Saturday 10 August 2013

Tutankhamun Returns

Tutankhamun The Boy King Returns
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Tutankhamun woke from his deep dark sleep. The Underworld had been his home for many years, however he had not met his father Ra. So Tutankhamun had returned to the living, and now he was awake. He rubbed his head as he tried remember his past life - however with a tomb around all he could see was his death.

“I need to get out of this tomb!” he declared.

So Tutankhamun rose. His body was stiff and hard - the resin that had sealed the rags on his body had turned into concrete. Tutankhamun touched his face as he took off the mask which had kept his body sealed. He felt rag on his face, and when he tried to strip it away he found it impossible. He was encased in the rags forever. Tutankhamun growled and he put his mask back on.

“Best to wear it then show my face with rags;” he muttered to himself. “This way I can still be king!” he declared.

Tutankhamun walked out of his tomb and met a sea of bare sand. He looked left and he looked right.

“Where is my kingdom?” he asked, however he heard only wind in response.
Tutankhamun sucked in his breath and he walked forward. He often found civilisation when he walked forward, and his theory did not let him down! After half a day he found the old kingdom amongst the dunes and pyramids. He saw what he had demolished during is reign, and its existence made him a little angered.

“Why did they destroy my kingdom and keep the old one?” he asked before he walked forward.

Tutankhamun strode to the village and there he met many stares. Whispers huddled around him, and then one brave fellow stepped forward.

“Who are you?” the stranger asked.

“I am Tutankhamun risen from the dead;” declared Tutankhamun. “I wish to see your king;” he said.

“You are a dead king? You are the great? Then you shall be led to the king and he shall advise you what to do;” told the stranger before he helped Tutankhamun find his way to the kingdom.

In the palace Tutankhamun saw the great king Horenheb. He glared with narrowed eyes despite the fact that he had adorned the Greek militant with his position of king. Horenheb glared at Tutankhamun and he shivered behind his eyes.

“Could it be?” he asked.

Tutankhamun bowed his head.
“It is I!” he declared. “I am alive once again;” he added.

“Then you must be shown a guest room and be cleansed;” told Horenheb before he clapped his hands for servants to attend Tutankhamun.

“I thank you;” told Tutankhamun before he was shown to a guest room.

“And I thank you kind fellow;” told Horenheb to the peasant man who stood as one who had a beam of pride on his chest. “Take some gold and leave;” he told before he threw the man a small bag of gold coins.

Inside of his room Tutankhamun shivered as the servants tried to free him from the rags. They broke their nails over the task, and after much discussion they chose to use a hammer and nail. However Horenheb broke their experimentation as he walked into the room.

“Leave him be;” he said.

“Most certainly!” gasped the servants before they left.

Horenheb glared at Tutankhamun; he narrowed his eyes, and then he sat on a chair.

“I can't believe you made it back to the land of the living;” he declared.

“I can't believe it also!” gasped Tutankhamun. “I am happy to have made it in one piece!” he said. “However there is much I cannot recall - like the way I died;” he added.

“You fell off a horse;” told Horenheb.

“I broke my leg!” gasped Tutankhamun.

“Yes you broke it twice;” told Horenheb. “You had been attacked on your way home, and then you broke it again in the palace tomb;” he added.

“The resin made my leg good again;” told Tutankamun. “Can you believe it? I only feel a little pain;” he added.

“That is good;” told Horenheb as he nodded. “I see the servants failed to undress you;” he added.

“Yes they could not take the rags off;” told Tutankhamun. “They tried fingernails, scissors, hot water, and were going to try a nail;” he added.

“Best to just see if the sun can melt the resin;” told Horenheb as he glared at Tutankhamun as one lost.

Silence hung on the air. Horenheb had many questions, however he was unsure what to say as he glared at Tutankhamun who looked much like a king even in his rags. Horenheb didn't want to offer Tutankhamun his throne, however something inside of him told him to. Horenheb bit on his tongue.
“You look like you wish to ask me something;” told Tutankhamun as he glared.

“I should ask you if you would like to sit on the throne again;” told Horenheb.

“Why I should like that, but aren't you king?” asked Tutankhamun as he gasped his surprise.

“Yes I am;” told Horenheb. “A good one too;” he added. “But with you alive, I can't see why you shouldn't be able to reign;” he added as he glared at Tutankhamun. “I am getting old anyway;” he added. “I am older then you, remember that;” he said. “Perhaps you should take to the throne now that you are well;” he declared.

“I would like that!” gasped Tutankhamun. “Tell me more about it - who are our enemies?” he added.

“Everyone;” told Horenheb quietly. “You can't see we are hated, but we are;” he added.

“I see;” told Tutankhamun.

“I was going to marry a young woman named Akenumen;” he added. “She has some royal blood, but much of it is foreign;” he added. “If you marry and take the role as king you shall have a desired life;” he declared. “Albeit a short one;” he added.

“I shall be very happy to take a royal bride!” gasped Tutankhamun. 
“That is good;” told Horenheb. “She is more peasant then I expected;” he added before he rolled his eyes.

Tutankhamun almost lost his smile - however Horenheb shouted and soon Tutankhamun was being inspected by the royal advisors. After being declared a god he was declared acceptable for the throne. There was much praise, but after Horenheb shook hands for the last time he left.

“Where is he going?” asked Tutankhamun.

“He is going to travel;” told one of the advisors. “He wishes to grow away from the city - the people knocked him to the ground and tried to cut off his leg;” he added.

“Very good;” told Tutankhamun as he gulped down his nervousness.

The people of Egypt may have changed since he was alive. He didn't know who they were, and he was not sure they would want to call him their king.

Tutankhamun was married to Akenumen. He was able to supervise actions and make decisions; but when he talked about building a new city the idea was thrown back in his face. The advisors objected to any new constructions and instead they informed Tutankhamun that they were military leaders, and they aimed to make war. Tutankhamun could only feel nervous as they made plans to take down foreign countries. He wished not to go ahead with the plans, however he assented to everything. Soon they had a war draft in place and it was declared that war was going to break out.
Tutankhamun looked to Akenumen who sneered at him as he stood as a wrapped up mummy in front of her.

“This is my bare skin;” he muttered.

“You stink like a tomb;” told Akenumen. “It is the resin that smells;” she added.

“I am sorry;” told Tutankhamun.

“That is okay;” told Akenamen. “But I cannot have a child unless I am able to undress you;” she added.

Tutankhamun sighed. He had remembered the moment when he had his phallus taken from him, and he knew he had nothing under his wrappings. He needed a miracle.

“I will return;” he muttered before he left to see a priest.

Inside the temple the priest told Tutankhamun to lay down after he had been informed of Tutankhamun's issue. The priest then took out a snake from a box and told it to lay as firm as a stick. The snake laid still, and then the priest created a hole in Tutankhamun's bandages by using special tools and he slipped the snake inside.

“Whisper the snake to stand, and your wife shall be blessed;” told the priest.

“I have a snake hidden in my wrappings;” declared Tutankhamun.

“It will come out when you whisper it to stand;” told the priest.

“Okay;” told Tutankhamun before he shrugged and walked back inside of the palace.

Inside of his room Akenamen was told to lay still. After several moments of whispering Tutankhamun finally shouted to the snake to stand.

“Stand!” he declared.

Akenamen almost rose from her bed, however then she saw Tutankhamun's phallus and she gasped!

“What a king you have there!” she declared.

“It is to impregnate you;” told Tutankhamun. “The priest...” he began.

However Akenamen told him to inject her right away. So Tutankhamun moved to the bed and he laid with her. The snake penetrated Akenamen and soon it had slipped inside of her warm hole. Akenamen gasped as she felt Isis inside of her.

“Tutankhamun what have you done?” she whispered as she felt little pinches that were like bites on the inside of her womb. “Why did your phallus swim inside of me?” she asked. 

“It was the priest;” declared Tutankhamun as he shivered.

He could not feel head or tail as he fingered Akenamen's entrance hole, and he swore against the use of magic as Akenamen winced and laboured through her breaths.

“Is it working?” he asked.

“I don't know;” muttered Akenamen. “Ask me tomorrow;” she muttered before she closed her eyes to sleep.

However by the next morning Akenamen was dead. Tutankhamun woke an saw her eyes stared at the ceiling. He gasped and called for a doctor who cut her womb open and found a snake which had hatched babies.

“This is truly a gift from Isis - only these snakes are poisonous to humans;” told the doctor before he took out each snake and placed them in a basket. “I shall hand these to the temple priests who shall look after them;” he declared. “Your wife cannot have a child;” he then added. “I shall put her in the tomb Horenheb had made;” he sung as though it were a celebration.

“That is good;” told Tutankhamun as he hung his head.

He wanted to feel shame, however the doctor had been so joyous he could only feel content. He was happy - however he had not met the people of the village.
As soon as Tutankhamun stepped outside to tell the people his wife had died, they charged! They ran forth with wood and nails in their hands, and they began to batter down the kingdom to destroy it. To them Akenamen's death was a sign, and they destroyed the kingdom and Tutankhamun as they ripped him limb from limb. The bandages were finally able to come off as the villagers began to hack at his body in order to destroy his life. Tutankhamun tried to call for peace, but it was no use - the villagers had decided to destroy everything, and it was only the wash women who were able to recover his body and take it to a tomb.

Inside of his tomb Tutankhamun was given burial rights that were haggard and rushed. He was left amongst a collection of assorted ornaments and then he was sealed inside.

“This tomb had been fTia. She had died mad;” is all the women said before they left.

Tutankhamun however could not hear the women - he was back in the underworld on his throne, and he waited for his father Ra to come to tell him he was his son.

Tutankhamun waited as the villagers destroyed the kingdom; he waited as the sands covered the land; he waited as he was forgotten, and he was not seen again.

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