Friday 7 October 2016

Jade Is Stalked

Jade looks to Pete who smiles as he gives her back a rub.  They have been to the fare and have walked back to their house.  They live only a block apart and the invitation to stay a few hours appeals greatly.

Jade and Pete arrive at the door and Pete opens it.  Inside it is quiet and they both giggle as they walk up the hall.  However Pete's father Victor stands in the corridor and Jade stands behind Pete to try and hide.

"Dad this is Jade;"  tells Pete as he glares at his father who has grown pale.

"Oh?"  he asks.  "What is she?"

"A friend;"  tells Pete.  "My girlfriend;"

Victor rolls his eyes -  he has only just told Pete that he is to marry Elsa after college.  How can he move on to forget her and date someone else.

"You're kidding!"  he seethes as he grows hot and steamy.

"Now dad don't be angry;"  warns Pete as he holds up his hands.

Victor shakes his head.

"I think you go to your room now son;"  tells Victor with a nod.  "I'll talk to your friend and then tell her to leave;"  he adds with crisp quiet.

"Okay;"  mutters Pete with a deep swallow before he goes to his room and turns on his heavy metal music.

"Come this way;"  tells Victor to Jade.

Jade follows and when inside another room Victor turns to her.

"You can't go out with my son;"   tells Victor as he glares at Jade.  "Pete's engaged;"  he adds.

Jade feels a kick inside of her chest and she feels a wash of cold.  She sulks as all of Pete's loving letters drown inside of her mind.  Jade wishes she were not upset but she is.  She wants to cry as a shiver breaks out inside of her chest.  How could she have been so stupid as to think that Pete could have been a special person?  Jade feels sore inside and she has to blink her eyes to hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry;"  mutters Jade as he looks to Victor who has a smile on his face.

"Just leave Pete alone;"  tells Victor with a wink.

Jade feels her belly turn green and she wants to be sick.  Victor sees her nausea and he smacks her hard in the face.  Jade screams and she crushes her body against the wall as she holds her cheek.

"Sorry to alarm you honey, you just looked dumb;"   tells Victor as he places a hand over her hand.

Jade allows him to take her hand down from her face and then she catches her breath as he fingers her top.  It is made from thin lace and he rubs it in-between his fingers before he slips it off.  Jade feels naked without her shirt on and she shivers as she leans away.

"You're hot;"  tells Victor as he glares at Jade.

"Am I?"  asks Jade as she looks away.

"Very;"  tells Victor as he touches her body.

It's been a while since Jade as been touched - the last time was two summers ago when she had been caught in the shower by her father's friend.  He had given her oral and she had fainted.   Jade grimaces as she looks to Victor who unbuckles his belt with a turn on inside of his eyes.

"Let me go;"  she mutters as he takes her bra away.

"Not this time;"  tells Victor before he takes her underwear down.

Jade is pushed into a harsh rape.  She clutches at Victors shoulders too hard and he hits her until she has to hang her head.  Jade feels sore as he pushes himself inside of her and she winces as he creams.

Jade shivers all the way home.  It is ten o'clock when she walks through the door and she finds the house empty.  She wishes her family had not gone on vacation for the weekend, but then she finds the twenty dollar note on the fridge and she realises she can have pizza.

Jade is too tired to eat however and so she leaves the note alone and moves to her bed.  Jade collapses on the way and she hits her head hard, and then she blacks out until she wakes the next day.

There is a knock on the door, Jade hears it in the distance as she opens her eyes.  Then she hears it again and it is a lot more loud.  Jade answers the door and sees Victor.  He stands there hot and sweaty and Jade gulps.  She still had the five dollars he had given her stuffed inside of bra and she immediately recalls the cheap bitter she had been left with  when he had put it there.

"Hey good morning honey!"  tells Victor as he enters the house.

Jade turns around and she is hit.  She gasps as she staggers to the side.  She is grabbed and thrown over a nearby bench and Victor drills her hard through a rape that leaves her butt feeling sore and torn.  Jade gasps and she collapses, and then Victor kicks at her head until she faints.

Jade wakes -  she is sore, there are bruises all over her body.  Jade realises she has been beaten and she sorely rises to visit the nearby mirror in which she sees a scary reflection.  Jade shivers, then she puts her hands to her face and she sobs.  She feels hurt, and with a gulp she races to her room where she sits in a chair to cry.

Jade tries to forget about Pete.  She works, she visits friends, and she goes for a drive.  On one such drive she visits the beach, and she has a good time sun-baking her stress off her shoulders.  Jade then hops into the car and drives home.  When there she slips out of her car and moves for the front door - however she is grabbed and stuffed into another car sitting by the road, and then she is driven away.

Victor puts a gun to Jade's head.  Jade shivers, he has asked her to visit him and she has said no.  Victor smiles.

"You will visit me;"  tells Victor as he glares.

Jade wipes a tear from okay.

"Okay;"  she mutters as she touches her cheek.  "You win;"  she tells.

Victor smiles and throws the gun into the car and then he returns to Jade.  In seconds he has her on the grass and he is raping her all over again.  Jade's skin blushes pink as her mind turns pale, and she grits her teeth as she tries her best not to push Victor away.

The next day Jade visits Victor.  He ignores Pete's stare as she follows Victor into his room.  There he beats her under her ribs and skin are sore, and then he rapes her.  He has grown more swollen and Jade struggles with his size, however in time her stress calms down and he is able to have his way until blood dribbles over her thighs.

"Let me take a video;"  he says as he takes out his mobile and films Jade.

Jade pants and sobs, and then she lays limp until she is thrown her clothes and told to leave.

Jade rakes her nails down the wall at home, and then she rakes them over her skin.  Jade cuts her skin and she swears.  She wishes she could murder Victor, but she knows she won't even try.  Jade feels threatened by the window and she closes it; she still feels cold and she sobs as she sulks in a chair.

Jade tries to move on, but she sees Victor behind her eyes whenever she blinks and she grows depressed.  Jade returns home, and she writes a suicide note before stuffing it under her bed.  She knows better then to give in, but she feels like she wants to.  So Jade picks up her shoes to go for a walk, but as she opens the door she sees Victor who grabs her and throws her into his car.

Jade spends the afternoon bent over a fallen tree.  She is raped many times and then she is beaten.

"This has to stop!"  argues Jade in a hoarse tone.  "I can't do this anymore;"

"I'm not done;"  tells Victor.  "Now moan!"

 When she returns home there are bruises over her, and that is when her dad Walter sees her.  He looks at her and he knows she has been treated too rough and so he makes arrangements for her to live with his family and soon she is moved.

In another state Jade feels the hairs on her arms drop as she is taken away from her stress.  Jade smiles as she sips tea. -  she is going to have a normal life, life will be okay;

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