Saturday 10 August 2013

The Free Ride Home

The Free Ride Home
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Ashley sat on the lawn outside of school. She felt deflated - it was ice cold and no one had arrived to pick her up. Ashley felt alone and she fell into depression; she wanted to cry, however she fast stifled her tears as a group of sports jocks walked past.

One of the jocks looked at Ashley and stopped as the others moved to their cars to drive off. The jock was Roger Heggs, and he glared at Ashley until his friends honked their horns to wake him up.

“What are you doing?” asked friend Chester before he laughed and drove away.

Roger waved and then he looked at Ashley once again. He saw her depression through her slump, and he cleared his voice to let her know she had caught his attention.

“Hello there;” told Roger as Ashley lifted her head.

“What do you want?” asked Ashley as she narrowed her eyes.

She felt threatened by jocks and she knew Roger was one of them. She wanted to crawl away as he smiled a white tooth smile which spoke of his dates that ended in the back-seat of his flash car which was also parked not so far away.

“I want to ask what you are doing - school's out;” told Roger as he glared.
“I'm waiting for pick up;” told Ashley as she felt a sour grape inside of her belly.

“It has been an hour - you could have walked home;” told Roger as he narrowed his eyes.

“I live out of town;” told Ashley as her stress heightened her mood. “I was told I was going to be picked up - the bus has gone;” she added as she grew a storm inside of her head.

“I see;” muttered Roger as he glared at Ashley. “Want a lift?” he asked.

“With you?” asked Ashley as she grew a tinge of stress.

“No one else here;” told Roger as he opened his arms to make Ashley aware of the vacancy around them.

“I see;” muttered Ashley as she narrowed her eyes. “Are you able to just drop me home?” she then asked.

“Yes I am;” teased Roger in a stiff tone as he began to lose his cool.

Roger didn't often like girls who were infantile, and he wanted to throw water at Ashley red hot face. She was a ball of nerve strings, and it was apparent she did not trust him - what she failed to notice was that he was a senior, he was sporty, he was popular, and he had a great car; he felt insulted at her rigidity and he wanted to give her a wedgie and send her on the roll down a hill in a body barrel.

Ashley glared at Roger - she wanted to hate him; heat simmered inside of her mind until her face grew red as the devil. She didn't trust him or like him; but he seemed to be eager to give her a ride and she didn't know why. She thought he might want to drop by lovers hill and try to get fresh, she thought he might like to drive her halfway home and then leave her in a secluded place; Ashley didn't like him - however she couldn't afford a taxi and she had no ride to take her home.
“Are you sure you can drive out of town?” asked Ashley as she slowly grew subordinate for the idea of free ride.

“I said so didn't I?” retorted Roger before he grabbed his keys and moved to his car. “Get in!” he invited before he slipped himself inside.

Ashley rolled her eyes and then she picked up her bag. She didn't want to follow, however she did. She felt bad and angry at her parents for not having had arranged pick up; Rogers offer was the best thing she had been sent and it was worth around ten cents of pleasure and fifty dollars of stress.

Ashley slipped into the car and met Roger who had gum in his mouth. She wanted a piece, however she didn't want to ask for one and so she leaned against the window and told him where he could drop her.

“Lake Drive, Aline;” she muttered.

Roger rolled his eyes and then he crooked his head.

“My girlfriend lives there;” he said before he narrowed his eyes and began to drive.

Ashley felt guilt. She had put Roger in a bad mood and she wanted to say she was sorry - however she didn't know how, and so she sat by herself in the shadow of his anger as she told herself she shouldn't have speculated that he was a rotten person just because he was a jock. Ashley suckled on her lip as the drive continued. No rock music was turned on; the car stayed quiet and tense all through the journey as she was driven home.

Ashley looked at the house and then to Roger - he had been a smooth and careful driver and he had not once smiled. Ashley wanted to say thanks, however her voice choked as he glared and told her she was home - it were as though he had told her to get out and she scampered inside of the house without a word.

Roger glared at the door and chewed on his gum; he felt angered and he wanted a punching bag to vent his anger. He didn't want to bother Ashley again; she had almost cried out before she had exited the car and he had jumped inside of his skin. Maybe he had been a little tense, however he didn't mean to make her feel scared. He would have rather been given a smile not a shriek. He felt odd.

“Well I did a charitable thing;” he muttered before he rolled his eyes. “Now best be off;” he declared before he drove away.

Roger glared at the road as a demon rose onto his face. He wanted to hate himself, however he wanted to hate Ashley more. He wished he could squeeze her face until she cringed. She was an immature kid who didn't know how to say thanks, and he felt bad for his sunken pride - he was supposed to have been seen as a good guy not a bad one! He sighed.

“Some people can't please;” he muttered before he turned on the radio to distract his temper as he drove home.

However Roger couldn't calm down, his whole body itched. He felt foul all of a sudden, and he felt as though he were uncomfortable inside of his own skin. His foot grew as heavy as his mood and he began to speed. It was a rush to see the lights as they streaked the walls of dark around him, however he only grew more dark inside and when he looked in the mirror and saw pitch black eyes the hairs on his neck stood on end - he was a demon.

“Is this why I am scary?” he muttered to his stare before he rolled his eyes to the road.

There was a sign that said sharp curve - Roger sweated and turned his wheel in an abrupt manner! The car was supposed to swerve past the sign like a car on a racetrack, however it hit the sign and toppled over. Roger felt glass as it sprayed over his chest and face, and he had a few seconds to fear before a large bump crashed on his head.

Roger moaned as the wheels of the car spun. He had crashed bad, and he felt groggy from having hit his head. The car had upturned and he had only just enough strength to SMS for help before he passed out.

When Roger woke he was in a hospital bed and a range of friends gathered to smile at him. They had taken a week off school just to stay by his side, and they had talked endlessly about how he could have crashed so bad when he had a wax clean driving record.

Chester glared at Roger as he began to sob. Roger told his friends through moans that his whole body hurt under its wrapping. Roger looked scared, and Chester knew why - he had given a lift to that lame teen from school and he felt red with hate.

Chester ran away from the hospital and hopped into his car. He then drove to school and waited for the school bell to ring. As soon as Chester saw Ashley he walked up to her, grabbed her arm, and pushed her into the car. She hadn't much to say, and people ignored Ashley as they saw a little bit of edge between her and a school jock she had never spoken to before.

Chester drove off after he had handcuffed Ashley to the passenger door. He drove fast and hard - he wanted to drive off a cliff, however he didn't want to go that far. When they were lost in a forest Chester stopped; he then grabbed Ashley and threw her out of the car. He wanted to beat her up so bad, however he knew he couldn't - he had gone far enough.

“Walk home!” he gasped. “Walk home you bastard!” he declared before he slipped inside of his car and drove away.

Ashley shivered. She had no idea where she was - she was alone, afraid, and she figured she had better walk along the road rather then take a dare on a forest trek. However the road stretched far, and when Ashley took a wrong turn she ended up on a barren highway stretch. The day turned into night and Ashley sobbed as the stars shone high above - the world was dark, she was alone, and she had no one to take her home.

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