Saturday 10 August 2013

The Abduction

The Abduction
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Emma enjoyed a brisk morning walk which she took to wake the headache that had bloomed during a ten hour hangover.  Emma felt as though the walk did her a range of good, however inside of her body she felt ice cold sweat and she knew she hadn't totally gotten over the hang over.  Emma however ignored her feelings and she continued on -  she walked and walked until her legs were tired and then she stopped by a park bench.

“Perhaps a little rest is what I need;”  she said as she drew in a breath.

Emma sighed as she drank in wind and pollution -  she felt surprisingly good, however a wriggle in her belly reminded Emma that she was hung over.  Emma wiped a hand over her brow and then she shrugged.

“I will never drink again!”  she gasped in a manner that faltered.,

Inside of her mind Emma knew that she would be likely to drink again -  just not right away.  

“Drink is bad;”  told Emma as cool sweat dribbled down her cheek.

A bright light broke the morning hue and appeared above Emma as quick as a flash!  Emma looked up where a sudden morning sun shone as though it were midday, and she gasped -  there was a UFO above her head!

“What is that thing doing here?”  she asked.

However Emma had no more words to speak –  before she knew it the base of the UFO had opened and she was lifted into the mother space-ship.  

Emma trembled as she glared at a room that was filled with strange beings which were white, pale, and hideous.  Emma gasped as her heartbeat fell at a rate uncommon -  Emma felt as though she were going to have a stroke, but an alien approached to stop her worry.

“Hello there Earth fellow -  I am a dentist!”  the alien joked.

“You want to fix my teeth?”  asked Emma as she glared at the alien which was tall and queer.

“No I want to eat them;”  told the alien before its skin turned grey as ash flake.

Emma sighed -  of all the aliens in the galaxy the ones that had picked her up had to be the grey aliens.  Emma felt disheartened for they were the cannibal alien race which took prisoners and left nothing but bones in some secluded stretch of the world.  Emma began to daydream about what she might look like as a bone, however the alien interrupted her.

“Never fear human, we look after our meals well;”  told the alien as he glared.  “We treat them like our own children which we will never have for we hold no organs;”  he stated.

Emma realised then and there that despite the alien having a male quality it was probably a female for not having the genitals of a male.  Emma sighed -  she didn't know what to do; she couldn't break out of her imprisonment and so she succumbed to her fate which was to be eaten alive!

However Emma was not shown to the dinner table right away, instead she was placed on a medical table and pricked at with needles.  Emma didn't know what the study was for, but the pricks seemed to continue for over an hour and by that end Emma felt pale, weak, and greatly disturbed.

“Can't you stop?”  she cried.  “This hurts, it stings, it is inhuman!”  she yelled.

However the aliens didn't stop – they just pushed one machine and another near her and soon she felt a new form of agony.  Emma sobbed all she could, but in the end her skin swelled up regardless; within another hour Emma felt unlike herself, and in her new mode of drugged up she was placed down onto the earth where she had come from.

On earth again Emma took her feet and walked home -  she felt queer, like she were awake to the brim; she knew it was the drug that had been pushed under her skin.  Emma walked as her feet sailed under her on a river of air, and Emma didn't stop until she was safe at home.

In the home Emma's family screamed!  They screamed all they could!

“Get away from us!”  they all cried.

“What is the matter?  It is I, Emma;”  told Emma in a queer tone that was deep and abrasive.

However Emma's father stepped forward and punched Emma so hard she stumbled back out the front door!

Emma hit the front lawn and gasped as her family shivered.  Emma knew she had been given the boot but she didn't know why.  Emma wanted to yell and scream, however she laid as still as stone as cars raced past on high speed -  there was something wrong with the world, Emma was scary all of a sudden and she didn't know why.

Soon cops came and took a good look at Emma; they asked her if she was okay, and Emma complained that she wasn't allowed inside of the house.  The cops nodded and made some calls as they watched Emma as she laid on the lawn -  Emma wanted to sleep however the morning sun was on the rise and she hadn't the energy to lift herself up, so Emma laid still and soon the FBI came to inspect Emma.

“Are you okay?”  they asked.

“I was abducted!”  told Emma as she looked at the serious stare of an FBI agent.

“Then you need a medical!”  he exclaimed.  “Come with us!”  he said.

Emma shrugged and was helped to stand.  She moved into the back of an FBI van and was buckled into place.  Inside she sat with a team of FBI agents and she talked freely -  what she didn't know was that she was being scrutinised at every question.

An hour later Emma found herself inside of an FBI lab where she was escorted to a table for check up.  There she was approached by a gang of medical staff in coats.  Emma smiled at the medical team and complained about a headache -  however the team of medical professionals were not there to listen!  They took our knives, scalpels, and hack-saws and began to give Emma a live autopsy!  

Emma screamed as her skin was ripped apart and her organs removed as they beat and squirmed as though alive!  Emma tasted blood, smelled blood, and saw blood all around!  It was her blood, they medical professionals had took out her organs, they were killing her life!

“How could you?  I am just a citizen!”  told Emma before her throat was cut open with a scalpel!

Emma felt blood as it drained from her face, she rolled her eyes and gave up as the medical staff picked at the inner lining of her throat.  Emma heard the nearest medical staff member breathe, and she listened until her heart gave up.  Emma was never seen again, and into the FBI file her death was categorised as 'Alien 39043'.

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