Sunday 16 October 2016


Trisha does her dance practise.  She feels good when she moves, but it is her balance that is wrong.  One one leg she wobbles, and she know that will cost her points in the dance exam.  Trisha sulks and she turns away -  she can do it, she knows she can; it is just that she can't actually do it -  it is hard.

"What will I do if I can't fix it up?"  she asks as she shakes her head.

A laugh is heard.  Trisha rubs her ear like it is a vibration on her ear drum, but it is not; it is real and as Trisha turns her head she realises fast that she is being watched by Greg.  Trisha blushes, and she moves to push her jumper on.

"What are you doing here/"  she asks as she glares at Greg with slit eyes.

He looks at her, her skin crawls -  she doesn't know who he is or what he thinks; she just knows he is gross and tears wipe over her eyes.  Trisha looks away and she sighs - so many kodak moments are stored in the back of her mind, and they are all smiles and good times; who knew there was anything else?

"What do you want?"  she asks as she looks to Greg once more.

Greg shrugs.

"I like to watch you dance;"  he mutters.

Trisha gasps and crosses her arms.

"Well you can't do that for long!"  she tells.  "I need privacy;"  she adds.

Greg smiles, and then he looks away.  He feels different about Trisha as she grows; she is a growing woman and he grows bitter as she matures.  He wants to tell her, but he can't; he wishes she knew that he wants to tell her that he feels good about her being who she is.

"Well just leave me then;"  tells Trisha as she waits for Greg to leave.

"Okay;"  mutters Greg.  "I'll leave you alone;"  he mutters before he goes away.

Trisha sighs.  She feels relief as she watches him go.  She knows that he has thoughts of his own, but he really needs to leave when she tells him.  Trisha feels proud that she has talked to his beast and told him to leave in order - if only all arguments ended in the same way!

"Well better practise!"  she mutters before she takes off her jumper.

Hot and sweaty Trisha trembles -  she has just completed her jumps, and she is tired.  She has had enough - her skill is good, her jumps are better; now time for dinner!

Trisha undresses and picks up a towel before she moves down the hall.  She needs to shower, and she does -  she hops into the shower and feels relief!  All her sweat stains dribble down the drain and she washes herself with vigour; she feels good and fresh - it is only when she leaves the shower that her good mood drops.

Trisha glares at Greg and she rubs her arms as she clutches the towel to her body.

"Are you wanting something?"  she asks as she blushes.

Greg draws his eyes over her exposed skin -  he likes the sight of her, but he wishes she were naked.  Trisha grows a shiver and she steps back.

"Maybe you should leave?"  she asks after a moment.

The question is almost a gasp, and Greg laughs as he reaches out and takes the towel away.  It is all fun, he thinks it a joke as he plays the moment like a computer game.  Trisha blows her top and out of her nose comes smoke which bellows.  Greg uses his hands to take hold of her and he throws her into the shower with ease.  He feels like someone strong -  superman of sorts - and when he walks into the shower he feels like a serial killers as he watches Trisha gasp as blood dribbles over her body.  She has hit her nose, and Greg hits it to make sure that is the spout where the red is running from.  Trisha falls and blood falls with her splattering the white of the tiles.

Greg takes out a knife.  He stabs at Trisha -  she screams, she winces, and then at last she moans.  Her voice is weak, and the knife stabs at her groin over again.  The mood settles, and the computer game is turned off as welcomes reality; the reality has turned that knife into his loins and that groin into her love-hole.  Greg can't turn to the shadow any more -  it has become clear that he has his knife in her and in reality that knife is his snake.

'I am the snake!"   Greg voices as he grows strong.  "I am inside!"

A stiff dinner is met with brittle hurt.  Kay looks to Greg and then to Paula who eats quietly her meal of eggs and ham.  Kay rolls her eyes as she fights the urge to tells Paula what Greg has done, and she soon focuses on her bread to try and eat it.

A telephone call rings and Paula leave.  Kay flinches -  she begs Paula not to leave inside of her mind; but she leaves.

"Leave then!"  gasps Kay before she pushes her plate away.  "I plan to go to bed early;"  she tells Greg before she leaves.

A cold bed turns into a safe place to hide as Kay lays there for hours.  She tosses her head to and fro and then she sobs a little.  Her tears are weak, and so she turns away to sulk as she nibbles on her fingers.  She can hear her parents talk, but they are far away; to far to hear her as she lays there awake.  She doesn't want to talk to them, she wants to leave; but there is no where for her to go and so she stays feeling blue until she falls asleep.

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