Saturday 10 August 2013

Tower Of Terror

Julia opened the curtain of her apartment  and she felt so proud as the city beamed before her eyes.  Julia turned around and smiled as she felt full of good emotion -  she knew that she had the best view of Melbourne that had ever been made.

“There is the view;”  she declared as she smiled.

“Cool;”  muttered Paul as he stepped back towards the kitchen bench.

Julia knew that he was afraid of heights and she didn't want to nag him towards the window.  So Julia looked to Vickie and Dave who glared as they drank in the sight from a good distance as well.  Julia began to lose her beam of pride as she felt a sulk inside of her mind -  she wasn't sure what was wrong with Vickie and Dave, they had no fear of heights.

“It's a window;”  told Julia as she smiled.  “It's nice and big;”  she added.  “Come and see the view!”  she invited.

Vickie rolled her eyes to Dave who blinked before he offered a resigned sigh.  Slowly Dave stepped forward and he looked at the city lights which were forty-eight stories beneath them.  

“It's frightening;”  he muttered as Julia pushed her palms on the glass to see.  “Have you ever felt like you were in an aquarium?”  he asked.

“It's exciting!”  urged Julia as she glared at the lights and knew she had given herself the best home ever.  “I find this view amazing;”  she declared.

“It looks like you are on an air-plane;”  told Dave before he took a drink of cider from the glass he carried.  “It makes my belly worm;”  he added before he stepped away.

“Oh don't be so hard on her!”  gasped Vickie before she turned Dave around and held him so that he would look down onto the city with her.  “We're just used to a ground house;”  she added.

“I think this view is great!”  told Julia as she smiled and then looked to Vickie who seemed the most sympathetic.

“It is nice;”  told Vickie as she swallowed hard -  inside of her mind the view of being up above the world was nerve-rattling and she felt lightness on her feet.  “I don't know if I could live in this kind of place full-time though;”  she added as she looked at the skyline.  “Such a nice view;”  she added before she shrugged.  “But I prefer ground floor;”  she declared.

Julia smiled at Vickie as she watched her as she battled against her nervousness.  Julia didn't know what was wrong with the view, it seemed that it had everything in the right place and she loved it.  Julia began to resign herself as being the total quirk, and she battled against her pride so that she was able to continue on with the evening as entertainer for her guests.  

“We have a television;”  told Julia in half-murmur.

“Great!”  gasped Dave before he turned around to take a seat.

Vickie smiled and then she looked at the skyline once again.  She too was going to watch television and forget about the view outside, however she wanted to take one last look before she did.  Vickie saw the light-blue on the skyline and she smiled -  it was mingled with a tinge of yellow and it looked wide and lovely.  A passing cloud hovered above it and it made Vickie think that the world was complete, however then she narrowed her eyes as she noticed that it was not just a cloud.

“What is that?”  asked Vickie as she pointed to the white dot.  “It is something?”  she added.

Julia turned her head to look at Paul as he took chips out from the cupboard, she then turned her head to peer at the city sky and she saw nothing but clean sky.  

“I can't see cloud;”  told Julia as she smiled.

“It vanished!”  gasped Vickie before she raced to her purse to take out her camera.  “It was a UFO!”  she declared before she raced back to the window.

“A what?”  asked Paul before he marched up to the window as curiosity got the better of him.

Paul and Dave stood with palms pressed against the glass as they waited for something to happen; it took a while but soon a which disc-shaped object appeared and began to chase towards the building.  The cluster of friends cheered and squealed as they pointed to the object.  Vickie filmed the item and then she giggled.

“Got it!”  she declared.

Julia gasped and then she narrowed her eyes.

“Sometimes UFO's show up before a disaster;”  she declared.

“Well there are no tornado here;” told Dave before he raced to another window on the other side of the building to see if he could get another glimpse of the UFO.  “No UFO either;”  he declared.

“Wait there is something heading towards us!”  shouted Paul before he banged his finger against the glass.  “There!”  he said.

Vickie narrowed her eyes.

“I see it!”  she cheered.

Dave narrowed his eyes.

“I see the UFO!”  he declared.

Julia and Vickie gasped as the new object came fast closer to the building.

“We see a plane!”  they said in sync.

Dave knocked on the window he stood in front of and began to leer as the UFO shone bright blinding light.

“It's like a diamond!”  he declared as he smiled.

Paul glared at the plane as it began to show off its light -  it came towards the building like a fire-ball as a horrible noise was faintly heard.

“That plane must be having trouble -  I can almost hear it;”  he declared.

“Sound-proof windows right Julia?”  asked Vickie.

“Yes indeed;”  told Julia as she glared at the plane.

The plane came towards the building and it lit on fire on the way -  the group at the window gasped and stood back as they realised that the plane was going to crash.  The plane came at the window as the walls began to shake -  it was like watching a horror movie, only it was happening outside the domain where they stood, that meant it was real life.

“It's going to hit!”  cried out Vickie.

“What is?”  asked Dave as he turned his head in time to see the plane.  “Holy!  Get away from the window!”  he cried out.

“It's smash proof!”  told Julia before bang!

The plane flung down at an angle and crashed!  A horrible shake was felt through the apartment.  Julia looked to Paul who clung onto the curtain, he narrowed his eyes as his heart pulsed.

“We had better get out of here;”  he muttered as he felt his nerves tingle.  “I felt a very strong shake that means something;”  he added.

“Are you sure we need to leave?”  asked Vickie as she glared over her shoulder.  “I mean this apartment is strong -  shouldn't it survive?”  she asked.

“Let's watch television and wait for the authorities to tell us to leave;”  told Dave before he moved to the television and flicked a channel.

“I think we should get out of the building;”  told Paul as he looked to Julia who glanced around her shoulder and saw smoke as it rose up from a floor underneath theirs.  

“I can't even tell that the plane has crashed;”  she said as she shrugged.  “Maybe we should have lunch?” she asked.

“We should get out of here for an hour or so!”  told Paul as he began to grow stressed.  “We'll eat at a restaurant;”  he added.

“What kind of restaurant?”  asked Vickie as she was alerted to attention.

“Anything;”  told Paul as he shrugged.  “I am seriously concerned about being in this building when there is so much smoke in the air;”  he declared before he pointed to the window.

“The fire brigade will put it out;”  told Dave as he continued to watch television.

“I agree;”  told Julia before she moved to the kitchen to make lunch.

Vickie looked to Paul and shrugged as he began to hold in his stress.  Paul was about to move himself into resignation when a large 'boom!' was heard.  The floors shook and the cluster threw off some nervous stares before a fireball blasted under the floor and split the floorboards apart until they stood on a broken angle displaced.

“We'd better go!”  gasped Vickie as she sucked in her breath.  “That was a strong cannon ball!”  she added before she stepped around the risen floorboards and moved towards the door.

Paul, Dave, and Julia followed, and they head towards the elevators as a fire siren blew its whistle.  Paul pressed the elevator button, however no elevator came.

“We'd better take the stairs;”  he muttered before he urged the cluster to move towards the staircase.

“Why is no-one running?”  asked Julia as she looked around.

“Either out or sleeping;”  told Vickie before she headed down the stairs.  “Come on, everyone else will exit later on!”  she cheered.

Julia nodded and began to move down the flight of stairs.  The walk was quick for the first five stories, however then smoke began to sting their eyes.  Paul looked to Julia and urged her on as she stopped to wipe her face.  

“Come on, we have to get down;”  he muttered.

“Okay;”  retorted Julia as she urged her feet to move.

Four flights of stairs they walked before the smoke began to make the group choke.

“It's like 911!!”  gasped Dave as he covered his nose with his shirt.  “The smell is too strong!  We'd better just head back to the room!”  he declared.

“I agree!”  told Vickie as she began to grimace.  “We'll be okay there, the after-shock only tilted the floorboards;”  she said.

“I don't think the plane severed the emergency staircase;”  told Paul.  “Let's rush down;”  he muttered.

“I can't go any further;”  told Julia as she began to shrink away from building escape.  “Let's just go back to the room;”

“The plane could yet explode;”  told Paul.  “Let's hurry!”  he declared.

“Okay we'll hurry, but if it gets worse we'll head back up;”  told Dave.

“Okay;”  sighed Vickie.  “Let's run!”  she gasped.

The cluster tried to race down the emergency staircase however it was hard -  smoke filled the atmosphere and made it hard to breathe.  Paul urged the group on as they moved down the staircase, however soon they reached a staircase with the nose of the plane rested amongst a rubble of brick and plaster which blocked the emergency escape.

Julia rolled her eyes and looked to Vickie who had her jumper wrapped around her head. 

“I can't run, I can't breathe!”  gasped Julia as she leaned on the rail.

“Don't be ridiculous!”  told Paul before he moved to the nose of the plane and tried to get around it.

Paul couldn't fit through the gap and he backed away.  He resigned his plan for escape and he turned to the group who had already begun to trek back up the staircase.  Paul followed and as he did he thought he could hear a strange whistle sound as it vibrated from the plane -  it were as though the aircraft had a hole punctured through it and its kettle had begun to boil.  Paul looked over his shoulder and he saw smoke as it continued to fog the atmosphere.  Paul hurried to catch up with the group as they raced back up the stairs, he felt his heart-beat hammer and he grew ever more nervous over the sound he had heard.

“Guys I think the plane is going to blow!”  he gasped as he urged his feet to run.

More smoke fogged the atmosphere, and soon he could no longer see anything but a few stairs before him.  Paul raced as he heard the shouts of his friends up ahead -  they urged each other to hurry, and so Paul hurried even though all he could see was smoke.  

Paul rushed more and more as his mind replayed the sound of the whistle; he knew the plane had a hole, but he wasn't sure what to do other then run.  Paul ran as fast as his feet could carry as he surfed through the smog blind.  He surfed up a staircase made from the smoke of Hell as fire sirens blared.  Paul's feet ached and his calves ached more as he continued to run; he ran at full speed with all of his might, however a blast knocked him and he ran as a fireball shot out from behind!

Fire engulfed Pauls's shoulders as screams were heard; the ground shook and for a moment Paul fell as the staircase turned into rubble under his fingers, knees, and toes.  Paul grabbed the rung nearby and held on before an after blast blew the whole side of the building apart.  

A steep fall could be seen as Paul trembled as he held onto the rung with all of his might.   He tried to step up but the stair before him crumbled and fell.  Paul shivered as he clutched onto the run and stood on the plank of brick that had cracked and not crumbled.  Paul looked up and saw Julia as she found a door and threw it open -  another blast of fire hit and she was thrown off her brick platform and fell to the street far below.  Paul shivered as he held onto the rung -  he knew he could be next, but he tried to tell himself he would survive as ice-cold wind whipped in his face.

“This is the end!”  he cried to the wind as it chilled him to the bone.  “The end of all time!”  he gasped as he continued to clutch at the rung before another blast shook the building and caused all to fall like a bag of dirt to the cement far below.


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