Thursday 20 October 2016

Flirt and Punishment

Jade hears the quiet of the house and feels relaxed for a change.  Usually the house is filled with agitation between her and her parents who hate her.  Jade usually bickers and then is sent to her room, and she grows cross and upset bellowing foul thoughts while sitting on the carpet.  It feels like a war with the heat flowing to and fro, to accent the fact that she just does not belong.

Jade sighs and she pours herself some lemonade.  She loves lemonade; its sweetness is the only thing she craves when she has an afternoon alone.  She can drink a whole bottle on her own, it is her addiction.  It's like wine on the first date that goes with ice-cream dipped in champagne.  It's nice.

Jade drinks and then she wanders around the house.  The house is dull and filled with all the trimmings it has had for years.  The atmosphere is dull - dull in the way everything is so thick and heavy.  The decorations are blocks of marble which hold little substance.  Jade wrinkles her nose.

"I know where I would rather spend my money;"  she mutters before she walks past an oval egg which has a disc of gold in the middle.

In the foyer Jade lingers.  She has drunk more then half her cup and she feels like she wants to fill it.  However she has little interest in her drink as she stares at her parents bedroom.  Jade pushes her finger against the door, she opens it, she walks inside.  There is still, the curtains are closed, everything is tidy, everything is barren.  Jade looks at the bed, and she turns away.

"I wish I could pee on it;"  she mutters before she walks towards a bookshelf which has her with her family on year nine graduation.

Jade turns the photo around so that she can't see it.  She hates seeings photos of her with her family - they are so cardboard; she doesn't even like them because she knows before that picture had been taken they had had an argument and a bitter one; it makes the memory of the photograph foul.

"I hate these old photo's;"  she mutters.

A cough is heard by the door and Jade spins around.  Jade looks at Jacob who stares at her as he pushes his suitcase away;

"Can you correct that photograph?"  he asks.

Jade does so.  She feels nervous having had been  caught so raw and exposed in her parents bedroom -  she feels naked, and her blood makes her feel shamed.

"What are you doing in here?"  asks Jacob who raises his brows.

"Nothing, I was just looking for money;"  tells Jade in lie.  "Pizza craving;"

"Oh no, no, no!"  gasps Jacob as he shakes his head.  "No pizza;"  he adds.

Jade shrugs and she nods.

"Okay, sorry I came in;"  she mutters.

Jacob walks to the photograph to inspect it and he turns to Jade.

"This was taken six months ago; what's the matter with it?"  he asks.

"I think everyone looks unfriendly;"  tells Jade as she grows tingles under her skin.

"We're smiling;"  tells Jacob.  "Even you are smiling - sort of;"  he mutters.

"I don't like it!"  yells Jade.

Jacob throws a frown and he touches Jade's shoulder.  Jade grimaces and he gives it a squeeze.  He can touch a nerve that makes her writhe on the floor for a few minutes before blacking out; it's annoying.

"It's not the end of the world;"  tells Jacob before he takes his hand away.

Jade shrugs as Jacob stares at her like she is meat on a stick.  She feels strange, tingly, silly; she wants to hit him for looking at her that way; she wants to yell;

"Do you want to watch me shower or something?"  she jokes.

"No;"  tells Jacob as his eyes widen.  "Why would you suggest such a thing?"  he asks.

"No reason;"  tells Jade as she looks away.  "I just thought you were staring at me too long;"

"You think I am rude?"  asks Jacob with a gasp.

"Yes;"  tells Jade as she stares back.  "Yes I do;"  she adds.

"Beg my pardon miss, if I were not in a good mood I would give you a spanking;"  tells Jacob as he sneers.

"Well my apologies then - I'll just leave and go to my room;"  tells Jade as she steps away.

Jade feels a rush as she walks away; she feels like there is a gun at her back;  but there is no gun, just her, leaving the room.

In the hall Jacob spins Jade around.  She gasps and then she looks at Jacob who seems out of sorts.  Jacob shrugs.

"Are you feeling well?"  he asks.

Jade pulls back some hair that has been forced out of place.

"Oh yes;"  she tells.

Jacob rubs her back like he does when she is upset and crying; however she is not crying now and so it seems out of place.

"You've not been dumped by a boyfriend?"  he asks as he stares.

Jade laughs.

"No!"  she gasps between stitches.

Jacob hears a car outside and he flicks his eyes to the foyer windows and he sees a red sports car slowing down before speeding on and around a curb.  The sound of a motor fades.  Jacob looks back to Jade then to the clock that reads four thirty.  Time ticks inside of his head as he works out seconds and minutes for someone else to come back home.  The answer is five to six.

"Are you wanting to be a lover?'  he asks as he narrows his eyes.

Jade cringes and then she recoils -  she wants to scream but then her scream turns into small laughter.  Jade thinks about it - what he would be like, what he would do, how it would feel, what it would mean;  Jade shrugs to Jacob when she thinks that it would be cool for her school friends to know that she has done it with someone she shouldn't have.

"I thought you looked turned on; maybe you want to shower with me;"  she mutters.  "Are you turned on?"  she then asks.

Jacob feels his mind recoil and it pushes a button for him to abort.  He feels a portion of his brain explode, and he trembles as he feels wetness that spreads over his brain until it hits his pants.  His underwear is wet, he had creamed, he needs to be fixed;

"Shoot me!"  he gasps as he looks at his crotch and sees a bump.

Jade breathes out -  she gasps, she shivers; Jacobs hands work faster then his mind and soon they are clutching her backside like she is a school sweetheart during a drunk party.

"I don't know;"  she mutters before she bushes his hands away.

Jacob feels dull, dead, on edge; and then he feels mad.  Jacob slaps Jade's face hard, and when she screams he slaps her again.  He slaps her into his bedroom and then he pushes her onto the bed where she is covered in kisses and ripped apart by a rape that takes her from coy to coward.  Jade screams out mercy as he propels and breaks her crotch apart, and then she blubbers - an hour has passed and they are both exhausted.

Jacob moves off Jade and he shivers to a corner of the bed.  He has used a years worth of pelvis power and now he is dead.  He is broken from his loins to his mind, and he can't think straight.  He feels cold, he feels stiff and sore, he feels like he needs a cigarette; but then the door opens and Angie appears.

"What's happened?"  asks Angie as she hears Jade sobbing.

Jacob turns his head and he scolds before he rushes to get his clothes back on.  Angie sees it clear -  the skin, the scene, the guilt, the rage; she looks to Jacob and she backs away.

"I can't see this!"  she screams before she leaves.

Jacob follows.

A few seconds it takes before she returns with Jacob pulling her.  Jacob commands Angie to sit and she sits with tears in her eyes.

"It's just fun;"  tells Jacob before he undresses.  "I'll show you;"

Jacob then heads towards Jade and he drags her onto the carpet before he fills her bruised thighs up with another rape which she cannot fight.

Angie covers her ears as she hears Jade scream.  He insides scream, and she picks up her shoes and runs out of the house.

Jacob shivers and he crawls off Jade.  He has had enough with her, she is broken and boring and he wants nothing to do with her.

Jacob heads to the kitchen and he pours himself a drink.  He is dead.  He feels shaken like he might faint, and so he fast drinks to power himself.  He has had a long day, and he can't take the hours back, the world has ended; and he will not be relieved of guilt until the next day.

"Well she wanted it;"  tells Jacob as he thinks hard.  "She wanted the flirt, and so she has had the rush;"  he mutters with a  shrug.  "Then she will wake up tomorrow and remind herself, not to give me a hard time again;" he adds.

But inside of his mind he hears a gun-shot, and he knows he has just killed a portion of himself that had been pure before that moment.  Jacob shrivels up inside and then he screams.

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