Sunday 16 October 2016

Dragged Away

A tooth ache in Kay's face makes her feel bad.  She broods over the store and she wipes her tongue over it over and again.  Kay grows more glum and she decides she needs to visit a dentist, and so she picks up her phone and scans through her address book before she dials.

"Hey a 2 o clock for tomorrow?"  she asks.

The receptionist books her in.

Kay smiles and she puts down the phone - her job is done.  Pride makes her crave for ice-cream and so she moves to the kitchen to make herself a bowl.  After scooping two scoops into a cone the door bell rings and Kay moves to answer the door.

Ash is there at the door with a charming grin on his face.  Kay smiles at him and she welcomes him, but he just grabs her and forces her down the lawn and into his car.  Kay drops her ice-cream on the way, and she screams as she is locks in the back of Ash's black jaguar.  Ash hops into the front and he drive, he doesn't stop until he is home.

Kay moves into Ash's room and she then slaps him hard.  He slaps her back and then he ties her onto his bed.  Kay trembles as he leaves her alone and she begs that someone come to her rescue - but no one does; and so Kay falls asleep and when she wakes her whole body feels like pins and needles.

Ash comes to her early morning and he looks at Kay who frowns.

"What do you want?"  she asks.

Ash shrugs.

"Just you with me;" he mutters in a vacant tone.

Kay grimaces - she is afraid to move, so intense are the pins and needles.

"Let me go;"  she whines as she winces.

Ash laughs before he vacates the room.

A day and a night Kay is starved.  She grows heavy and weak, and she can't stand it.  Kay feels off and sore and hurt.  Is there no end to her pain?  The answer is no.

Ash wakes Kay with a slap, and then he tortures her with some intense kisses.  There is little love - it is as dry as wood, and it makes Kay feel unsettled.  Kay suffers a moment more before she begs.

"Let me go;"  she whines.  "I want to go home;"

However Ash just crooks his head, and then he leaves.

Kay sobs and then in a moment she screams!

Kay wakes and she feels nervous as a range of black shadows stand before her.  Kay feels bad, and then she feels worse - the hit her and call her names, and she cries out as her body is given sores, and then she faints; she is too weak, she hasn't eaten, she hasn't drunk.  The world vanishes, and so does Kay.

Days, weeks, months, pass and Kay is alive.  She feels like a hero doomed, and who finds it hard to die.  She turns limp, she turns useless, she hibernates to hide her mind from her reality.  She grows skinny - so skinny she can't even lift her eyes; she sleeps.

A scream is heard!  Is it hers?  No?  A shot!  Who?  What?  Where? When?  How?  A light so warm it feels like the sun shines on Kay as she rests under closed eyes.  Her skin is touched, the fastenings on her wrists and ankles are cut, then her body is lifted, and she is moved.  Kay floats - she still can't open her eyes, even when she thinks she feels the sun, even when she thinks she feels a bed.

Days in hospital turn into weeks and Kay can finally open her eyes.  She has been fed, she feels full in a way, and she looks around and sees a hospital.  Kay smiles, she has been saved!  A nurse rushes to her,then a cop, then a stranger; they all ask her questions and she talks in a daze.  She tells them her name, her phone number, her age; then she falls limp - her brain has been hit too hard and she falls asleep.

When awake Kay finds her parents who hover over her - it has been a crazy world, but she is safe once more.  Her torture has ended, and she is sure to smile as she is told she will soon go home.  Kay is glad -  she can't wait to go back home, then she can start over again a free and happy person.

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