Friday 30 August 2013

Money Concern Story

Graham winters was a business man who was always low of money due to his habit of expenditure. He worked very hard, but at the end of every week he had little to no money. He stressed about it when it came to making up debit reports for him and his wife to discuss. The world was a ball of money and he threw his money at the world until he had none. Graham wanted to make more but he couldn't part from his additional expenditures, so he told his wife Hillary that he loved her when she cried over not being able to afford groceries; after they would laugh and share several cups of honey-tea, but it was his daughter Ella who caused Graham most concern - he was unable to provide excess and she in return grew into a terribly lonesome being; sure she was quiet, but there was a queer that made his skin crawl when he looked at her. Graham wanted to do more for her, but he didn't know what, and so he waited until Ella returned to her room before he allowed himself to breathe again.

“I can't keep holding my breath waiting for the day of the better year;” scolded Graham as he took his notes to his study. “I need to do more;” he muttered, but he didn't know what.

Graham tried to join a cult group, but as soon as he saw a person get cut with a knife in preparation of an orgy he grew weak - blood that easily drained from his face, and ice-cold he walked home with a cold.

“What is the matter dear?” asked Hillary as she saw Graham as he walked into the kitchen.

“I need a drink!” gasped Graham.

“Why?” asked Hillary. “Are you unwell?” she inquired.

“Yes! I saw blood;” told Graham as he grabbed a tea cup as though his life dangled on its capture.

“Where?” asked Hillary as she gasped inside of her chest.

“At the pub;” told Graham as he sweated over the memory of the fierce orgy.

“Well sit down I shall make you honey tea;” told Hillary as she crossed her brows over the fact that Graham had gone to the pub and not brought back any dinner.

“I will meet the kettle in the study!” told Graham before he poured honey into his cup and walked away.

In the study Graham furrowed his brows as he recalled the activities of the cult. He tried to make up his own idea about a new cult he could create - however his mind was a chalk board without writing, and so he threw the idea away.

Ella walked past the study and as she did she noticed Graham as he hunched over his study desk.

“Hello father;” cheered Ella as she blinked his way.

Graham turned around and saw his daughter as she hung around in her day dress. He blinked - it was a dirty little item with used lace that had turned from white to cream; Graham wanted to sneer at the dress, however then he returned his attention to Ella as she talked.

“How was your day?” she asked as she lingered in the shadow of the hallway.

“It was fine;” told Graham as he tried his best to smile.

Ella blinked and lingered for only a moment until Graham's hairs stood on the back of his neck. Graham wanted to snap over the sensation, however instead he ran his fingers over his skin to wash the creep off his arm-hair. Ella walked down the hall without another world, and Graham stressed - he could only just hear a faint creak on the floorboards.

“It was fine;” repeated Graham before he picked up his pen and began to count numbers inside of his head as he scrawled codes and fragments.

Graham went to bed late that evening after he drank his forth cup of honey-tea. He felt ill, he had not eaten in days, and he had spent his last dollar on tram fare. Graham settled into his bed and he glared at Hillary who was asleep in the bed across the room - he didn't like her being so far away, however she refused to sleep any closer lest he accidentally leave her pregnant. Graham shrugged and then he slipped under the blanket and closed his eyes - tomorrow he was going to do something to make him feel better, and he was going to bring back dinner.

The next day Graham moved to the bad side of town to see if he could score himself a job. He walked over a fallen drunk, broken bottles, and broken glass, before his eyes met a small cafe. Graham wandered inside.

The manager looked at Graham and saw money, and he smiled as he offered a seat. Graham took the seat and then asked for the manager - the manager smiled and told him he was the manager. Graham explained that he needed a job and the manager shrugged.

“No jobs, sorry;” he answered as he crossed his arms. “This is a fine cafe, but it is only small - I have all the staff I need;” he declared. “There is only one job I could offer you, and you wouldn't like it;” he told.

“What job?” asked Graham as he glared at the manager.

“I'd pay you to sleep with my wife;” told the manager as he narrowed his eyes.

Graham swallowed his pride, he wanted to walk out of the cafe, however his shoes deceived him and stayed still.

“That is a joke?” asked Graham as he lifted his eyes to the manger who smiled.

“No joke;” told the manager before he winked and walked away.

Graham stood and walked out of the cafe, and then he walked down the street - he felt out of sorts, in chaos, sick; he had been thrown an insult and he wanted to crawl for it like it was a tossed beer cap for a drunk.

“I am a drunk;” told Graham as he wiped a hand over his brow. “And I feel almost ready for a drink;” he muttered before he swept down the street at a faster rate.

However Graham didn't return home as planned, instead he changed his mind and returned to the cafe. Within ten minutes he was led into a room where he was shown a bed and on it a strange woman. Graham did all he could to appease her, however it took all of his decency away, and he trembled out of the door with thirty dollars inside of his hand - he had done the dirty and he felt worse for ware.

Graham returned home with a bag of groceries and greeted emptiness; he sighed. He didn't want to touch the food he had brought and so he placed the bag onto the kitchen bench before he moved to the study to place the twenty dollars he had inside of a money jar.

“That is my effort in a jar;” he sighed. “I sold my soul and here is my change;” he added. “How pitiful;” he declared as he hung his head just enough to feel the pull of a rope that was not fastened to his neck.

Graham wanted to be the person on the execution list where all could see his guilt and crime. He would erase his soils as he was hung for having had deceived his family and himself all for something that looked like loose change when in a money jar. He would declare that he was indeed guilty and he would be hung; Graham sighed.

A creak in the floorboards distracted Graham's attention and he turned his head to see his daughter Ella as she hung in the shadow of the doorway. Ella looked like a fright in her day dress that was too faded for her complexion - she looked like a ghost that wanted to be revived from its death.

“Hello father;” told Ella as she looked at Graham with a sturdy eye that glimmered just enough to make Graham wonder if she were as good as her behaviours suggested.

“Hi;” muttered Graham in a soft tone that was deep but lacked much emotion.

“How was your day?” asked Ella as she glared at Graham in a queer manner that made him want to reach for his pen which had an extra-fine tip.

“It was fine;” told Graham as he glared at Ella - he was not scared of her at all, he was just aware that she was different in the wrong sense; she made his skin crawl, it was a chemical reaction that came from metaphysical tilt - he felt the world off axis when he looked at her.

Ella walked on in silence and Graham was able to feel his body enough to notice sweat on his neck. Graham turned to the money jar and glared at the money inside - it was not enough and he wanted to cry out, but instead he grabbed the money, shoved it inside of his mouth, and swallowed hard! Graham almost choked, and for a moment his eyes rolled as his face grew red - however he didn't choke; he managed to swallow and he was able to breathe once again.

“Why on earth did I do that!” scolded Graham as he felt his neckline and worried that he may have grazed his throat. “I needed that money!” he added, but it was too late the money was gone and he was broke once again.

Graham couldn't eat the dinner his wife made, and so he took his feet to his room and sat at a desk. He couldn't sleep, all he could think about was the next day as cooking scent wafted around his head. Tomorrow he would have to do something evil and corrupt, and he wasn't sure how he was going to feel after.

“I am going straight to Hell when I die;” muttered Graham as he ran soft fingers over his brow.

He was upset, but he wasn't as upset as his mixed-up mind was. He knew it was going to be another day, and he was gong to have more money by its end.

Graham walked into a fine house and met a fine man whose name was Jack. Graham then met his wife Angie before he was escorted into a fine room to socialise in the most illegal manner. Graham did all that was asked of him and was given money in return. Graham thanked Jack and left the home with a face as red as the devil's skin.

At home Graham filled his money jar and he smiled - however his smile fell as he noticed Ella in the mirror. Ella looked at Graham and cleared her throat after a pause; Graham thought she had noticed he smelt like sweat, however then he saw Ella swallow and he knew she had eaten something.

“Hello father;” told Ella as she looked to Graham.

“Hi;” muttered Graham unable to keep the frown off his face.

“How was your day?” asked Ella as she glared at Graham.

“It was fine;” told Graham unable to stop himself from growing mad.

Graham felt aggravated and that made him strong inside - he wanted to shout that he had been fed too much beef stock and muscle, but then he softened; he couldn't feel his softer side that wanted to mope, and he knew he had been fed something special on his trek inside of the Devil's carriage.

Ella noticed Graham's strength and she glared at him before she stepped away. When Ella had departed Graham picked up a pen - he felt normal, his grip was soft but there was strength inside; he couldn't describe the sensation well but he knew he felt like a man.

Graham spent two weeks on the money-card and his name was passed around. He felt good and solid, and his body fast became toned with muscle - however on the second week a passer-by called him a felon and shot him in the chest. Graham fell and when he woke he woke in a hospital bed, he had returned to his weaker form and he groaned as he was told that he had almost been killed.

Graham was sent home in a wheel-chair, and as soon as he saw his daughter he knew that she was going to ask him the same words she always asked. Graham looked at Ella and scowled at her dirty rags - the money he had made was gone, and he had no strength to do all he had done before he had been wounded.

“Hello father;” greeted Ella as she glared at Graham in a queer manner that made him want to run away.

“Hi;” whispered Graham as he stared back at the child who had no hope of a decent future.

“How was your day?” asked Ella as she continued to glare at him with eyes that hovered over his face in the most alien way.

“It was fine;” muttered Graham as trembles ran up his spine.

The hospital had made him weak and he was unsure if he would ever feel strong again. Graham shivered and then he scoffed as he felt the wound in his chest - his skin had been stitched but he there stood injury inside; he had been shot close to the heart, but his heart hadn't been touched only his lungs had been shattered. Graham began to panic as he wondered how long he was going to live and how he was going to survive while bound to a wheel-chair? Ella walked away and Graham felt dark cover his spine; it hugged him until he was unable to breathe and Graham sweated as dark hands crawled over him. Graham felt his mind swirl with red and crimson-black, and he fell into a deep, dark, hole.

When Graham woke his wife Hillary hovered over him with syrup in her hand. Graham glared at her and thought how he had wronged her and Ella both. He wanted to blame himself, however then Hillary spoke.

“Are you unwell?” she asked. “Would you like to go to the hospital?” she inquired.

Graham shook his head as he glared in the most bashful manner.

“I was just overcome;” he muttered as he felt his lies knot inside of his chest where his heart pumped red hot energy.

“Overcome?” asked Hillary as she raised a brow.

“Overcome;” told Graham as he narrowed his eyes. “Ask me how was my day;” he then muttered as he glared at his wife as though he wanted to eat her.

“How was your day?” asked Hillary as she rested the syrup on her lap.

“It was fine;” told Graham as he felt stiff anger rake up his spine. “I will be fine;” he added.

Hillary smiled and she wiped a tear from her right eye.

“I am glad!” she gasped. “I am glad;” she added.

Graham glared at Hillary as she began to sob, he thought it queer however he bothered to investigate the reason.

“Hillary, why are you crying?” he questioned with some reserve.

“For a moment you looked dead;” she muttered as her worries fluttered inside of her heart. “And I worried for you;” she added.

“Worry no more;” told Graham. “I am here to stay, that is all that matters;” he added before he opened his arms for Hillary to fall into until she felt sure that he was alive and was going to stay alive.

Saturday 10 August 2013

The Jesrulites

The Jesrulites

© all rights reserved to Monica P  2012
Smashwords Edition

The Jesrulites are a new group of faith that have been functioning in Australia.  They are more then just a new faith group -  they believe in the reincarnation of the spirit, and they state that they are the 'vessel of the God who was able to give Mary her child'.  They are emboldened by their knowledge that they are the new saints that are stepping the earth in order to acknowledge the truth in in depth discussion -  God has always been on earth, and he has been waiting to be found.

The Jesrulites associate with Moses in the fact that Moses was also able to speak to a spirit.  However their cult is more 'pure in nature', because they have 'found the true walking God, and not the one Moses spoke to'.  This means that they 'are not only cleaner in spirit and faith, they are more royal'.  They state that 'they are more connected with the true God then any other faith'.

The Jesrulites believe that the flesh should not be eaten despite its healing properties.  They believe that birth is a blessing performed by he who is worthy of living beyond one mortal life.  They believe that God will will them as long as they can communicate with his pure spirit.  They believe that they are the new development of mortal-God connection.  

They follow no written word.  They simply allow the spirits to command them, and as they do they aid in proving God exists.  They do not believe in the Bible, and they do not plan to live around a Bible in order to be welcomed into heaven.  They believe Heaven is opened to those who deserve to be welcomed.  Heaven is opened to Gods' favoured children, and only he can accept them.  They do not worry about living life by a book whose chants may allow them entry into Heaven in which God sits.  They claim every activity that happens in the world after life always depends on the spirit that vacates the mortal body.  Entry into heaven will happen when the spirit is worthy, and given the gateway to their destination.  

Foundation of the Cult:

The Jesrulites were formed by a group of Australians.  They had been visited by spirits, who commanded them to go to the ocean at 5.00pm in the afternoon to perform a miracle.  At the ocean the people of faith were commanded to watch the sky.  They did so, and as they did they felt the power of God.  It was then they noticed a spirit hanging by the waters edge.  He told them 'he had come for the great re-birth'.  The Jesrulites pushed forward a marksman to vessel the God, and he was given the spirits intelligence.  

Since then the Jesrulites have been educating themselves with talking about the communications with the spirit of God.  They have all harnessed the spirit of knowledge, and have seen his spiritual face inside of their minds.  They have been able to gain knowledge, and they have been teaching themselves the knowledge they have attained.  

They have contained their beliefs in a secluded group, and they have been talking about the world and how their knowledge might prove useful.

Growth of the Cult:

Only sixteen select people are part of the cult of the Jesrulites.  They meet on a weekly basis in order to discuss their learnings, and to also pass on the spirit of their God who they claim is the true face of God and who 'was here at the beginning'.  They claim that they alone can communicate, and they are educating their cult by oral re-telling of their education after they have harnessed the spirit of God.

More about Members of the Cult:

The Jesrulites contain members that are male and female.  They are in-tune with the human spirit, and they are all able to speak to God on a psychic level.  They have been growing in confidence that they are the people who are going to be able to one day teach others about their experiences -  however for now they keep their knowledge secluded.  Only scant rumours and meeting reports  prove that the group called the Jesrulites do in fact exist.

Jesrulites against Christianity:

The Jesrulites claim that despite the truth in Christianity there are also mixed messages, oversights, exaggeration, and mistakes.  

One major claim is that the ten commandments come from Moses who was the commander of the Israelites.  He was a 'dirty leader', and he was able to communicate with a spirit which was 'not pure of spiritual form', and who 'was not true face of God'.  His teachings were based on 'his fall and triumph', and they 'fail to send to the people God's true message'.  

Another claim is that Mary did not have sex with a spirit.  She had sex with a mortal-God, a God who was flesh and blood and was able to live and breathe like a human being.  But the God was close to Gods true form, and Mary was blessed as she was given him in order to have a child.  However her child was not pure in mind despite the fact that he had Gods' likeness.  Jesus had Jewish essence and this wrecked his ability to be a 'true-god', or 'messenger of God'.   Jesus was unable to reach to God, and hence he was a false prophet, who was worshipped by those who had 'the softest of hearts and the weakest of faith'.

The Jesrulites do not follow a bible, however they do uphold basic laws that have been passed through the bible -  like be good, pray to communicate with God, cleanse the body as though it is the spirit, etc.  They do not follow a bible because they are actively being taught by the God who met them at the water's edge.  They talk about their learnings in meetings, and they pass the spirit in order to investigate what insights each individual is able to hold.

Heat In The Den

Heat In The Den
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica P 2011
Smashwords Edition

Emma looked to the left and spied her friend Rochelle with her other friend Dave. Emma rolled her eyes as they chuckled together as though they had been friends for a billion years. It made Emma feel left out, and she grimaced as she felt a nerve tick inside. She didn't want to be angry about their get-together - however they ignored her when she wasn't around, and it made her feel alone!

Emma narrowed her eyes as she looked to the left, and then to the right. She hummed to herself as she thought about what she had been through as she stood alone. She didn't want to tell the world about her insecurity - however she was a little pissed off that she should be left to feel so abandoned! Emma narrowed her eyes as she contemplated walking out; however within moments Rochelle crept off with Dave, and it made Emma growl!

Emma hopped onto her tip-toes, and began to sneak after the couple! She took step after step, and she crept forth as quietly as a mouse! She followed the duo up a quiet hall, and then she followed them to a door.

Emma opened the door and saw a steep staircase. Slowly she crept down the spine of the staircase as she felt her heart jump inside of her chest. Near the base Emma narrowed her eyes in order to peer through the dim of a storage room. In the corner, by a couple of boxes, Emma saw Rochelle with her legs locked around Dave's hips. Her face looked puffed and sweaty as Dave ribbed her with an erection that started at hip level. 

Emma gasped as she put a hand to her mouth, and then she felt her loins grow wet as she saw Dave bend in order to take a taste of a peak of bare breast which had been unsheathed! Emma hurriedly placed a hand over her crotch in order to ensure she didn't wet herself! Not only would the accident embarrass her, it would also embarrass the duo when they found out that they had been spotted. Emma knew well enough that their three circle friendship could fast dissipate as a result, and she cringed as thought about having to face her other friends who would fast hear about the news on the daily gossip train! Emma didn't like the ideal; however as her hand rested on her crotch it made her feel fevered! Emma became chilled and thrilled as Rochelle began to moan out her pleasures, and then she became a little wet as Dave groaned also.

Emma gasped in a breath, and then she secretly slipped her hand under her underwear. It took seconds only, however soon her sensations began to settle as she felt a hot throb that came as her fingers entered her sex hole!

Emma leaned on the staircase rail as she panted out hot breath which came out easily as she pulsed her fingers inside of her sex hole at a steady rate. She no longer wanted to pee, she wanted to crouch, and crouch she did as she slipped her fingers in deeper and deeper as hot moans filled her ears. It made Emma feel good. Emma felt her levels of comfort grow with the blush that took hold of her body. Emma closed her eyes as she relished in the sensation. She fell into a daydream where floated a love-land of moans, and that blissful sensation that came over a person as they grew nice and warm from horny fever. Emma smiled to herself as she floated on the river of pleasure, and she fell into a trance where she heard the moans like a song.

After a moment a rough shove made Emma flip her eyes open, and get her mind away from her daydream! Emma looked ahead to become startled by the steaming face of Dave!

“What?” asked Emma as panic filled her blood.

“You spying?” asked Dave as he glared accusingly at Emma.

“I've got to go!” Rochelle gasped before she fled up the staircase.

“Now she's gone!” muttered Dave as he narrowed his eyes. “You happy?” he asked as he roughly snapped his fingers on Emma's face. “I said are you happy?” asked Dave as he snarled through a row of perfectly set teeth.

“I'm sorry; I didn't know;” muttered Emma as she slipped her fingers from under her skirt in order to be able to snatch Dave's wrist with her strong arm.

Dave wrinkled his nose as he smelled a strong odour. He scoffed as he glanced down and glared at the fingers which seemed a little moist. Dave leaned down, and swiftly he took in a breath in order to digest the scent of Emma's wet. Dave smiled as his lips blushed, and he snapped his stare up to Emma in order to accuse her.

“You had a fun time?” asked Dave as he narrowed his eyes. “You like to touch yourself as you watch?” he asked as the smell wafted through his nostrils in order to ignite some spark inside of his mind. “You filth!” scoffed Dave with a grin on his face. “You awful, awful, filth!” he muttered as he undid his pants, and then laid himself over Emma.'

Emma didn't have time to think! Before she knew it she had her legs pried apart so that Dave could fit himself comfortably over her. Emma gasped as she felt his wet log slip inside, and immediately she began to gush as hot fire rimmed her loins which her fingers had made all wet and greasy. Emma bit on her lip as Dave burrowed his loins deep inside of her tunnel. Then she exclaimed in outburst as he began to rock and ride her on the edge of a stair which stapled bruises to her butt as it banged heavily against the edge of the staircase.

Emma gasped as she grabbed his shoulders in a manoeuvre that was to get herself set on a higher leverage after she pushed herself up. However Dave moved himself up, and made Emma cower as she slipped down enough to have the step bang bruises onto her back! Emma weakly muttered as she made enough gurgle to get Dave's hot turned up a notch. Dave began to bang her out unmercifully as he tried his best to git rid of the fever in his brain and balls. After many moments of hot grunts he finally scratched an itch that made his loins catch on fire, and he blew.

Emma made a face as she bit her lip. She felt soggy wet fill her, and she grew embarrassed! All of her past boyfriends had pulled out before they had creamed. However Dave had creamed all over inside, and it made her feel careless.

Emma wiped the sweat off her face as Dave panted against her chest. She took a moment to catch her breath as Dave continued to find his. After a few minutes Emma casually ordered Dave to allow her to get up.

“I want to go home;” muttered Emma as she felt his hot log grow cold inside of her tunnel. “Get off, let me go home!” she muttered as she began to cringe. 

“Yeah;” muttered Dave as he closed his eyes and began to sleep. “Just a minute;” he said as he began to let his warmth turn to cool with the sweat on his brow.

“Okay;” muttered Emma as she began to sulk as she laid there with a heavy boulder on top of her.

Soon Emma heard snoring, and she gasped! Dave had fallen asleep, and he was still on top of her! Emma tried to slap his head in order to get him to wake - however Dave was lost inside a dream no one could reach; and all Emma could do was suffer her fate of being stuck under a male who wasn't her boyfriend, and having his cold erection turn limp inside of her! Emma battled her anger for a moment, however after a moment she closed her eyes, and soon she too fell asleep!

When Emma woke it was with a torch shining onto her face as a figure with a grey-white complexion bent over her. Emma screamed, and her scream woke up Dave who glanced over his shoulder in order to see the picture of his father staring down at them both!

“Hello;” he cheered as he sluggishly peeled himself away from Emma, and then moved to stand up.

“Hi;” Emma muttered before she pulled her underwear back on, and then also stood up. “I think I am going to go;” muttered Emma as Dave rubbed at his head of hair, concerned that he might have nits.

Emma walked up the staircase, and out the door on legs that wobbled. Emma made it outside, and she bit at her nails as she moved to the curb to hail herself a cab. She didn't feel like walking, and soon a cab driver took notice and parked himself near the side of the road. Emma hopped inside of the mouth of the cab with guilty cream dribbling over her thighs. She crossed her legs as she sat in the back resting on her guilt. With a flushed face she told the driver where to take her, and soon she was being driven as the stench of hot sex filled up the back of the car where she sat.

The Military Rebel

The Military Rebel
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica P 2012
Smashwords Edition

Andrew looked at the next soldier as he passed. He looked all stiff, as though there was a pole up his backside. He laughed a little, however then someone else grumbled and he quit giggling. Andrew looked to the wall until he could calm himself. He was so tired that he almost wanted to go to sleep. However he knew he would stay awake. The tiredness was only in his mind. His body was alert. He had taken a pill to keep himself up, and it worked like a charm.

“I love these little pills;” he thought as he glared at the wall paper and didn't see a single blur. “This is great;” he thought before he turned and saw a commander.

Andrew saluted. The commander nodded and walked on. Andrew felt his heart murmur. He had felt it to be a very commanding salute. However the commander had tossed it away. He narrowed his eyes as he glared at a spot. He didn't like to have a salute go to waste. However he would have to leave it.

Andrew looked to the desk and saw a slip of paper. He took it and folded it. He then stuffed it inside of his pocked. On its face had a range of crazy digits; he thought it looked important enough to take. Andrew walked outside. He then found a quiet spot in order to rip the paper to shreds. After a while he dug a hole, and then he stuffed the paper inside. Andrew stood up, and then he stomped on the hole until it looked like normal earth. He then gave a salute, snickered, and walked away. He felt a whole lot better.

Andrew spent the afternoon in detention. He had no idea how someone had seen him do what he did, but they had. The paper had been unearthed, the commanders had groaned, and then they had called him up for detention. He was to sit and whistle in a lone room as the other soldiers worked their bodies to the full. After a while it felt rather comforting. It was then that Andrew began to feel as though he had made himself a bed.

“What's wrong with detention?” he questioned as he began to fidget. “It's not so bad;” he said before he looked ahead and saw a pen on the table.

Andrew wanted to grab it. However he didn't want to. The commanders might have planted it there. They might have put a bomb inside of it, or they might be using it to bust him again. Andrew grew scared, however after a while he grew used to the pen. That was when he decided to pick it up.

Andrew got up and walked across the room to the pen. He picked it up, and then he pocketed it. After he had saluted to the wall he then moved back to where he had been sitting. It was then he began to fidget with the pen; he even found a patch of wall to draw on. He wrote his initials in fancy lettering. He didn't know why, but he felt as though it were the right thing to do. He whistled as he did it. A portion of his brain grew warm, and he found more comfort inside of the special realm where he was able to day dream. After a while he began to smile, and that was when he was able to place the pen onto the ground and kick it away.

“There;” Andrew smiled as he leaned back. “Now I've made a difference;” he said before he looked away.

Andrew saw a person walk inside of the room. He watched the person - it was a female and she looked all high and mighty. He guessed she was some kind of daughter to someone important. She looked at the pen, smiled, and she picked it up.

“I thought I had lost you;” she muttered before she pursed it.

Andrew watched as the female packed her belonging. Then he watched as she turned her head towards the door. He shuffled a little in order to make a sound. The female gasped and turned her head. She saw Andrew and dropped her jaw.

“Are you new here?” she asked.

“No;” said Andrew as he chuckled.

“You shouldn't be in here;” she muttered.

“I think I should;” told Andrew in a manner that made the female feel chilled.

“But this is not the cadets room;” told the female.

“Really?” muttered Andrew as he began to smile.

“That would mean you are...” the female stopped, and then she trembled; she had found a new figure to be her friend. “Do you want something to eat?” she asked as she looked Andrew up and down.

“Sure;” told Andrew as he smiled.

“Then come with me, we shall grab a bite while the barbecue is warm;” she sung as she smiled.

“Okay;” muttered Andrew before he stood and followed the female out of the room.

Andrew followed the female to the staff room. It was empty as they entered and he felt safe. He was wandering where they were going ever since she opened a special door with a special key. He had never been allowed in the private area before, and he found it rather exciting.

Andrew grew comfortable in a chair. He sat as he began to grow used to the place. He found a cigar near the chair and he bothered to put it inside of his mouth. It seemed like a good one, with a fancy gold leaf paper around its middle. He began to pretend to smoke, and as the female turned around with sandwiches she laughed.

“You want to light it?” she asked.

“No;” muttered Andrew before he took the cigar out of his mouth and pocketed it. “I'll have one of those;” he muttered.

“Yeah;” told the female before she sat down with the plate in hand.

Andrew took a sandwich and began to eat. The food was chilled and cold but good, and he gobbled a couple fast. The female giggled, and then she laughed. A few commanders came in however, and Andrew gulped down his second last bite.

“Hello there;” told one commander who knew Andrew was supposed to be in detention. “What's with the company?” he asked as he looked to the female who he knew to be Anne.

“I found him, isn't he nice?” she muttered as she smiled and chewed on a sandwich in a manner that made her feel nervous.

Suddenly Andrew didn't seem so important, and she almost wanted to run. Anne narrowed her eyes as the other commander gave Andrew a long stare. He knew he wasn't geared up in enough medals to be a real commander, and he saw Andrew crumble as he continued to become glared at. Andrew turned sullen, and he turned away before he threw away the last of his morsel.

“Eat up, and have a good time;” advised Anne before she petted Andrew on the shoulder.

Andrew smiled. His gut had the willies, and he didn't feel like cheering up. However he picked up the morsel and another sandwich and he began to chew. Anne smiled as she rubbed his shoulder. Then she turned her head in order to look at the other commanders as they leaned on the bench and shared a couple of drinks. They were chilled drinks, and Anne almost wanted to break open the liquor they stored in the cupboard. She had never felt so out of place.

“Thanks for the lunch;” told Anne as she showed Andrew to the door.

“Thanks for the admittance;” told Andrew in a shy tone.

Anne smiled as she looked to Andrew. She didn't know who he was, however she wanted to kiss him goodbye. She had been made a laughing stock. The more chiefs who walked inside, the more humid the area felt. She felt as though she were a fool. Her eyes were so wet she was sure they were more blue. She felt drab and weak inside as though she had just sold herself for a lay. She couldn't help but chuckle.

“I fell like I have fallen for you;” she muttered as she tossed her head to the side.

“Really?” asked Andrew.. “You really think?” he inquired.

“I want to kiss you goodbye;” she muttered as she felt her heart turn weak.

“Okay;” told Andrew before he gushed.

Andrew leaned forward in a manner that brought his face closer to Anne's. Anne smiled - her lips quivered but she couldn't do it. She couldn't kiss his face which she was expected to be a proud one. She pursed her lips and kissed his brow. It was a little warm, but that's where she wanted to put it. She then smiled and waved.

“Till another day perhaps;” she muttered as she moved to turn away.

Andrew gasped and moved up to her in a manner that made Anne gasp. It was then he moved to kiss her. He did it in a manner that made it easy. He was sure he didn't know much but he knew how to kiss. He was right. Anne smiled as she broke away, and then she grew weak. She moved back to kiss him a couple more times, but the grunt from a commander made her gasp and tear away. Andrew looked to the commander and saw a lot of medals. The commander gave him the stiff eye, and he walked past as Anne disappeared behind the door. Soon the door was closed and Andrew was no longer able to flirt.

“Oh well” Andrew muttered before he turned around in order to walk away. “What a great detention;” he said before he moved to walk out of the building.

Andrew spent two more days in another detention. The news had gotten around that he had sneaked out in order to play around in the staff room. Andrew had thus gained two stiff days of standing in a room. His feet ached, but he was not allowed to sit. Someone watched him this time, and he trembled inside of his bones as he waited for his chance to leave.

After two days he was given a new order. He was going to go to Germany where there was a snow storm and ice on the street. Andrew chuckled as he thought he wasn't equipped for such a move. However what he thought didn't matter. He was moved, and this time a throng of new people moved with him.

“Is this right?” asked Andrew as he looked around and saw people who looked as though they were heading for deaths door by birth-rite. “What the hell! I am in training, and all these look like real soldiers!” he sulked before he huddled into a corner and then began to shiver inside of his skin.

Andrew sulked through movements in Germany. One morning he found himself trying out a big gun, the next he was standing alone in the freezing snow until his bones turned crisp. The weather was bad. He didn't want to be there any longer. He even had to take a sip of brandy a few times a week in order to stop his bones from turning to ice. Andrew sulked and stormed. Eventually he found a way to break free from his duty in order to hop across to other places in Europe. However when he was retrieved he was put into detention. He was always hanging around after a while, and that was when he was given a new order. To sit until the boat rolled in. He was going to be taken home after being expelled.

Andrew couldn't believe his luck. He counted the hours as he sat. The days were longer and shorter at the same moment. Then one day he saw someone new. It was a bug eyed chief. He shook his hand and invited him to dinner. Andrew did so, and he began to eat. The bug eyed creature and his family looked hard as Andrew picked through his meal. After a while they left him with their kid. It was then Andrew began to grow bored.

“I can't wait! I am going home!” he muttered as he smiled.

“Where to?” asked the daughter named Hannah.

“Home, America;” told Andrew as he smiled.

“I like America;” told Hannah. “It is good;” she said.

“I know;” muttered Andrew before he looked away.

“It is good;” told Hannah before she smiled a big old smile.

Andrew looked to Hannah. He knew that kind of smile, and it was very pleasing to the eye. However then he looked her up and down, and he knew she seemed a little young to be smiling all mature. Andrew raised his brows as though he didn't notice, and then he lowered them as Hannah began to giggle a little. There was a little bit of wet in her tone, and it made Andrew almost want to hug her.

“So you want to do something?” asked Andrew as he glared as she began to blush inside of her eyes. “I don't mind what you want;” he said in a tone that was most sober.

Hannah glared at Andrew and then she shivered. He looked nice. He was nice and tall. He wasn't bug-eyed. She enjoyed his looks. However she didn't know what to say. She wanted to have sex with him, and she knew she was too young for it.

“I want to ask for something I am too young for;” she muttered before she shrugged and began to play with a comb.

“I don't mind;” told Andrew as he winked inside of his blood.

He already knew she had grown a flame for him. He didn't mind.

“You want me to undress?” he asked in a tone that was low and sleazy.

Hannah laughed and wrinkled her nose. She didn't want to see him unclothed. Like all men they looked like shaved cats, all weird and not so handsome. She didn't want to see too much of his skin. So she flicked her head from side to side.

“I don't like naked men;” she told him.

“Are you sure? Cause I have muscle;” told Andrew as he thought about the stomach muscles he had developed when swallowing a couple of pills with alcohol.

“Well you could show me your downstairs muscle;” told Hannah as she let her eyes grow wide from being so forward. “I know what to do with it;” she muttered as she tilted her head.

“You mean”...” muttered Andrew before he placed a hand on his crotch. “This kind of downstairs?” he asked.

“Yeah;” told the female as she smiled.

Andrew looked left and right. Then he narrowed his eyes. He took out his long-john, and then he watched as Hannah crawled up to him. He grasped the chair as she kneeled in front of him and began to suckle. He thought it was queer that she should want to sip on it like it were a straw, however after a while it felt okay. It wasn't until the door opened that there was any fuss. It was then he was escorted from the house, and put in a car that took him to the port at which his departing boat was due to arrive in a mere fifteen hours.

“Going home;” Andrew muttered as the icy wind whipped around him; “Going home;” he muttered as looked at the ice that floated on the face on the water. “As long as I don't freeze, I am going home;” he sung as his blood began to curdle.

The Audrey Landers Conspiracy

The Audrey Landers Conspiracy
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

There is a bit of an Audrey Landers conspiracy that she is a big glossy make-over that covers that fact that the real Audrey Landers died in the 1980s.  Ever since her debut as Val in the Chorus Line she hasn't been well liked because it seems that after the Chorus Line she has been captured looking different.  People argue that she was a high and low, and that the fact that she looked different after her major movie debut proved this.  She wasn't the type of person who was able to stay the same because her image had been built on a false image which was a high in itself. 

The fact that she is an unreliable image is announced most profusely in the first paragraph of her online biography.  The biography states that she was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and that her birth date has been announced as being 1956, 1958, 1960, and even 1959 on one of her passports.  That is the strangest professional biography a person could have.  It states the unreliability of her celebrity, but at least someone has announced it and not just kept it a secret.  Her date of birth alone has been an exchange in itself, and that makes people want to throw her celebrity out.

However it goes further.  Most people in America well know that her weight has not been able to climb back down to what it had been when she was Val in The Chorus Line.  She seems bloated in a manner that makes people believe that she is 'no longer the person she was in The Chorus Line'.  She looks like an overblown blow up doll rather then the thin female who had performed so flirty in the movie The Chorus Line.  Crowds have been filmed wanting to hate her as a person for lying to them.  They don't want to see her as a over-blown image -  they want to see her as Val!

Val in the Chorus looked taller then 5 foot 4 -  her announced height.  In the Chorus Line the tall leggy blonde clearly stood tall amongst the rabble who looked up to and over 6 feet tall.  She wasn't as tall as everyone, but she was probably around 5 ft 9.  This is a great contrast in height which goes to further destroy the reputation of someone already on a failing.

So despite the conflict in reported birth date and height, what else do we have?  Most people say that her celebrity that was created in the 1970s-1980's died in the 1980's.  It didn't belong in the 1990's or any other century that has since passed.  It belonged in the 1980's where her career was give birth and died -  like a shooting star that has risen and fallen.

While shooting 'Manuel Goodbye' spectators were able to see that her face was failing.  Most people think she was body doubled from this stage – that her dark eyed island version of herself was a creation to cover the fact that Val from The Chorus Line was extinct.  However others say that it was Val from the Chorus Line who appeared in the film clip as a drugged up version of Val from The Chorus Line -  she just looked differed because she was on a high and when she hit a low she would never be the same.  She would never be able to recover her celebrity looks which were clearly a creation of delusion; she was just a high, and her native face would be set to fail as she fell off her high in order to be her low -  a person who looked nothing like Audrey Landers!   

Others say that when the original Audrey Landers fell off her high she was able to have a 'run off' baby, and that this child was picked up and chosen to be 'the Audrey Landers of the future'.  However this fails as well as some people think that the people on America are just chosen models chosen by those in the business so that they can make money off a person whose career should have been extinct as soon as she lost her face.

Audrey Landers is not a popular figure, despite the fact that her music is cult.  These days it has been speculated that she hadn't been the same person as when she performed as Val in The Chorus Line.  They speculate that she was taller in the Chorus Line, that she had a less island look, and that she had blue eyes not brown or black.  However others say that she has probably been a pre-recorded show, and that her image was authentic it is just her ongoing celebrity that has been falsified.

Whatever the case she is a lost celebrity who has a glossed up reputation.  If she is a person alive on the USA, it has been said that she is a false person who is just there to rake up the cash that has come from album and movie sales.  This has led to anger as the USA covers up yet another celebrity image with its own style of celebrity that has extended life of something that should have been labelled as dead since the 1980s.

No one really knows.  Movie and film industry is filled with highs, and the people filming are often just as high -  set to forget about what they did by the following day.  It is a magical land of hallucination, and whoever is in the business is created to be able to forget.

Racism And Mormonism

Racism And Mormonism
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

There are many people who grow distressed about Mormonism!  They claim that the Mormons have a religious system which believes in the white blonde hierarchy!  Sure enough it is true!  They do believe in the spirit of the blonde white person!  This is their angel!  Their perfect form!  This is why they are Mormon!  Because they hold the spirit of the angel inside!  

However most claim that the Mormons are racist!  Though they claim that any person in the world can read about their faith!  They also claim that only those who are pure of spirit, body, and mind are allowed inside of their churches!  All else are to be abandoned!

This makes people scream out racism!  It also makes people scream!  Those who are abandoned are not able to turn into a pure blonde spirit!  They don't have the god-blessed value!  So they are to be abandoned!  Such people are people of colour!  Or they are people of the devil!  The people of colour are the people with the closed mouths!  The people of the devil straight out hate the Mormon faith!

The dark person is more accepted then the devil!  The devil can be red, pink, or white!  They are able to grow demon horns, red eyes, large noses, and sour thoughts over all that the Mormons believe!  They will not sit in order to be caged into a religious system that obeys the word if God, Jesus, and the prophet Joseph Smith!  They will more often then not fight the faith and walk!  They will walk in order to find their own way, follow their own plan, be with their own futuristic design!  They will not stay!  Hence they will fall!   The dark person is considered the mixture of both good and evil!  They are like the ying and yang glued together!  Because they are open to both sides they are able to follow nothing!  So they stand there on the brink between good and evil, acceptance and non-acceptance!  They stand there in indecision, and hence they are not allowed inside of the church of Mormon because they cannot choose the following of the Mormons or fight against it!  They are considered indecisive and unreliable!  

When a person is found to be unacceptable they are either not allowed into the church, or they are  just not allowed to be a true member!  When a person is found to be unacceptable they can stay as long as they agree to have their loins harvested!  Yes, the Mormons want to take away their mating power as part of their acceptance!  This is because they are not true Mormon and so they are not allowed to mate!  They are not pure enough to mate!  They might have a corrupt child or spawn the devil who will grow up in order to despise the Mormons!  They might even have a child that is able to kill the Mormon!  Hence they need to have their ability to have a child taken away!  The Mormons take the balls away!  This in return grants the unacceptable person permission to seek the learning of the Mormon!

Does the cutting of the loins promote racism?  No it promotes the safety of the Mormon cult!  The Mormon is a cult that needs true members who will be able to uphold their culture!  They need a Mormon to be a Mormon, otherwise they will not keep their culture safe!  This is why the Mormon has a law that will be used if a person has been found to contain 'the evil spirit' or 'an unholy spirit'!  Some people say that this is wrong!  That the Mormon should not be able to disfigure a person who has been discovered to be 'unacceptable' or 'evil' in their eyes!  However the Mormon's push up their hand and tell the negative person that they will not practise the movement openly; they will only issue the taking away of the loins is the evil person agrees to it and wishes to remain a member of the church!  It is part of their secret rule!  It is to ensure that no-one of corrupt belief will be able to mate!  It ensures the success of their cult!  It is not considered racist or evil, but necessary!

Does this seem unfair?  Most people in the modern world would say 'yes'!  The people of the modern world would tell the Mormons to 'lighten up' and 'see the person as the child of God rather then as a holy son'!  However  the Mormons have a little rule book which they are set to follow!  They need to follow, and tradition says to 'expel the corrupt by making it impossible for them to mate'!  Or 'destroy the seed of the unholy person to ensure that God stays with us'.

It probably is unfair, but if that is the cult of the Mormon then that is what one will expect to discover if they step into the Mormon's doors!  They will find that the Mormons believe in the cult of the holy person!  That they will weed out the corrupt and stamp against it in order to ensure that the cult of the holy is not relinquished!  It should be noted that that is what one can expect if they wish to practise Mormonism!  If the devil and the dark person are the forces of the corrupt, then it is probably advised that both of these beings find other avenues of faith rather then sit amongst those who have already deemed them less then pure and ask for human justice, equality, and mating rights!  It has been announced that the cult of the Mormon finds these two tainted beings as unacceptable to the church which aims to promote purity!   It makes sense that both should step away!

However not everyone wants to step away!  They want to walk into the Mormon church as a test, to see if they will be accepted!  They want to sit inside of the church, see the goings on of the cult, and be able to mate as an equal!  They want the lopsidedness of the Mormon faith the stop!  They want their rule book changed in order to allow for human equality rather then inequality!  This is what every other person who is 'impure' wishes to promote when they suck in their breath and head into the Mormon church!  They wish to make a difference!  However they don't often find what they wish, and this is when these other impure people begin to scream that 'the Mormon church is rascist and unfair'! 
Coping With Being Mormon Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013 Smashwords Edition As I grew up I found it hard to cope with the Mormon attitude towards life! When it came to school I was dumb! I couldn't do my studies? Why? Because my father would not allow books in the household! It was stupid rule! But apparently the Book of Mormon bible was the only book we could read! When I discovered this I said 'what?!' at the top of my lungs! I was behind all of my classes because of that dumb rule! But my father told me I had been chosen to 'live the right away'! I crumpled up my nose! How could I be on the right way road when I wasn't allowed to read the manual I needed to drive the car? My father closed the issue by putting me behind the wheel! I was eleven years old! I was told to drive! When I crashed into a street sign my father only laughed! I had learnt what happens when I don't press on the break soon enough! That was my lesson! I would have to just take the wheel and drive, and whenever I didn't know how to break then I would crash! So I failed school like a pro! At every exam I picked up my pen with the intention to drive! However I didn't know what on earth was on the test paper, and so every time I crashed until I ended up with a fail grade! I couldn't win! I sighed to myself and began to sulk! What was the point of being a Mormon when I wasn't able to learn! What would I do? I was faced with a range of hurdles which I couldn't jump! As I result I was forced to just sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to notice. Someone did notice! It was the school principal! He phoned my father and began to talk about my schooling. My father told what he had told me; that I was a Mormon, and the only book I needed was the Book of Mormon - our bible! The principal could only aid so much, in the end he had to give me away! He was unable to help me because I was a Mormon. He was unable to help. “My life is over!” I cried as I had thrown my pencil into the trash can and begun to sulk! I didn't need to learn anything! All I needed to do was hold onto the Book of Mormon and sit like some stupid idiot! However one day my father took out his own test paper! He had written a range of questions on office paper, and he glared at me as I sat on a wooden chair in front of him! He was going to give me a Mormon test! I gulped! I hadn't actually read the book at all, I had just used it as a tissue box coaster! I didn't know what the Book of Mormon was about! It looked like some ancient Indian writing with lines and words that didn't make sense! I glared at my dad as he read out my first question! I guessed the answer! I guessed all the answers! When I ran out of guesses I repeated my answers! I didn't know anything! My dad took great patience to see me through the test even when it was obvious I had failed! He asked the questions slowly so that I might be able to hear them, and then he wrote my answer down just as slowly! In the end he thanked me for my attendance! He thanked me as though I had given him a treat! I shrugged! Was he just as dumb as me? I walked away as silence hovered on the air! I was allowed to continue on with my degenerate life! I ate my meals, went to school, and then I returned home! Then came graduation! I fished my last test and attended the graduation ceremony! I looked at the honourable students and wriggled my fingers! My father grinned as he took pictures with his eyes! Then my final test scores came in the mail! My father opened the letter in front of me and dropped his grin right away! “You failed!” he screamed as he stood up off his chair! I shrugged! Then I nodded. “Yeah!” I gasped. “No, this is terrible!” he gasped. “I fail every year!” I muttered as I glared. “I thought you were just acting!” gasped my father as he slapped the paper against his leg. “I thought you were so smart you were only acting as though you had failed until the final test!” he muttered before he picked up a pen and tried to change the test score! I watched my father graffiti my test paper! He then looked to me and pocketed his pen! “Here, try to get into college this way!” he muttered as he glared at me with dark black fungus behind his eyes. “Cheat?” I asked. “Just write down the score and show off this certificate;” told my father. “They might let you in;” he muttered before he winked. I took the changed certificate and walked away! That night I applied for four colleges, within two weeks I had interviews! I almost got into one of the colleges - however at the last minute a secretary pointed out the flaws in my certificate! I was almost arrested! However I then explained it was my father's doing, and he was given a stiff fine after he had explained to the cops that it had been for my benefit! He had been fined twenty-eight thousand dollars! He paid it, and then he fell into the shadow as he disappeared from the family for a while! When my father returned he was a changed person! He was suspicious! He was wild! He looked sharper and leaner! He looked scary! “Where have you been?” my mother asked. “Out and about!” he declared before he offered her cheek a kiss. That was the only time I had heard them speak! The rest of the time they spoke no words and just walked around each other! As my father caught my eye he scowled! I called him scary and he moved to my room! I then sat and began to sob! His eyes were black! He was different! Alien! I hated him! He made me worry with his physical energy! I worried! “I shouldn't have followed his stupid plan!” I gasped before I began to hug my pillow. “Then he would still be the same!” One day my father told me I was going to be married! He pushed a stupid looking person through the door who told me he was a Mormon. I grimaced! I fell in despair over the fact that there was going to be a new generation of Mormon! However I swallowed the insult as I glared at the guy! He looked unlike my dad, but he also looked too brown! “Aren't we supposed to be white?” I asked. My father gasped! He then turned to my future husband and shrugged. “A nice tan you have there;” he muttered before he continued to grin. “I am sure I shall pale by the marriage;” was the reply my future husband offered before he left the house. “Should you drive him home?” I asked my father. “No, he lives in the box down the street;” he muttered. I shrugged! Then I continued to glare at my dad! I wondered what he had offered to secure a marriage deal? He was a business man behind his disguise! He would have had to have offered something! That guy looked like the kind of gut whose spirit could be brought! My life changed from redundancy to marriage expectancy! I was forced through gruelling network of underwear fittings. There was nothing magical about the underwear at all, however my mother decided to be picky and she set me through ten different fittings before she found the right one! Personally I couldn't see the difference from one set to the next! But that's my mother for you! I was taken to the church for temple prayers. While there I was talked about! My father asked the leader what he thought about my marriage. The leader nodded his head. “It is the right time;” he muttered before he closed himself into silence! I wondered what that was supposed to mean? I was urged into an indoor existence. It was a Mormon ritual. I had to look my best, and to do that I had to stay indoors! Or maybe it stapled my purity! Whatever the case I was left counting ants on the windowsill in order to pass the time! Then the day came when I was to be initiated! I was led to the temple and taken through a process. There were others who were there to marry like me! We had to wait, and then we walked through a gate! It was very serious! It resembled talking to the father, and being given blessing! I left the altar a married woman! It left the altar a Mormon!

Tutankhamun Returns

Tutankhamun The Boy King Returns
Copyright all rights reserved to Monica Pereira 2013
Smashwords Edition

Tutankhamun woke from his deep dark sleep. The Underworld had been his home for many years, however he had not met his father Ra. So Tutankhamun had returned to the living, and now he was awake. He rubbed his head as he tried remember his past life - however with a tomb around all he could see was his death.

“I need to get out of this tomb!” he declared.

So Tutankhamun rose. His body was stiff and hard - the resin that had sealed the rags on his body had turned into concrete. Tutankhamun touched his face as he took off the mask which had kept his body sealed. He felt rag on his face, and when he tried to strip it away he found it impossible. He was encased in the rags forever. Tutankhamun growled and he put his mask back on.

“Best to wear it then show my face with rags;” he muttered to himself. “This way I can still be king!” he declared.

Tutankhamun walked out of his tomb and met a sea of bare sand. He looked left and he looked right.

“Where is my kingdom?” he asked, however he heard only wind in response.
Tutankhamun sucked in his breath and he walked forward. He often found civilisation when he walked forward, and his theory did not let him down! After half a day he found the old kingdom amongst the dunes and pyramids. He saw what he had demolished during is reign, and its existence made him a little angered.

“Why did they destroy my kingdom and keep the old one?” he asked before he walked forward.

Tutankhamun strode to the village and there he met many stares. Whispers huddled around him, and then one brave fellow stepped forward.

“Who are you?” the stranger asked.

“I am Tutankhamun risen from the dead;” declared Tutankhamun. “I wish to see your king;” he said.

“You are a dead king? You are the great? Then you shall be led to the king and he shall advise you what to do;” told the stranger before he helped Tutankhamun find his way to the kingdom.

In the palace Tutankhamun saw the great king Horenheb. He glared with narrowed eyes despite the fact that he had adorned the Greek militant with his position of king. Horenheb glared at Tutankhamun and he shivered behind his eyes.

“Could it be?” he asked.

Tutankhamun bowed his head.
“It is I!” he declared. “I am alive once again;” he added.

“Then you must be shown a guest room and be cleansed;” told Horenheb before he clapped his hands for servants to attend Tutankhamun.

“I thank you;” told Tutankhamun before he was shown to a guest room.

“And I thank you kind fellow;” told Horenheb to the peasant man who stood as one who had a beam of pride on his chest. “Take some gold and leave;” he told before he threw the man a small bag of gold coins.

Inside of his room Tutankhamun shivered as the servants tried to free him from the rags. They broke their nails over the task, and after much discussion they chose to use a hammer and nail. However Horenheb broke their experimentation as he walked into the room.

“Leave him be;” he said.

“Most certainly!” gasped the servants before they left.

Horenheb glared at Tutankhamun; he narrowed his eyes, and then he sat on a chair.

“I can't believe you made it back to the land of the living;” he declared.

“I can't believe it also!” gasped Tutankhamun. “I am happy to have made it in one piece!” he said. “However there is much I cannot recall - like the way I died;” he added.

“You fell off a horse;” told Horenheb.

“I broke my leg!” gasped Tutankhamun.

“Yes you broke it twice;” told Horenheb. “You had been attacked on your way home, and then you broke it again in the palace tomb;” he added.

“The resin made my leg good again;” told Tutankamun. “Can you believe it? I only feel a little pain;” he added.

“That is good;” told Horenheb as he nodded. “I see the servants failed to undress you;” he added.

“Yes they could not take the rags off;” told Tutankhamun. “They tried fingernails, scissors, hot water, and were going to try a nail;” he added.

“Best to just see if the sun can melt the resin;” told Horenheb as he glared at Tutankhamun as one lost.

Silence hung on the air. Horenheb had many questions, however he was unsure what to say as he glared at Tutankhamun who looked much like a king even in his rags. Horenheb didn't want to offer Tutankhamun his throne, however something inside of him told him to. Horenheb bit on his tongue.
“You look like you wish to ask me something;” told Tutankhamun as he glared.

“I should ask you if you would like to sit on the throne again;” told Horenheb.

“Why I should like that, but aren't you king?” asked Tutankhamun as he gasped his surprise.

“Yes I am;” told Horenheb. “A good one too;” he added. “But with you alive, I can't see why you shouldn't be able to reign;” he added as he glared at Tutankhamun. “I am getting old anyway;” he added. “I am older then you, remember that;” he said. “Perhaps you should take to the throne now that you are well;” he declared.

“I would like that!” gasped Tutankhamun. “Tell me more about it - who are our enemies?” he added.

“Everyone;” told Horenheb quietly. “You can't see we are hated, but we are;” he added.

“I see;” told Tutankhamun.

“I was going to marry a young woman named Akenumen;” he added. “She has some royal blood, but much of it is foreign;” he added. “If you marry and take the role as king you shall have a desired life;” he declared. “Albeit a short one;” he added.

“I shall be very happy to take a royal bride!” gasped Tutankhamun. 
“That is good;” told Horenheb. “She is more peasant then I expected;” he added before he rolled his eyes.

Tutankhamun almost lost his smile - however Horenheb shouted and soon Tutankhamun was being inspected by the royal advisors. After being declared a god he was declared acceptable for the throne. There was much praise, but after Horenheb shook hands for the last time he left.

“Where is he going?” asked Tutankhamun.

“He is going to travel;” told one of the advisors. “He wishes to grow away from the city - the people knocked him to the ground and tried to cut off his leg;” he added.

“Very good;” told Tutankhamun as he gulped down his nervousness.

The people of Egypt may have changed since he was alive. He didn't know who they were, and he was not sure they would want to call him their king.

Tutankhamun was married to Akenumen. He was able to supervise actions and make decisions; but when he talked about building a new city the idea was thrown back in his face. The advisors objected to any new constructions and instead they informed Tutankhamun that they were military leaders, and they aimed to make war. Tutankhamun could only feel nervous as they made plans to take down foreign countries. He wished not to go ahead with the plans, however he assented to everything. Soon they had a war draft in place and it was declared that war was going to break out.
Tutankhamun looked to Akenumen who sneered at him as he stood as a wrapped up mummy in front of her.

“This is my bare skin;” he muttered.

“You stink like a tomb;” told Akenumen. “It is the resin that smells;” she added.

“I am sorry;” told Tutankhamun.

“That is okay;” told Akenamen. “But I cannot have a child unless I am able to undress you;” she added.

Tutankhamun sighed. He had remembered the moment when he had his phallus taken from him, and he knew he had nothing under his wrappings. He needed a miracle.

“I will return;” he muttered before he left to see a priest.

Inside the temple the priest told Tutankhamun to lay down after he had been informed of Tutankhamun's issue. The priest then took out a snake from a box and told it to lay as firm as a stick. The snake laid still, and then the priest created a hole in Tutankhamun's bandages by using special tools and he slipped the snake inside.

“Whisper the snake to stand, and your wife shall be blessed;” told the priest.

“I have a snake hidden in my wrappings;” declared Tutankhamun.

“It will come out when you whisper it to stand;” told the priest.

“Okay;” told Tutankhamun before he shrugged and walked back inside of the palace.

Inside of his room Akenamen was told to lay still. After several moments of whispering Tutankhamun finally shouted to the snake to stand.

“Stand!” he declared.

Akenamen almost rose from her bed, however then she saw Tutankhamun's phallus and she gasped!

“What a king you have there!” she declared.

“It is to impregnate you;” told Tutankhamun. “The priest...” he began.

However Akenamen told him to inject her right away. So Tutankhamun moved to the bed and he laid with her. The snake penetrated Akenamen and soon it had slipped inside of her warm hole. Akenamen gasped as she felt Isis inside of her.

“Tutankhamun what have you done?” she whispered as she felt little pinches that were like bites on the inside of her womb. “Why did your phallus swim inside of me?” she asked. 

“It was the priest;” declared Tutankhamun as he shivered.

He could not feel head or tail as he fingered Akenamen's entrance hole, and he swore against the use of magic as Akenamen winced and laboured through her breaths.

“Is it working?” he asked.

“I don't know;” muttered Akenamen. “Ask me tomorrow;” she muttered before she closed her eyes to sleep.

However by the next morning Akenamen was dead. Tutankhamun woke an saw her eyes stared at the ceiling. He gasped and called for a doctor who cut her womb open and found a snake which had hatched babies.

“This is truly a gift from Isis - only these snakes are poisonous to humans;” told the doctor before he took out each snake and placed them in a basket. “I shall hand these to the temple priests who shall look after them;” he declared. “Your wife cannot have a child;” he then added. “I shall put her in the tomb Horenheb had made;” he sung as though it were a celebration.

“That is good;” told Tutankhamun as he hung his head.

He wanted to feel shame, however the doctor had been so joyous he could only feel content. He was happy - however he had not met the people of the village.
As soon as Tutankhamun stepped outside to tell the people his wife had died, they charged! They ran forth with wood and nails in their hands, and they began to batter down the kingdom to destroy it. To them Akenamen's death was a sign, and they destroyed the kingdom and Tutankhamun as they ripped him limb from limb. The bandages were finally able to come off as the villagers began to hack at his body in order to destroy his life. Tutankhamun tried to call for peace, but it was no use - the villagers had decided to destroy everything, and it was only the wash women who were able to recover his body and take it to a tomb.

Inside of his tomb Tutankhamun was given burial rights that were haggard and rushed. He was left amongst a collection of assorted ornaments and then he was sealed inside.

“This tomb had been fTia. She had died mad;” is all the women said before they left.

Tutankhamun however could not hear the women - he was back in the underworld on his throne, and he waited for his father Ra to come to tell him he was his son.

Tutankhamun waited as the villagers destroyed the kingdom; he waited as the sands covered the land; he waited as he was forgotten, and he was not seen again.