Saturday 10 August 2013

Picked Up

Picked Up
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Hannah didn't want to work one day, so she went for a walk down the street. On the street Hannah met a variety of people - some she could smile to, some she had to walk fast to get away from! Hannah didn't like everyone she saw, but it was interesting to be able to scope out the local neighbourhood - often Hannah only sat inside after work and was unable to scope out the activities on the street; however today Hannah was able to scope out all the activities and she was able to see what the world was.

Hannah soon met a prostitute named Cindy who stood on the corner of the street as she tried to coax people into picking her up. Hannah stopped and looked at Cindy in weary fashion and Cindy's pimp Damien noticed the falter.

Damien glared at Hannah as though she were someone to get interested in, and he watched as Hannah walked around Cindy as though she were somewhat of a germ.

“What's the matter?” asked Damien in tease as he glared at Hannah as she walked by.

Hannah shrugged, and as she walked past Damien grabbed her and stuffed her into the back of his little black car.

“Let me go!” cried Hannah however Damien closed the door and head to the drivers side.

“Keep working Cindy!” told Damien before he pushed a thumbs up to the prostitute who was too tense to turn her head towards the car.
Damien moved to the drivers side and drove off with his steal in a manner of moments.

Ten minutes later Hannah was told in a brisk tone to get out of the car - she did as she was told, however she then gasped as she was grabbed and escorted into a plain looking room. Hannah looked at Damien who smiled at her as he watched her - she looked depressed, and her eyes were strained; he wanted to laugh but then a tap on the shoulder broke his attention.

“Who is this?” asked house-owner Greg.

“A new one;” told Damien as he glared back at Greg.

“She is plain - no model!” whined Greg as he narrowed his eyes.

“She is someone;” told Damien before he shrugged and smiled. “Come on, it's not every day you meet someone different then a model;” he added.

“I like models because models need homes and jobs and more often then not they like to work for us!” cried Greg as he glared at Damien as though he wanted to shred him apart. “What am I to do with a missing person?” he asked.

“Whatever you want;” told Damien before he slapped Greg on the chest. “You do what you can, and then I'll pick her up later;” he said.

Greg shrugged and narrowed his eyes.

“I hate you;” he added. “I don't like these ones, I only like models;” he added. “You remember that!” he scoffed before he pushed Damien out of the room.

Greg looked to Hannah as Damien raced out of the house, he shook his head and he glared - he didn't like Hannah's stiff shoulders, or her hair; he didn't want anything to do with her.

“I don't like this as much as you, but you won't be able to see the outside again;” he told before he closed and locked the door.

Hannah gasped! She wanted to cry but nothing would come out from her eye-ducts; so Hannah just sat on the floor and sulked - she didn't like being picked up either.

That night Greg came in with some supper. Hannah didn't want to eat, but she nibbled until she had no appetite.

“I want to go to bed, so you might want to take a trip to the toilet before I go to sleep;” he invited.

“I do feel I might need to go;” told Hannah before she followed Greg to the toilet next door.

Greg watched as Hannah sat on the toilet - she didn't think she would be able to go to the toilet, however she was able to go despite having a pair of eyes on her the whole time. Greg smiled and as Hannah finished he walked up to the toilet and opened his pants. Hannah shivered as she saw him and she jumped up to stand before she was able to pull her underwear back over her hips. Greg grabbed Hannah and pulled her close - Hannah felt little bugs inside of her belly bounce. She wanted to freak out, however it was hard! Greg began to lay a dozen kisses on her skin and she felt as though they came from something lovely - they didn't feel gross at all, and for a moment she could have closed her eyes and gotten lost inside of a dream world where she was an actress who performed their part in a love-role or something similar. Hannah could sense heated emotions inside and she wanted to fall in love; however then Greg began to push forth a more seedy side and Hannah felt all those lovely emotions fade away in an instant - Greg was not loving, and Hannah spent thirty minutes in Hell until she felt she had no blood. Hannah felt sick, and she let her pure self dribble as she grew weak under an influx of bad seed. 
“I hate you!” she screamed inside of her mind, but all she could do was give up as she fell victim under the weight of a sex junkie.

Hannah spent three days in the hands of Greg who laid her whenever he wanted until she yearned to scream - only in the evening was she allowed something to eat, and even then it was light. Hannah felt sick more often as a feeling of weakness overcame her.

Finally Damien arrived to take a look at Hannah. Damien told Greg that she looked normal and Greg enthused that she had been broken in thoroughly. Damien nodded and he then picked up Hannah and took her into his car. Damien drove Hannah away, and she almost wanted to ask if he was going to drive her home; however even she knew that he did not drive in the right direction.

After an hour Damien stopped and he hopped out of the car to meet a gang of strangers who looked at their watches before they complained. Damien shrugged and had a long conversation with them before he pointed to the car. Hannah recoiled as the strangers eyed the car, then she screamed as she was dragged out of the car and pushed into a van. Hannah didn't know what was going on and she shivered inside of her skin as she was taken away.

The van stopped and Hannah was told to get out of the car. Hannah got out and she entered a house where he was shown to another barren room. There Hannah was left alone until the night rose in the sky, and then she was shown into a den where there was a strong light and a camera set up.

Hannah felt her throat tighten as she was pushed towards the light - she wanted to protest, however she just grit her teeth and swallowed her nervousness. A few steps later Hannah was turned around and met a stranger with eyes too dark, skin too waxed, and too many tattoos. Hannah was urged into a rough sex act with the fellow, and after she was forced to perform sexual acts for five other men. It was a hard and rough time - if her performance weakened she was slapped and slapped again! Hannah wept as the men groaned, and after a few hours the light was turned red and all the men groped at her as she laid on the floor with ice cold shivers on her skin. A rough and angry orgy took place and lasted forever - it was a horrible time, but the worst of the horrible was yet to come.
After a dozen hours on orgy the tired men all left and one stayed. Hannah glared at the male who smiled as he saw her in a dishevelled mess. Hannah tried to wipe her hair to the side, however it had sticky on its strands and she was unable to touch it. Hannah took her hand away and glared at the man who pointed a gun at her. Hannah freaked!

“What is that for?” she asked as she felt a wild frenzy inside of her brain.

“To kill you;” told the male.

“What?” asked Hannah. “Why?”

“Because we've used you and now you are to die;” told the man who was as calm as a brick.

“Why?” asked Hannah as tears sprung to her head.

“Because you have nothing left to give - we only film the once and then that's it;” he added.

“Why not let me go?” asked Hannah as she began to sulk.

“Because we are illegal;” told the male before he cocked the gun. “You will tell the cops and break our business - our genetics are inside and on you;” he added.

“I won't tell!” gasped Hannah as she glared at the male with desperation inside of her eyes. “I won't! I just want to go home and have things normal once again!” she added.

“You can't;” told the male as he stiffened his spine. “You were stolen not hired;” he added.

“Then you can hire me;” told Hannah as her heartbeat raced through her mind. “I'll work for you and earn you money;” she added. “Then I will be able to go home and be okay;”

“Sorry, that's not how we work;” told the male as he grew tense in energy. “You are to die;” he declared.

“No! Don't kill me!” gasped Hannah as she saw his finger move. “I'll do whatever you want, I am flexible!” she added. “Just let me go home;” she pleaded as she felt her bones shake.

“Sorry;” told the male before he grinned.

Hannah saw humour inside of the strangers stare and she shivered as she pleaded for the man to step away. Hannah thought her pleads were being read for in a moment the male began to slacken his arm as though he had changed his mind. Hannah was able to sigh out her relief and for a moment music was heard inside of her mind - soft, gentle, music that told her she was going to be freed and that the horror would end. However in two seconds the male shot and Hannah could only gasp as hot-tempered cracks pierced the air!

Hannah was knocked down onto the floor and she was shot at a couple more times - Hannah wanted the feelings that followed to be surreal, however as the shock faded she felt the pain of wounding through her flesh and bone. Hannah sobbed for seconds before a last shot hit her head - for a moment Hannah felt like a skinned frog as she was left alive to shiver out her more instinctive movements - however then it happened, her spirit died, she blacked out, and she was never seen again.

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