Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hugs and Kisses

Pearl walks around the house - she is sweating it is hot.  She pants as she walks while the sun burns from outside.  Pearl can't believe the humidity, it is as though she can get burnt even when the fans are on.

"Damn this heat!"  exclaims Pearl before she gasps and falls into a chair.

The door opens and mother Marge comes in with husband Greg.  Marge looks at Pearl and laughs.

"You look exhausted;"  she says before she moves on to the kitchen where she aches to make some ice-cream sundaes.

Pearl offers a small smile and then she looks to Greg who stops to stare at her.  There is a chill.  Greg has been acting strange for months and she wishes he would not look at her.  Pearl knows that there's something behind Greg's eyes which tells her that he wants her.  Pearl wishes she couldn't see it and she recalls the moments when she should have seen it.  Whenever he gave her a kiss on the cheek she wonders if it were supposed to be a kiss on the mouth instead.  Pearl blushes as she wrinkles her nose.  She hates Greg, she wishes he would not stare, she wishes he would leave.

Greg smiles at Pearl before he sits down on the table in front of her.  Pearl looks at him and imagines him moving on to run fingers through her hair.  The fantasy is annoying, it makes her wet, and she stares at Greg as she wonders if he will give in.

Marge comes in with ice-cream blobbed in honey milk.  She gives the drink to Pearl and then she wipes her brow.

"I'm beat - shower for me;"  she mutters before she smiles and leaves.

Greg waves as Pearl drinks the drink she has been given - it is delicious.

The humidity returns when Marge leaves and Pearl once again wanders her stare to Greg as she sips down her milk drink.  Pearl sucks down the cool milk and then she eats the ice-cream before she pushes the cut aside on the side table.

"Why are you watching me?"  asks Pearl finally.

Greg crooks his head.

"I like to look;"  he mutters.  "You grow up so fast, I like to ensure I get every moment;"  he mutters.

Pearl shivers inside of her skin.  She recalls the night when she was showering, there was a creak so loud it could have been in the same room, but looking out of the shower door she saw nothing; maybe she should have seen something; maybe she should have seen him.

"I like to be alone;"  tells Pearl as she grows a hunch in her shoulders.

Greg runs a finger up her leg as she stretches it to lounge.  Pearl almost shrieks but instead she snaps her eyes on Greg.

"Could you go away?"  she then asks as she feels her heartbeat race.

Greg shrugs and he stands up before he moves to the kitchen to get a beer.

Pearl sighs.  She is alone again and it takes a moment for her to settle down.  However she can't settle down and so she moves to go for a walk in the backyard.

The heat pounds down on Pearls shoulders -  she is hot once more.

"This stupid heat!"  gasps Pearl as she looks at the pool.  "I need a swim but even the water looks like it could boil me!"  she adds before she heads back indoors.

Greg catches her at the door.  He stops her.  The sun beats on her back and makes it feel like it can burn her.  Pearl grows cross.

"Can I move inside?  It's hot out here;"  she tells.

Greg shrugs before he pushes the beer in his hand away.

"Let me take you to the garden -  there's a special something there;"  he mutters as he rolls his eyes.

Pearl nods and together they walk around the pool and behind some bushes.  Pearl sees nothing but cool leaves which break under her sandals and she looks to Greg who smiles her way.

"What is it?"  she asks.  "Where is it?"

Greg touches her face with his hand and he holds it.  Pearl scowls, and then she shivers as he runs fingers over her lips.  Pearl feels her breath draw back and she flinches before Greg pushes a heated finger inside of her mouth.  Pearl gasps.

"Oh!"  she mutters after she draws back.  "You're touching me oddly;"  she mutters before she turns away.

"A little more then oddly;"  tells Greg as he catches her and holds her.

Pearl feels his breath panting over her shoulder and she grows a cringe.

"I don't want you touching me;"  she mutters with spit.

Greg ignores her and begins running his mouth over her shoulder.  Pearl shivers as her heart-beat pulses in her neck.  Greg holds her tight and she cringes - she can't get away from him, and she feels her panic rise as he grows more passionate.

"It's not right;"  she mutters weakly as her throat squeezes closed until it turns dry.

Greg hushes her with a quick hiss, and then he runs fingers up her skirt to be able to take her underwear down.

Pearl feels wet and sticky and she takes in one last gulp of hot hair.  She has been raped for the last time and her muscle have melted into lethargy.  Pearl shivers as Greg trembles over her .  He is exhausted -  the sun has burnt his back, his loins are sore and empty; his afternoon has been upturned and he needs to take a nap.  But he doesn't go to sleep instead he looks at Pearl who has burn on her face and sweat dribbling off her body.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have;"  he mutters with flames dancing over his teeth and gums.

Pearl feels her body turn into another pulse -  a pulse that tells her she is sore and broken.  Pearl fights tears as she aches.

"I told you not to do it!"  she gasps.

Greg catches her face.  he runs fingers over it and over her lips.  He likes to touch her -  it is exciting and new; but he knows it is time to let her go.

"I need to go back inside;"  he mutters before he takes his loins out of her.

There is blood on his loins, red blood which makes him feel weak.  Greg then looks at Pearls thighs and he sees blood spill over them.  Greg looks at the house which sits like a  virgin on a log.;  he doesn't know what to do and so he rushes to dress.

Late that night as Pearl rests in bed Greg nibbles at her door.  He knows he has raped her, and that even at dinner she had been fighting her emotions; but he still wants to be with her.

Greg walks into the room and he slips into her bed.  It is warm and cosy, but it smells sweet and young like her skin.  Greg pulls off the bed-cover and he undresses.  He then takes off her clothes until she is also naked, and he smiles.  Her body in exposed to him and the moon filtering through the window turns her body silver.  Greg touches it -  it is warm to touch, but it shivers under his fingers.

Pearl stirs and she wakes -  Greg pushes a hand over her mouth before she is able to scream.

"It's just me;"  he mutters as he feels wet sweat cover his spine.

Pearl looks at Greg and she falls weak as he crawls onto her.  He covers more then her mouth he covers her body, and Pearl can only sob as he pushes himself inside.  Her loins are already sore, but with him inside she feels them split; then she cringes as her tunnel is chafed once again.

Pearl grows depressed.  She can't eat at all during the day and during the afternoon she can only nibble.  Marge notices Pearl growing pale, and she nibbles on her finger looking at her.  One evening Marge can't take the silence and she asks Greg to speak to Pearl.

Greg walks into Pearls room and he closes the door behind him.

"What's up kid?  You hardly eat, you hardly talk;"  he mutters.

Pearl shrugs and she shivers.  She feels hot and cold at the same time.  Pearl nibbles on a finger she has chewed down, and then she looks to Greg.

"You've hurt me;"  she tells him.

Greg approaches her and he holds her fast in a  hug she can't get away from.  Pearl shivers as he wraps his arms around her.  She sobs quiet tears from her eyes -  she can't relax; she just wants him to leave.

"Leave me;"  she mutters before the door opens.

Marge looks at the two and think the hug is a healing hug.  She smiles and then she leaves assured that Greg is doing a good job.  Greg runs his fingers under Pearls shirt -  her skin is shivering, and he grows strong for her.

"Let's take you for a ride;"  he mutters.

Pearl nods.  She can't fight him, she knows it, so she sobs as she collects her hat.

Greg drives far out of the city and onto a country road.  There in the open field he pulls Pearl out of the car and he pushes her into the long reeds of grass.  He pulls off her underwear and then he pulls his own pants down.  He is mad for her, made for her rape, and he drives in big and hard.  Pearl screams out a moan as her head hits a high -  she is hurt; and Greg doesn't get off her for hours.

Pearl is carried back inside the house.  She is asleep, the ride home was too long for her to wait and so she fell asleep on the way.  Greg looks at Marge who smiles as she watches him carry Pearl to her room, then she leaves.

Greg places Pearl onto her bed and then he smiles as he touches her face.  Her face is pale with red on the lips, and he likes the sight.

"I like you;"  he mutters as he holds her.  "You are mine;"  he adds.

Pearl doesn't hear the words a vacant on her sunk mind.

"You are mine;"  tells Greg before he gives her one last kiss and leaves.

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