Friday 4 November 2016

Creepy Night

Ashley works hard at the supermarket.  A long day of trick or treats are brought, and she scans item after item until it is time to go home.  It is almost midnight when Ashley finishes her shift.  She doesn't like to walk home so late, but with her mind on the burn she walks out without a squeeze in her belly.

Ashley feels cold as she walks.  She wishes there were more lights, but there is only dim light being offered by the full moon above.  Ashley wishes there were stars to help pave her way, for the mist is looking great and spooky by her feet.

Ashley pants in the ice cold air and it rakes against her lungs.  She starts to wheeze as her lungs chill to ice-cube temperature.  Ashley wishes she could scream, but she sucks in her breath and walks on quietly.

Ashley stops by a traffic light.  The light burns her eyes and she has to blink to get her eyes focused.  Ashley blinks.  In front of her she spies a ghost of white floating on the other side of the road.  Ashley feels her body freeze as the ghost floats away.  She gasps!  The traffic stops and the light turns to green.  She can walk, but she runs all the way home!

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