Saturday 10 August 2013

Noticed When Walking Home

Noticed When Walking Home
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Jade walked by the school yard -  she felt sexy because she had just lost enough weight to make her body look good.  No one really noticed, but she felt good -  she tried to put extra bounce in her step as she walked, and this was noticed by Patrick a fellow student with a bad record.

“Hey Jade, you sprained an ankle?”  he asked.

Jade looked at Patrick and shivered -  he was nice to look at but he sent a chill up her spine. 

“No, just walking;”  she muttered before she began to scamper away. 

Patrick narrowed his eyes and watched as Jade turned around the corner.  He thought she was mighty queer, and it began to itch and him.  Patrick however shrugged and then he walked away as he questioned thoughts on his brow.  He didn't have the time to wonder about Jade and her queer, he couldn't spend the time on her; so he moved on.

Jade gasped as she reached a new block that was surrounded by a bundle of trees, she sighed!  She felt better that she was further away from Patrick.  She felt as though she could go on, and walk at a more normal pace.  

“That is my treadmill for the afternoon;”  she muttered as she continued to walk.

Jade walked block after block, and she felt very good about it.  She felt as free as a bird, that was until she walked into Reg Odan. Reg was the college square who took time off to do drugs with naughty girls.  He was only a few years older then Jade, but he felt as though he were so much older because he towered over her size.  Jade backed up her steps.

“You want to watch it there?”  she asked.

“You watch it!”  he muttered as he glared with a growl.

“Well you got in my way!”  argued Jade.  

“You stepped into me;”  told Reg as he glared.  “Now beat it, I am on the ice!”  he spat.

“What's that a cold?”  asked Jade as she glared.

“It's a drug;”  told Reg as he stared back.

Jade became freaked out -  he did look awake, and it seemed queer.  Jade trembled inside of her skin as though an ice cube had rolled down her shirt; she wanted to get away, she just realised that Reg was on drugs.

“Go to hell you quacked up queer!”  she gasped before she moved on.

“What the hell, you bumped into me;”  told Reg as he narrowed his eyes.

“Go to hell!”  gasped Jade before she moved on.

Jade grumbled around a few blocks and then she reached her home.  She smiled, it looked nice and comfortable; however then she felt a chill and she turned around.  Jade gasped as she saw Reg.

“What the hell do you want?”  she asked.

“You should apologise for being so rude;”  told Reg as he glared at her.  “I mean, I was walking, and you bumped into me;”  he added.

“I don't want apologise to a stupid drug user!”  told Jade before she moved to go home.

Reg turned Jade back around with a yank of her arm.

“Hey, I don't need the name calling;”  he muttered as he glared at her with a square eye.  “I don't need this, now you apologise to me;”  he added.

“Get lost!”  gasped Jade before she turned around again.

Reg moved to grab Jade again, however she slung her bag and slapped him in the face.  Reg stumbled, and Jade urged herself to sprint into her home where it would be safe.

“Thank goodness!”  she gasped as she glared out the window and saw Reg as he left.  “I thought he would never let me go;”  she muttered before she turned to see her father Greg.

“What is this peeping all about?”  asked Greg as he glared.

“I had some creep follow me home!”  gasped Jade.

“Oh?”  muttered Greg as he glared at Jade.  “Was he a threat?”  he asked.  “Should I call the police?”  he added.

“I don't know he has left now;”  told Jade as she began to feel funny.  

“Well I have to go to a meeting, are you going to be okay waiting for you mother to get home at seven?”  he asked.

“Yes;”  told Jade as she looked at Greg.  “I won't answer the door;”  she muttered.

“That is good;”  told Greg before he picked up a bag and moved to the garage.

Jade watched Greg as he took his car down the driveway.  He did it with calm and control, and at the base he turned to the right.  Greg was gone within seconds, and Jade was left to feel a chill.

“I wonder if it will be safe being alone for the next few hours?”  she asked before she moved to go to her room.

Inside of her room Jade put her school books away, and then she moved to turn on the radio.  There was heaps of variety on the radio, and so she kept it on as she moved to brush her hair.   Jade brushed her hair for ten minutes, and then she looked at the time.  She wondered if she should have a shower, or if she should just watch television.  She guessed television was the best choice since it was early, but something inside of her told her to look out the window.  

Jade moved to the window and looked out.  She saw black, and when the doorbell rang she felt her blood chill.  Jade wanted to answer the door, but she didn't feel like it.  Instead she felt cold and so she decided to have a shower after all.

Jade moved to the shower and she turned it on.  She hopped inside and let the warm water comfort her as it dribbled down her body.  For a short while her chills faded as the warm water engulfed her -  however it only lasted a little while, and she grew chills after she stopped the water and heard a creak on the floor boards.

“Was that something?”  asked Jade as she felt pricks on her skin.  

Jade only had time enough to wrap a towel around her before the bathroom door opened.  Jade gasped and she swallowed hard as Reg peered inside.  Reg glared at Jade and he stepped forward before he threw the front door knob at her feet.  

“It was loose;”  he muttered.

“You took off the door-knob?”  gasped Jade.

“Sure thing;”  told Reg as he glared at Jade.  “Now how about you apologise?”  he asked.

“No!”  gasped Jade.  “How about you get out!”  she gasped.

“No;”  told Reg as he glared at her.

“What do want?”  asked Jade after a moment of pause.

“Like I said, I want an apology;”  told Reg as he glared at Jade.

“Well I am sorry, I can't;”   told Jade.

“Well then you pay;”  told Reg.  “And your father pays, and your mother pays;”  he added.  “It just takes one plan;”  he muttered as he looked around.  “This place will do -  be the house of horrors after tonight;”  he added.

“Just leave!”  gasped Jade.  “Really, such dramatics;”  she muttered.  “A person would think you evil;”  she added.

“I know;”  told Reg before he moved to grab Jade.

“What are you doing?”  asked Jade as she batted away the hands that began to reach for her face as though she were going to be given a kiss.

“I am trying to grab you;”  told Reg as he panted and stepped forward.

“Well screw you!”  told Jade before she picked up a hand mirror and swung.

Glass splinters fell onto the tiles as Reg screamed!  Jade gasped and moved to race away, however her foot stepped on some of the glass shards that had fallen onto the floor, and she began to limp.

“Stupid glass!”  she gasped as her getaway was made slow.

Two hands made a grab for Jade, and they swung her around and threw her back into the shower!  Jade hit the tiled wall hard and she sunk to the sink-hole as Reg laughed at her.  Her foot ached and her head stung -  for a moment the world dribbled and Jade sunk onto the tiles with a river inside of her mind.  She floated until her limbs fell dead, and when she woke Reg had his hands around her neck as he tried to choke her!  Jade tried to fight, but Reg was on too much ice -  he couldn't feel her fingers as she tried to scratch, and in the end Jade lost her breath and for the second times her limbs fell dead -  but this time she was dead for real.

Reg laughed and then he let her go.  He wanted to throw Jade out the window, however he just dragged her out of the door.  Reg moved Jade to the front lawn where he stuffed her dead body in the garbage bin.  He then wheel the bin out onto the front lawn and left it there, then he walked.

“Stupid kid!”  he gasped as he narrowed his eyes.  “She's learnt her lesson now, the stupid loser!”  he gasped as he walked away.

Jade stayed stuffed inside of the garbage bin until morning.  Her parents didn't even look as they took their cars and began to drive around the streets in search for Jade.  After hours the garbage man moved to pick up the bin, and Jade and her body were dumped and moved to the dump in the worst manner ever -  with the rubbish!  

At the dump Jade's body was noticed and the cops were called.  Soon Jade's parents were notified of the discovery, and they held each other and bawled their eyes out as they began to blame themselves over having had left Jade alone.  

After some search a minor arrest was made, but it hadn't been Reg -  he had his head on his books and his mind on his hash -  he hadn't even been questioned;  he was an obsolete in the world, and the threat of suspicion grew around him not towards him.  

After a long time the cops gave up searching, and they let Jade's death go.  Her parents wanted revenge, but with no cement evidence they let the killing go.

“What kind of world do we live in where we can't have surveillance from the sky?”  asked Greg before he stormed to his room.  

Greg was upset, and his wife upset him when she asked if he wanted another child?  He couldn't look at her -  he wanted to stay away.  Jade's death had upset him, and he couldn't feel at rest!  He wanted to blame himself for not having had driven her to his work, he felt guilty and he wished he hadn't left her alone.

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