Saturday 10 August 2013

Accidentally Pregnant

Accidentally Pregnant
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Tina sat in the house.  She didn't feel like going outside, she was upset.  She  didn't have the energy to go outside and smile at the world to tell it she was okay; she was far from okay and she knew it inside of her heart.  Tina began to brood as soon as she grew comfortable -  she didn't want to tell her dad that she had gotten pregnant, but she supposed she should.  Tina tried to write the words down, however her mind jolted and he pen formed a line across the page instead.

“What is the matter?”  asked Tina as she blew on her pen.  “Just say it;”  she urged.

However she was unable to say anything, she just drew another line, a full stop, and then a period.  

“I wish I had my period;”  she muttered as she sulked.  “Being pregnant sucks;”  she added.

Tina began to think about all the guys she had been with -  Jeffrey,  Edward, Peter, Jim.  She thought about all the nights when she had broken her virginity, and she wiped her eyes -  she couldn't think of a single instance when she had felt in love.

“I didn't think it could happen, I didn't think I had been given anything to make a baby;”  she muttered before she looked at her paper once again.

Tina placed her pen on the paper and then she tried to write the words.  She sweated as she began to scrawl, and then she finally forced herself to write the words 'dad I am pregnant' on the paper.  However the paper was too large, lines too wide, scrawl too small;  she was unable to read the scrawl and so Tina pushed the paper and pen away.

“Maybe I should tell him;”  she muttered as she began to dream.  “I should tell him that I am pregnant;”  she added.  “Like over a meal of steak and fries -  just let it out in the open;”  she suggested.

However inside of her mind she knew that she would just munch on the steak and fries, and so Tina threw the idea away.

A knock on the door alerted Tina.  Her mother Marge walked inside and Tina ached to tell her that she was pregnant -  however Marge didn't see the words written in Tina's mind, she only saw that Tina was still inside and it was a wonderful day.

“It is a bright and sunny day!”  gasped Marge.  “Go play!”  she suggested.

“I don't feel like it today I have my period;”  told Tina as she began to fidget with her fingers.

“Okay;”  muttered Marge as she began to step back.  “That is fine;”  she added before she left.

Tina glared at her hands which were knotted together.  She wanted to scream, however all she did was pull her fingers apart with a yank.  Tina didn't want to hold her breath, she wanted to let out that she was guilty of pregnancy!  However she didn't know who to tell, what to say, or when to say it;

“I don't know what to do!”  she gasped as she rolled her eyes and plopped her head onto the table.  “I don't even know whose it is;”  she added.  “I don't know anything, I am dumb!”  she gasped.

Tina rolled through a wave of emotion as she sobbed inside of her chest.  She could feel she was pregnant, she could feel the child inside, and she didn't know what to say about it.  She was a stupid nobody with a weight too heavy -  she had grown obese in bodyweight and it was because she had a two tonne baby inside of her belly.

“I hate myself!”  gasped Tina before she groaned.  “I don't want to have a baby I just want life to be as it was -  just me, myself, and my stupid dreams about getting a job and running away!”  she gasped.  “I don't want to be pregnant!”  she added.

However nothing changed what was true -  she was pregnant and she was yet to tell someone about it.  She wished that she didn't have to tell anyone.  She wished the world was different.  She wished, hoped, and dreamed -  but the world didn't move neither did the weight in her belly; she was pregnant and she couldn't run away.

The following day Tina walked into town to collect a pregnancy test.  She had figured to test herself since she had only seen one doctor whose prognosis could have been wrong.  Tina picked up the test and brought it.

“It is for a school essay!”  she cheered as the pharmacist gave her the eye.

Tina felt choked with tension, however she managed to pay for the product and walk away without anything less then a smile. 

Tina couldn't wait to get home -  she took the test to the toilet and used the test right away.  To her own dismay the test told her she was pregnant and Tina was unable to lie to herself -  she was pregnant.

“Who is the father?”  she asked as she threw the testing kit into the bin.  “Who could it be?”  she asked as she rubbed her temples.  “Joe, Greg, Dale?”  she muttered as she stared at her reflection and saw someone who was on their last nerve string.  “No one I guess;”  she added before she moved to leave the supermarket.

Tina sat on the front porch and waited for her father.  She wasn't sure when he would return home, but he was due to at any time.  Tina began to nibble on her fingers as questions pulsed inside of her mind.  

“Who was the father?”  she asked.

She didn't know -  they all could have been, but she didn't once feel anyone throw enough inside to make a bomb.  

“I don't know;”  she muttered as a car stormed up the driveway.

Tina glared at her father as he stormed out of the car.  He looked drunk, however she didn't want to tell him.  Tina began to nibble on her emotions as she touched her belly.  She lowered her eyes to concentrate on hello, but before she knew it a wind had passed as Tina knew that had been the shadow of her father come and gone.  Tina blinked and then threw her idea of confession away -  she didn't want to tell anyone, she wanted life to be the same.

“I don't want any trouble”  she muttered as she leaned against a wall and sighed.  “I just want the world to be like yesterday;”  she added before she began to nurse her worries until her body grew into a paper weight which crushed leaves against the wooden deck as she waited for the sun to tell her it was time for bed.

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