Sunday 2 October 2016

Vikki Blacks Out

Vikki walks down the street - it is dark, but she needs to get to the office to check on some work, and so she walks on.  The walk is scary - there are drunks everywhere, and she squirms every time she walks past them.

Finally after twenty minutes she gets to the office where she opens a filing cabinet.  Vikki finds a file and sifts through it -  she feels warm; she doesn't need to do any extra work.

Vikki turns to leave but someone is watching her in the distance.  She feels her skin crawl - who could it be? Her heart races as the figure continues to stand there; it disappears and Vikki faints.

"What was it?"  She asks herself in a coma.  "Who was it?"  she asks again.

Vikki wakes and sleeps, and then she wakes for real - there is a light turned on above her and three clusters of staff glare at her.

"What time is it?"  asks Vikki.

"Eight am;"  tells Amy as she warms her fingers on hot coffee.

"Sorry I came here too early; I must have fainted;"  tells Vikki as she shakes her head.  'Give me ten minutes, I will be fresh as a daisy in no time;"  she mutters before she moves to the toilet.

Vikki washes her face - the water feels like ice!  Vikki shivers, and then she looks to the mirror.  She glares hard - she had turned old!  Vikki shakes her head and she swears over having had fainted and unable to shower.  With depression on her mind she moves to the office and orders catering - hot coffee and luncheon sandwiches.

Vikki munches on her sandwich as she broods over a coffee.  Mac has been staring hard at her all day, and it has become annoying.  She turns into more of a grouch as she thinks foul thoughts to herself.  Just her luck that she get picked on at the end of the day.

Mac asks Vikki into the office as the room clears up after a day of work.  Vikki nods and moves to the office with Mac who clears his throat as he sits at his desk.

"Are you ill?"  he asks.

"No;"  tells Vikki as she shakes her head.

"You look like you've been in hospital for a week;"  tells Mac as she raises his brows.  "You look like crap;"

"I just need to go home and have a shower;"  tells Vikki as she shrugs.  "I had a bad start to the day;"  she adds.

"Well you drank three large coffees today;"  tells Mac.  "It hasn't helped you;"

"I know; I know;"  tells Vikki as she shakes her head.  "I've had a bad day;"  she adds.

"Terrible;"  tells Mac as she shakes his head.  "I might have to think of firing you;"  he adds.

Vikki feels her heart leap into her head.  She is thrown off balance as a wave of dizzy catches her.  She then screams before she hits her head on the carpet.

A dull wetness hits her eyes and Vikki cries.  She is in her dream state again and she feels a chill over her spine.  She looks around there is nothing but ash black all around her.  Vikki moans, and then she shakes her head - she has to wake!

Vikki wakes and she sees Mac on top of her.  She has been crying, there are tears on her face and she slaps him hard with her right hand.  Mac slaps her hard back and she rolls her eyes.  Vikki can tell he has made himself comfortable with her body as he is deep inside of her.

"Does this mean anything?"  she asks through trembling lips that hide her quiet rage.

"Nothing;"  he mutters before he slaps her once again.  "Now get lost;" he adds before he bangs her head hard against the floor.

Vikki feels hot, then slow, then lazy.  She drifts further and further back as stars form over her eyes, and then she drops.  

Vikki opens her eyes.  Mac is smoking by the window.  Vikki wishes she had a cigarette but she doesn't ask him for one.

"Can I go home?"  she asks.

"Sure;"  he mutters as he continues to stare at the sky.  "Order a taxi;"  he adds.  "It's late;"

Vikki shrugs and nods before Mac passes her a note.  It is a ten dollar bill and she stuffs it into her pocket before she leaves.

Vikki drives home in the taxi.  She feels wet and cold.  She hopes Mac had worn protection, but her hopes fizzle away - she is sure he had not.  Vikki feels a scream inside of her head, and it brings a second heartbeat to lift.  Vikki wishes the sensation away, and then she looks out the window. Her world has changed and she has no one to talk to, so she keeps to herself as she is driven home;

Vikki tosses and turns on her bed.  She sees that shadow, that awful shadow, staring at her with dead black eyes.  It whispers to her, a haunting whisper which drills her mind until her heart feels empty.  Vikki screams, she screams out loud, she screams like she had fallen and she is about to hit her head.  Then she does fall - right out the window; she falls and hits her head, and then she blacks out.

Vikki wakes -  she is in her bed, it is dark, and she feels cold.  Sweat covers her body, and she rises from the sheets to wash her face with water.

In the bathroom over the sink Vikki pours ice cool water over her face, and then she looks in the mirror.  Vikki screams - she can see the shadow, it is right in front of her, and it whispers her name before she faints.   

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