Tuesday 11 October 2016

A Date Leading Towards Trouble

Pearl scratches at her drawing as she dribbles tears down her face.  Her boyfriend Peter has dumped her and for the last time.  Pearl draws a scrawl and then she write a swear word at the top.  Finally she rubs so hard at a black spot the pencil breaks, and then is when Pearl stops to suck in her breath.

"What will I do?"  she asks as the pencil trembles within her fingers.

Pearls tears break loose and then she sobs.  She has been hurt by Peter and she doesn't know how not to feel bad.

"What will I do?"  she asks before she screams.

Pearl walks through her day at school and then she walks to the mall.  With tears in her eyes she buys a drink, and that is when Troy scraped behind her.  He is the boy no one knows much about, who is cool but secretive.  Pearl looks at him and she feels a shiver and a kick, but with her heart feeling so down the kick feels like a milk murmur.

"Hello;"  she greets.

"Hello;"  retorts Troy who smiles.

His teeth are shining white and Pearl blushes.

"Are you alone?"  asks Troy with a mild stammer.

Pearl nods and Troy smiles.

"How about we see a movie/" he asks.

Pearl looks at the cinema - there is nothing on, and she doesn't want to waste the money; but with Troy so interested she can't say no; so she nods.

"Okay;"  she mutters.

Troy smiles and then he runs fingers through his hair as though his hair is messy.

"What do you want to see?"  he asks.

"Whatever;"  tells Pearl as she stands.

The movie is boring.  Pearl sits lounging with Troys arm stretched behind her.  Every time she looks to Troy he seems as bored as she, and she stops sucking on the straw of her drink.  She feels warm, but she doesn't know if she can last the whole movie and so she clears her throat.

"Are you bored?"  she asks.

Troy shrugs.

"A movie is a movie;"  he retorts.

Pearl nods, and then she tries to watch the movie.  However the movie is a bore and so she finds herself looking to Troy.  There are so many questions she wants answered -  is she being true to herself, does she like Troy, could he give her a good time?  However her questions are dabbed with boredom and she no longer cares.  Pearl sighs.  She's not into the good time ahead, and so she stands up.

"I want to go; sorry it's not doing anything for me;"  she says before she leaves.

Pearl walks home and then at home she bites on her finger nails.  She wonders if she had stood Troy up because she was too nervous to be with him, or if she just found him lame?  The questions puzzle her mind until bed where she sleeps through her misery.

The next day at school Pearl is pushed by Troy.

"A bitter end?"  he asks as he pushes her against lockers.

"What's wrong with you?"  asks Pearl as students stare.

Troy kisses her -  it's a long kiss that lasts for many seconds; it grows warm and it feels half-decent;, but as soon as their lips no longer touch Pearl smacks Troy hard in the face.  Troy grunts and then he slaps Pearl back.  Students scream, and soon teachers are separating the two.  There are tears, there are sobs, then there is Troy who yells at Pearl who hides behind the back of a teacher.

Pearl looks at the principal with tears inside of her eyes.  She blinks and then she fingers her face.

"I went on a date with him;"  she tells the principal.

The principal nods and then he writes a note.  Finally he tells Pearl to leave and she does.

At home Pearl feels glum.  She feels bad about Troy and she feels bad about herself.  Her life is a mess, nothing but trouble; she sulks.

"I hate life;"  she mutters.  "It's a mess;"  she declares.

The next day at school Troy approaches Pearl and he stops her.  He passes her a flower, and then he smiles.

"Forgive me;"  he mutters.  "I just want you to finish the date;"

"Sorry I am not interested;"  says Pearl.

"Yes you are;"  tells Troy.  "Or I am mad;"

"I am not!"  tells Pearl.  "Now leave me alone!"  she wars before she walks away.

The day runs smooth without any issues - it's only when walking home Peal runs into trouble.   She is stopped by Troy who has a car, and then he grabs her and pushes her into the car.  Pearl screams, she kicks, she tries to get away but he ties her up with seat-belt straps.  Caught in a fix Pearl in driven away, and in an abandoned park she is beaten.

"I hate you!"  gasps Troy over and over.  "You suck!"

Pearl sobs, shes creams, she begs, and then she just lays there as she gives up.  Troy takes out a knife and cuts her throat and then he runs away.  Pearl feels her blood rush out, her face turns cold, and then she lays there dead until someone finds her.

Ambulance pick up Pearl and take her away.  She is hardly alive, but she is somehow.  She wakes breathing in the hospital and she is treated for weeks.  Then she is able to talk, and she tells police Troy had hurt her.

Back home Amber rubs her throat, and then she shivers.  Troy had hurt her, but on her desk are flowers and a note.  Pearl smiles - the gift is from Peter, he wants to talk to her.  Pearl pushes the paper to the side.  When she is well again she will call Peter, and with any luck he will ask her to be with him again, and she will be relieved;  she won't be alone to meet Troy again, he will be gone as she is given escort by her new boyfriend.

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