Saturday 10 August 2013

Was Merlin A Demon?

Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Merlin was a folk lore -  however some people swear he existed.  He was a much loved pagan whose tales spread far and wide and attracted a following.  However Merlin was more then just an ordinary pagan, he knew magic and he was able to perform spells and tricks.  This made him a supernatural being, and that fact that he lived a very long life meant that he was even considered immortal.

Merlin brushed shoulders with royalty both voluntarily and involuntarily.  People were able to view him as a talented druid and prophet whenever he worked with a king, however he was also a good show; as stated he knew magic, and his magic spells made him famous.

However there was something different about Merlin.  He was not a God lover he was an otherworldly if not a pagan.  So with that he did not lead his life to follow any God, he often followed his own rules and if anything worried him he cast a spell.

But was Merlin a demon?  His father was a demon why not him?  Well let us talk about his parentage first.  

His father was said to have been a demon who had sexual relations with a mortal woman.  However other tales declared that Merlin actually rose from a pit as fire and brimstone spat all around, and amongst a whirl of supernatural wind he was re-born.  In the second tale Merlin rose from a deep pit which led down into Hell.  Merlin rose from Hell after being in Hell, and he was reborn on the earth.  However he was not reborn as a child, he was full grown adult and reborn as a living mortal.  In this tale he was reborn as an incarnation of a demon because he had bloomed out from the pit of Hell and was equipped with evil magic. 

So it may be safe to say that Merlin was either a demon's child or a demon reincarnate.  He was often linked to dark magic because often he cursed more then created illusion.

Let us now take a glimpse of Merlin's magic spells.  

Merlin took a sword and pushed it to a slab of rock.  He told the rock to hold the sword and then he told the people of the world that the first person who withdrew the sword would be king.  People travelled near and far to pull  the sword out of the rock -  none could, and they began to want to commit mutiny over the deed which they thought impossible.  However one little boy came out from the crowd and he told Merlin he would try to pull the sword out of the stone.  The boy managed to pull the sword out of the stone and from then on Merlin declared that the little boy would be king; the boy was King Arthur.

This spell required mind over matter kind of magic where Merlin was required to be able to easily sink the sword into stone.  It was not a retracting sword, the sword was strong and of full length, and it needed a little spell and a swift thrust to place the sword into the rock.  However then a spell was cast so that the rock would hold the sword until the right person was able to remove the sword.  The task needed more then strength, it needed the right kind of pull or maybe even a little magic, and only Arthur had that touch or ability.  However this spell was declared also a trick by those who did not trust Merlin -  it was suspected Merlin had already found Arthur and wanted to make him king, so he invented the spell for all the crowd to see, and he made it simple -  however it was a set up; only one person was intended to be able to pull the sword out and that was Arthur 'the chosen one'.  

Merlin stood alone with a king on a hill as the people, his followers or the Roman Army, stood before them.  The king was told to look at the sky and he did.  Merlin then cast a spell and turned all before them into stone.  These have become known as the Carnac Stones and apparently the people who were turned into stone still stand as they wait to be released from their imprisonment.

In this tale Merlin was being the showman for the king.  He also created an evil and twisted show, as he turned people into stone.  Some people of the modern world have theorised that rather then turn the people into stone he forced them into a grave and placed a stone on every one.   However most people have come to believe that the stones are the cursed people stuck in stone form until Merlin releases them.  This is an awful spell as stone can wither, crumble, and it can bleed.  If these stones were cut and they bled then it might be declared that the stone versions of a human in rock form has been cut, thus a hurtful thing which they have been unable to react to due to their form.  However it might be that the stones can't feel, and if a person is taken out of imprisonment they may find themselves amputated in different ways depending on the damage the stone has suffered.

Merlin was considered a little corrupt, however he did some good when forced.  He helped to make people educated about dragons, he took sick Arthur to the Isle of Avalon when he was lethally injured -  he did some good sometimes; but sometimes he created some trouble with his magic and this gave him a reputation of being as he was supposed to be -  part demon!

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