Monday 24 October 2016

Walk Through Night

Kym walks through the night after having had finished a night shift.  The world is dark, so dark it gives her the chills.  Kym shivers as she walks being stalked by shadows.  She wishes she could feel safe, but with the lights blown at the side of the street she can only feel one thing - scared.

Kym walks a little faster heart racing inside of her chest.  She feels like she is running from something - danger.  Kym tries to think of flowers on the field, but her thoughts turn black and dame as she sees a person light a cigarette far ahead.

Kym thanks her stars for the company, however she still feels wobbles in the knees.  She hopes that the person ahead are normal, that they are safe;  however as she gets near the cigarette disappears and Kym feels hairs raised as she realises she has seen a ghost!

Kym walks on the other side of the path and she continues to wander.  Even the echo of her heels create a stir which makes her feel scared.  She feels like she is walking through an empty hallway which is barren of life, and she does not feel safe at all.

Kym continues to rush through the streets to get home where the world is safe and walk.  Kym sees a dog, then a cat, then a newspaper whistling rustles over a trashcan.  Kym walks on, and she does not stop until she reaches her apartment.

A beam of light welcomes Kym as she steps over the threshold and into the land of safety.  Kym feels a warm buzz and she grows calm.  Her race against her own fears is over and she can relax.

Kym moves to the elevator and she presses a button.  She smiles.  She feels safe - now she is home.

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