Saturday 10 August 2013

Goodbye Camelot

When laying in my bed I had a dream,
Where King Arthur was watching me with his royal eye;
I looked to him and he told me he was dead,
But if I believe he will be reborn again;

However then a shadow moved,
And behind King Arthur I could see a king on a dark headed horse;
King Arthur proclaimed that was his father,
And that his chain claimed his holy breath and made hindrance of his holy vision;

King Arthur’s eyes then turned crimson red,
And he told he me was a demons son,
Before a red halo swam around his neck,
And chained King Arthur inside barring him from his other life;

Suddenly all the world turned red,
And behind King Arthur his father turned white,
As he himself were drenched in blood;
And he said to me that he will never be released,
And he will never be able to stand for his holy deed -
His cloth was made of the blood he was yet to claim,
And he told me crimson was his cloth and he would never be able to be sought for again;

King Arthur walked with Lancelot.  He sniffed the air and arched his spine. 

“I smell a fresh kill;”  he muttered as he glared at the wide green field which stretched far and wide.   “How many people did we kill today?”  he then asked.

“Too many;”  told Lancelot as he looked at his hands and saw red blood under the fingernails.  “Far too many;”  he added as he felt deep inside of his heart major grievance.

“I suppose;”  muttered King Arthur as he glared at the woods and ached to stroll through it.  “Do you think those woods look inviting?”  he then asked.

“They always look inviting, but I must gasp that I am quite tired;”  told Lancelot.

“Tired?  You?”  asked Arthur.

“I killed over ten thousand men while you stood on your horse!”  gasped Lancelot.  “I deserve to be tired;”  he added.

“But what about my bodyguard?”  asked Arthur as he began to scoff inside of his chest like any disgruntled royal.

Lancelot rolled his eyes and looked away.  He did ache to lay down on a bed, however he knew he could not leave the King alone.  Lancelot nodded as he felt tears well inside of his chest -  he had strained himself to the full, but he knew he could not leave the battle -  he needed to march and keep the king safe; it was his duty!

“Then to the forest;”  he drawled as he pointed.

King Arthur grinned and walked ahead -  he even began to jog!  Lancelot wanted to race with Arthur, he really did, however after he had shouted the words 'race you to the centre', his feet began to moan and he dropped his race as King Arthur sprinted in front of him at an alarming rate.  Lancelot stopped and fell to the ground -  he needed to sleep; war had made him a thinner man and he only felt weakness!  He needed to rest and make himself full -  then he would be able to walk with the king.

King Arthur reached the forest and he smiled.  He looked behind him and saw that he had far out-raced Lancelot.  

“I have really made good timing!”  he gasped before he began to look around him.

There was dark and vacancy at every corner.  King Arthur smiled as he glared at the woods -  he wanted to creep, and so he took his curious feel and crept into the forest.  There was dark dew all around, and nearby was a fine spring that rolled down a strange mountainside that seemed to serve as a wall -  a barrier to another world.

“I should dismantle this wall!”  he gasped before he took his sword and raked it against a couple of stones.  “Later with my men I shall order it done;”  he sighed before he put his sword away.  “For now even I feel weary;”  he muttered as he sat.

King Arthur waited to hear Lancelot call for him, however during his wait he fell into a sleep.  He dozed as leaf litter blew over his royal clothes.  He slept for a long time, and when he woke he saw he was still alone.

“Where is that rotten Lancelot -  he had better not have fallen asleep!”  gasped Arthur before he stood.

A gasp was heard and Arthur looked to his right in order to see a small figure under a coat.  The figure was obviously female, and Arthur smiled as he smelled the flowers she had collected in her basket.  It was an attractive romance -  them alone in the forest, her with a voice as sweet as the flowers inside of her basket; if Arthur could move to the maiden then he could announce his immediate rapture and create quite a story -  however he could not delve in that fantasy; he had a ring on his finger and a box inside of his chest that had his marriage oaths locked inside to keep him honest.  Still he couldn't help but to grow curious about the female.  

Arthur stepped to the robed female and sat down in order to drink in her vision.  She was not a vision, only a bulk of heavy fabric.  Arthur wanted to snap his fingers, but instead he snapped on his patience.

“Fair maiden please uncover your head; it is I King Arthur who wishes to see you;”  he declared.

The maiden gasped from somewhere within her chest.  She had a tint of alarm that made her body lean away.  Arthur saw the lean and almost wanted to cave in with the you woman -  if he leaned hard enough he could help lay them both down on the forest floor!

“Are you sure you should wish to see me?”  asked the maiden as she kept her face hidden.

“Why yes;”  muttered Arthur.  “You must do as I command for I am the King;”  he added as he glared.

“I see, of course;”  told the maiden as she felt her fabric.  “Then I shall do as you command;”  she muttered in a tone that was not enthusiastic.

Arthur saw the maiden as she took her robe away from her head, and then she glared at Arthur who thought she was quite a vision, as plain as she was.  Arthur wanted to lean towards her, however his heart kept him away; so he gobbled the face of the maiden, he congested her, he ate her, and he pumped her through his blood until he grew such arousal as to fall in love.

“What are you?”  he asked as he glared at her face which hadn't even been able to colour despite the blush inside of her chest.  “A strange and beautiful creature;”  he muttered as he deflowered the maiden with his eyes.

“Arthur, take care;”  told a voice in the back of Arthur's mind.

Arthur thought it sounded like Merlin who stalked him like a cough.  Arthur cleared his voice and narrowed his eyes -  he wanted to look around his shoulder to see if Merlin had stalked him, however he knew Merlin was back at the castle with Guinevere.  She had taken ill and been fed herbs and potion to get her well.  Arthur guessed that Merlin might be holding her hand as he tried to get the spirit of God to enter his wife.

“Have you had enough of a look my lord?”  asked the maiden in the loveliest of tones.

“Enough?  No;”  muttered Arthur as he glared at the maiden.  “I would like to have you;”  he then added.

“My lord!”  gasped the maiden as Arthur began to growl under his tongue.

“Enough of words;”  told Arthur as he pulled against the current that wanted to edge him further towards the maid.  “I shall leave;”  he muttered in a crisp tone.  “I am wanted;”  he added as he backed up his body and stood on his feet.  “My heart is to lead me home;”  he finished before he began to retreat one step at a time.

When absorbed in the thick dark Arthur rubbed his brow and swallowed hard -  he had almost broken his heart, and with tears in his heart he turned and ran!

Guinevere set her eyes on Lancelot and she grinned.  She jumped down onto the grass and with pale fingers stretched out she touched his face.  Lancelot did not wake immediately and Guinevere smiled as she ran her fingers over his skin at leisure.  Lancelot was the most striking masculine the army had, and she trembled as she ran her fingers over his brow and through his hair.  On his guard he would never have allowed such a deed, he would have stood back and raised his sword if need be!  He was a child that had grown up to be a knight not a lover, and in her eyes he had kept his purity -  that fact made her feel interested, but the fact that he was the world's most talented knight made her feel aroused.

“Are you okay?”  she then whispered as she pulled his hair and got no response.  “Are you dead or ill?”  she asked as Lancelot remained asleep.

“Neither dear, but touch me again when I am off my guard and you shall find yourself a lover;”   told Lancelot as he opened his eyes.

“You are awake!”  gasped Guinevere as she stopped her hands from their play.

“I woke up after I felt your ice-cold hands;”  told Lancelot as he smiled her way.  “They feel like snow on the skin, are you ill?”  he inquired.

“I had a cough, but my skin has remained the same temperature;”  told Guinevere 

“They feel like ice;”  scolded Lancelot.  “You should be in bed;”  he muttered as he glared at Guinevere and found his heart on a smile that reminded him of a childhood friend.

“Then perhaps you should escort me to my bed;”  told Guinevere a she grinned.  

Lancelot smiled and he nodded -  it was his duty to protect the king and the queen, and he had no right not to wish to escort Queen Guinevere back to her bedroom.  However he felt a little unsettled as to how Guinevere had stopped short the sentence as though it were a proposal; it seemed a tad teasing, and he knew he could not be teased in such a manner -  especially not by the Kings wife!  Lancelot wanted to race to find Arthur, however he decided instead to stuff the secret inside of his breast -  it had just been a hint of tease, there was nothing wrong in that!

“Let us walk to your room;”  told Lancelot as he offered Guinevere his hand.

However Guinevere felt playful and she turned and ran for the castle walls as quick as a rabbit! Lancelot glared -  she was mighty swift on foot, and he felt a blush as he saw her skirts bellow behind her in trail.  He cleared his throat and he ran -  he raced after Guinevere as though she were a slave on the run, an enemy on retreat, a hunt on the scare!  He raced and ran, and he bellowed through the castle entrance and bound up the stairs in hunt of the queen.  At her chamber door Lancelot finally captured the queen and he leaned on the door to open it before he pulled Guinevere inside.

“I captured you just before you entered;”  he gasped as he glared at Guinevere who had only a high blush on her fair cheek.  “I won!”  he muttered.

“But you were not chasing me;”  told Guinevere as she narrowed her eyes.  “You were only supposed to run with me;”  she muttered before she laughed and threw the crown inside of her hand onto the bed.  “I reached the door far before you;”  she added.  “I am swifter of foot!”  she gasped.

“You started first -  you were at the wall before I began to run!”  gasped Lancelot as he picked up a drinking mug and filled it with ale.  “I have not failed;”  he muttered as he laughed and poured himself a drink.

“You have!”  gasped Guinevere as she sat on her bed and glared at Lancelot as he drank down the flask of ale.  “That is the kings mug;”  she muttered as she glared.

Lancelot gulped the last of the ale and then he placed the fine mug onto a tray.  

“I was thirsty;”  he muttered.

“But that is the kings mug, are you the king?”  gasped Guinevere before she laughed.

“If I were I would be on that bed with you; seeing you run made me feel feelings;”  he muttered.

Guinevere sighed and then she laughed; she looked at Lancelot and narrowed her eyes.  He was a tall figure who had a good built; she would have liked to have adventure him some time -  perhaps as his capture if he ever was crowned at her husbands defeat!  Guinevere smiled as she began to leer.  

“You make me feel good;”  she muttered as she glared at him.  “I have a romance of the mind;”  she added as she glared.

“I romance about you every day;”  told Lancelot as he grinned.  “It makes me fall in love with the idea of fighting for you;”  he added.

“I like that idea;”  told Guinevere as she glared at Lancelot and grew a blush on her heart.  “I want you to fight for me;”  she muttered a she grew a hunger that made her want to take off her dress.  “But I don't want you to fight all the time;”  she added as she digested what she saw -  a fine looking hero with the strength to tear a man's arm off with one swing of his arm.  

“I am a knight, I have to fight;”  told Lancelot as he grew a tad uncomfortable with the straight stare Guinevere sent him.  “If I don't fight I won't be able to be a knight;”  he muttered.  

“But you don't have to fight all the time;”  gasped Guinevere.  “For instance look at your posture -  you are stiff and rigid standing there, why don't you sit?”  she argued.  “It would relax some of those muscles -  you look too regal when you stand;”  she declared.

“If I do not stand I kneel;”  told Lancelot as he glared at Guinevere and knew she had taken to temper.  “Only in my bed do I rest;”  he muttered before he got down on one knee to be able to kneel before his queen.

“Do not kneel!”  gasped Guinevere as she blinked the sore from the tops of her eyes.  “Do not kneel!”  she argued.  “You are a knight so stand!”  she declared.

Lancelot sighed and he stood -  his bones ached through the movement, however as he stood he locked his knees so that he could no longer feel his weakness which was his lethargy.

“There I have risen to stand;”  told Lancelot as he glared at Guinevere and saw that she had steam inside of her breath.

“I do not want you to stand!”  she then declared as she glared at him as though she wanted to call him her lord.  “I want you to relax;”  she muttered as she tilted her head.  

“Then I shall lean;”  told Lancelot as he placed his hand on the nearby table and began to lean.

“Well now you look stupid!”  told Guinevere as she sulked.

“Then I shall stand;”  told Lancelot as he straightened his spine.

Guinevere looked to Lancelot -  inside of her eyes he saw depression, and he knew in his heart that he had let her down.  Lancelot cleared his throat as he glared; he didn't want to look away but with such sulk inside of her iris's he knew that he might have to.  

“Forgive me, I do not know what you want;”  he muttered before he shook his head and moved to exit the room.  

“Well I want you!”  gasped Guinevere as she began to pout.  “I want you;”  she added as Lancelot stopped and turned around to face her.  

“That is not a kind toy, I cannot stand to hear such a gesture;”  told Lancelot as he glared at Guinevere.  “That is not the words a queen would say;”  he added.

“I know!”  argued Guinevere as she began to grow anxious.  “I know of the laws and the rules;”  she muttered.

“You are married to the king;”  told Lancelot in a simple tone.

“I am aware;”  she muttered as she began to grow upset.  “I am just saying if I were able to be me, I would want you;”  she declared.  “I would want you in me;”  she added.

Lancelot reeled with disgust as he felt his belly churn -  he wanted to be sick, however his native mind told him he wanted to fall in love.  He almost saw stars before his eyes, but then his vision caught hold of Guinevere's face as she began to yearn, and he began to grow weak like jelly.

“I wish we were back at my home, I would have gladly put myself inside of you and perhaps married you;”  he muttered as he glared with narrowed eyes in order to declare a harsh wit.

The method didn't work; he just grew a crumpled face when he was supposed to smile -  Guinevere looked away as she grew an itch that made her recoil.  Lancelot knew then and there he had made his face look too hard, and he pinched his finger a little in punishment of trying to use his wit.

“You make me feel foul;”  he muttered as he rolled his eyes.  “I should go and eat a bird rather then stay here with you;”  he added.  “That should feed me a belly full of warmth, and use none of my lethargy;”  he declared.

“I would like my belly fed!”  declared Guinevere.  “I would tell the world his name was Arthur when I knew the truth was that he was my heart;”  she added.

“The world would applaud!”  told Lancelot.  “They would say there is Arthur's child;”  he muttered.  

“I would call them a lie;”  told Guinevere.  “I would know he was yours and I would still call him my husbands name;”  she declared as she began to grow a pulse inside of her chest.

“That is heracy!”  gasped Lancelot as he narrowed his eyes for real.  “What would make you say such a thing!”  he argued as he tried his best to scold.

“I want to be laid by you!”  gasped Guinevere as he began to grow a glow inside of her iris as her eyes turned moist.  “And I don't want to feel as though there is a reason why anyone should say no!”  she added.

Lancelot walked up to the bed and raised his hand in order to threaten a hit!  However he didn't slap Guinevere -  as she closed her eyes he softened and he grew a faint heart.  Lancelot put down his hand and gasped -  he didn't know what to do; lay with the queen or leave her be!  He knew he wanted the latter, but he also didn't feel it right to leave her spirit in mourning -  he would no longer be able to serve the king at all if she were to stand with tears behind of her eyes because she had been banned from what she had wanted most,  a lay!

“Then I relent!”  gasped Lancelot as he shook away his strength to be able to quickly take off his cloak and other clothing.  “I relent!”  he added as Guinevere opened her eyes, surprised that she had not been clobbered.  “You have won!”  gasped Lancelot as he bent to take off his boots.  “I shall be your servant, and you shall be honoured;”  he muttered before he stood as a naked man waiting to sport a lay.

Guinevere smiled and then she shivered as Lancelot reached to her in order to help her take off her dress.  He pulled and yanked until her dress fell off her shoulders, and it was only when she gasped that he realised he was doing it too rough!  Lancelot smiled and then he calmly pushed the material onto Guinevere's waist.

“I am sorry, I am used to being a knight;”  he muttered as he scraped a hand down one of Guinevere's arms.  “I forgot to be a lover when I was trying to be a knight to serve you;”  he added.

“So serve me as a knight;”  told Guinevere as she tried to smile.

“No!”  gasped Lancelot as he shook his head.  “I will try to serve you as a man;”  he muttered as he stroked her tender spine.  “Lay for me and it shall be done;”  he muttered.

“Then I lay;”  told Guinevere.  “And I shall utter my thanks with a thousand kisses;”  she added before she laid herself down.

Arthur raced through the field and he jumped through the castle entrance -  he had wanted to turn back to the maiden and run towards her, however his vows had kept him chaste and he felt good for having had kept himself in hand.  Arthur smiled and then kissed a nearby mirror.

“I am glad to be home!”  he gasped before he moved to run up the stairs.

However Merlin slithered in front of Arthur and pushed up a hand.

“Stop!”  he commanded.

Arthur stopped and he looked to Merlin.

“Whatever is the matter?”  he asked.  “Enemies on the front?”  he questioned.

Merlin shook his head.  He then sighed.

“I cannot have you roam upstairs;”   he muttered.  “Something amiss is being actioned;”  he announced.

“A wrongdoing?  In my palace quarters?”  gasped Arthur as he narrowed his eyes as his heart became steel.  “How dare you not call the guards, they are the palace servants!”  he gasped.  “Men where are you!”  he shouted to the walls.

Merlin grabbed Arthur and threw him against a stone wall!  Arthur was astonished at Merlin's strength and he shivered.

“What are you?”  he gasped.  “Have you gone mad?  Unhand me!”  he announced as armoured men began to race towards the room.  “I order you!”  he gasped.

“You do not want to go upstairs;”  told Merlin.  “Your wife is committing a great wrong;”  he gasped.  “With one of your men;”  he added.

King Arthur shivered and then he narrowed his eyes at Merlin who looked old and horrible.  Arthur began to question -  however there was no doubt what Merlin was trying to say; there was someone upstairs with his wife!  Arthur felt weak all of a sudden as though Merlin had strength that was draining him of his strength -  he felt his mind shudder as he failed to move an arm.  Arthur gasped as one of his men entered the room -  he sucked in his breath and shouted with all of his strength.

“Man!  Get Merlin off me!  He is mad!”  he gasped.

The soldier moved to Merlin and tackled him -  he was not aware of Merlin's strength and he threw Merlin to the ground as though he were a bag of straw!  More men entered the room as Arthur fumbled with his breath and sweated out his weakness.

“Men arrest Merlin!  He is mad!  He was using his strength to kill me!”  he gasped. 

“Out you go!”  gasped the soldier before he picked Merlin up and dragged him out of the palace.

“You other men carry me to my room, I am not sure I can walk!”  gasped Arthur.

The other soldiers looked to one another, and then they moved to Arthur and helped pick him up inside of their arms.  At Arthur’s orders they raced him up the staircase and then barged his room -  on his bed Arthur saw Guinevere as she were being fed Lancelot's seed.  Arthur gasped and ordered himself to be put on the floor as Lancelot turned around to see him.  

Lancelot served Guinevere one more thrust of his length and then he scrambled off!  As he stood before the soldiers and Arthur he felt heavy inside of his heart.  Arthur felt his face grow white -  he couldn't even make fun of Lancelot's nakedness, he had the perfect manly figure;  he had to roll his eyes as anger fanned his brain.  Lancelot picked up his clothes and then he sighed as he was able to grab the sword he had dropped under the hem of the bed.  He clasped it as though his life relied on it, then he looked up at Arthur’s face as he told the soldiers their next order.

“Men, arrest that traitor;”  muttered Arthur.

Lancelot cleared his throat and he stopped the men from moving.

“I was serving the queen;”  he outlined before he stood with his sword at full length.

The soldiers stood still as Lancelot pointed his sword at them, and Arthur stood still as Lancelot quivered the sword end at him.  None of the men had enough brave to fight Lancelot, and so they watched as he left the room with his clothes tucked under one arm.  

Arthur cleared his throat and then he rolled his eyes to his wife as one of the soldiers ran to the window.  Within moments Lancelot showed up in the courtyard -  he whistled himself a horse and then he used it to to get out of the kingdom.  

“Lancelot has gone;”  told the soldier.

“Well fare-the-well!”  gasped Arthur as he glared at Guinevere as she covered herself up with a portion of her bed-sheet.  “Did you see wife your new-found lover has too much strength to have us catch him!”  he gasped.  “But there is still you;”  he muttered as his lips turned harsh white.  “You are here, and we can arrest you;”  he outlined.  

“It was only going to be one lay;”  whined Guinevere as she looked to Arthur in despair. 

“One is treason;”  told Arthur as he glared at Guinevere with heat inside of his eyes.  “Treason!”  he seconded.

The soldiers grunted and nodded their assent.

“You have no right to call yourself queen;”  told Arthur as he felt his blood rush to his brain.  “You have only one name -  guilty!”  he gasped.  “Wear it to your cell as my soldiers drag you away!”  he growled before he waved his hand to motion that he was ready to have Guinevere taken away.

“Oh Arthur!”  gasped Guinevere as the soldiers grabbed her arms.  “Be reasonable!  Let us talk alone and listen to my reasons;”  she wagered.

“There will be no talk!”  told Arthur as he glared at Guinevere.  “Men take her to her cell!”  he muttered.

Guinevere tried to protest, however the soldiers grew rough and dragged her away as their fingerprints turned white on her skin.  Arthur glared on as Guinevere was taken away, then he sighed as his heart grew heavy -  he felt sour, and all he wanted to do was taste blood!  He didn't want to live in the dream any-more, he wanted out!

“I don't want to be a king any-more;”  he muttered as he looked out of his window.  “I want to run away and forget this place;”  he added as he wiped a trail of sweat from his brow.  “This is no longer a home to me;”  he added.  “I hate being king;”  he finished before he saw a figure of white escape the castle walls.

It was Merlin, and he had slithered out like a maggot on the run.  Arthur watched as he disappeared before his men crowded the high wall to see the escapee.  Merlin had gotten away, and he would probably never return.

“You tried to kill me;”  muttered Arthur as he narrowed his eyes.  “I suppose I shall see you never again;”  he added.  “Goodbye;”  he whispered as the air blew ice cold breath on his chilled face.  “Farewell;”  he finished before he moved away from the curtains and moved to rest on the nearby chair which didn't look soiled at all.  “Farewell Camelot;”  muttered Arthur as he glared at his bed.  “Hello upset;”  he finished before he rolled his eyes and shook his head to make his thoughts clear.

At the trial Arthur scowled.  He couldn't stop feeling his hate, and he glared at Guinevere with iron inside of his blue eyes.  Arthur sulked as the trial continued -  Guinevere asked if she felt as though she saw herself as guilty of treason, and she had stated 'only in her interest'.  Arthur couldn't believe she had the strength to be so humble when she had been caught in the raw with Lancelot's seed on the spray!  As soon as his soldiers had been interviewed the guilty verdict was given and Arthur waved Guinevere away as the rest of the room spat horrible words at her.  Arthur sucked in his breath -  Guinevere was to be burned on the stake and he was unable to lift the iron off his mind in order to save her.

“What a horrible fate;”  he muttered as he began to ache for a stroll.  “I need a march;” he added before he left.

Arthur entered the woods and walked.  He met the strange stone wall and took out his sword.  With venom he tried to chip it, but the wall was too strong and all he was able to do was break his sword!  Arthur scowled -  it had been a good sword, and the very same sword he had been sworn into his throne with!  He felt sorrow now that it was broken; it made him realise that he could no longer be king.

“Curses that woman driving me to wreck my sword!”  he gasped as he touched the fragments of his sword and held them to his chest.  “I hope she does feel those flames of Satan as they lick her body and feet!”  he gasped as he began to envision Guinevere on the stake.  “That will be the last lover she shall be honoured with;”  he muttered before he blinked his eyes to squash the daydream.

Arthur dropped his sword fragments and he strolled deeper into the forest.  There were no animals, nothing but darker shadow, and he grew chilled only on his face as he strolled.  Arthur felt as though he were wandering to the right place, but he ended up in a part of the forest that was too dark to see.  Arthur sniffed -  he had almost wanted to bump into a person, however there were none, so he turned back to the direction he had walked and he made his feet stride until he was back at his castle.

Inside of his castle Arthur was fed bread and roast.  He didn't want to eat it, but he bothered to.  He wasn't in the mood for food despite the savage temper he held against Guinevere.  He wanted to just drink some wine, eat some bread, and then sleep; however he did eat the roast he was served and as a result he moved to bed with a very full belly.

Arthur laid down on his royal bed.  It had been cleaned since Guinevere's last lay, and it smelt fresh -  however there was the memory of seeing her with Lancelot, and it made his spine itch as he laid still in restive position.  Arthur hardly slept, he just continued to chew on his memories of Guinevere with Lancelot!  Why he hadn't lunged with a sword was beyond reason -  he should have lunged and killed the two lovers at once!  However he hadn't killed -  he had stood, and he had watched; that could have been him if he had slept with the strange woman in the forest, that could have been his sin -  however he wouldn't have done it inside of his bed, he would have done it in the shadows of the forest where it was dark and not even Merlin could find him!

“I feel like finding a woman;”  muttered Arthur as he glared at the night and grew a stiff spine.  “Let us take a ride to the village and pluck one from her bed!”  he gasped.

However his body couldn't move!  So Arthur just closed his eyes and visited a village girl inside of his head, and there he turned into his father in order to commit the treachery he so keenly desired.  He sowed his wheat many times that night as he sweated on the brow, and by morning he looked like a paler and weaker king!

There were two fires lit and they lit the two pits that stood aside the cross on which would be tied Guinevere.  Arthur smiled as he glared at the fires -   he almost wanted to jump into one, he felt sick and mangy!  However then Guinevere was dragged out and Arthur grew distracted.  She was pushed onto the stage and tied to the stake.  When there she had vegetables thrown at her, and then she had oil poured over her body.  Finally a fire was lit at her feet and the crowd spat rhymes as the flames rose to lick and Guinevere's body.  Arthur sat and watched, and when smoke began to rise he squinted to see through the grey as the flames ate at Guinevere's form.  He could not see her, and when he order his men to water down the flames they couldn't believe it! 

“But my lord!”  one objected.

“Do it!”  gasped Arthur as he felt his eyes turn hot.

The soldiers watered down the fire, and it was quickly revealed that there was no figure on the stake -  Guinevere had vanished, and her ties had been cut!  Arthur turned around to look at the vale -  in the distance he saw a horse as it headed for the mountainside; he couldn't hardly see it, it was just a speck -  but he wagered that had been the getaway horse, and he beat his feet on the ground in temper!

“She has escaped!”  he gasped.  “She has escaped, and no sin has been cleansed!”  he muttered before he sat back down on his throne.  

The village people began to roast sausages on the roaring fires -  Arthur scowled.  

“Celebration when no justice has been served!  What a sight!”  he gasped before a soldier whispered that there was an army headed for the castle.

Arthur felt his mind reel as his tongue laughed -  it was disastrous news, however he wasn't about to panic. 

“Then we shall fight them;”  he muttered.  “Bring me a sword I need a new one;”  he added.

The soldier nodded and ran away, when he returned he had horse and sword in hand.

“Let us ride;”  told Arthur as he grabbed both.  “And win;”  he added.

Arthur felt sick but he was strong.  He fought well -  however he fought hard, and his men backed away as he was able to slaughter a whole army with his own hand until only their commander stood.  Arthur smiled and wiped the blood off his face.  He wasn't going to look around, his world had turned red and now he could see a knight in black armour -  he met his death, and what he had killed no longer mattered.

Arthur struck at the knight and he returned a blow!  The blow hurt Arthur’s arm, but he struck again and the knight grunted.  The two battled and their moves were fast and fierce.  The army behind Arthur backed away as the two men fought on a level they had never seen before -  they thrust and grunted, they sweated and sparred!  They were quick as lightning and a good match for one another -  it was just Arthur's sword which lost him from a win!  It broke as he swung hard to get the black knight to stagger, and when it broke the black knight laughed before he counter swung and knocked Arthur off his feet!

Arthur fell to the grass with blood pooled around his shoulders!  He had a sword suck inside of his body and it had been grabbed by the earth behind him -  he couldn't move!  He vomited out his blood in disgust then he turned to his men!  He wanted to moan, but all he did was stare until his eyes were so covered with blood he could only see red!  When he was immersed he laid down his head to rest, and there he was eager to die!  He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move;  but some where behind his memory he could hear Merlin, and Arthur prayed for him to steal him from his body seconds before his mind turned black.

Arthur died and his men cut the black knight in two before they scattered the knights body parts over the bright red lawn.  They then picked up Arthur's body and moved it to his castle.  When inside the castle the soldiers cleaned Arthur's body and prepared it for burial; then they buried the body so that no man or woman could ever find it.  On his grave the soldiers etched Arthur's royal emblem before they left the grave alone.  

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