Saturday 10 August 2013

Racism And Mormonism

Racism And Mormonism
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

There are many people who grow distressed about Mormonism!  They claim that the Mormons have a religious system which believes in the white blonde hierarchy!  Sure enough it is true!  They do believe in the spirit of the blonde white person!  This is their angel!  Their perfect form!  This is why they are Mormon!  Because they hold the spirit of the angel inside!  

However most claim that the Mormons are racist!  Though they claim that any person in the world can read about their faith!  They also claim that only those who are pure of spirit, body, and mind are allowed inside of their churches!  All else are to be abandoned!

This makes people scream out racism!  It also makes people scream!  Those who are abandoned are not able to turn into a pure blonde spirit!  They don't have the god-blessed value!  So they are to be abandoned!  Such people are people of colour!  Or they are people of the devil!  The people of colour are the people with the closed mouths!  The people of the devil straight out hate the Mormon faith!

The dark person is more accepted then the devil!  The devil can be red, pink, or white!  They are able to grow demon horns, red eyes, large noses, and sour thoughts over all that the Mormons believe!  They will not sit in order to be caged into a religious system that obeys the word if God, Jesus, and the prophet Joseph Smith!  They will more often then not fight the faith and walk!  They will walk in order to find their own way, follow their own plan, be with their own futuristic design!  They will not stay!  Hence they will fall!   The dark person is considered the mixture of both good and evil!  They are like the ying and yang glued together!  Because they are open to both sides they are able to follow nothing!  So they stand there on the brink between good and evil, acceptance and non-acceptance!  They stand there in indecision, and hence they are not allowed inside of the church of Mormon because they cannot choose the following of the Mormons or fight against it!  They are considered indecisive and unreliable!  

When a person is found to be unacceptable they are either not allowed into the church, or they are  just not allowed to be a true member!  When a person is found to be unacceptable they can stay as long as they agree to have their loins harvested!  Yes, the Mormons want to take away their mating power as part of their acceptance!  This is because they are not true Mormon and so they are not allowed to mate!  They are not pure enough to mate!  They might have a corrupt child or spawn the devil who will grow up in order to despise the Mormons!  They might even have a child that is able to kill the Mormon!  Hence they need to have their ability to have a child taken away!  The Mormons take the balls away!  This in return grants the unacceptable person permission to seek the learning of the Mormon!

Does the cutting of the loins promote racism?  No it promotes the safety of the Mormon cult!  The Mormon is a cult that needs true members who will be able to uphold their culture!  They need a Mormon to be a Mormon, otherwise they will not keep their culture safe!  This is why the Mormon has a law that will be used if a person has been found to contain 'the evil spirit' or 'an unholy spirit'!  Some people say that this is wrong!  That the Mormon should not be able to disfigure a person who has been discovered to be 'unacceptable' or 'evil' in their eyes!  However the Mormon's push up their hand and tell the negative person that they will not practise the movement openly; they will only issue the taking away of the loins is the evil person agrees to it and wishes to remain a member of the church!  It is part of their secret rule!  It is to ensure that no-one of corrupt belief will be able to mate!  It ensures the success of their cult!  It is not considered racist or evil, but necessary!

Does this seem unfair?  Most people in the modern world would say 'yes'!  The people of the modern world would tell the Mormons to 'lighten up' and 'see the person as the child of God rather then as a holy son'!  However  the Mormons have a little rule book which they are set to follow!  They need to follow, and tradition says to 'expel the corrupt by making it impossible for them to mate'!  Or 'destroy the seed of the unholy person to ensure that God stays with us'.

It probably is unfair, but if that is the cult of the Mormon then that is what one will expect to discover if they step into the Mormon's doors!  They will find that the Mormons believe in the cult of the holy person!  That they will weed out the corrupt and stamp against it in order to ensure that the cult of the holy is not relinquished!  It should be noted that that is what one can expect if they wish to practise Mormonism!  If the devil and the dark person are the forces of the corrupt, then it is probably advised that both of these beings find other avenues of faith rather then sit amongst those who have already deemed them less then pure and ask for human justice, equality, and mating rights!  It has been announced that the cult of the Mormon finds these two tainted beings as unacceptable to the church which aims to promote purity!   It makes sense that both should step away!

However not everyone wants to step away!  They want to walk into the Mormon church as a test, to see if they will be accepted!  They want to sit inside of the church, see the goings on of the cult, and be able to mate as an equal!  They want the lopsidedness of the Mormon faith the stop!  They want their rule book changed in order to allow for human equality rather then inequality!  This is what every other person who is 'impure' wishes to promote when they suck in their breath and head into the Mormon church!  They wish to make a difference!  However they don't often find what they wish, and this is when these other impure people begin to scream that 'the Mormon church is rascist and unfair'! 
Coping With Being Mormon Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013 Smashwords Edition As I grew up I found it hard to cope with the Mormon attitude towards life! When it came to school I was dumb! I couldn't do my studies? Why? Because my father would not allow books in the household! It was stupid rule! But apparently the Book of Mormon bible was the only book we could read! When I discovered this I said 'what?!' at the top of my lungs! I was behind all of my classes because of that dumb rule! But my father told me I had been chosen to 'live the right away'! I crumpled up my nose! How could I be on the right way road when I wasn't allowed to read the manual I needed to drive the car? My father closed the issue by putting me behind the wheel! I was eleven years old! I was told to drive! When I crashed into a street sign my father only laughed! I had learnt what happens when I don't press on the break soon enough! That was my lesson! I would have to just take the wheel and drive, and whenever I didn't know how to break then I would crash! So I failed school like a pro! At every exam I picked up my pen with the intention to drive! However I didn't know what on earth was on the test paper, and so every time I crashed until I ended up with a fail grade! I couldn't win! I sighed to myself and began to sulk! What was the point of being a Mormon when I wasn't able to learn! What would I do? I was faced with a range of hurdles which I couldn't jump! As I result I was forced to just sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to notice. Someone did notice! It was the school principal! He phoned my father and began to talk about my schooling. My father told what he had told me; that I was a Mormon, and the only book I needed was the Book of Mormon - our bible! The principal could only aid so much, in the end he had to give me away! He was unable to help me because I was a Mormon. He was unable to help. “My life is over!” I cried as I had thrown my pencil into the trash can and begun to sulk! I didn't need to learn anything! All I needed to do was hold onto the Book of Mormon and sit like some stupid idiot! However one day my father took out his own test paper! He had written a range of questions on office paper, and he glared at me as I sat on a wooden chair in front of him! He was going to give me a Mormon test! I gulped! I hadn't actually read the book at all, I had just used it as a tissue box coaster! I didn't know what the Book of Mormon was about! It looked like some ancient Indian writing with lines and words that didn't make sense! I glared at my dad as he read out my first question! I guessed the answer! I guessed all the answers! When I ran out of guesses I repeated my answers! I didn't know anything! My dad took great patience to see me through the test even when it was obvious I had failed! He asked the questions slowly so that I might be able to hear them, and then he wrote my answer down just as slowly! In the end he thanked me for my attendance! He thanked me as though I had given him a treat! I shrugged! Was he just as dumb as me? I walked away as silence hovered on the air! I was allowed to continue on with my degenerate life! I ate my meals, went to school, and then I returned home! Then came graduation! I fished my last test and attended the graduation ceremony! I looked at the honourable students and wriggled my fingers! My father grinned as he took pictures with his eyes! Then my final test scores came in the mail! My father opened the letter in front of me and dropped his grin right away! “You failed!” he screamed as he stood up off his chair! I shrugged! Then I nodded. “Yeah!” I gasped. “No, this is terrible!” he gasped. “I fail every year!” I muttered as I glared. “I thought you were just acting!” gasped my father as he slapped the paper against his leg. “I thought you were so smart you were only acting as though you had failed until the final test!” he muttered before he picked up a pen and tried to change the test score! I watched my father graffiti my test paper! He then looked to me and pocketed his pen! “Here, try to get into college this way!” he muttered as he glared at me with dark black fungus behind his eyes. “Cheat?” I asked. “Just write down the score and show off this certificate;” told my father. “They might let you in;” he muttered before he winked. I took the changed certificate and walked away! That night I applied for four colleges, within two weeks I had interviews! I almost got into one of the colleges - however at the last minute a secretary pointed out the flaws in my certificate! I was almost arrested! However I then explained it was my father's doing, and he was given a stiff fine after he had explained to the cops that it had been for my benefit! He had been fined twenty-eight thousand dollars! He paid it, and then he fell into the shadow as he disappeared from the family for a while! When my father returned he was a changed person! He was suspicious! He was wild! He looked sharper and leaner! He looked scary! “Where have you been?” my mother asked. “Out and about!” he declared before he offered her cheek a kiss. That was the only time I had heard them speak! The rest of the time they spoke no words and just walked around each other! As my father caught my eye he scowled! I called him scary and he moved to my room! I then sat and began to sob! His eyes were black! He was different! Alien! I hated him! He made me worry with his physical energy! I worried! “I shouldn't have followed his stupid plan!” I gasped before I began to hug my pillow. “Then he would still be the same!” One day my father told me I was going to be married! He pushed a stupid looking person through the door who told me he was a Mormon. I grimaced! I fell in despair over the fact that there was going to be a new generation of Mormon! However I swallowed the insult as I glared at the guy! He looked unlike my dad, but he also looked too brown! “Aren't we supposed to be white?” I asked. My father gasped! He then turned to my future husband and shrugged. “A nice tan you have there;” he muttered before he continued to grin. “I am sure I shall pale by the marriage;” was the reply my future husband offered before he left the house. “Should you drive him home?” I asked my father. “No, he lives in the box down the street;” he muttered. I shrugged! Then I continued to glare at my dad! I wondered what he had offered to secure a marriage deal? He was a business man behind his disguise! He would have had to have offered something! That guy looked like the kind of gut whose spirit could be brought! My life changed from redundancy to marriage expectancy! I was forced through gruelling network of underwear fittings. There was nothing magical about the underwear at all, however my mother decided to be picky and she set me through ten different fittings before she found the right one! Personally I couldn't see the difference from one set to the next! But that's my mother for you! I was taken to the church for temple prayers. While there I was talked about! My father asked the leader what he thought about my marriage. The leader nodded his head. “It is the right time;” he muttered before he closed himself into silence! I wondered what that was supposed to mean? I was urged into an indoor existence. It was a Mormon ritual. I had to look my best, and to do that I had to stay indoors! Or maybe it stapled my purity! Whatever the case I was left counting ants on the windowsill in order to pass the time! Then the day came when I was to be initiated! I was led to the temple and taken through a process. There were others who were there to marry like me! We had to wait, and then we walked through a gate! It was very serious! It resembled talking to the father, and being given blessing! I left the altar a married woman! It left the altar a Mormon!

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