Monday 10 October 2016

Begging For A Second Chance

Amber walks into the house - she is hot all over from the sun being so warm.  Amber moves through the house ignoring Reg who is sipping on some beer by the kitchen door.  Amber dives into the bathroom and undresses fast.  She has hot sweat dribbling over her face and she has to cool down.

Amber turns on the shower and she sighs!  It is like feeling ice to fire - she cools down excessively and it makes her feel good.  Amber closes her eyes as she thinks about her day - her boyfriend Carl has dropped her and she had refused a lift from him.  Amber feels a sulk -  Carl is so great, and she is so small, she can't believe he would dump her two weeks before the school dance.  Amber wrinkles her nose as she looks at herself inside of her mind -  she is pretty, but there is one thing wrong; she is alone.

"Stupid Carl dumping me!"  she mutters under her breath as she opens her eyes.  "Dumb jerk!"  she adds with bitter spite.

The shower curtain opens and Amber gasps as she snaps her head across.  Reg glares at her and she shivers as she backs to the further wall.

"What do you want?"  she asks.

Reg shrugs as he glares her up and down.

"Get lost!"  declares Amber as she feels her skin tremble.  "How dare you!"  she adds.

Reg winks and then he reaches for Amber.  Amber shrieks!  Reg scratches her arm and then he makes a firm grab and he pulls her close to him.  Amber gulps as she feels her insides turn to jelly.

"Are you drunk?"  she asks.

"No, I am sober;"  tells Reg as he wanders his hands all over her body.

Amber grimaces.  She wish Carl were there to beat Reg up, but he is nowhere; he is probably at home counting rocks.  Amber grows a twig of spite and she snaps her temper over it.

"Let go of me!"  she yells as she feels her cheeks turn red.

Reg ignores her and he wipes his mouth over her shoulder.  Amber feels her heart sink, and then she gulps -  she wishes she were somewhere else, and she sobs as she looks to the ceiling gutter as she feels Reg's breath rake against her skin.  Amber whimpers -  she was pure, she is pure, an angel of living purity; she was waiting for Carl to marry her but Carl doesn't feel like being hers anymore; his caramel face has turned away and she is not feeling very good being so alone;  Amber closes her eyes, she doesn't feel like being alive as her skin crawls.

Amber looks to the telephone as she bites her nails. She has been raped, Reg has raped her and she feels cheated.  Amber picks up the phone and calls Carl.  He answers.  Amber holds her breath as she thinks about slamming down the phone; after a minute she talks.

"Hey babe!"  she tells Carl who shivers.

"Amber don't call me pet names;"  he scolds.

Amber rubs her lips together -  Carl is already in a bad mood and she doesn't know why.

"Can we go out again, I feel like some company and you can pick me up;"  she encourages.

"No;"  retorts Carl with a snap like a twig being broken in a hurry.

"Please;"  whimpers Amber.  "I've have sex, or hang out, just take me out!"  she begs.

"Why?"  asks Carl with a snort.

"Because I am lonely!"  tells Amber with a gasp.  "Please, for old times sakes?"

Carl fidgets as he crooks his head.

"I don't know if that's a good idea; I told the whole school you were suck;"

Amber bites the nerve to make her mad.  She instead shivers as she holds onto the phone with desperation.

"So, we're friends;"  she mutters.

Carl laughs - the laugh is bitter, cold, edgy; it makes Amber upset that he should have such a cold heart after they have shared so much together.  A history of decent romances passes through her mind - the cinema, the school parking lot, the walk to the park; all a mass of flirting conversations mixed with hand-holding -  a good time long past;

"Please!"  gasps Amber as she begs once more.

Carl looks at his watch.

"Maybe;" he mutters with a resigned sign.

"Yes!"  gasps Amber with a smile.

"I'll be there in ten;"  tells Carl before he hangs up the phone.

In the car Carl remarks on Ambers dress which is blue and pretty.  Amber smiles and she tells him where she had brought the dress, and he nods.  He is not interested in the details, and when he is told them he feels uncomfortable.  He hates how Amber has to make everything such a big topic of conversation -  why can't she just take the compliment and run around with it?  Carl wipes his fingers through his hair and he leans against the window.  He feels agitated that Amber should be such a girl, and he is angered that he has picked her up.  He should have left her home alone, she has been dumped, she has no right to a free ride.  Carl glares at Amber who smiles.  Amber lifts a cigarette to her lips and Carl fights to light it for her.  She doesn't smoke she just does it to invigorate his asthma.  He often lets her tease him for a few seconds before she nubs the cigarette out.  She has no appetite for cigarettes inside of her mind, she just likes to annoy him.

"My asthma's almost gone;"  tells Carl as he lights her cigarette with the lighter from the dashboard.

"How great!"  mutters Amber before she begins to smoke.

One drag is all she gets before Carl throws the cigarette out the window.

"Sorry, not inside the car;"  he shakes his head.

Amber shrugs before she turns her head -  she doesn't want to tell Carl she is upset, she just wants him to make her feel special for one more night.

Carl pulls the car into the beach-side parking lot; he feels tired, but Amber is not asleep she is happy to just talk through the night to stretch out his ear.  Carl is sick of listening to her and he puts up his hand.

"Enough;"  he mutters.  "My ear's split a drum;"

Amber drops her talk and she stares at Carl as he looks at her.  He looks unimpressed and she feels sunk; she has used her best conversation and still he cannot smile.  Amber throws a downcast face his way.

"Why don't you like me?"  she asks as she fidgets with her fingers.  "We were in love so many times, and now here you are a rock;"

Carl shrugs.

"You just annoy me;"  he argues.

Amber shrugs.

"I guess that would be it but I wish you would give us some more time to grow;"  she mutters in a quick tone.

Carl shakes his head.

"Not for you;"  he mutters.  "You are not what I need;"

Amber quivers.

"What do you need?"  she asks with a shrug.

"Not you;"  tells Carl before he leans back to stare at her.

Amber feels a bite -  it could be spite, it could be bitter; she feels it and she sinks.

"Is there someone else?"  she asks.

Carl shakes his head.

"Not yet;"  he mutters.

Amber sighs and then she tosses Carl another look.  She can't stand him being so mean and single while she's sitting trembling like someone who has been hurt.  Amber gulps.

"Why are you being so cold?"  she asks.

"I am not going to be with you again;"  tells Carl as he rolls his eyes.

Amber nods; she feels the silence in the car circle around her until it is sitting on her shoulders strangling her.  Inside of her mind she reaches to Carl to beg him for mercy, but all he does is stare.

"I want to be with you;"  she mutters as he feels herself grow pale.

"You didn't just hear me?"  asks Carl as he glares.  "No way!"  he adds.

Amber rolls her eyes and she glares at Carl.  She wishes he would not be so hard on her, but he is enjoying himself so much she wishes she had a gun to shoot him.  Amber however calms herself down and she stops making herself so mad.

"I want you;"  she mutters as she feels her skin crawl.

"Not with you loser!"  gasps Carl as he hits the steering wheel with a fist.

Amber flinches.

"Can we just have sex then?"  she asks.  "I'm lonely; I feel alone;"

Carl rolls his eyes and he looks at his fingers.

"I didn't know you were that kind;"  he mutters before he looks to Amber once more.

Amber shrugs; she was never that kind of person to give herself away, but since her bad fall-out she has lost her virginity and it has made her feel sore and soiled.

"I just want to be with you;"  she whines as she sulks.

Carl shrugs.  He doesn't like to get sexual without a solid relationship, but he always has his exceptions.  Amber is young and very attractive, he almost wants her.   However he feels like dirt as he realises he will not want to take her home, and so he shakes his head.

"I can't;"  he mutters.  "Not for you;'  he adds.

Amber nods and looks away -  this time she wants to cry for she finally realises that Carl means it when he calls her suck; they are over.

Amber returns home feeling cold and empty -  she does not wish to be alive; and so she heads for her room and lays on her bed.  Her purse is on the floor dangling off the rim of her fingers; she can't move.

A gust of wind reaches her even though the windows are closed.  Amber thinks it is a draft, but then her skin crawls and soon hand touch her skin.  Amber moves to turn her head, but the scent of cologne hits her and she knows it is Reg once again.  Amber hears his breathing and thinks he sounds like a beast, and his lips move over her body and she knows he is a beast and he has returned to ravage her.

Amber calls Carl and gets his answering machine.  She trembles as she fingers the telephone call and she grows nervous as she waits to speak.

"Hey, can you call me?  I thought we could get together.  I really want you;  I really need you; can you call?"  she asks as her eyes start to grow foggy.  "Call me, we can do stuff and go places; like a car;"  she adds.  "Like a ride;"  she adds.  "any ride;"

Carl picks up the phone and he sucks in his breath.

"Amber go to sleep!"  he steams before he hangs up the phone.

Amber sighs and she puts down the telephone.  She feels alone and she thinks she will cry, but she doesn't; she just sits there waiting.

Ten minutes pass and Amber sits bent and hung low like a tree that has wilted.  Only when the phone rings does she pick up her head and she answers.

"How about six pm tomorrow; we have a dinner and you end up at my place;"  tells Carl as he forces a smile.

Amber feels a spark and she smiles like she has just been given a bag of candy.

"Great!"  she sings.  "I'll be up at six!"

Carl nods and hangs up the phone.

Amber smiles as she sinks into bed -  she will soon be with Carl again and things will be so great that he will want to be with her forever.

"I have him back!"  she cries out as she hugs her pillow.  "Back for me!"  she adds before she smiles and closes her eyes to dream.

Amber paints her lips and walks outside to meet Carl.  He lets her inside the car and they drive away.  Amber feels a lot of tension lift from her shoulders the farther they get, and in no time they reach the local restaurant.

Dinner consists of steak and salad.  It is an easy meal to swallow and after a quick dessert they leave.

Carl drives Amber to his house and there he escorts her to his bedroom.  Amber thinks it all fun when undressing, but on the bed Carl rapes her and she ends up a bucket of tears.  His body his hard, his face is cold; he hurts her on purpose just because she wants his body more then being alone.

Amber shivers as she crawls on a portion of the bed, and she glares at Carl who has turned into Reg.

"You are sick!"  she mutters accusingly.

"You made me do it!"  wars Carl as he tries to run a couple of fingers through her hair.

Amber slaps at his hand and then she spits.

"You made me meat!"  she gasps as she bumps against the wall.

Carl shrugs.

"You are;"  he adds.  "I told you I didn't want to be with you; you said you wanted my body;"  he tells.  "So I gave you it!  All of it! You should say thank-you!"

Amber recoils.

"I meant I just wanted you;"  she mutters as she runs fingers up her freezing cold arms.

Carl moves to Amber and he offers her a kiss which touches her cheek and makes her blood run cold.  Amber pushes him away -  she wants to slap him down, she wants to murder him!  But then she softens, and reminding herself she would rather be with him then anyone she offers him one kiss.  They touch lips, it is like an old romance come back again, and it lasts.  Amber feels her heart jump and she allows herself to be held by Carl who is like her old lover come back to be with her.  However Carl breaks the kiss off fast just before he gets comfortable.

"I still don't want to be with you;"  he mutters.  "You can't stay;"

Amber flinches.

"I'm sorry, I keep thinking there's some warmth there for me;"  she adds.

"There is, but it's all old news;"  tells Carl.  "You suck!"

Amber returns home with wobble on her legs.  She falls down at the foyer, then she moves on and falls down in the corridor.  She has been used and let down, and she feels broken inside.  She crawls towards her bedroom door, and there she lays on the carpet and drops into sleep.

"He doesn't want me!"  she mutters with tears all over her face.  "Not at all!"  she adds before she wakes up screaming.

A hand covers her mouth and Reg's voice tells her to be quiet.  Amber gasps, she is naked, her body is wet, and she feels hot! Reg holds her down as he uses her body for his pleasure and Amber screams until she is forced to quieten with a hard whack that knocks her off until she is diving down into a pit she won't remember when she wakes.

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