Wednesday 26 October 2016

Cold Walk Home

A school day, a winter chill, a snow storm.  Asha rubs her arms as she looks outside - the weather is crisp and not getting any better.  With a resigned sigh she knows that she will have to freeze on the walk home, and when the bell rings she can only feel her spine curl.

Asha walks outside and she gets more then bitten by the harsh chill in the air.  With her guts sucked in she steps down the path, and at the base of stairs her legs meet ankle deep snow.  Asha walks through the white alongside a bunch of other kids.  However unlike other kids who have cars to escape to, she walks down a path and off a side street.

Asha feels her lips turn blue; she feels her eyes turn to ice; she shivers as she is struck by the cold, and she blinks over and again to stop herself from dropping down.  It is a mighty war with cold hitting on all sides like a tidal wave of icy sensations that washes over her head over again during the walk.

The walk takes long and is a labour.  Her feet drag and then her knees turn weak.  It is a horrible ordeal, and by the time she reaches her garden gate her fingers have turned white from cold.

With shaky fingers Asha unlatches the gate, then she walks towards the house where she lets herself inside.  Inside with blue on her face she walks to the living room where there is a fire on the burn and she stands in front of it until the cold sensations melt away.

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