Wednesday 26 October 2016

Kym's Afternoon

Kym looks at Jacob and sees him staring at her.  She smiles, but her smile is caught inside of her throat.  She wishes he would not look at her, but he does; he stares on like she is the only person in the world.  Kym feels her heart pulse up a blush and it tingles to her underwear.

"What is wrong with this?"  asks Kym as she shakes her head and bats her eyes.  "He's a guy;"  she wars but one look across and she sees he is not a guy but the only guy she will ever really know.  "Maybe I don't know him, but it's the only guy I have to put up with;'"  she mutters before she picks up her bags and leaves.

Kym moves to her bedroom where she can get away from Jacob's stare.  She thinks she has made it but one knock on the door and she jumps.  Jacob walks inside and he smiles in a way that makes Kym wonder if he can see through her clothes.

"I was thinking of ordering pizza;"  he remarks.  "Do you want a pizza?"

"Vegetarian;"  tells Kym with a nod.

"Okay;"  mutters Jacob before he leaves.

Kym places a hand on her chest and she sighs.  That was a close one, she felt her hairs raised.  Kym shakes off her mind and she looks at the closest book -  she reads the heading, and then she smiles.

"Better study;"  she mutters.

Thirty minutes later Jacob calls Kym to dinner.  She walks down stairs, and she sits - on the table are the ordered pizzas with a drink.   Kym helps herself to a slice, then another.  Jacob joins her at the table and he too eats.  It is a delicious meal where the greasy pizza's get eaten slice by slice.

Kym smles and then she finishes off her drink.

"Time to study;"  she remarks.

"Watch some television first;" tells Jacob.

Kym nods and moves to the television room.  It takes an hour for her to watch an episode and by the end she is feeling sleepy.

"I had more energy before;"  she mutters as she flicks the television off.  "Now all I want to do is sleep;"

Kym walks through the hall and back to her bedroom.  On her study book is a chocolate Jacob has put there.  Kym eats it and then she clears her throat - she has to study.

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