Saturday 10 August 2013

Punishment For Skipping School

Punishment For Skipping School
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Emma glared at school and knew that she didn't want to follow the students into the school gates.  School was too hard -  she got lost, she hated it, and she was hated.  Emma couldn't go, and so she backed up her steps and walked down the street fast as though she had just pick-pocketed something from a store.  

Emma sighed as she turned around a block.  She placed a hand on her chest and she tried to calm herself down -  however she couldn't; she couldn't calm herself down.  Emma began to stress over if she had made the right decision for herself, and she battled her ideals for several moments before she blinked her mind closed.

“I don't know what I am doing!”  she gasped before she raced down the empty street in sprint.

Emma ran half-way across town and then she stopped at a park.  At the park she rested in the dewy shade -  she was lost to the world and she hid well.  Emma smiled a little inside and then she sighed and laid herself onto the moist grass.  She didn't care if her clothes got a little damp, they would dry later as she walked home under the fully risen sun.

Emma smiled and closed her eyes; she wanted to sleep for a moment, and she closed her thoughts as she rested.  Inside of her mind Emma saw herself and she saw her family -  she sat at the dinner table and ate as they all smiled, however she had nothing to smile about she was stuck there sharing  a meal forever.  Emma rolled her head as her brother Adam asked her to pass him the dinner roll.  Emma told Adam to stuff the dinner roll up his backside, and she was slapped hard by her father Jacob.  A bitter feud broke out and the dinner was thrown to the wall where a plate smashed.  Emma walked into her room escorted by Adam who had decided to follow -  the hit was still felt on her cheek, and Emma felt sore in heart.

Emma opened her eyes and saw the sunlight as it filtered down onto her face.  There was sparkle in the golden strands and Emma called the sunlight beauty.  Emma smiled, yawned, and then she slowly sat; her head was heavy and her skin was cool.

“How long have I slept?”  she asked before she checked her watch.

It was almost midday, and Emma felt lost in a time wash as she realised that she had slept for over two hours.  Emma picked up her bag and walked, and she didn't stop until she returned home.

Emma walked into the house and crept to her bedroom.  There she sighed -  she was glad she had made it inside of the house without being spotted, however her sigh came too soon for Jacob leaned on the door and made Emma's skin crawl.  

“Hi!”  gasped Emma as she glared at Jacob as he leered.  

“Hi;”  muttered Jacob as he glared.  “What are you doing home?”  he asked.

“I don't know;”  muttered Emma as she shrugged.

“What do you mean you don't know?”  asked Jacob as he felt a rash of temper hit his skin.

Emma blinked at Jacob as he glared at her -  she didn't want to talk to him, she just wanted to ignore him; however he was there, he had noticed her walk into the house, and he had questions ones which Emma couldn't ignore.

“I didn't feel like going to school;”  told Emma as she shrugged.  “I don't feel well;” she added.

“Well you haven't fainted, you could have gone to school;”  told Jacob who knew that Emma would have failed the thermometer test if he bothered to do one.

“I didn't want to;”  told Emma as she looked to Jacob as the air around her turned additionally cool.  “I didn't want to, I didn't want to go;”  she added.

“Okay, I hear, no repetitions;”  told Jacob as he glared.  “You can't do this often;”  he added.  “One day, maybe; more?”  he shrugged.  “No way;”  he added.  “School is your job like I go to work;”  he added.

“Why aren't you at work?”  asked Emma as she raised her thoughts.

“I have other commitments;”  muttered Jacob before he looked at a picture of his wife Sue and leered.  “I don't need to go to work all the time;”  he muttered.

“Like me and school;”  told Emma as she shivered.

Jacob wanted to look at her for too long and she hated his stare as his eyes changed from dim to dark.  

“No;”  told Jacob as he glared at Emma.  “Not like you and school;”  he declared.  “You must go to school;”  he added.  “There is danger in not going;”  he added.

“What do you mean?”  asked Emma as she glared.  

“There is danger in not going;”  repeated Jacob as he glared at Emma as though pissed.

“Okay;”  muttered Emma as she sat on the edge of her table.  “Can I have today off?”  she then asked.

“I will never say okay;”  told Jacob as he glared.  “You will never be permitted to have a day off, you will just be caught;”  he added.  “There is penalty in being caught and from that you learn;”  he declared.  “I will never say okay;”  he muttered once again.

Emma shrugged. 

“Fair enough;”  she added as she sulked.  “Can I be left alone?”  she asked.

“You're grounded;”  told Jacob before he reached for a nearby lamp and took out its electrical cord.  

Emma felt a cold shiver right away and she glared at Jacob as he wound the cord around one of his hands.  

“You're grounded;”  told Jacob before he stepped to Emma and grabbed her arm so she couldn't run.  

Emma wanted to scream however she kept herself under control to ensure she didn't appear hysterical.  

“You're not going to punish me!”  she declared.

Jacob glared at Emma and smiled.  

“Stop me;”  he muttered before he turned around and began to slap the electrical cord on the skin of her legs.  

The cord hit Emma's thighs, the back of her knees, and her calves -  all the smooth delicious skin of her leg-line was whacked with the cord which stung like a bee-sting ten fold.  Emma began to scream, however Jacob ignored her as he kept a firm hold on her arm.  Emma tried to pull away, but it was no use; his hand was a clamp and it held on firm as her legs were given hundreds of whacks which left red cut-marks all down her legs.

Later that night Emma rose from the carpet she had fallen onto and she looked at herself in the mirror.  Emma saw her swollen face which appeared retarded since she had bathed it with her tears -  she ignored it; she turned around to inspect her leg rashes -  her skin had turned dark and blotchy and it was tender to touch.  Emma cringed as she poked one black bruise and she pulled a face.

“Talk about stiff punishment;”  she muttered before she took her finger away.  “How am I going to go to school looking like this?”  she asked.

In the morning Jacob entered Emma's bedroom and he looked at her.  Emma laid on her blankets and pulled an unhappy face.

“I can't go to school;”  she muttered depressed.

“Why not?”  breathed in Jacob as he glared with venom on his stare.

Emma sighed, stood, and she turned around -  Jacob nodded as he saw blotches black and blue before he took the electrical cord he had placed onto the carpet and approached Emma.

Emma gulped as she was grabbed and she screamed as Jacob whacked her bruised skin.  A sharp sting made Emma's legs tremble and she lost her balance and fell into the carpet.  

“You've hurt my skin!”  she gasped.

“It's only a temporary bruising;”  told Jacob.  

“Then leave me alone or I won't heal;”  told Emma as she glared at Jacob.

“You need to be punished for not going to school;”  told Jacob before he leaned over and let the electrical cord fly.

Emma sobbed for most of the day as she felt sore and ache all over her arms, legs, and face.  Jacob had gone riot and he had snapped the electrical cord at her skin over a thousand times.  Emma couldn't move, everything felt sore, and she wanted Jacob to die.

However Jacob did not die -  he returned over and again.  In the morning he asked if she were going to go to school, and when Emma pointed to her bruising he snapped the electrical cord at her over and again until her skin was bruised and cut -  within one week Emma couldn't even see any clear skin and she screamed!

Jacob rushed inside, grabbed Emma's face, and he told her to be quiet for the family were in bed.  Emma sobbed wildly through swollen eyes and she tried to cry out that Jacob was a murderer.  Jacob glared at Emma and lifted his hand off her face.

“A what?”  he asked.

“A murderer!”  gasped Emma as she narrowed her eyes.  

“You're not dead, no one has died;”  told Jacob as he glared.  “No one has died;”  he repeated.

“I've been hurt!”  gasped Emma as she glared.

“It's only bruising;”  told Jacob before he fingered a bruise.

Emma slapped Jacob in the face until her fingers turned sore.  Jacob gave her a slap in return and she cried out loud as her skin screamed.

“Yeah you hurt me too!”  gasped Jacob as he rubbed his face.  “That was a stiff hand;”  he added.

“What is going on?” interrupted Adam as he glared at Jacob and Emma.  

“Nothing!  You're sister's hysterical, go to bed!”  told Jacob as rage filled his chest.  “Now!”  he added.

Adam shrugged and walked away as commanded -  however he didn't feel right; as soon as he left Jacob began to slap at Emma's face and Adam heard it.  He wanted to punch Jacob in the face, however he let the moment slip on by and returned to his room.

Emma looked at Jacob as she opened her eyes –  she had been through a rough beating and there was blood inside of her nose.  Emma touched her nose, but her mind shrieked as it told her that it was still sore and she left it alone.

“You've broken my nose!”  gasped Emma.

“You're not at school;”  told Jacob as he glared.  “You will be punished;”  he added.

Emma sighed, rolled her eyes, and laid back.  Jacob noticed Emma and he glared at Emma  -  for a moment he almost wanted to stop himself, however he didn't; he just grew mad and offered what he could to punish Emma.

Emma woke up in the hospital bed and she looked to Sue who bit on her nails as she glared at Emma.  Emma felt sore all over, however the machine that measured her heart beeped and it told her that she was fine.  Emma looked to Sue who glared.

“Your father is in jail;”  she muttered.  “You have spent ten hours in coma;”

Emma shrugged as her skin ached.  She wanted to laugh at the news that her father was in jail, however she knew that his story had been tied to the reason why she had ended up in a hospital bed.  Emma wanted to stop her mother from sobbing, however she couldn't move and Sue didn't want to approach.

“When can I go home?”  asked Emma as she glared at Sue as she covered her eyes with her fingers.

“I'll have to ask the doctor;”  she muttered before she left.

Emma looked up at the ceiling and she sighed -  she couldn't wait to return home where she could make herself a new life without her father bothering here.

“With him gone I can ditch more school then ever!”  gasped Emma as she looked left and then right.

Emma cheered inside of her mind, and she felt good -  she was never going to go to school again, and her life was going to be nice and easy without her bully father there to punish her.

“Life is going to be great!”  gasped Emma.  “Life is going to turn out fine;”  she added before she smiled.


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