Thursday 6 October 2016

Meeting Danger

Kym walks with Luke around his house.  It is great - the garden is green, the pool is blue, and the inside is cool.  However she becomes fast dissapointed that there are other people there, and Kym sinks on the couch as Lukes siblings Tom And Pete share chips.

Kym grows bored and she fidgets with the idea of leaving, when Luke whispers into her ear that he would like to show her his room.  Kym fast agrees, and she moves past his siblings and into the other part of the house.

Kym listens to music as Luke talks.  It is a nice time, but the intimacy does not grow.  Kym fast realizes that Luke is a side-stepper, and that is when she learns that he might be gay.  Kym throws Luke a stare, and then a wink - he catches it and smiles, and then he ignores her as he drinks on soda.  The room grows quiet, and then the tick of the clock nearby tells Kym to go.

"It's time for me to go home;"  she says.

"Okay;"  mutters Luke.  "Do you want me to walk with you?"

"Please;"  tells Kym with a smile.

Kym is shown to the door and is about to say goodbye to Luke when the door opens.  It is Paul - Kyms father. Paul looks at Luke and he offers a frown.

"Who are you?"  he asks.

"I'm Luke;"  tells Luke red-faced.  "And you?"

"Kym's dad;"  tells Paul with a bite.

"This is my boyfriend;"  tells Kym with a smile.

"Oh?"  mutters Paul with a double frown.  "Do you mind if I talk with this fellow for a while in private?"  asks Paul.

"Sure;"  shrugs Kym before she looks to Luke who frowns and Paul.

"Sure;"  he mutters before he follows Paul inside.

Paul turns to Luke with hands on hips as he stares at him with narrow eyes.

"How long have you been seeing my daughter?"  asks Paul with red heat.

"A week;"  tells Luke in lie.

"You should have asked permission;"  tells Paul with some concern.

"Yes, but it's the way things are - we're just learning about one another at the moment;"  tells Luke as he sweats under his brow.

"Learning?  Like sex?"  asks Paul with a chip on his shoulder.

"No, like talk;"  tells Luke with a nod.

"You're sweating, you look like you've got something to hide;"  tells Paul as he looks Luke up and down.  "You're lying;"  he mutters.

"No sir!"  tells Luke with stress.  "No way;"  he adds.

"Yes;"  mutters Paul as he takes a sniff of the scent of perspiration.  "It's there, the smell of stank;"  he adds.

Luke holds his breath and then shakes his head.   He wishes that Paul wouldn't breathe all over his face - it's not  that he stinks, it's just that his breath is warm; it makes Luke quiver and he rolls his eyes. Paul smiles.

"Take it off then if you want to get hot for me;"  tells Paul as he slaps at Luke's t-shirt.

"What?"  asks Luke with a shake of his head.

Paul raises his brows and Luke sighs.  He knows what Paul wants, and he hangs his head before he slowly slips off his t-shirt.  It's been a while since he has been with another guy and he feels his heart sink as he gives in.  It's a rough thirty seconds but soon his clothes are on the floor as he stands against the wall a reeking mess.

"You've got a great body;"  tells Paul as he winks.

Paul isn't even compassionate, and the wink is abusive.  Luke rolls his eyes again before he turns around.  Paul smiles and then he nods before he takes off his belt.  He's got his turn on out in seconds, and within thirty seconds he's pushing his body as hard as he can to give Luke a rough time.  Luke bangs a fist against the wall, and then he shivers.  Paul clutches his body and rakes his nails down his ribs before he creams.  It's five minutes of pain but after then it is over.  Paul wipes his face and then he backs off as Luke takes in a sharp breath.

"Is that all you got?"  asks Luke as he looks to Paul who seems pale and withdrawn.

"For now;"  tells Paul before he turns around.  "You're hot;"  he adds.  "Whenever you want to come around you can visit me, and I'll give you some..."  he adds before he throws twenty dolls onto the bed.

"Am I that cheap?"  asks Luke with a raise of his brows.

"Sure;"  tells Paul as he glares.  "Pick it up - it's yours;"  he adds before he leaves.

Luke dresses, picks up the money, and then he exits the room.

"I have to leave!"  he gasps before he walks out of the house.

Luke picks up a pace as he walks away.  He thinks he hears his name but his mind is too far gone, he doesn't want to turn to Kym he just wants to leave.  So Luke leaves, he walks, he even runs.  He leaves his rape behind him and then he throws himself into his house where he sits and broods.

"She isn't worth it;"  tells Luke as he shakes his head.  "I'm better then cheap!"  he then adds before he turns off the light and sits as his blood turns red.

Luke spends two days avoiding Kym. He turns his back, he drives his car, he takes time to watch television.  He doesn't return her calls, and he does weights.  It is almost like heaven until the day Paul visits his house.

Luke feels ashamed as he glares at Pauls red face.  He wishes his siblings were home but they've gone to watch movies for an afternoon.  Luke shrugs.

"I'm sorry that Kym is upset but I don't want to see her anymore;"  tells Like as he feels stitches up his spine.

"Why?  Cause of me?"  asks Paul as he narrows his eyes.  "Cause you two looked comfortable when I caught you are the door;"

"Maybe..."   mutters Luke as he rolls his eyes.

"Then let me in;"  tells Paul.  "You've broken her heart, I break you;"

Luke immediately moves to slam the door but Paul busts open and storms inside.  Paul slaps Luke, he pokes at his chest, he teases him.  Luke feels weak as he steps back, and then when he reaches a bench he tries to hit Paul in the face.  Paul blocks and then he sends a punch that has Luke bent over his knees.  Paul then brings his knee up and drives it into Luke's face.  Luke grunts, and then he tries to crawl away but Paul picks him up and throws him over the bench.  Luke grits his teeth as Paul throws down his shorts and forces rape.  Luke blinks his eyes over again - Paul's bigger then before and he knows he has pumped.  It's a painful thirty minutes but after it Luke's legs are quivering.  Paul gasps and then he finally breaks away.

"I should get a video;" tells Paul as he takes out his mobile phone.

Luke peels himself away from the bench and then he turns around - his whole body is limp and his blood is running over his thighs staining the carpet.  Paul laughs at Luke who looks like he has been raped.  He wishes he could do more, but his instinct tells him not to.

"Can you give head?"  asks Paul.

"No;"  mutters Luke as he quivers.

"You should, you have a good mouth;"  tells Paul as he winks.

"I'll think about it;"  mutters Luke before he picks up his shorts and pulls them back on.

Paul shoves his mobile back inside his pocket.  He then circles Luke who strains to straighten his spine.  Paul then grabs Luke and tosses him into the nearby room where he rapes him again before he forces Luke to give him head.

Luke quivers as he showers and then he throws up over a towel.  He has been kicked hard in the head, and he doesn't feel good.  His fingers are shaken, his nerves have been shot.  Luke whimpers as he walks and then bang!  He hits his head on the floor - he has fainted.

Luke rubs his eyes as he stares at the sun.  It is bright and it warms him.  The beach is empty and relaxing and Luke lays on the warm sand to make his body feel warm.  It works to relax him, but as Luke closes his eyes he sees Paul.  Paul is calling him names, taunting him, telling him things which are hot tempered and hard.  Luke feels hurt, like he had been defeated, and then Paul shouts.

"Hey!"  he yells.  "You're cheap;"

Luke opens his eyes and he wipes the tears away.  He wishes he knew what he could do to get Paul off his mind.  He tries gum, he tries to drink sea water, he tries to walk.  But nothing cheers Paul up and so glum he moves to his car and drives home.

Luke paces his room.

"I wish I could kill him!"  he mutters as he scrapes his nails against the wall.  "That old goat - how dare he?"  he asks before he scrapes his nails over his arms.

Luke scratches himself, and with a scolding he moves to sulk on a chair.  Luke feels uneasy, he feels threatened, and so he closes the window and sits in the dark.

It is Sunday soon and Luke relaxes with his family as they share a BBQ lunch.  Luke smiles and laughs but his head is cold.  He wishes he could relax a little more but he feels in pieces, and so he rises from his chair to get a beer.

When by the fridge there is a door knock.  Luke hears it faintly, but it is there.  Luke picks up a knife and then he stalks the door.  He is scared, and with a thought he answers the door.  There is no one there.

Luke steps out of the house to take a peer at the street - it is bare except for a strange car sitting on the drive.  With a scream Luke is grabbed and pulled towards the car.  He is hit hard on the face and in the ribs, and he drops the knife in his startle.  Luke yells 'help!' but the music in the backyard drown his cries and he is forced inside the car and driven away.

Luke looks at Paul who has a gun aimed at his head.  They have stopped in the woods and there is nothing but the trees to hear him sob.

"You'll start coming over to my house so I can call you cheap or I shoot you;"  tells Paul with grit on his teeth.

Luke sobs and then he wipes his hair off his face.

"Okay;"  he nods as he hangs his head.  "You win;"

Paul wipes his cheep - Luke had hit him square on the jaw when he had dragged him out of the car, and his face hurts still.  Paul knows he will beat Luke, and he will do it every time he visits him until he sees bruises.

"If you don't show, I'll kill you;"  tells Paul as he cocks the gun.  "With my gun;"

"Okay..."  mutters Luke as he fingers the dirt in front of him.  "You win, you've got me;"

Paul grins.  His grin soon turns into a grimace and then a hard stare.

"If you tell the cops I'll rip your organs out.  I'm rich;"  he adds as his eyes turn black.  "I can afford bail;"

Luke shrugs.  He then nods once more before letting his mind go.  Paul puts the gun inside his car, and then he heads back to Luke to beat him up.

Luke arrives home after two am.  He feels hurt  -  his ribs have been bruised, and his loins have been sucked dry.  He feels shrunken and low, and when he walks inside to meet isolation he feels disappointed.  The family have left to go on the holiday they had been talking about and there is a ten dollar stuck on the fridge with a note.

"We couldn't wait, please call;"  the note says.

"Didn't you hear me calling help?"  asks Luke before he picks up a beer and moves to his room.

The next day Luke visits Paul.  Paul shows him to his bedroom and he beats him.  Luke screams for help inside of his mind as he hits the floor with blood on his face.  He feels broken, and with a kick to the head he blacks out.  Luke feels nothing, and when he wakes he feels sick and wet and he knows he has been laid.

"Five dollars;"  tells Paul as he hands Luke a note.  "You whore!"

Luke almost faints.  With bashful on his mind he scampers away from Paul and then he disappears.

Luke picks up the phone and he calls the police.  They listen as he tells them he has been raped, and then they write a report.  Luke hangs up the phone and then he trembles.  He is going to die, but he can't see Paul again otherwise he will kill himself.

Luke spends two days at home.  His family barely notice the bruises under his eyes, and Luke wishes he could tell them that he has been hurt.  Luke however moves on with his life - he visits friends, he works, and then he eats his meals.  He feels almost good, but then one morning he is hit with a reminder that he is wanted somewhere else.

Luke steps out from his car and then bang!  A bullet hits his chest.  His body is thrown back as a windshield behind him bursts.  Luke screams, and then he falls.  Glass falls with him, and on the gravel a pair of feet run up to him and a voice is heard.

"Don't call the cops again;" it whispers before the feet run away.

"You bastard!"  tells Luke.  "You whore!"  he screams before he loses his mind.

Luke sleeps on his bed night and day..  He can't move anymore, he is not to move until his body heals from the gun shot.  Luke grows a beard as his mind grows weak.  Then after a long time he forces himself to go out with friends.

Luke enjoys a pizza and chat, and then he shares a dessert.  He feels a bit better but his friends are uneasy.

"What's been going on?"  asks Joe as he glares at Luke.  "You look crashed!"

"I had some issues with a stalker;"  tells Luke.  "Someone shot me;"

"That's harsh;"  tells Reg who shakes his head.  "You had better get over it, and move on;"  he adds.

"I will;"  tells Luke as he shrugs before he throws a tip on the tip plate.  "Well I'm going home;"  he mutters before he leaves.

Luke walks up the car-park and in-between cars.  His friends look at Luke and they sip on milkshakes.  Luke feels his heart-beat faster, and he gulps.  He barely gets to his car when a pair of hands grab him and then he is stuffed into a car and driven away.

Luke feels a punch and then a kick.  He sobs.  He can't do it anymore, he needs out.  Luke looks at Paul through wet eyes.  He looks so wild that he can't stand it.  Paul is turned on and has his loins showing it.  Luke turns away, and as soon as he does he gets rammed from behind.  Luke closes his eyes and then he tries to scream out a whine, and then the world turns quiet except for the sound of hot breathing being issued.

Luke touches his body.  It is hot and wet.  Sweat drizzles down his body and his face.  He has been raped several times by Paul who is as hot as an iron.  Luke feels his heart - it has been broken, and it beats at a slower rate.

"Can we end this?"  asks Luke as he glares at Paul.  "You can't marry me, and here you are wet all over me;"

Paul flinches as he glares at Luke.

"True;"  he mutters.  "But I'm not done;"  he adds as he throws his loins in and out of Luke's body.

"I've bled for you, I'm hurt;"  tells Luke as he grabs Pauls shoulders.  "It has to end;"  he adds.

Paul smiles for a second, before he swings a punch that sends Luke's eyes rolling.  Paul starts pushing Luke as Luke groans.  It takes an hour before Paul has finished, and then Luke shivers as Paul forces him to give him head.

Luke is driven back to his car and then he returns home.  He has been hurt, his legs are wet with blood, and he sobs as he drives.  A train hits his head and he blacks out and that is when the car swerves and hits a tree.

Luke wakes up in hospital and he grimaces as he sees himself in a body cast.  A nurse approaches.

"It's just a couple of broken ribs;"  she says.

Luke nods.

"When can I go home?"  he asks.

"In two weeks;"  tells the nurse with a smile before she leaves.

In two weeks Luke returns home and then he talks to his family.  They ask about his abduction and then they hold him close.  It is agreed that he be moved, and so Luke moves interstate to live with friends of friends.  It is then he begins to relax -  he is out of danger, and he is no longer going to be threatened.  He can lead a normal life, and that is when the hairs on his body begin to sink.

"I can have a normal life;"  he says.  "Everything is going to be great!" he mutters before he begins to cry.

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