Saturday 10 August 2013


[Beginning opens with the close up of a girl [Persephone] stitching on a cross-stitch.  She's young, but she grows older as the credits roll on.  A youthful house becomes aged, but all the while by the doorway the Father smokes a cigar while watching Persephone stitch.  Her clothes are modified by size in the aging process, but their design is roughly the same except when she grows older she gets a choker of fancy beading. 

Time continues on, until the present where she is a young woman edging over her prime, still doing the same thing -  sewing.  She gets a zoom in angle circling around until her patience finally breaks.  She throws the cross-stitch onto the floor in anger and frustration.] 

[Father who is smoking by them is surprised.]

F: Something wrong?

P:    [Glares angrily.]  

F: Need an extra thread?

P: No I don't need an extra thread!

F: Then pick up your work and continue on.

P: [Fumes.]  What if I don't want to?

F: Pardon me?

P: What if I don't want to?  What if I'm sick of threading needles just so I can do the same stitch in a different colour? What if I'm sick of stitching altogether?  

F: [Smiles, takes a drag on his cigar, plays with the smoke, and then releases the rest of it.]  What else would you do with your time?

P: Perhaps?  perhaps I might want to make use of that piano downstairs!  Perhaps I might want to read, or take a stroll in the gardens!  Perhaps I might want to tend to a bed of flowers!

F: And get your nice dress dirty?  [Purses his lips, and shakes his head.]  No that is not fashionable at all.

P: Nothing I do is fashionable!  Not even these clothes are fashionable!

F: What are you trying to say?

P: I'm saying that I've been doing the same thing since I was born! [Crosses her arms.]   I'm through with it all!

F: [Laughs.]  

P: What are you laughing at?

F: You can't always choose what kind of life you want.  You just learn what you have to do, and do it.  [Eyes her as he takes another drag on his cigar.]

P: [Eyes him back, and then slyly softens.]  Teach me the piano?Father?

F: [Walks over to the cross-stitch, picks up the unfinished work, and places it on her lap.]  Do what you do best.  You are past the time when you are capable of learning new trades.

P: [Fumes.]  I was past the time when I was born!

F: [Laughs, and leaves  the room.]  

P: [Looks at the cross-stitch, and throws it away.]

[A dance is held within the grounds.  Persephone watches from the railings above the stairwell.  All sorts of people in stylish dresses, and suites, parade around.  They talk, mingle, and eat.   They appear to have a good time.  

Persephone grows jealous. [Especially after she spots Father having fun.]  She turns, and marches to her bedroom.  There she sits and stares out the stained glass window.  She looks at the cars out on the front lawn.]

P: [Grumbles.]  They all know what it is to be in the real world.  I bet they don't do any cross-stitching!  [Sulks.]  I'll bet they have grand lives!  I'll bet they live on golden waves as they have fun day in day out?  [Looks around, and listens to the quiet.]  Unlike me...  [A draft blows in, the chandelier hanging above slightly rocks.  Persephone looks up, and grows a sudden fear that it may fall down.  She looks very closely, and sees a crack showing on the ceiling by the fastening hook.  Persephone shudders as she has a premonition of it falling down.]  This old house is getting more worn by the day?

[The next morning Persephone greet her Father as she sits for breakfast.]

P: Morning.

F: Good morning.

P: [Pours some milk on some oats.]  I watched the party from the railings last night.

F: Oh? 

P: I saw you with the other people -  it seemed like you were having fun.

F: It was business Persephone. 

P: Business?  [Frowns.]  Is that why I can't ever come down?  Because it's this business?  Or is it because you don't want them to see me?

F: Business Persephone. 

P: [Looks at her porridge.]  I might like to take on some business myself.

F: [Laughs.]  

P: [Scowls.]  I might!  I need to do something one day Father.

F: You won't ever need to do a thing.

P: [Scowls.]  You're fooling only yourself!  [Slams her napkin on the table, and angrily storms back to her room.]

F: [Looks at the door she exited.  He becomes disinterested in breakfast,  stalks up the stairs, and then disappears into a joint room where he can spy through the holes of a painting.]

[Persephone cries in her room in frustration.]

P: How can he not see?  He's not going to live forever, and then the worst will be there to have me fear it!  [Weeps some more, puts her hands up to her face, and takes them down when they are filled with a puddle of blood that has dripped out of the nose on her face.]  I hold nothing!  [Cries some more.]  Nothing?  nothing?.  [Starts rocking.]  Nothing?  nothing? [Wipes a handkerchief over her face.]  Nothing?. 

F: [Sighs and walks away.]

[At lunch Father knocks on the door to Persephone's room.   Persephone is sound asleep on her princess bed.  

Father opens the door, quietly walks over to her, and gazes on her face and form for a while.  He leans over her, and smells her quaint perfume.  He runs a couple of fingers over her curly, glossy, hair, and plays with it while he glances over her face.  He slides a couple of fingers against her cheek, and then trembles as his lips hover just above her own; [His heart beating in dangerous rushes, is excessively audible to him, and fills his ears.]   He locks his jaw, and pulls himself back as he continues to stare. ]

F: [Clears his throat.]  Persephone. 

P: [Stays unmoving.]

F: Wake child and have lunch!

P: [Stays unmoving.]

F: [Grinds his jaw, and removes himself from the room.] 

[Outside the room Father gazes at his hands which are trembling some, and acknowledges a slight sweat on his brow.  [These are the symptoms his father had shown before he dropped dead, and Father is most certainly concerned.]  
He walks down the stairs shakily, and goes to have some tea, a drink, and a cigar.]

[Persephone wakes in the afternoon where the light begins to be cast over by shadow.  She wakes in alarm as a bird bangs into the window.  She looks over at the window and sees another bird biting at the webs in the corners of the window frame.]

P: What are you doing you stupid little sparrow?  [Frowns, and places a hand on her head.]  How long have I been asleep?  [Notices the shadow in the room, and sighs.]  I won't be able to hide from the dark to sweep into silent dreams tonight!  [Mumbles.]  I hate this place when it's dark!  [Silence.] 

[Persephone hears the creaking of the chandelier above -  she eyes it.  It gives off another creak, and she becomes deterred.]

P: I'm going to tell Father about you!  [She gets up, and hurries out of the room.]

[Persephone runs down the staircase, and wanders about the house.  It takes a little while for her to find Father as he is walking around in the normally vacant party room, admiring some of the old artwork that decorates the walls.]

P: There you are!

F: [Turns to take a glance at Persephone.]  Oh, so your eyes decided to wake at last!

P: [Ignores him.]  I must speak to you about the chandelier in my room!

F: [Studies a painting.]  What of the chandelier in your room?

P: It's old!  The ceiling above it is old!  I fear it will fall some day soon!  

F: [Chuckles.]  Oh, you believe that?

P: With all my knowing heart!

F: [Insulted.]  Your heart obviously doesn't hold much of a mind -  the ceiling is fine.

P: It holds cracks!

F: All ceilings do eventually...

P: It sways, and creaks!

F: As things do when a draft sweeps a room...

P: [Angry.]  You're not taking me seriously!  What if I am doing my sewing one day, and it falls on me?

F: [Chuckles, turns, and takes one of her hands.]  I would never have anything in this house harm you!  Now go and have something to eat -  there are cold scones on the table.

P: My death be your bemuse!  [Runs out of the room.]

F: [Chuckles, and then continues to study the painting.]

[Persephone eats the scones at the table with viciousness.  She stuffs their forms with syrup, and overfills each one with cream.  

Father strolls into the room, sees she has eaten quite a few, and shrugs.] 

F: [Kisses her on her head.]  Not too much cream -  it's unhealthy for you.

P: [Scowls, and then bites into her creamed scone -  making sure she sucks up some extra cream after the bite.  She then moves to fill another with cream.]

F: [Grabs her wrist in anger.]  I said no cream Persephone!

P: This will be my last one with cream...

F: [Scowls, and lets go of her hand.]

P: I have not eaten all day mind you; my stomach is eating it up already.

F: You know cream makes you sick -  I don't want you to touch it.

P: It only makes my stomach a little sore; but so does your raw meat, and I still have to eat that!

F: I will not argue!  You take note and listen!  I don't want to see a spoon of cream touch your tongue again.

P: [Resigns.]  Yes, Father.  [Thinks of an idea.]  Perhaps you might want to take me out for a stroll this afternoon?

F: You know I don't like you to go outdoors Persephone.

P: But the beams are low now, and the weather is not too crisp...

F: No walk!  

P: [Turns sour.]  Fine!  I shall just sit here, and eat these scones!  

F: [Clasps her hand which has picked up a scone.]  Leave it.  Dinner is going to commence soon -  go take a bath, and get re-dressed.  

P: [Rolls her eyes.]  My dress is fine!  I haven't used it!

F: Do what I say Persephone.  

[Persephone ambles upstairs to her bedroom.  There, she chooses a new dress.     She then goes to the other room which has a large bath in it, and fills it with hot water.  She then undresses, and slowly lowers herself inside the marble bath [Which has brass taps].  Silence lingers
 on the atmosphere as she starts to relax amongst the oiled water.  Her hair floats on either side, as she leans her head back, and feels the warm water lick at her body.

There is a white gauze around the bath -  a draft picks up, and rustles the light gauze in its breath.  From the door-frame Father has opened the door, and silently watches.  He inspect her -  hair wet on the shoulders, face red from the steam, neckline visible to the top bust.  He stares as the gauze flaps about dreamily -  then he calmly closes the door, and walks off.

Persephone open her eyes in a snap, and looks to the door-frame as she thinks she hears a click.  When she sees there is nothing different, she closes her eyes, and continues to bathe.]

[The dinner-table is set with two plates of dinner.  Father looks at the plates, and nods his approval.  He then hears a knock on the front door.

A female has unexpectedly called -  it is a business woman named Andretta, who had been impressed by Father the night before at the party.] 

F: [Opens the great door as the sound of the doors-bell chimes.]  Andretta, what a surprise!

A: Good afternoon!  I hope I am not overstepping boundaries by seeing you tonight?

F: Not at all!  Would you like to come in?  Warm yourself with some tea?

A: [Smiles.]  I would love that, thank-you!

[Andretta is shown to the table.  As soon as she sees two meals set she swoons in on the opportunity of having a meal with Father.]

A: What a lovely looking meal!  I'm famished from the drive over here!

F: Famished?  [Briefly looks to the doorway as he thinks of Persephone, and then rubs her off his mind.]  Then, you should try some food.

A: Oh!  That would be lovely!

[They eat together, and have a good time.  Meanwhile, Persephone dresses, and waits in her room all dolled up for dinner.  She waits, she waits, and she waits?

Finally, after having been spooked by the creak of the chandelier, she bothers to go and find out what is taking so long for dinner to be pronounced.

Persephone starts down the staircase -  at the same time Father enters the foyer with Andretta linked upon his arm.  Persephone scowls.]

A: That dinner was delicious!

F: It's an old family recipe...

A: I've never tasted anything so good!  [Laughs, and then becomes distracted by the figure on the staircase.]  Who is that there?

F: [Glances at Persephone.]  She's is a niece, staying with me for a short period.  [Clears his throat.]  Shall we go out for a walk in the garden?

A: Oh!  That would be wonderful!  

[They walk towards the door.]

[Persephone crosses her arms, and scowls.  She walks down to the bottom of the step -  sits, and waits.  She waits, and waits.  

Finally, after a long period of time has passed, Father comes through the front door.  

Persephone jumps up, her eyes filled with jealous anger.]

F: Persephone...

P: Who was that?

F: Just an acquaintance.

P: An acquaintance?

F: Yes.

P: And what did you do in the garden?

F: Talked, strolled?.

P: To become relieved of the food you had consumed?

F: Partly.

P: What of my meal?

F: You shall dine on scones tonight.

P: Scones?  For dinner?

F: Yes, you'd like that wouldn't you?

P: You've never left me to dine on scones before!

F: I've never had a guest this late before.

P: [Scowls, and follows Father who walks into the next room.]  Why did she come here?

F: To talk.

P: Why did you let her eat my food?

F: [Turns to Persephone with a smile.]  She was hungry.

P: I bathed and dressed for you father -  yet you're going to tell me I'll have to sit in there, and eat scones alone?  

F: [Thinks.]  That would be rude!  [Claps his hands.]  I shall fix myself a drink, and sit with you if you like...

P: Don't bother!  I'm not hungry anyway!  [Storms to go up the stairs -  however halfway there she spies the entrance door, and decides to dash outside.]

[As Persephone opens the heavy door, she hears Father call her name behind her.  She wrenches the door open, and then rushes outside into the yard.  Before her, [To the left of her], the burst of a sunset meets her eyes.  She blinks excessively as her eyes are filled with wonder and delight.  Suddenly Persephone is grabbed from behind, and is taken back inside.  

She stumbles on the floor as the hands who had grasped her lets go.  Persephone spins around to see Father lock the front door with a key.  He then bars it with a length of wood that is thick and heavy.]

P: What is your matter with me going outside for once?

F: It is not for you...

P: Why not?!

F: Your throat is vulnerable -  you may catch a chill.  I don't want you sick -  I shall have to look after you...

P: Oh, that would be bothersome!  [Silence.]  It's just one lie after another!  [Pauses and thinks.]  Why did you call me your niece?  Am I that much of a shame?

F: I don't want to explain you to the world...

P: Why not?  What's wrong with me?

F: [Rolls his eyes.]  Were you going to bed?  Or do you want to dine?

P: [Scowls.]  I shall? dine. 

[Father smiles, takes Persephone's arm, and leads her to the dinner table where she has a dinner of scones.  

Persephone glares at Father as she nibbles.  He stares back.  Finally she throws the scone down onto the plate.]

P: You can't keep me locked in here -   I'm a grown person!  You can't keep shielding me from the world, just because you don't want me in it!  I have to be free from you sometime!  If something should happen to you, my world would crash with it!  Can't you see?  You're taking away my right to be a pillar apart from us.  You're keeping me utterly dependant on you!

F: As it should be.

P: [Shakes her head.]  No. you're wrong!  That's not how the world is?

F: [Angry.]  It's exactly how it is!  The world is what I have brought you up on -  without it there is nothing Persephone. 

P: But if something should happen to you?

F: Don't worry, I will live past you -  that is how it is...  

P: How can you be so sure?  I'm a bud in the world, and you're a? a...  a weathered root!  I'm young -  you're?

F: [Scowls and steams darkly.]  Don't!  [Lowers his tone.]  Don't?don't dare say a word...

P: [Talks with impudent hatred.]  You're OLD!

F: [Storms up to Persephone, and slaps her on the face.]  You cannot exist without me Persephone!  

P: [Gasps.]

[All is quiet.  The mood is tense as Father sits back down, and sips at his drink.

Finally Persephone can stand it no more -  she rushes to the front door, and tries again to run outside.  She is grabbed, taken up the stairs, and thrown into her room.  

Persephone turns to charge out the bedroom door -  but a gun meets her brow, and she freezes as she meets the dark stare of Father.]

F: [As he holds a gun to Persephone's head, his breaths come out in half-panicked, steamy-chested, breaths.]  Don't move -  not ever. 

P: [Steps back a little, and steams inside of herself as she feels the sting on her face.]  What did you have me for?  This isn't a life!  It isn't anything more then a prison!  [Grows angry as Father takes down the gun, and turns to walk away.]  Father!

[Father pauses his steps, as something in his heart nearly cracks.]

F: [Slowly turns to face Persephone, with eyes gleaming in the dark as wet tears line them.]  You are simply here for my amusement -  nothing more.

[Persephone becomes struck by the remark, and stumbles to sit in a chair nearby as a couple of tears roll down her sore face.]

[Father backs away, and closes the door.  He then locks the door with a key as he feels some tightness inside of his chest.  He pats the breast pocket in which he places the key, and then feels a bit anxious about his breaths as they strain on. He realises he had just harmed Persephone, and guilt weighs within him like a stone.  He sniffs -  then takes out a cigar, lights it, and walks off.]

[In the morning Persephone wakes pissed off, angry, and still hurt beyond previous compare.  She sits in her bed, and studies the outside from her window.  Rain lightly pelts down in pips, and spits, as the cold wind gales.]

P: What is the world outside these walls?  [Scowls.]  Why do I have to be apart from it?  [Gets angry.]  I should be able to take a stroll if I desire!  I should be able to own a vehicle if I please!  I should be able to do what I like!  [Her mind fumes, and she decides that after breakfast she shall try to get outside, past the boundaries of the gate-less estate, and out into the world in order to glimpse at it for a day.]

[Persephone eats breakfast.  She then goes to her room, and pretends to take interest in her cross-stitching.  After a some time has passed, she sneaks out of her room, and then tip-toes down the stairs.  She looks around and sees that Father isn't in sight.  She takes off the wooden bar with some difficulty, and makes a little bit of clatter while doing so.  She then goes to open the door -  but finds that it is locked.]

P: The key!  [She sours most excessively.]  Only father has the key -  it is always neatly tucked inside of his breast pocket.  [She thinks of how she can get it off him.  She gasps.]  But he does take a nap at midday!  [She brightens.]  I shall take it from him while he is asleep!

[Persephone waits until noon.  She then goes to see where Father is.  She finds him in the study sitting by a table that has an empty bottle of drink, and an empty tumbler resting on its face.  Persephone eyes him close and sees that he is in fact asleep.  She sneaks up to him, and carefully takes the key.  Father stirs as a slight jingle sounds as the keys knock together -  the sound makes Persephone anxious; but she sighs when he fails to wake.  

Persephone goes to the front door, unbars it, unlocks it, and then opens it.  She races outside.]

[Outside it is cold and wet -  but Persephone doesn't notice for a light shines within her breast, and keeps her warm as her enthral casts a spell over her senses.   

 runs across the grass, and into the woods.  She runs, and runs until her chest is sore -  she then slows, and strolls.  

In her strolling she comes across a couple of wild dogs.  They sniff the air, and she grimaces when they growl.  She runs with all of her might as they tail her footsteps -  she trips on a severed tree trunk, and then falls into a muddy ditch.
Persephone picks herself up -  the dogs loose interest at sight of the ditch, but bark a little more as their last attack.  Persephone runs away, and stumbles onto a road.  A truck comes speeding along at that precise moment  -  she gapes as the bright blonde lights spotlight her, and the wild wind sweeps her wet hair about.  

She gasps, jumps over the side railing, and rolls down a short way along a slick hillside face.  

It's pouring by the time Persephone returns to the mansion where Father awaits at the entrance with a cigar in his hand. [He is calm, but holds more concern then what he is showing.]  He takes a drag on his cigar as he watches Persephone come in with her dress torn, muddy, and wet.  He sees that her arms and face are also grazed, muddy, and wet.]

F: [Calmly.]   Have a nice walk?

P: [On the verge of tears.]  It was delightful.  [She makes up her mind to not run away again as she passes Father.]

F: [Grabs her arm, and then whispers in her ear more sourly then the previous day.]  You should not have run away!

P: I just wanted to see?

F: No!  No.  Don't talk.  I was overcome with worry Persephone!  So many feelings overrode me I didn't know what to think!

P: What are you now?

F: Fumigated.  [Looks at her dress.]  Look -  you've wasted a fine article of clothing!

[Father turns dark and takes her upstairs to the bathe.  He practically rips off the clothing.]

P:    [Gasps.]  

F: Happy now?  [He completes the final rip, and throws the portions of shredded dress onto the floor.]  Your dress is nothing but dirty rag now!

P: [Stands in shock, as embarrassment blooms over having her body unveiled to the eyes of Father.]

F: [Looks at her unclean and cut skin, and runs a finger along a bloodied cut that trickled blood onto her arm.]  Was it worth it?  Was it worth the price?  [Turns Persephone around so she faces his upset anger.]  Don't you dare do that to me again!  

P: [Cringing from the pain at having cuts, and sores, squeezed; and blushes over the fact that she is naked.]

F: [Lets her go with a push, and then turns the tap on in order to fill the bath.  He pours in a dab of oil inside of the water, and then angrily strides past Persephone.]  Clean yourself.  

[Father removes himself from the room as Persephone dabs at her skin so severely bruised.  She sulks at the disappointment the unveiled world has been.  

Father soon returns dragging in a chair, and waits for Persephone to finish her bath.  He is aware that she is displeased at his presence, and at the fact that he is smoking as she bathes.   She submerges herself inside the tub more so then usual, so that hardly a portion of her can be seen.  

Time passes, the veil wafts slowly as the draft picks up its lacey form, briefly unmasking the face of his water-tombed daughter.  Father stares on displeased, and then finally cuts his cigar short].

F: I shall go and fetch you your dress.

[After being escorted to her room, Persephone goes to brush her hair by candlelight.  The door has been locked by Father who had escorted her there.  She is upset, and tears almost leak from her eyes.  The candle is accidentally knocked in her distress, and quickly lights the rug on the floor.  Fire spreads fast as though the room has been covered in alcohol.  Persephone gasps, and runs to the locked door.

P:  Father!  [She bangs her fists on the door.]  Father!

The fire grows hot.  Persephone gasps, and then goes to beat out the flames with bed-linen.  

Father is in the study trying to read.  He suddenly smells the scent of smoke, and sees that it isn't coming from the fireplace beside him.  He follows his nose -    when he sees smoke coming from above the stairwell, he runs up the steps with his chest heaving, and his almost heart-attacking heart straining  inside of his chest.   

Father quickly opens the door to Persephone's room.  He spies her battling away against the flames, and semi succeeding as she chokes on dark smoke.  She turns around, and runs towards Father as he steps inside gaping at the havoc.]

P: Hurry!  We have to go!

F: Persephone?  how did this happen?

P: I'll tell you when we get outside!  We have to leave now!  [She pulls on his hand.]

F: Wait...   [He grabs her body, and holds her as he feels and hears his heart tripping like something wild inside his body.  He is sure at any moment he is going to have a stroke.]  

P: [Struggles.]  What are you doing?   Let go!  We have to go!

F: [Mumbles over the excessively loud heartbeats.]  Let all crumble with the mighty throne, as the world is taken down to ashes?

P: [Struggling.]  We have to go!  Now!  Right now!

F: [Clasps her face, and forces her to look at him.]  No, no; no we don't have to run.  It's dying...

P: [Turns around, gasping as she inspects the flames.]

F: [He puts hand over her face, and covers her nose with a pinch, as he closes her jaw shut in its clasp.]

[Persephone struggles, but soon she is dead from suffocation.]

[Father lets her body drop into his arms as he kneels onto the floor with her.  He lifts his gaze, and watches as the flames eat everything around them.  They climb high onto the walls, and catch fire around the candelabra above.]

F: [Looks to Persephone's face.]  The world ends with you and me Persephone.  [Father smiles, as he runs a thumb along her lower lip.  He leans down and kisses her chin, and then her mouth just the once.  The candelabra above starts to snag as the flames eat its rope.  Father gazes at Persephone's vacant eyes, as a free hand slides over her right arm.  He thinks he sees a twitch on her face, and a sparkle in her eye.]  Persephone?  [He hears a voice that is airy, ghostly, and light.]  

P: Father?  [It echoes inside the room.]

[The candelabra jingles -  Father looks up as its last snag breaks, and it comes crashing down.

Flames eat out the whole entire house until it becomes a black skeleton amongst a lot of smoke on the country estate.]  

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