Monday 24 October 2016

Drive Away

Eve sits in the toilet sinking on a wave that has tears running out of her eyes.  She can't stop crying.  A tingle in her heart tells her that she should be miserable, and so she is.  Eve wipes her eyes for the last time before shrieking at the drill of the school bell as it tells the students the day is over.

"How can a day so hard be over so fast?"  asks Eve as she sits still waiting for the headache of the world to end.

Soon enough there is a draft that tells Eve that everyone has gone.  She ignores it, and instead of walking out with a cigarette in her fingers she stays in thinking how miserable she is.

Eve catches her breath, and then she jumps!  It's the janitor who tells her she should leave.  Eve picks up her bag and then she comes out of the toilet.  The janitor spies her and he smiles.

"Late in aren't we dear?"  he mutters.

"Sure, just a headache turned bad;"  tells Eve before she walks away.

Eve notices that her legs are wobbling -  she has sat down too hard for too long, and they have tingles in them.  Eve shrugs off the feeling and then she stops by the nearby water fountain.  The water is cool and refreshing, and Eve enjoys the drink quite a bit.

After a few minutes Eve leaves.  She walks down the dark corridor and out the front door.  It is a dreary feeling and she almost expects rain to meet her outside, but instead she meets wind.

"A cool pain in the neck!"  she muttered with sour on her tongue.

A hand touches her shoulder and she jumps before teacher Roger Ashton walks past.

"A little late to leave Eve?"  he asks.

Eve shrugs and then she turns away to swallow a couple of pills she had stashed in her right pocket.  Eve doesn't want to deal with the teacher, and she cracks the pills in-between her teeth to be able to feel their kick a little faster.

Roger looks to Eve and he raises his brows.  He wants to talk to her, but he gets a feeling in his blood that reminds him he is a stalker, and so he presses his lips together as he waits for Eve to turn his way.

"Sorry, migraine;"  mutters Eve before she leans a stare on Rogers face.

Roger smiles and then steps back a little.

"I see;"  he mutters as he thinks about Eve being tied up in his basement screaming as he leaves her there to starve.  "It's a little late Eve do you want a lift home?"  he asks.

Eve shrugs.

"Sure as long as it's not too far out of your way;"  she mutters.

Roger shakes his head.  He feels a rush inside of his bones which tells him that he would like to drive Eve anywhere but home.  His mind comes up wit stories of her being found by the beach, in a zoo, in a forest, in a park, stoned out of her mind and lying that she has not been anywhere but home.

"It's not too far;" mutters Roger as he blinks his eyes to wake.

"Then I would love to;"  tells Eve before she moves to step near Roger.

"Follow me;"  mutters Roger before he turns away.

Inside the car Eve sneers as Roger takes another strange turn.  Soon the welcoming houses turn into shadows, and she can't even see the path on the side of the road let alone the direction they are headed.  Eve cracks a finger - the snap breaks the silence in the air and Roger wakes.

"Be there soon;"  he mutters as he focuses on the road ahead.

"It only takes five minutes when my parents drive;"  tells Eve as she grows narrow eyes.

"It's the scenic route;"  tells Roger with a smile before he too narrows his eyes to pass a stare at Eve.

The two connect stares and they laugh - but the laughter is dry and bitter, and their personality grate until their mood turns into bitter crumbs.  Both ache for a drink, it is only the car which drives on.

In a garage Roger parks.  He looks to Eve who looks like she is about to slap him.  Roger gets out of the car so that she is not at vantage if she should wish to do so.  He then helps Eve out of the car before taking her arm.

"This is where we meet a cross road;"  he mutters as he pants from the heat building up under his skin.  "You can come in easy or broken;"

Eve rolls her eyes and she sucks in a breath.  Roger has cheated her and she is to pay a stiff fine for having had trusted him.

"Easy;"  she mutters in a tight tone which shows her nervousness.

Roger nods and with steps her walks inside the house where he leads Eve down into a den and ties her eyes.  He leaves her there, and Eve worries as she feels ice chill over her skin.  She is scared  that she should have tried to fight.  She had thought he wanted her in his bed not in his den.  Eve hold her breath and she lays still focusing on breathing.  She feels beaten and the terror has only just started.

Roger ignores Eve all night and then in the morning he leaves for work.  Work seems hard, he can't concentrate; all he can think of is Eve in his den.  He rubs down the board as he panics - he wants the day over, but it has only just begin; and so he turns on a video and he makes the class watch it as he focuses his attention on the seconds which pass slowly through his mind.

Roger returns home and he hurries down to Eve who sobs as she continues to stare at the ceiling.  She feels bad that she has urinated on the floor, and Roger sneers.

"That's no way to act;"  he mutters before he picks Eve up and dumps her in the shower.

There he washes her thighs with the head of the hose before removing her underwear and moving her to the bedroom.

Eve sucks in her breath as she looks to Roger.  She feels cold - the shower had been cold and it had chilled her to the bone.  She keeps trembling on her skin, and she wishes she had her underwear back.

"Can you let me go?  This game is harsh;"  tells Eve as she lets a tear dribble from her eye.  "You can sleep with me, kiss me - just let me go; I won't tell anyone;"  she adds.  "Please;"

Roger shrugs as his fingers tremble.  He wishes he could let her go, but she knows his inner person and he can't take the chance of gossip.  He cannot let her leave, and he has no hunger to stay in the room with her.  He wishes he knew what he wanted -  but he does not know.

"I'll think about it;"  he mutters before he closes the door and leaves her there.

An afternoon in front of the television is turned into a war as Roger contemplates of letting Eve go.  He does want to, but not before he has had his way with her.  He just has to find a way to turn homocide into love, and then he might let her go.

Roger furrows his brows as he ponders about Eve.  He thought her plea was a good bargain, but he doesn't really want to sleep with her.  He had wanted her to starve in the den for months, but the mess she made brought him closer to the truth - his fantasy is too messy and he can't go through with it.  Roger rubs his face.

"I guess I should let Eve go;"  he mutters with a sigh.  "She should be good to her word;"

Roger walks into the bedroom and he touches Eve's face.  She wakes from her light slumber and she looks at him with ease.  It is then Roger feels something -  a bump in his chest called panic; he drops the key inside of his fingers onto the bed and he freaks out.

"I've come for you;"  he mutters.

Eve bites her lips and nods.

Roger slips onto the bed and picks up the key, then he unlocks the chains on Eve before he moves onto her.  Eve meets him with stiff calm which is like hard whipped cream.  She knows she is still a virgin and she freaks out as Roger kisses her.  It is one timid step after another, and it takes all of her will not to try and give him a punch to send him falling to the floor.  Eve closes her eyes as she pretends to be somewhere else for a while -  a holiday resort, a beach, a forest lake;  then Eve feels it a hurt downstairs and she loses her breath as Roger pushes himself inside of her.

Trembling Eve leaves the house.  She walks down the street and meets a curb.  She feels sick -  it's early morning and she is expected to find her own way home with ten dollars worth of change in her pocket.

Eve finds a telephone booth and she calls for a taxi.  She reads the name of a nearby street post and then the number of the house behind her.  She then puts down the phone and waits as she feels shakes through her bode.  She is cold, very cold, and she can't feel warm; ice crawls onto her lips and makes her feel cold.

Eve leans on the tree as she begins to sob.  She feels weak and out of strength but she keeps standing.  She rubs her face over and again to stay awake and then the taxi comes.  Eve slips into the ride and she tells the taxi driver the address - this time she is taken home.

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