Saturday 10 August 2013

Forest Adore

Forest Adore
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

King Arthur walked through the forest; he was hot on the heels of an intruder who broke into his castle -  he thought he had seen Merlin, however the person looked different!  He had charged and when he followed he was led into the forest.

“It is quiet here;”  he muttered as he began to grow tired of the chase.  “Should I dare stop?”  he asked as he slowed down his horse.  “The fellow didn't seem to steal anything, I just wondered who on earth he was?”  he declared before he began to peer around the forest.

Arthur saw nothing but bright green lush and bark.  He began to grow used to the dim and the quiet, it was peaceful in many ways and Arthur quite enjoyed the solitude, it was unlike the castle where all he heard were talk, screams, and footsteps.

“I wouldn't mind a rest here;”  he declared before he trod his horse to a tree and tied it.  “It is the loveliest of places;”  he declared.

Arthur trekked the forest -  he thought he smelt water, however he could never be sure.  He walked through several ferns and hopped a few logs -  he found no water and he began to think himself a fool for ever having had wished for a miracle.

“Sweet grass stems will have to do;”  he gasped before he turned his head and saw a maiden asleep on a rock. 

Arthur glared at the maiden and walked up to her.  He was sure she was an abnormal sight in a dark and empty forest -  she could have been a lost child, a traveller, or a hermit; either way he wished to approach just in case she was in need of aid.

Arthur poked the fine woman in the arm and made her eyes flutter.  The maiden stayed asleep for a moment before she felt a light prod, when she felt it the maiden opened her eyes and saw Arthur.

“King!”  she cried as she sat.

Arthur laughed at her as she tried to be polite -  she was not trained on how to greet a royal and he bowed briskly to show her he had her heart.  

“I am your king;”  he declared as he laid a hand on the algae that covered the stone where she had laid.  “I have come to inquire how you came to be alone in the forest;”  he declared.

“I went for a stroll and found a lovely rock to rest on!”  declared the maiden.  “It has a nice soft texture which makes me feel young;”  she sighed.

“Young or cold?  Your back is damp!”  told Arthur as he began to feel a little bit cross. 

“I feel young and fine;”  told the maiden as she smiled.

“You look cold;”  told Arthur as he began to lean closer towards the maiden.  “Perhaps you would like to be kept warm?”  he muttered as he flirted.  

“Are you offering me your royal cloak?”  asked the maiden as she narrowed her eyes.

“I am offering you me;”  told Arthur as he began to grow a rush inside of his blood.

“Do you not have a queen?”  asked the maiden as she began to feel some doubt.

“Surely so, what does that matter?”  asked Arthur as he felt his chest pant.  “Here we are alone;”  he added.

“I am not sure, there are spirits that haunt me;”  told the maiden as she began to feel some nervousness.  “They tell me that I shall never be able to live;”  she decreed.

“That is a horrible haunt;”  told Arthur as he glared.  “To never live and yet be so blatantly beautiful;”  he added.

“You think I am beautiful?”  asked the maiden as she felt a tinge of red.

“Oh yes, very;”  muttered Arthur before he offered the maiden a delightful kiss.

The maiden fell in love under Arthur's spell and she gave herself to him in the dim of the forest.  Their affair seemed secret, however there were whispers on the air that spoke of the secret love affair; the whispers made their way to Merlin who had been told he would find the secret tunnel that led to the golden land.  

Merlin glared around him as he listened to the wind as it whispered Arthur's name.  He then felt a chill as it whispered the maiden's name.  Merlin gasped and took flight on a run that led him in the direction the wind had blown.  He ran far fast and soon he came to the stone where he found Arthur with the maiden wrapped in the ultimate form of passion.  

“Get out of my forest!”  he cried as wind began to dance around his body.  

Arthur gasped as the maiden moaned; at that moment he lost his seed and he made a child.

Arthur rode to his castle fast as a dragon bound after him.  He hadn't been aware of the beast until it began to smother his spine in molten heat.  He felt the burn, cried out loud, and then he ran away.  He forgot about the maiden in his alarm, however she had fallen asleep after such an exhaustive exercise and was unfit to waken.

Arthur raced into his castle gates and cried for his men to close them.  However his men jeered -  they could see the dragon was a spell and they calmed Arthur.

“It is a witch;”  they muttered as the dragon took to flight in their direction.  “A witch;”  they added.

“Arm yourselves men!”  gasped Arthur as he lifted his sword.  “Protect and serve!”

However his men did nothing they just watched as the dragon flew over the gate and landed in the courtyard.  Soon the dragon turned into Merlin and he shook his head.

“I have come to speak to Arthur!”  he declared. 

“You mad-man how come you did not follow on a horse!”  gasped Arthur as his knights jeered and cheered.

“I hadn't a horse;”  told Merlin before he crooked a finger for Arthur to follow him.

“Is Merlin the king?”  a knight asked as he laughed and pointed.

“Only when mad;”  told Merlin before he turned and walked into the castle.

Arthur met Merlin in the castle corridor and as soon as he stopped Merlin threw him so that he sunk through the brick wall.  On the other side was a secret tunnel and Arthur gasped as he landed on the edge of a step.

“Are you mad?”  he asked.  “How dare you use your magic more then once in a single day!”  he declared.

“I am mad!”  gasped Merlin as he glared at Arthur.  “A maiden on the lay is one thing, but with Morgan Le Fay is another;”  he declared.  “If you do not remember the face of your half-sister you shall now;”  he declared.

Arthur swallowed and then he squinted; he knew that sudden love was to good to be true, he had been tempted to an apple and bit!  It had felt so good, so like him, he hadn't cared.

“I am sorry;”  he gasped as he began to shake his thoughts.  “One look and I was smitten;”  he muttered.

“You impregnated that woman!”  declared Merlin as he narrowed his eyes.  “You gave someone who was not your queen your first child!”  he enthused.

“I didn't know who she was Merlin;”  sighed Arthur and he began to feel some guilt.  “I thought she was a pretty woman who had been lost;”  he added.  

“You made a mistake!”  gasped Merlin as he shook his head.  “You shall not be able to live through it!”  he added before he vanished out of sight.

Guinevere pressed her ear away from the solid brick wall.  She had heard the discussion as clear as day and she felt heartbroken -  her king had fallen in love with a woman in the forest, and he had made a child.  Guinevere took her petty sobs to her bed and sat.

“He made a child with his half-sister, the royal bloodline shall declare a new king!”  she gasped as she trembled.  “Why oh why?”  she asked as she began to sob.  “I shall have my head cut off that is sure if this child rises to threaten Arthur's throne!”  she declared before she shivered from a chilly draft which overcame her until she fell ill.

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