sour over the fact that she would have to break her virginity before she was even married. She had been so determined to wait for the full fledged marriage bed - however now she would have to break her modesty in order to save herself. 
Abby looked at her mothers boyfriend Garry and wondered if he would give her some of his sperm - however he instantly shook his head and pointed to his matrimonial finger. Abby nodded, and then she thanked him before she left. Shelly asked Abby what the result was, and Abby told her – she needed to have sex to save herself.

“What?” questioned Shelly as she rolled her eyes to her mothers boyfriend.

“I have something inside that can kill me, and I need to have sex in order to be able to get rid of it for good.” Abby muttered in a tone that was a little sour.

“Is this true?” gasped Shelly as she turned her head to her mothers boyfriend who leaned against the wall with a stethoscope in his hand.

“Dragon's egg;” is all he muttered before he moved back inside his office.

“Oh I've heard of that – it's all nonsense!” cried Shelly as she hugged her friend. “It's just a stomach pang, and will clear up tomorrow.”

Abby nodded and soon left in order to go home. As she walked home she found herself questioning the facts of the assessment, and as soon as she felt a squirm inside of her belly she knew she had to take action right away.

Abby walked to an ex-boyfriends house, and asked if he wanted to have sex. He shook his head as he outlined his new relationship, and then he let Abby leave. Abby walked home, and on the way she heard a pool party in play. She walked up to the fence-line and asked if anyone wanted to have sex - the whole pool of guys and girls hissed at her before they gunned her down with water pistols. Abby hung her wet head as she continued to walk home; on the way she stopped at her neighbours house and knocked on the door.

“Hey Doug, you wanna have sex?” Abby asked the mechanic with oil on his clothes and hands.

“No my wife is here;” he muttered demurely before he closed the door in her face.

Abby walked home and sauntered inside the house with depression on her mind. She went to her room and laid herself down on her bed in order to rest herself. She put a hand on her stomach and felt the spot which the doctor had pointed out. She closed her eyes as she focused on it, and in the back of her mind she could almost hear a dragon's moan.

“This is horrible!” she whined in a tone that was full of sulk.

Suddenly a car drove up to the curb, and two people entered the house. Abby knew it was her mum and her casual boyfriend, and she felt an itch creep inside of her. She rolled her eyes as she thought about her mothers boyfriend, and then she shook her head as she thought about having sex with him.

“I can't!” she gasped as she blinked her eyes to the ceiling as she thought about the wormy feeling she would get if she ever reached out to touch his skin in a loving kind of way..

However a growing itch nagged at her until she began to feel in dire need for an end result. Finally she grit her teeth as she rolled her eyes to the door - already the shower had been turned on and she was sure it was her mothers boyfriend who was in it.

“It'll have to do!” she cried out in gasp before she moved in order to greet him like a starving beggar in need of food for nourishment.

Abby walked out of her room and met her mum in the hall.

“Hey kid, I was just going to ask what you wanted to eat for dinner! I am in a cooking mood!” she declared in a soft tone that made Abby feel a little bit of warmth for her and a little bit of dread about what she wanted to do.

“Pizza?” asked Abby as she looked at her mum's face with sore inside her eyes.

“Sure! Pizza!” declared her mother before she scoffed a chuckle and moved to make some bread and stir-fry chicken.

Abby shrugged and then quietly she moved to her mothers bedroom. She placed her hand on the knob, and then she slowly opened the door. Inside she could see a wall of steam float around as it filled up the atmosphere. Abby closed the door, and flicked the lock on the door to erase the threat of intrusion. She then sucked in a breath, and headed towards the bathroom where her mothers boyfriend sung in the shower. She opened the door and grimaced as she saw a blurred figure through the glass screen. Hurriedly she stripped off her skirt, shirt, shoes, socks, and underwear, and then she carefully approached the shower.

Abby timidly opened the shower door as her mothers boyfriend hit soprano, and then she picked up a bottle of shower gel. She took off the cap and approached her mothers boyfriend before she began to dribble shower gel over his head in a tactic move that would get his eyes sore and stung. Immediately she reached her other hand around in order to be able to stroke at his sizable prick, and she closed her eyes as he began to gurgle out words that were for his ex-wife more then her as he rubbed at the froth that flowed down his face. Abby watched her mothers boyfriend run his hands over his hair, and then over his face in order to get the bubbling shower gel out of it – she felt herself tremble as she felt his manhood increase in size as she continued to stroke and tease it with her slimline fingers.

“You're really doing the trick for my prick Carole;” her mothers boyfriend declared as he reached down in order to help her to the job.

Abby felt the prick heat and swell, and she poured a great deal of shower gel over his head in order to ensure that he was kept busy as she slipped to the front in order to heap his hot rod inside of her.

“Oww! Stings!” her mothers boyfriend muttered in complaint as he wiped his fingers through his hair in order to get the thickest layer out of the wet strands

Abby gasped, rushed to the front, and quickly she stepped onto the tips of her toes in order to be able to get the entrance of her vagina close enough in order to get his hot rod deep inside. Her mothers boyfriend sighed, and with closed his eyes he hitched her up against a ceramic shelf before he began to pulse his throbbing organ inside of her narrow slit. He rubbed at his eyes as they continued to sting, and he rushed the entrance in order to be able to attend to his sight at a faster rate. Abby bit her tongue hard in order to halt any kind of immature outcry, and she focused on relax as she felt his hot prick dig deeper and deeper inside until it was encased – her mothers boyfriend rubbed at his eyes a great deal as he soaked his head in water until he could see again. When he opened his eyes he gasped, and immediately he turned off the shower so that he could see the figure in front of him.

“Abby?!” he questioned as he felt his naked prick slip out some hot seed.

“Surprise!” Abby weakly cheered as she became a little eased over the fact that she had gotten some seed squirted inside of her.

“I've got to get you out of here!” gasped her mothers boyfriend as he tilted her body so that he could pull his prick out of her.

Abby sulked as he took out the hot rod and dribbled white cream over her thighs. She knew she had needed it, and she wanted to sulk as she felt a burn inside her loins that came from having had been stretch out for the first time. She watched as blood began to dribble over the shelf and down her legs, and she shrugged as she continued to sulk out her disappointment.

Her mothers boyfriend turned on the tap, took of the hose, and quickly dowsed Abby down before he told her to leave. Abby did so, and she collected her clothes in a hurry after she had dried herself off.

Immediately she fled to her room, and then closed the door. Once inside she rang up Shelly's mothers boyfriend in order to tell him the news that she had collected a little bit of seed.

“That's not enough;” Garry told her in an abrupt manner. “You need four or five full ingestion before you come close to becoming cured.” he advised in a prompt manner that made Abby feel alarmed.

Abby thanked Garry and then she hung up the phone. She bit her lip as she felt for the pad she had placed on her underwear. Her hard-hit vat felt sore still, and she had to sit very slowly in order to ensure that she did not feel too much pang too quickly. She felt as though she had been hammered out by a huge bulbous rod, and it had made her womb feel all probed and strung out.

Abby jumped as she heard her mother call her to dinner, and she rolled her eyes to the door. She really didn't feel like eating for she had already had her fill - however she knew she had to if she didn't want to make her mother upset.

Abby sighed and slowly moved to the dinner table with lethargy on her mind; she met her parents at the table and quietly she sat down. Abby had to close her legs as her bowels threatened to leak, and she grimaced as she found herself unable to stop the sore that continued to rub inside her stomach. Abby nibbled at the food, and shyly looked at her mothers boyfriend who stared at her like he had fire or shame inside of his mind. He cleared his throat and ate quickly as he itched himself as though he had a skin rash under his chest - Abby found that he ate too fast as he finished his meal in record time.

“I'm going to study for a while;” he muttered quickly before he exited in order to go to his room.

“Can I leave too?” asked Abby as she looked to her mum with sore inside of her eyes. “I want to chat on the internet.” she finished as Carole gave her a glare.

“Eat your salad first;” Carole muttered before she dug into her own meal.

Abby took a breath, quickly ate the salad, and then fled to her room. Inside her room she leaned on the door in the dark as she shivered to herself about her body pangs, and the lethargy she felt as she realised that she needed to have sex again.

Abby sighed and waited for her mum to finish with dinner - as soon as she heard the television get switched on she opened the door and crept to her parent's bedroom.

Abby opened the door and found her mothers boyfriend on the bed with one arm flung over his eyes. She closed the door quietly, and clicked the lock to erase the threat of discovery. Hurriedly she crept inside as she took off her underwear. She put the item pad up on the floor, and then left it there with the promise that she would soon return in order to replace the item on her body.

Abby crept onto the bed, and slowly crawled up to her mothers boyfriend. He hardly moved, and she knew he must have dozed to sleep. She hurriedly began to work on his buckle, and then she opened his zip and fly. She crept her hand inside his boxer shorts, and then she slid out his limp prick.

Abby began to rub it slowly with hot fingers as she glared at her mothers boyfriend's face - very soon his attention was roused and she hurriedly slipped it inside of her hole before he woke up to full alert. Abby felt the big slug slip inside, and slowly she began to rock upon his hips in order to try and rouse it into attention. The trick did very little, and so she hurriedly reached a hand down in order to be able to rub at his hot ball sacs in order to get his erection tall and strong. On the way her fingers accidentally slipped inside of his man-hole, and her mothers boyfriend gasped as he punched his eyes open while his prick began to become roused.

“Abby!” her mothers boyfriend complained as he watched her rock back and forth in order to get his prick sliding in and out of her sore cavity. “Why?!” he declared as he grabbed her hips so that she might sit still for him.

Abby glared at her mothers boyfriend as her voice box choked inside of her throat - all she could think about was getting his blow to rise out from his prick in order to drench out her insides. She began to rock back and forth again, and it began to rouse her mothers boyfriend's temperature. She felt his prick swell in size and she grew sparks inside of her eyes as his hot rod began to spew out hot seed. She picked up the pace of her rock, and even began to gyrate her hips a little in order to get more inside of her – her mothers boyfriend moaned and covered his face as he laid himself back on the bed, and in no time Abby had a stream of hot blow washing inside of her.

Abby smiled as she sat there with a bowel full of hot cream - her mothers boyfriend peaked through his fingers, and slowly he told her to get off as he spied her in a very proud posture. Abby smiled and slowly leaned forward in order to ease his snake out of her tunnel – as it exited his prick blew some more juices over her thighs and it was enough to make her thirsty.

Abby crept down until she was face-level with the soiled prick, and hurriedly she began to lick and suck at the hot juices that covered it in a fine clear film. She felt like a cannibal that had been starved for a week - however she gained success as she got more and more hot juice dribbling out from the top. Abby placed her mouth right over the swollen mushroom head, and began to drink down the spurting gel as she rubbed at its base with hot fingers that were there to inspire a turn on. She excitedly rubbed at the balls, and at the manhole - in no time at all she had a load of hot semen rushing down her throat. Abby felt her gut get filled, and she knew she had progressed a leagues length in helping herself get rid of her dragon egg problem.

“Abby stop it!” cried out her mothers boyfriend in exasperation as he felt a great deal of hurt in being pleasured so by his own flesh and blood.

Abby felt the strain in his tone, and with some reserve she quietly threw his prick away. Abby got dressed, and then hurriedly moved to her room. Once there she sighed as she felt her stomach grow warm - she had been filled and she was going to be okay.

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