Saturday 10 August 2013

Fight And Heartbreak

Fight And Heartbreak
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Queen Guinevere struggled with the men who had taken hold of her as she had strolled through the palace garden. She tried to fight away from their evil clutches, however they were far too strong and they dragged her to the edge of the river where they urged her onto a foreign water vessel. Queen Guinevere had never seen anything so unsteady and she cringed as water seeped into the vessel as one of the evil men jumped in.

“I am not going for a ride on that vessel!” she declared.

However the soldier who had his hands on her pushed her into the boat and she toppled so severely that she almost fell head-first into the moat where there were dangerous fish who ate flesh.

“Careful!” gasped the soldier in the boat before he pulled her back away from the water.

Guinevere trembled as she sat on a rickety pew - she didn't know who the soldiers served by they had not been ordered by King Arthur that was for sure. Guinevere shrugged as she sulked in her heart - she couldn't believe with all the palace guards dotted around the castle that she could have been kidnapped; however she had been kidnapped and she felt poor.

“Why couldn't Arthur rescue me?” she asked before she began to cry.
On the other side of the moat Guinevere was urged into a carriage and as swift as a demon hare she was taken to a mysterious palace which held a cave that had been chiselled out of hard stone. Guinevere shivered - it looked like a dragons cave, and for the first time she envisioned herself tied to a pole as a dragon scolded her with its breath!

The soldiers guided Guinevere inside of the cave, and there around a circle of fire Guinevere met two of Arthur's enemies Melegant and Mordred who cheered at her arrival.

“Is that the Queen Arthur!” gasped Mordred as he glared in the most evil of manners. “Risen from her bed!” he laughed.

Guinevere shivered as the soldiers around her shoulders laughed.

“Never mind we shall make you a new bed;” muttered Mordred as he looked at her in a manner that made Guinevere want to cry out loud.

“Stop the boisterous tease;” told Melegant as he glared at Guinevere as one who glared at a sword. “We all know why you are here, to be tortured;” he muttered before he began to laugh behind his wicked eyes. “I think fifty years in a spiked cage shall do you well;” he declared before the men around Guinevere began to push her towards a platform of rock which rose high and met a steel cage at its peak.

“Have a good nest pretty bird!” gasped Mordred as he waved.

Guinevere wanted to hiss at Mordred, however she could only gasp as she was pulled in a fashion that gave her bruises. Guinevere was urged up the platform of rock and at its peak she was almost urged into the mouth of the cage when a rock hit the head of the nearest soldier and tossed him off the face of the platform!
Guinevere was grabbed and she sailed high into the air as a harsh grip wrapped around her. She wanted to complain, however she couldn't for they were far too high off the ground!

Soon Guinevere reached the ceiling where the rock had been cut and she was swung through it until she met a dirt covered hole.

“Who are you?” gasped Guinevere as she ignored the pain in her ribs.

“Lancelot!” gasped her rescuer. “Now let me take you back to King Arthur!” he declared before he lifted her up and carried her out of the hole, onto a horse, and back to Camelot.

King Arthur met with Guinevere and he rubbed her fingers. Her nails had not been tainted, that meant she had been treated well. Arthur sighed and he bothered to kiss her brow.

“Thank God you are well!” he declared.

“I thank God for Lancelot!” told Guinevere as she smiled at her hero.

Lancelot had not told her he had wings, but she suspected that he did have wings! That made him special, and she wanted to make a big deal out of how she had been rescued.

“Yes thank God for you hero!” gasped Arthur as he nodded to Lancelot who looked like a rough beggar who needed a shave. “Let you and me speak later on;” he then added in whisper.
Guinevere smiled and then she was urged by Arthur to turn away. She did turn away from Lancelot in body, but not in mind; she was smitten by his rescue and she wanted to learn more about him.

Arthur sat Guinevere onto a chair and he ran his fingers through her hair. He smiled, however his smile was pinched.

“Who was behind your kidnap, you look tired they must be tortured until they too feel tired;” he muttered.

“I saw Melegant and Mordred!” gasped Guinevere.

“Melegant!” gasped Arthur as he growled. “I must fight him!” he seethed.

“And Mordred!” told Guinevere. “He told foul words and laughed most harsh!” she declared.

“Oh yes he may be approached as well;” muttered Arthur unable to tell Guinevere that he could not believe that Mordred had been part of the plot of kidnap.

“Why are you so soft on Mordred and not on Melegant!” argued Guinevere. “Mordred told me foul and taunted me!” she warred.

“You must have seen someone else;” told Arthur. “How close had you come to the both of them?” he asked.

“Several feet and a leg;” muttered Guinevere as she hung her head. “But I saw him, I heard him, he called me Queen Arthur;” she declared. “I witnessed that he was there, believe me;” she pleaded. “My dishonour can not be healed if he is not turned into your enemy;” she muttered. “I plead for blood;” she muttered.
“None of your words!” spoke Arthur in a rush. “Let you have some food and go to bed;” he advised.

“Why will you not avenge?” asked Guinevere as she glared at Arthur with wet inside of her eyes.

“I can't believe you at this time;” muttered Arthur before he told Guinevere to back off with his spirit.

Guinevere fainted and saw nothing for three days. It was only on the third day that she was able to open her eyes and when she did she saw Lancelot.

Guinevere smiled as she glared at the soldier turned knight in the days that had passed. She wanted to tell him she was in love, however she couldn't lest it be her greatest deception as wife of Arthur.

“I see you;” she muttered in a soft tone.

“Honey wine?” asked Lancelot as he passed Guinevere a cup.

“I would rather tea;” muttered Guinevere however she took hold of the wine and took in a sip for nourishment.

Lancelot smiled and took the cup away. He then looked to Guinevere as one who was interested in stealing the maidenhood of their bride. Guinevere wanted to stop her heart which tried to pull Lancelot to her with its strength.

“Where is Arthur?” asked Guinevere as she fought against her emotions.
“At war;” declared Lancelot.

“He did not take you?” asked Guinevere as she raised her brows.

“Nay, he told me to guard the castle;” told Lancelot as he began to grow needy for some cool.

“Without him here you must be the king!” told Guinevere as she smiled.

“Nay;” muttered Lancelot under his breath, however his words were no more then a light whisper as he watched Guinevere take off her dress.

Lancelot approached Guinevere and he stripped off his armour as soon as she fluttered her eye-lids. Lancelot crawled her as a man, and with her he became her husband for an afternoon.

Early the next morning as Guinevere slept a man in a black coat entered her room. A hand touched her shoulder and Guinevere woke startled.

“What are you?” she asked. “Who are you?”

“Your husband!” gasped Arthur covered in black cloth.

“Why are you hidden? I cannot see you;” told Guinevere as she narrowed her eyes.

“I do not want you to see me;” told Arthur as he growled through his throat. “I have been at war, I am covered in blood!” he declared. 
“Then order a maiden to wash you;” muttered Guinevere as she drew in a breath and discovered that Arthur did smell of blood-shed.

“I cannot be cleansed!” gasped Arthur before he took hold of Guinevere's slender throat and shook it with all of his might. “I travelled far without guard, and it was because I had been sent truth of word and with all my restraint I wouldn't have been able to have kept my foot on the battlefield if I had even tried!” he gasped before he shivered.

“What are you talking about!” asked Guinevere as she grabbed her throat which throbbed now that Arthur’s blood-stained fingers had touched her skin.

“You know!” muttered Arthur is a low tone. “You reek of his sweat;” he declared as though he had broken glass in-between his teeth.

Guinevere wanted to shrivel, however she slapped Arthur hard instead.

“Guard! Guard!” she called to the door. “A mad-man has broken into my room!” she screamed.

However no guard came to her rescue.

“Where is the guard?” asked Guinevere.

“In bed asleep!” raged Arthur as he pointed a finger at Guinevere's chest. “Tired, collapsed from an orgy you both assented to!” he gasped before he began to shake from a demon that had lodged inside of his soul. “I left Lancelot here to guard the kingdom not to enact as king!” he shouted. 
Guinevere shrivelled under her bed-sheet as she felt Arthur's red hot rage. She wanted to crawl away, however she couldn't; Arthur was at her bed and his sword was in his hand. It shone in the dark as Arthur's mood grew red hot, and its silver sword became a beam of light as its magic turned into a fierce wind which threw her hair up high in all directions.

“What are you going to do? Hack at me?” she asked.

“I would if I had no restraint!” gasped Arthur. “But I have come here only to see you, and now that I have I shall end this argument with human blood-shed as I return to war!” he declared before he raced out of the castle as quick as a hare.

Guinevere shivered in the pitch dark and sobbed to herself. She suddenly knew many men and women would die, and it was all her fault. She felt scared.

“I should never have allowed Lancelot near this bed!” she declared before she began to cry.

Five days passed and Guinevere shivered as she was told tales of Arthur who had turned into either the greatest warrior of all time or a raged mad-man. He had slaughtered many with his own sword and his army had only been able to watch as he turned into a killer. He defeated more then half of every army on his own, and he would have defeated more if Merlin hadn't pulled him down to the earth with the aid of magic spell. Word had spread of Arthur's might and people feared him every time he woke from slumber.

“Where is my sword? Where is my blood!” he shouted when he woke. “Hand me both now or your life will be thrown into Hell!” he declared. 
Guinevere bit on her thumb and turned to Lancelot who hadn't taken his eyes off her spine ever since he had been sent to stand guard.

“I cannot see you;” told Guinevere. “You cannot see me;” she told as she felt great sadness. “Please leave;” she ordered.

Lancelot dropped his guard and he almost gasped.

“Leave and never return;” told Guinevere as she turned her tone to order command.

“Shall that be our salvation?” asked Lancelot as he buried his thoughts behind his heart.

“Yes;” told Guinevere as she felt a drop of ice inside of her soul. “Never return;” she added.

“Then I shall leave;” told Lancelot before he took off his armour one layer at a time and threw it to the floor.

Mortal again Lancelot turned and fled. Guinevere wanted to call for him to stay, however she caught her throat and strangled herself until she collapsed on the bed breathless.

“Never again!” she thought as she sucked in a harsh breath. “I shall never see him and I will pray for Arthur to be able to see me as his wife when he returns;” she added.

However Guinevere didn't see Arthur ever again; he was circled by Mordred and his men after a vicious battle, and he fought them off. It was Mordred who survived after his men had been turned into grass, and he fought Arthur with all of his courage. A long battle ensued and much sweat was lost, but in the end Arthur was slain with a stab through the heart by Mordred who had used all of his human strength to be able to battle against Arthur. Mordred also fell to the earth in exhaustion or heart-stroke, however servants grabbed him and took him away - only Arthur was left to rot, and the wind cried until Merlin found him and carried him away.
When Guinevere heard news of Arthur’s death she wanted to cry, however not a tear fell.

“What am I to do?” she asked a servant.

“Go to a nunnery, stay safe - tomorrow men will tear this castle down;” told the servant as he glared at Guinevere with sad behind his eyes.

Guinevere nodded, and straight away she ordered for a cluster of servants to take her to a nunnery.

Guinevere toiled and prayed for many days and nights - every day she wished to be found, however every day she was left alone. She made friends with God and with faith, and she felt at peace until the day Lancelot showed up.

Lancelot stared at Guinevere and whispered to her.

“Let me take you away from here;” he invited as he felt a rush inside of his veins. “We can be together, it can be like yesterday;” he muttered.

“Thank-you, but I cannot leave;” told Guinevere as she felt her heart near break. “I told you to never see me, please leave and never look at my face;” she muttered. “I can only be accepted into heaven as I am, not as I was;” she declared. I am human now, please leave and let me live in peace;” she added.

“So be it;” told Lancelot before he stepped away. “I would have burned in Hell for you, but because of your saintliness I am sure I never will!” he declared before he left to wander through the dark forests alone.

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