Saturday 10 August 2013

Feeling Glum

Feeling Glum
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Anne walked down the street with purse in hand.  She wanted to take a walk somewhere, but she wasn't sure where she wanted to go.  She thought she might like to go to the beach, but it took twenty minutes to walk there and she didn't have the energy.  Anne thought to herself where she would like to go as she stepped along the hot pavement.

“Hawaii;”  was her first thought as she began to feel paradise sun on her shoulders.  

However Anne didn't have the money to take a flight; so she stitched her pride and narrowed her eyes on Yale Street -  that was where her boyfriend Roger lived.

“I suppose he might like to see me;”  she muttered as she stepped towards the sign.  “Perhaps he will offer me breakfast;”  she added as she began to think of pancakes,  honey, and a wad of dribbling yellow butter.

Anne stepped up to Rogers door and she let herself inside.  She knew Roger didn't often lock the door because he was plain bone lazy.  She sometimes scolded him on the unsafe practise, but on this day she was glad he had left the door unlocked this meant that she could sneak up on Roger and surprise him.

Anne walked down a shadowy hall and she sneaked up to Roger's bedroom.  Anne smiled as she quietly opened the door, and then she pushed.  Anne peered into the room and immediately she gasped -  Roger was in bed with a  girl, and not just any girl, her friend Trinity!

Anne watched as the two made out for a full ten minutes.  The action rose in peak as Trinity declared she was 'turned on'.  The scent of smoke and alcohol was in the air and Anne reeled as she saw Roger undress so that he could sleep with Trinity.  Anne saw him as he slipped his shirt off his shoulders and took off his belt -  it was then a creak in the boards alerted Roger to Anne's presence;  he turned his head expecting to see a cat and he saw her.

“Anne;”  cheered Roger as he paused in his undressing.  “How are you?”  he asked.

“I am fine;”  told Anne as she battled with pain in her heart.  “Did we break up?”  she asked.

“No;”  told Roger as he grinned.  “I am just hanging with a friend;”  he muttered before he blinked.

Anne knew Roger was brave; he could have lied however he had told her as near to the truth as he could.  

“Well that's my friend Trinity;”  told Anne as she felt her heart sink.

“Hey there;”  smiled Trinity as she waved.  

“Well that's good now we are all friends;”  told Roger as he kept his eyes on Anne.  

“Well I don't think I want that right now;”  told Anne before she began to back out of the room.  “I want to go home;”  she added.

“Okay then friend, thanks for dropping by;”  told Roger before he waved.

Anne turned and left the house.  She felt hurt, but she kept her tears under her face as she walked home.  She wanted to run however she walked a brisk step until she was safe at home.

When at home Anne threw herself into her room and there she cried.  Roger was dumped for having had cheated on her and she felt plain despair.

Anne felt bad for a whole day.  She couldn't hardly eat, she just wanted to throw her whole life away.  Roger had hurt her bad and she didn't feel like doing anything.  Anne at times sobbed but the rest of the time she just stayed glum.

Her brother Joe became worried about Anne and he entered her room to try and see what the matter was?  He felt a little shy because he was not used to trying to egg out information from females or sisters for that matter; however Joe drew in a deep breath to try.

“Hey there Anne;”  muttered Joe with some hesitation.

“Hi;”  muttered Anne as she looked to Joe.

“What's the matter?”  asked Joe as he glared.  “I mean you seem out of it;”  he said.

“I feel out of it;”  told Anne as she began to hate herself for having had let everyone know she was depressed.

“What's happened?”  asked Joe as he began to feel like a fool.

“Nothing;”  told Anne as she wriggled her fingers on her lap.  “I mean I broke up with Roger but other then that...”

“Oh Anne!”  gasped Joe as she shook his head.  “I am sorry;”  he muttered.

Anne stopped talking and she looked to Joe.  She knew he was trying to be sympathetic but he overdid the soft and it made her feel stupid.

“Go away!”  she gasped as she leaned away from Joe.  “I mean it you brat, get lost!”  she raged.

Joe freaked out at Anne's anger and he left the room.  However he didn't leave without having had learnt something, and suddenly he knew he needed to give Roger a visit.

Joe walked down the street to Rogers house and then he knocked on the door.  Roger opened the door and cheered as he waved a beer in front of his face.

“What do you want Joe?”  asked Roger as he glared.

“I want you to not break up with Anne;”  told Joe as he glared at Roger and though he looked drunk.

“Too late she caught me in bed with another woman;”  told Roger as he rolled his eyes.  “We're through;”  he added.

“Through?”  gasped Joe as he felt startled.  “Why did you cheat on Anne?”  he asked.

“She wasn't with me when I got drunk;”  told Roger as he stepped back.  “Is that all you wanted to know?”  he asked.

“Sure;” told Joe before he swallowed.

The door closed and Joe was left to feel glum.  He didn't know what to do, but he knew he needed to treat Anne to a treat.

Joe walked to the store and brought some ice-cream and chips.  He then brought a couple of movies and headed home with the loot.

Joe opened Anne's door and he greeted her. 

“Hello;”  he said.

“Hi;”  declared Anne as she glared at Joe.  “I didn't mean to lose my rack before, I feel bad;”  she muttered.

“That's okay;”  told Joe as he smiled.  “I brought you something to cheer you up;”  he declared before he walked up to Anne with the bag of goods. 

“Video's, ice-cream, chips?”  asked Anne as she smiled.  “How good of you;”  she said.

“I hope you will be okay with all your feelings;”  told Joe.  “I would like to give you more but I don't know what to offer;”  he said.

“I am sure I will be fine Joe;”  told Anne as she opened the chips.  “Thanks for the support;”  she added.  “I appreciate it;”  she declared.

Joe smiled and left Anne alone.  He felt a little bit better now that he had done something right for Anne; however he felt bad over the fact that she had been dropped for another girl, and he walked outside to feed on a cigarette.

Joe blew out his thoughts through a cigarette.  He watched the smoke as it wafted around his face.  He wasn't sure what to do about his sensations; he wanted to say that Anne would feel better however he wasn't sure he would feel better until Anne moved on.

“I hate it when crap happens;”  he declared.  “I feel off;”  he said.  “But it does happen;”  he added.  “I just wished it didn't;”  he declared before he continued to smoke.


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