Saturday 10 August 2013

Beastly Hunger

Beastly Hunger
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Roger put down his pen and he licked his teeth -  the edges of his canines felt sharp and tingly -  they felt too sharp, and he knew that the full moon was going to appear that night. Roger pinched his tongue on his tooth and he grew hungry as he tasted fresh blood.  Roger twisted his tongue and suckled on a bead of blood as though he starved for it -  it was then Roger knew that he wanted meat.

It had been several months since Roger had tasted human flesh.  He normally stopped his craving with a few rare steaks, however at times he grew crazed for the flesh that was more human and less beast.  Roger then hunted a victim late at night and dragged them into his car -  he chose a barren car-park, a quiet town, a beach; when he spotted a fresh victim he grabbed them and pushed them inside of his vehicle where he bit their throats and necks until their screams stopped.

Roger felt sweat moisten his brow as he grew a craving for warm, blood-soaked, meat.  He felt starved for it, and he felt a fever become raised.  Roger began to shift and nibble on his lower lip -  he wanted blood, loads of it, and chewy meat -  he needed it.

“What has come over me today?”  asked Roger as he lifted himself off his chair and moved to the cabinet to pour himself a stiff drink.

Roger poured himself a tumbler of scotch and then he gasped as he threw it inside of his throat.  He coughed -  the drink was rough and it burned his throat quite a bit!  Roger's fever turned into nausea and he fast stepped to the bathroom to retch!

Roger wiped his mouth as he flushed his midday snack down the toilet.  He didn't feel very good, he didn't feel very powerful -  he felt weak as a kitten without mothers milk.  Roger decided he was no longer hungry and he stepped to his couch to take a nap.

The nap was supposed to have lasted five minutes, but instead it lasted for hours.  Roger slept through the darkest of dreams and when he woke the sunset glowed through the office window.  

Roger sat up with a gasp!  

“Have I slept through my day?”  he asked.

The answer was clear as he glared at the golden sunlight while it danced on his darkened wall -  he had!

“What a waste of a good day!”  he gasped as he narrowed his eyes at the tumbler which had a bite of drink at its base.  

Roger straightened his tie, combed his hair, and then he moved out of his office to check out the scene.  Roger glared at the office and saw only his secretary as she finished off some notes and listings.  

“Hello there Anne;”  greeted Roger to his secretaries spine.  “Nice to see you working late;”  he added.

“I had a busy day and so I needed to stay behind to finish off the notes;”  she declared.

“I hope your husband has been warned that you will not be able to cook dinner;”  told Roger as he grinned.

“He knows I am working late if I don't show up, I don't need to tell him;”   told Anne as she shrugged.

Roger took in a deep breath -  he could smell Anne's perfume and it made him warm until he wanted to reel.  However under the perfume he could smell Anne's skin -  it smelt fresh and inviting, and it made him hunger.

“How about you pack it up and I'll escort you to your car;”  advised Roger as he looked at the ceiling where a security camera filmed the office scene.

“Okay;”  sighed Anne as she smiled.  “I had just finished;”  she added before she shut down her computer. 

Roger returned to his office and shut down his own computer also.  He then picked up his suitcase and followed Anne to the elevator.  Inside Roger looked at the camera in the corner of the elevator ceiling and he began to sweat -  he felt as though they were on twenty-four corner screening and it made his heartbeat pulse.  However in the car-park there were no monitors, and Roger smiled to himself as he looked to Anne who busied herself with her purse.

“What do you like to eat for dinner?”  asked Roger.

“Steak and potato;”  told Anne as she shrugged.

“I enjoy steak myself;”  told Roger.  “I like it rare -  you?”  he asked.

“Well done;”  told Anne before she smiled as she found her car keys.

The elevator stopped and Roger stepped out and sighed -  the cool cement car-park greeted them both and he felt good as he stared at it.  Roger smiled to Anne.

“Where's your car?”  he asked.

“In the corner;”  told Anne as she pointed her head to the left.

“Mine is on the other side;”  told Roger as the elevator doors closed behind them.

Roger smiled and grabbed Anne!  Anne gasped and dropped her keys. 

“What are you doing?”  she asked.

“I'm horny;”  told Roger.  “Let's go to my car for some sport;”  he offered.

Anne gushed and she glared at Roger as her skin shivered.  She wanted to say 'no', however she stopped herself as she glared at Roger.  

“Are you offering me a raise?”  she asked.

“If you want money;”  told Roger as he stood as stiff as a soldier.

“I don't know;”  muttered Anne perplexed.  “How about a nice dinner?”  she asked. 

Roger shrugged.

“Sure, a nice dinner would appease my appetite;”  he told.  “Come to my car, I'll drive us to a nearby place;”  he added.

“Okay;”  sighed Anne before she stepped with Roger to his car.

At the car Roger opened the back door and Anne slipped inside.  Roger followed and Anne felt her thrill fade as he slipped inside and locked the door.  Anne knew Roger wanted her and she wanted out -  however the car had central locking and there was a pane of glass that separated the back from the front where the central locking controls sat.

“I can't get out!”  she gasped inside of her mind as she felt a chill.  “This is an abnormal car!”  she thought.

“Do you like the car?”  asked Roger.

“It's like a mini-limousine;”  told Anne as she touched the cool glass before her.

“I like privacy in the back of my vehicles;”  told Roger as he glared and shrugged.  “It cost a few grand;”  he added.

“Did it?”  asked Anne as she shivered.  “Wow;”  she added. 

There was a brief pause, however it didn't hold for long before Roger leaned towards Anne.

“Shouldn't we be going to dinner?”  she asked.

“I think dinner will be eaten here;”  told Roger before he shadowed Anne with his physical body before he lunched.

Anne screamed -  however her screams were short-lived as Roger fed himself his bloody, beastly, meal of raw,red, wet,  human flesh.  He growled as he ate and chewed down every chunky portion, and then hours later as the full moon rose to peak he howled.

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