Thursday 13 October 2016

Dark Act

Anne walks home - it is dark.  The school dance had gone over-time two hours and she has to walk home by herself.  Everyone else has left in their cars and she has wandered off to be able to walk.  Anne feels like it is a drag to be felt to walk home after a dance so active; but that is what her parents has told her before she had gone out - 'go out and you walk home!' they had said.

Anne sighs as she hears a car stop behind her.  She turns and sees school hot-throb Reg who waves from the inside of the car.  He beeps the horn and Anne acknowledges that is a sign for a date.  She rushes towards the car like she has a fan-book to have signed; and she fast slips inside.  Reg smiles.

"What made you come inside?  You don't know me;"  he mutters as he glares at her.

"I know you from school;"  tells Anne as she shrugs.

"But you don't know me;"  tells Reg as he raises his brows.  "I could be anyone;"  he adds.

"I know, but you're from school so it's fine;"  tells Anne as she blushes.

"Then I am glad you are fine with that;"  tells Reg before he drives away.

The woods is spooky at night - the brittle twigs scrape against the car like they are cats claws, and it makes such a noise that Anne has to cover her ears.  It takes ten minutes but a clearing is soon sighted and the car is able to park.  Anne smiles.

"So why did you take me here?"  she asks.

"I thought you looked nice in that dress and thought some privacy would be adequate;"  tells Reg as he grins.

"Privacy?  Well sure is quiet;"  tells Anne as she grows tingles on her spine.

 "I know, I like the quiet;"  tells Reg before he slips out of the car.  "Wanna get out please?"  he asks.

Anne slips out of the car.

Reg meets her and he tells her to lay down.

"Why?"  asks Anne.

"Just do it;"  tells Reg before he moves to the back of his car.  "Close your eyes too!"  he adds.

Anne lays down and closes her eyes.  She feels relaxed as the cool wind blows over her skin, however the hairs on her arms do rise.  Anne feels her heart murmur all of a  sudden -  it is like her body is telling her signals and she doesn't want to listen to break the trust inside of her head.

Anne feels a shoe next to her head and she opens her eyes to take a look up when bang!  The head of an axe hits her neck hard.

Anne gasps as blood gurgles from her broken neck and she feels ice cold.

"It's a tradition to ruin a great night with a missing person's act;"  tells Reg as he leans over her pale face.  "They'll read about it in next weeks paper;"  he adds before he lifts up her head and kicks it over a fallen log in the near distance.

Anne feels her head sink down into the mud and she tastes a swallow before he eyes roll up and her head blacks out. Reg digs a grave for her body, puts it inside, and covers it.  His deadly deed is done, and he is to go home.

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