Thursday 20 October 2016

One Drunk Afternoon

Nathan looks at Angie who sleeps in her crib.  He grows annoyed at her - hours have turned into days, and days months; there have been many countless hours of infatuation with the child and it has all come at a pace which he had never anticipated.  It has been a rocky ten months and he has spent afternoons getting drunk.

Nathan pokes at Angie's face.  It is a pure milken face which is like any childs - round and doughy.  Nathan puts a finger inside Angie's lips and the child sucks.  Nathan pulls the finger away.

"I hate you;"  he mutters.  "I really don't like the adulation of others or you;"  he tells.  "I wish you were never born;  I wish so many thing;"  he drawls.  "But here you are;"

Nathan sighs and he paces the room.  He feels like he hasn't drunk enough.  He feels on edge.  Nathan heads back to the crib and he takes Angie out.  He places her gently on the floor and he sucks in his breath as his fingers crawl around her neck.  He tries to squeeze but he only goes so far before Angie wakes up with a cough.  Nathan watches her eyes open and he feels his gut wobble -  she is alive; and so he takes his hands away to wipe them on his pants.

"What am I?  Who am I?  Who can I be?"  he asks as he touches his body.  "Am I a monster?"  he questions.  "Is this who I am?"

The sounds of stillness echoes and Nathan sweats - he is alone with the child, he can do anything he wants.

Nathan calms himself and he leans away from Angie who glares at him.  She makes a sound, and he rushes to slap her face!  It stings Angie and she cries -  but Nathan shoves his finger inside of her mouth and her cries fade into nothing as she sucks.

"You like sucking don't you?"  asks Nathan as he calms down.  "You like it don't you?"  he asks.

He gets no response and so he takes his finger away and he leaves the child on the floor.

Nathan walks into the bedroom where his wife Betty sleeps.  She is rested, and he takes his clothes off and masturbates to her sleeping face.  Nathan wants to rape her, but as he hovers over her body he feels his gut shrink -  there is something wrong with Betty, and so he pushes a pillow on her face and he listens as her breathing chokes and then stops within the next seven minutes that pass.  She hadn't even woken, she had just died; and Nathan sighs as he peels himself off the bed.

Nathan returns to the nursery and he picks Angie off from the floor.  She is almost asleep and so he puts her inside the crib and he leaves her alone.  Nathan then walks down the hall where he meets Kym who wrinkles her nose as she sees him.  Nathan grabs her and he forces her onto a chair, before he rips her underwear away, and claims her as his own.  He rapes her hard, and then after he puts her in his bed next to her dead mum.  Kym screams, and she has her mouth taped and her hands handcuffed to the bed in a short time.

Nathan walks away to get drunk, and he doesn't return to the room for hours.  When he does return he comes in with a chainsaw, and he cuts Betty up until her body is ready to be buried in the backyard.  Then Nathan digs -  he digs himself a grave as his mind is troubled by his thoughts, and he doesn't stop until Betty is planted in her grave in the sheets he has bloodied.

Nathan has a shower and he gasps all the way.  His mind is weak, his limbs are weaker still, and he struggles to breathe.  Nathan pushes himself to dress and then he slips onto a couch where he passes out, and when he wakes it is a new day with many hours to waste as he picks up the nerve to tell Kym that she is his.

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