Sunday 16 October 2016

Ice Cold

An ice cold draft crawls up Eve's spine.  She feels its touch and she shivers inside of her skin.  It is late, it is dark, she is cold, she is scared.  Eve rushes her steps to get closer to home.

Street after street pass and there is an edge on Eve's heels - she is nervous, and it is the night that makes her so.  She has a stitch in her ribs, and her feet are swollen; she is tired, and she slows to a stop at the end of the next street.

A breath of wind is like a breath of ice.  Eve drinks in the cool and feels her ribs turn to ice.  She knows it is cold, her skin feels like snow - so cold; one touch and there is a bitter sting which is caused from chill.

A car passes by - a lone car with ice on its heels.  Eve watches it roll on by and then she watches it leave.  Eve feels down that she is stuck and she looks down at her shoes.  They look cold, so cold that Eve moves to step - she cant!

A spiral of wind circles around Eve as she tries to lift her shoe off the street - it is frozen and she looks up before she too turns to ice.  The wind moves on now that it has chilled its victim to the bone, and there stands Eve still as a statue frozen to the curb.

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