Saturday 1 October 2016

May's Bad Day

May nibbles on her fingers - it has been all day since she has eaten and she is hungry.  She feels a grumble in her belly, and she cant fight the distraction anymore - she needs something to eat.  She reaches into her bag, she takes out a bar, and she nibbles.  She tries to he quiet but the teacher catches her.

"Detention!"  he orders.

May rolls her eyes and tucks the bar back into her bag.  Her craving has made her a target for ridicule and as the room snickers the bell rings.  May closes her eyes as she rubs her head, and then she sits still - like in a trance but her mind is ticking; she is fast growing impatient and she can't fight a bad mood anymore.  May glares at space, and time ticks slowly.  It takes an hour before she is told she can go home.

"It's about time!"  fumes May before she picks up her bag and leaves.

It is dark outside.  The sun has vanished and the cars on the road have lights on full blaze.  May feels a shiver, but with a coax inside she encourages herself to walk.  So she does walk - across the road and up a dark path.

It is very dark, pitch black.  May can hardly see her nose.  She wishes for a light but all she gets in the weak rays of the moon shining.  May walks fast, and she feels safe taking one step after another.  She feels alone, and this makes her feel free, until she turns a bend and sees a group near a car.

May wants to turn around but she feels less scared then when she had been walking alone, and so she continues on.  She feels like a person being spot-lit as she walks by - everyone stares her way.  May wishes her blush would calm down, but it doesn't, it just warms her cheeks.

May looks at one of the people staring - they have really bright eyes; May feels herself nibble on her thoughts.  Bright eyed people are normally pretty dangerous, especially the kind of bright that glows in the dark.  May tries not to stare but she does -  she looks at the person looking at her and they nod.  May offers a smile but she knows they can't see it.  The guy however snuffs his laugh like he has seen it, and he moves into the car with the others following.

May feels alone once more as the group move on. She sighs as she stops by a tree.  She wishes she had some courage she might have asked the guy for a ride.  But then her senses tell her to keep walking and so she does.

May continues to walk.  She feels sweat on her brow and she brushes it away.  She does wish that it didn't take so long to get anywhere.  She sulks.  But the sight of a well dressed man by a car catches her attention.  May gulps as he says a calm hello.

"Can you give me a ride?"  asks May before she can think.

The guy shakes his head.  May feels her heart flop - for a moment it wants to break, and then a chuckle alerts her.

"Okay;"  mutters the guy.

He sounds nice but May grows a shiver.  She doesn't know what has changed his mind but she wishes he had said no.  May nods and slips into the back of the car -  it is clean and warm, and she smiles as the car starts.  May feels good, but then the car moves and she grows cold again.

"I haven't told you the address;"  she states.

"I know the way;"  says the guy with a nod.

May nods.  She feels foolish once more and she sits back as the car drives on.  She gulps - she wishes she could scream but there is no one to hear her. So she sits, and the car moves off into the night as she fidgets her fingers.

May looks at the guy as the car parks.  He turns around with a smile - it looks twisted even on the dim.  May doesn't like it, but she tries to smile.  The guy notices, and he laughs at her face.  May wishes that she could run away but she doesn't have a chance, the doors are locked tight.

"So you want to take me home?"  she asks.

The guy brings out a gun.  He shoots once and then twice, and May falls down on the seat.  The guy smiles and then he heads to the back to drag May's body out of the car.  It smells like sweat.  He drops her on the grass and then he takes out the darts that are like mini tranquillisers.  He smacks May's face and she does not wake up.

"Walk home now kid;"  he mutters before he laughs and leaves her.

May wakes up as lights and torches shine over her face.  She squints - there are guys in coats and jackets surrounding her.  May sits up and one of the guys touch her shoulder.  They say something -  May can't grasp the words but they sound strange; alien almost.  May rubs her brow when she realised she can't speak.  One guy slaps her hard and she ends up spitting dirt out from her lips.  May feels hands lift her, and she is moved to a van.  She is shoved inside and left to pant as the people race away.

May tries to sit up but her bones are too heavy and so she closes her eyes.  When she wakes she is in a dark room which smells like dirt.  May tries to speak but she can't, and so she screams inside of her mind as she lays there dead as stone.

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