Wednesday 26 October 2016

Kym's Afternoon

Kym looks at Jacob and sees him staring at her.  She smiles, but her smile is caught inside of her throat.  She wishes he would not look at her, but he does; he stares on like she is the only person in the world.  Kym feels her heart pulse up a blush and it tingles to her underwear.

"What is wrong with this?"  asks Kym as she shakes her head and bats her eyes.  "He's a guy;"  she wars but one look across and she sees he is not a guy but the only guy she will ever really know.  "Maybe I don't know him, but it's the only guy I have to put up with;'"  she mutters before she picks up her bags and leaves.

Kym moves to her bedroom where she can get away from Jacob's stare.  She thinks she has made it but one knock on the door and she jumps.  Jacob walks inside and he smiles in a way that makes Kym wonder if he can see through her clothes.

"I was thinking of ordering pizza;"  he remarks.  "Do you want a pizza?"

"Vegetarian;"  tells Kym with a nod.

"Okay;"  mutters Jacob before he leaves.

Kym places a hand on her chest and she sighs.  That was a close one, she felt her hairs raised.  Kym shakes off her mind and she looks at the closest book -  she reads the heading, and then she smiles.

"Better study;"  she mutters.

Thirty minutes later Jacob calls Kym to dinner.  She walks down stairs, and she sits - on the table are the ordered pizzas with a drink.   Kym helps herself to a slice, then another.  Jacob joins her at the table and he too eats.  It is a delicious meal where the greasy pizza's get eaten slice by slice.

Kym smles and then she finishes off her drink.

"Time to study;"  she remarks.

"Watch some television first;" tells Jacob.

Kym nods and moves to the television room.  It takes an hour for her to watch an episode and by the end she is feeling sleepy.

"I had more energy before;"  she mutters as she flicks the television off.  "Now all I want to do is sleep;"

Kym walks through the hall and back to her bedroom.  On her study book is a chocolate Jacob has put there.  Kym eats it and then she clears her throat - she has to study.

Cold Walk Home

A school day, a winter chill, a snow storm.  Asha rubs her arms as she looks outside - the weather is crisp and not getting any better.  With a resigned sigh she knows that she will have to freeze on the walk home, and when the bell rings she can only feel her spine curl.

Asha walks outside and she gets more then bitten by the harsh chill in the air.  With her guts sucked in she steps down the path, and at the base of stairs her legs meet ankle deep snow.  Asha walks through the white alongside a bunch of other kids.  However unlike other kids who have cars to escape to, she walks down a path and off a side street.

Asha feels her lips turn blue; she feels her eyes turn to ice; she shivers as she is struck by the cold, and she blinks over and again to stop herself from dropping down.  It is a mighty war with cold hitting on all sides like a tidal wave of icy sensations that washes over her head over again during the walk.

The walk takes long and is a labour.  Her feet drag and then her knees turn weak.  It is a horrible ordeal, and by the time she reaches her garden gate her fingers have turned white from cold.

With shaky fingers Asha unlatches the gate, then she walks towards the house where she lets herself inside.  Inside with blue on her face she walks to the living room where there is a fire on the burn and she stands in front of it until the cold sensations melt away.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hugs and Kisses

Pearl walks around the house - she is sweating it is hot.  She pants as she walks while the sun burns from outside.  Pearl can't believe the humidity, it is as though she can get burnt even when the fans are on.

"Damn this heat!"  exclaims Pearl before she gasps and falls into a chair.

The door opens and mother Marge comes in with husband Greg.  Marge looks at Pearl and laughs.

"You look exhausted;"  she says before she moves on to the kitchen where she aches to make some ice-cream sundaes.

Pearl offers a small smile and then she looks to Greg who stops to stare at her.  There is a chill.  Greg has been acting strange for months and she wishes he would not look at her.  Pearl knows that there's something behind Greg's eyes which tells her that he wants her.  Pearl wishes she couldn't see it and she recalls the moments when she should have seen it.  Whenever he gave her a kiss on the cheek she wonders if it were supposed to be a kiss on the mouth instead.  Pearl blushes as she wrinkles her nose.  She hates Greg, she wishes he would not stare, she wishes he would leave.

Greg smiles at Pearl before he sits down on the table in front of her.  Pearl looks at him and imagines him moving on to run fingers through her hair.  The fantasy is annoying, it makes her wet, and she stares at Greg as she wonders if he will give in.

Marge comes in with ice-cream blobbed in honey milk.  She gives the drink to Pearl and then she wipes her brow.

"I'm beat - shower for me;"  she mutters before she smiles and leaves.

Greg waves as Pearl drinks the drink she has been given - it is delicious.

The humidity returns when Marge leaves and Pearl once again wanders her stare to Greg as she sips down her milk drink.  Pearl sucks down the cool milk and then she eats the ice-cream before she pushes the cut aside on the side table.

"Why are you watching me?"  asks Pearl finally.

Greg crooks his head.

"I like to look;"  he mutters.  "You grow up so fast, I like to ensure I get every moment;"  he mutters.

Pearl shivers inside of her skin.  She recalls the night when she was showering, there was a creak so loud it could have been in the same room, but looking out of the shower door she saw nothing; maybe she should have seen something; maybe she should have seen him.

"I like to be alone;"  tells Pearl as she grows a hunch in her shoulders.

Greg runs a finger up her leg as she stretches it to lounge.  Pearl almost shrieks but instead she snaps her eyes on Greg.

"Could you go away?"  she then asks as she feels her heartbeat race.

Greg shrugs and he stands up before he moves to the kitchen to get a beer.

Pearl sighs.  She is alone again and it takes a moment for her to settle down.  However she can't settle down and so she moves to go for a walk in the backyard.

The heat pounds down on Pearls shoulders -  she is hot once more.

"This stupid heat!"  gasps Pearl as she looks at the pool.  "I need a swim but even the water looks like it could boil me!"  she adds before she heads back indoors.

Greg catches her at the door.  He stops her.  The sun beats on her back and makes it feel like it can burn her.  Pearl grows cross.

"Can I move inside?  It's hot out here;"  she tells.

Greg shrugs before he pushes the beer in his hand away.

"Let me take you to the garden -  there's a special something there;"  he mutters as he rolls his eyes.

Pearl nods and together they walk around the pool and behind some bushes.  Pearl sees nothing but cool leaves which break under her sandals and she looks to Greg who smiles her way.

"What is it?"  she asks.  "Where is it?"

Greg touches her face with his hand and he holds it.  Pearl scowls, and then she shivers as he runs fingers over her lips.  Pearl feels her breath draw back and she flinches before Greg pushes a heated finger inside of her mouth.  Pearl gasps.

"Oh!"  she mutters after she draws back.  "You're touching me oddly;"  she mutters before she turns away.

"A little more then oddly;"  tells Greg as he catches her and holds her.

Pearl feels his breath panting over her shoulder and she grows a cringe.

"I don't want you touching me;"  she mutters with spit.

Greg ignores her and begins running his mouth over her shoulder.  Pearl shivers as her heart-beat pulses in her neck.  Greg holds her tight and she cringes - she can't get away from him, and she feels her panic rise as he grows more passionate.

"It's not right;"  she mutters weakly as her throat squeezes closed until it turns dry.

Greg hushes her with a quick hiss, and then he runs fingers up her skirt to be able to take her underwear down.

Pearl feels wet and sticky and she takes in one last gulp of hot hair.  She has been raped for the last time and her muscle have melted into lethargy.  Pearl shivers as Greg trembles over her .  He is exhausted -  the sun has burnt his back, his loins are sore and empty; his afternoon has been upturned and he needs to take a nap.  But he doesn't go to sleep instead he looks at Pearl who has burn on her face and sweat dribbling off her body.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have;"  he mutters with flames dancing over his teeth and gums.

Pearl feels her body turn into another pulse -  a pulse that tells her she is sore and broken.  Pearl fights tears as she aches.

"I told you not to do it!"  she gasps.

Greg catches her face.  he runs fingers over it and over her lips.  He likes to touch her -  it is exciting and new; but he knows it is time to let her go.

"I need to go back inside;"  he mutters before he takes his loins out of her.

There is blood on his loins, red blood which makes him feel weak.  Greg then looks at Pearls thighs and he sees blood spill over them.  Greg looks at the house which sits like a  virgin on a log.;  he doesn't know what to do and so he rushes to dress.

Late that night as Pearl rests in bed Greg nibbles at her door.  He knows he has raped her, and that even at dinner she had been fighting her emotions; but he still wants to be with her.

Greg walks into the room and he slips into her bed.  It is warm and cosy, but it smells sweet and young like her skin.  Greg pulls off the bed-cover and he undresses.  He then takes off her clothes until she is also naked, and he smiles.  Her body in exposed to him and the moon filtering through the window turns her body silver.  Greg touches it -  it is warm to touch, but it shivers under his fingers.

Pearl stirs and she wakes -  Greg pushes a hand over her mouth before she is able to scream.

"It's just me;"  he mutters as he feels wet sweat cover his spine.

Pearl looks at Greg and she falls weak as he crawls onto her.  He covers more then her mouth he covers her body, and Pearl can only sob as he pushes himself inside.  Her loins are already sore, but with him inside she feels them split; then she cringes as her tunnel is chafed once again.

Pearl grows depressed.  She can't eat at all during the day and during the afternoon she can only nibble.  Marge notices Pearl growing pale, and she nibbles on her finger looking at her.  One evening Marge can't take the silence and she asks Greg to speak to Pearl.

Greg walks into Pearls room and he closes the door behind him.

"What's up kid?  You hardly eat, you hardly talk;"  he mutters.

Pearl shrugs and she shivers.  She feels hot and cold at the same time.  Pearl nibbles on a finger she has chewed down, and then she looks to Greg.

"You've hurt me;"  she tells him.

Greg approaches her and he holds her fast in a  hug she can't get away from.  Pearl shivers as he wraps his arms around her.  She sobs quiet tears from her eyes -  she can't relax; she just wants him to leave.

"Leave me;"  she mutters before the door opens.

Marge looks at the two and think the hug is a healing hug.  She smiles and then she leaves assured that Greg is doing a good job.  Greg runs his fingers under Pearls shirt -  her skin is shivering, and he grows strong for her.

"Let's take you for a ride;"  he mutters.

Pearl nods.  She can't fight him, she knows it, so she sobs as she collects her hat.

Greg drives far out of the city and onto a country road.  There in the open field he pulls Pearl out of the car and he pushes her into the long reeds of grass.  He pulls off her underwear and then he pulls his own pants down.  He is mad for her, made for her rape, and he drives in big and hard.  Pearl screams out a moan as her head hits a high -  she is hurt; and Greg doesn't get off her for hours.

Pearl is carried back inside the house.  She is asleep, the ride home was too long for her to wait and so she fell asleep on the way.  Greg looks at Marge who smiles as she watches him carry Pearl to her room, then she leaves.

Greg places Pearl onto her bed and then he smiles as he touches her face.  Her face is pale with red on the lips, and he likes the sight.

"I like you;"  he mutters as he holds her.  "You are mine;"  he adds.

Pearl doesn't hear the words a vacant on her sunk mind.

"You are mine;"  tells Greg before he gives her one last kiss and leaves.

Monday 24 October 2016

Drive Away

Eve sits in the toilet sinking on a wave that has tears running out of her eyes.  She can't stop crying.  A tingle in her heart tells her that she should be miserable, and so she is.  Eve wipes her eyes for the last time before shrieking at the drill of the school bell as it tells the students the day is over.

"How can a day so hard be over so fast?"  asks Eve as she sits still waiting for the headache of the world to end.

Soon enough there is a draft that tells Eve that everyone has gone.  She ignores it, and instead of walking out with a cigarette in her fingers she stays in thinking how miserable she is.

Eve catches her breath, and then she jumps!  It's the janitor who tells her she should leave.  Eve picks up her bag and then she comes out of the toilet.  The janitor spies her and he smiles.

"Late in aren't we dear?"  he mutters.

"Sure, just a headache turned bad;"  tells Eve before she walks away.

Eve notices that her legs are wobbling -  she has sat down too hard for too long, and they have tingles in them.  Eve shrugs off the feeling and then she stops by the nearby water fountain.  The water is cool and refreshing, and Eve enjoys the drink quite a bit.

After a few minutes Eve leaves.  She walks down the dark corridor and out the front door.  It is a dreary feeling and she almost expects rain to meet her outside, but instead she meets wind.

"A cool pain in the neck!"  she muttered with sour on her tongue.

A hand touches her shoulder and she jumps before teacher Roger Ashton walks past.

"A little late to leave Eve?"  he asks.

Eve shrugs and then she turns away to swallow a couple of pills she had stashed in her right pocket.  Eve doesn't want to deal with the teacher, and she cracks the pills in-between her teeth to be able to feel their kick a little faster.

Roger looks to Eve and he raises his brows.  He wants to talk to her, but he gets a feeling in his blood that reminds him he is a stalker, and so he presses his lips together as he waits for Eve to turn his way.

"Sorry, migraine;"  mutters Eve before she leans a stare on Rogers face.

Roger smiles and then steps back a little.

"I see;"  he mutters as he thinks about Eve being tied up in his basement screaming as he leaves her there to starve.  "It's a little late Eve do you want a lift home?"  he asks.

Eve shrugs.

"Sure as long as it's not too far out of your way;"  she mutters.

Roger shakes his head.  He feels a rush inside of his bones which tells him that he would like to drive Eve anywhere but home.  His mind comes up wit stories of her being found by the beach, in a zoo, in a forest, in a park, stoned out of her mind and lying that she has not been anywhere but home.

"It's not too far;" mutters Roger as he blinks his eyes to wake.

"Then I would love to;"  tells Eve before she moves to step near Roger.

"Follow me;"  mutters Roger before he turns away.

Inside the car Eve sneers as Roger takes another strange turn.  Soon the welcoming houses turn into shadows, and she can't even see the path on the side of the road let alone the direction they are headed.  Eve cracks a finger - the snap breaks the silence in the air and Roger wakes.

"Be there soon;"  he mutters as he focuses on the road ahead.

"It only takes five minutes when my parents drive;"  tells Eve as she grows narrow eyes.

"It's the scenic route;"  tells Roger with a smile before he too narrows his eyes to pass a stare at Eve.

The two connect stares and they laugh - but the laughter is dry and bitter, and their personality grate until their mood turns into bitter crumbs.  Both ache for a drink, it is only the car which drives on.

In a garage Roger parks.  He looks to Eve who looks like she is about to slap him.  Roger gets out of the car so that she is not at vantage if she should wish to do so.  He then helps Eve out of the car before taking her arm.

"This is where we meet a cross road;"  he mutters as he pants from the heat building up under his skin.  "You can come in easy or broken;"

Eve rolls her eyes and she sucks in a breath.  Roger has cheated her and she is to pay a stiff fine for having had trusted him.

"Easy;"  she mutters in a tight tone which shows her nervousness.

Roger nods and with steps her walks inside the house where he leads Eve down into a den and ties her eyes.  He leaves her there, and Eve worries as she feels ice chill over her skin.  She is scared  that she should have tried to fight.  She had thought he wanted her in his bed not in his den.  Eve hold her breath and she lays still focusing on breathing.  She feels beaten and the terror has only just started.

Roger ignores Eve all night and then in the morning he leaves for work.  Work seems hard, he can't concentrate; all he can think of is Eve in his den.  He rubs down the board as he panics - he wants the day over, but it has only just begin; and so he turns on a video and he makes the class watch it as he focuses his attention on the seconds which pass slowly through his mind.

Roger returns home and he hurries down to Eve who sobs as she continues to stare at the ceiling.  She feels bad that she has urinated on the floor, and Roger sneers.

"That's no way to act;"  he mutters before he picks Eve up and dumps her in the shower.

There he washes her thighs with the head of the hose before removing her underwear and moving her to the bedroom.

Eve sucks in her breath as she looks to Roger.  She feels cold - the shower had been cold and it had chilled her to the bone.  She keeps trembling on her skin, and she wishes she had her underwear back.

"Can you let me go?  This game is harsh;"  tells Eve as she lets a tear dribble from her eye.  "You can sleep with me, kiss me - just let me go; I won't tell anyone;"  she adds.  "Please;"

Roger shrugs as his fingers tremble.  He wishes he could let her go, but she knows his inner person and he can't take the chance of gossip.  He cannot let her leave, and he has no hunger to stay in the room with her.  He wishes he knew what he wanted -  but he does not know.

"I'll think about it;"  he mutters before he closes the door and leaves her there.

An afternoon in front of the television is turned into a war as Roger contemplates of letting Eve go.  He does want to, but not before he has had his way with her.  He just has to find a way to turn homocide into love, and then he might let her go.

Roger furrows his brows as he ponders about Eve.  He thought her plea was a good bargain, but he doesn't really want to sleep with her.  He had wanted her to starve in the den for months, but the mess she made brought him closer to the truth - his fantasy is too messy and he can't go through with it.  Roger rubs his face.

"I guess I should let Eve go;"  he mutters with a sigh.  "She should be good to her word;"

Roger walks into the bedroom and he touches Eve's face.  She wakes from her light slumber and she looks at him with ease.  It is then Roger feels something -  a bump in his chest called panic; he drops the key inside of his fingers onto the bed and he freaks out.

"I've come for you;"  he mutters.

Eve bites her lips and nods.

Roger slips onto the bed and picks up the key, then he unlocks the chains on Eve before he moves onto her.  Eve meets him with stiff calm which is like hard whipped cream.  She knows she is still a virgin and she freaks out as Roger kisses her.  It is one timid step after another, and it takes all of her will not to try and give him a punch to send him falling to the floor.  Eve closes her eyes as she pretends to be somewhere else for a while -  a holiday resort, a beach, a forest lake;  then Eve feels it a hurt downstairs and she loses her breath as Roger pushes himself inside of her.

Trembling Eve leaves the house.  She walks down the street and meets a curb.  She feels sick -  it's early morning and she is expected to find her own way home with ten dollars worth of change in her pocket.

Eve finds a telephone booth and she calls for a taxi.  She reads the name of a nearby street post and then the number of the house behind her.  She then puts down the phone and waits as she feels shakes through her bode.  She is cold, very cold, and she can't feel warm; ice crawls onto her lips and makes her feel cold.

Eve leans on the tree as she begins to sob.  She feels weak and out of strength but she keeps standing.  She rubs her face over and again to stay awake and then the taxi comes.  Eve slips into the ride and she tells the taxi driver the address - this time she is taken home.

Walk Through Night

Kym walks through the night after having had finished a night shift.  The world is dark, so dark it gives her the chills.  Kym shivers as she walks being stalked by shadows.  She wishes she could feel safe, but with the lights blown at the side of the street she can only feel one thing - scared.

Kym walks a little faster heart racing inside of her chest.  She feels like she is running from something - danger.  Kym tries to think of flowers on the field, but her thoughts turn black and dame as she sees a person light a cigarette far ahead.

Kym thanks her stars for the company, however she still feels wobbles in the knees.  She hopes that the person ahead are normal, that they are safe;  however as she gets near the cigarette disappears and Kym feels hairs raised as she realises she has seen a ghost!

Kym walks on the other side of the path and she continues to wander.  Even the echo of her heels create a stir which makes her feel scared.  She feels like she is walking through an empty hallway which is barren of life, and she does not feel safe at all.

Kym continues to rush through the streets to get home where the world is safe and walk.  Kym sees a dog, then a cat, then a newspaper whistling rustles over a trashcan.  Kym walks on, and she does not stop until she reaches her apartment.

A beam of light welcomes Kym as she steps over the threshold and into the land of safety.  Kym feels a warm buzz and she grows calm.  Her race against her own fears is over and she can relax.

Kym moves to the elevator and she presses a button.  She smiles.  She feels safe - now she is home.

Friday 21 October 2016

Blood For Money

April and Kent sit at dinner.  There is music and romance, but they are being spied on by Adam and Robert who smoke as they stare at the couple.  April doesn't see them, but Kent has his eye set on stare, and he can't help but grow uncomfortable over the audience.

"You think this is a theatre by the way others stare here;"  he tells April who is halfway through drinking a flask of wine.

"What stares?"  she asks as she looks around seeing nothing abnormal.

"Never-mind;" mutters Kent who leans back to show that he has unwound.

"Really, we're here together and all you can think about is other people;"  mutters April as she takes out a cigarette.

"Sorry to have upset you;"  tells Kent who snatches the cigarette and pushes it to the side of a plate.  "Not here;"  he mutters.

April shrugs and she leans on a hand while she sulks.

"You really are a dump sometimes;"  she mutters as she broods.

Kent feels his mood drop to low and he glares in a tight leer before he blinks his feelings away.

"I am sorry you feel that way;"  he comments as his tongue turns brittle and dry.  "It's been a rough kind of day, and the way I feel right now..."

The waiter brings the two meals they have purchased.  Nothing but the cheapest meat on the smallest plate is served, and April rolls her eyes.

"This night was supposed to be special;"  she comments.

"It is!" enthuses Kent as he grows a rash under the collar.

"Then what's this morsel food?  I need a real steak;"  tells April as she sneers.

"It's food - food is food;"  mutters Kent before he digs into his meal.

Two bites and he is done.  April pulls a plate and finishes her meal in one bite.

"We're not the big bang;"  tells Kent as he rolls his eyes.  "We're still homely;"

April swallows her meat and then she finishes her drink.

"I would have brought you a whole steak;"  she mutters with clip in her tone.

Kent shrugs.

"Well look at it this way - you won't put on weight;"  tells Kent before he eyes April up and down.

April sneers and then she bitterly places the flask onto the table.

"Charmed!"  she calls in a hot tone which the whole room hears.

Kent smiles but blushes as a few faces turn their way.  He then finishes his meal and goes to pay for it.

While in cue to pay the two spectators leering approach Kent.  Kent looks at them and he rolls his eyes as they semi-circle around him.

"Nice looking woman;"  tells Robert with a grin.  "Very nice;"  he adds with a slur.

"Thanks;"  mutters Kent with a stiff nod of gratitude.

"The meal was a bit small though;"  tells Adam with a clip.  "Are you unable to pay for a real meal?"  he asks.

"Money is tight;"  tells Kent with a shrug.

"Tight like water;"  tells Adam.

Robert smiles and nods.

"A nice woman like that and you can make circles of dimes;"  he adds.

Kent sucks in his breath and turns away as Adam plays with a clip of money.

"I can give you three hundred dollars if you and your woman go to the back and get dirty over a trashcan while we watch;"  mutters Adam as Robert nods.

"What?"  asks Kent as he glares at the hand which holds the money.  "What are you?  Who are you?"   he asks.

"Wealthy bankers;"  mutters Adam with a shimmer in his eyes.

Kent shakes his head.  He hears a call for him to move to pay, and he approaches the desk.  The clip in his pocket has one crumpled note in it, and he peels it off the clip before pushing it forward to pay for the meal.  Kent feels his gut wobble, then he looks to Adam who tucks his money back into his jacket.  Robert nods before breaking off to grab a drink off a table.  Kent wishes he could do the same -  but he can't; he has no money.

Kent walks up to Adam and he holds out his hand.

"I'll do it;"  he mutters.

Adam smiles.

"Make it semi-murder and I'll give you an envelope of money;"  he mutters before he takes two clips out of his pocket and waves it around.

Kent gulps.  He then nods.  He takes the money, and with his pockets heavy he moves to collect April who is busy counting dots on the table-cloth.

Kent leads April to the back of the restaurant where it is cold and barren.  There are five trash cans sitting side by side, and one industrial trash can in the corner.

"What's here?  This isn't any short-cut;"  tells April as she waves a hand across the row of garbage bins.  "It's dirty dump place;'  she mutters before she turns to Kent who has his fists rolled up.

April looks at his fists and then at his face which is drawn and serious.

"What are you?  Who are you?"  she asks before two men emerge from the door to smoke on the stairs.

April shivers.  She isn't sure who they are but they look like they know something.  April glares the two figures up and down.  She can see them now, the two fellows standing around like visitors glaring at the room like they own it.  She had seen them before, but she hadn't want to call them queer -  just people who like to stand rather then sit for their meal.

"What is this?"  asks April as she feels a snake crawl under her skin.  "My skin is getting nervous;"  she adds.

Kent smiles an ice cold smile.  He then takes out a knife and points it at April.

"What do you want?"  she asks as she narrows her eyes.  "Money?  I have none!"

"You coat;"  tells Kent as he flicks fingers her way.

April sneers.  She wants to scream out no, but she doesn't dare.  The knife pointed at her is a death trip and she doesn't want to experience it at all.  So April takes off the coat and she hands it to Kent who throws it onto the ground.

"Hey, that's real fur!"  yells April as her white coat is dunked in sewerage water.

"Now the dress;"  tells Kent as he wags the knife in front of her.

"You want my dress too?"  asks April as she fingers the sequins on the dress.

"Yes!"  tells Kent as he grows red inside of his brain.

April looks at the fellows on the stairs.  She then looks to Kent who is red with stress.  April then looks at the fellows on the stairs again and  this time they are passing cigarettes as they leer.

"i don't want to take it off;"  she mutters as she raises her brows.

Kent lunges and cuts a strap and it falls limp.

"You cut me!"  gasps April as she touches her pale skin where the red dribbled down over it like a tear.

Kent tackles April and he stabs her under the ribs.  April feels it and she screams as she tries to punch Kent, but a head-butt crashes against her nose and makes her mind spin and April drops her rage to play limp victim.

Kent kisses her and touches her in places she wouldn't have let him if they had been in her apartment.  They have only been dating a few weeks and she doesn't like him any more then she likes his lack of money.  April falls onto a trash bag -  her strength is giving up on her.  Her back is wet from sour juice popping out of the bag and onto her skin, but still Kent crawls over her to show her he is caught in a motion that he won't let go of.  April peers over his shoulder at the two fellows on the staircase.  She wants to wave, to leer, to shoot at them; but she can only stare as her mind drifts off her shoulders.  She can see them, both of the, their faces are young, their stature is erect.  They are someone and she knows it as she drifts off from her own level to float with the mist that is forming over her eyes.

"Who are you?"  she thinks as Kent's hot breath pants over her shoulder.

April wipes a tear from her eye, and then she leans back.  A shard of glass slips out from the garbage bag and cuts her cheek.  April shivers, then she begs for someone to help her as she lays there helpless.

Kent pokes his chin on the glass and he recoils.  He looks at the shard of glass and then at April's cheek who has blood dribbling over it.  Kent recoils - the sight of blood makes his face pale, and he flinches before he panics.  Kent gets up and races away right after he has put himself together.  He runs with money in pocket as April lays still.

April looks at the fellows who stare at her from the stair.  They talk to each other and laugh.  April's heart sink that she is a joke.  She wants to call to them but she can't move, she can't talk; her body is in pain and there is a deep cut rushing out blood.  She is helpless, she is limp, she has been hurt and she can't move not even to make her lips whisper.  So April waits and it doesn't take long for the two fellows to approach her.

They bend over her to take a closer look.  April wants to tell them her name, but she keeps still as they poke at her side with a stick that has been found.  They talk about her wound like it is a newspaper article.  April feels a turn, she feels sick, and she pants a little.  The two fellows stare at her face and they know there is something wrong.

"Can you call for an ambulance;"  mutters April as her tongue turns swollen and her throat turns dry.

Robert looks to Adam who shrugs.  Adam wants to mutter yes, but he stands to smoke instead.  April looks at him smoke, and then she looks to Robert who shakes his head as turns her cheek.  The glass cuts his hand, and he stands up to kick at the shard.  The shard shatters and splinters of glass falls over Aprils bare shoulder.  April feels a chill over the dusting but then she glares at the two fellows once more and she grows faint of heart as they tell each other they should leave.

April wants to scream as they leave her alone.  She feels miserable being so faint and hardly able to move.  April sulks and she stays where she is as she waits for a hero; but none comes.  Night passes on and April feels her body growing colder and colder until she drops down dead with the turn of her head.

Adam, Robert, Aprl, kent

Thursday 20 October 2016

An Evil

Max walks into the nursery.  He picks up Meg who is his new born.  He smiles and he lays her on the carpet.  He feels like being a man and he takes her nappy off.  The nappy is thrown away like a flag of peace being taken down, and he fondles Meg's rose which expands as he pushes a finger through it.

Meg begins to cry and Max pushes a finger to her lips -  she sucks, Max grows a shiver; and then after a while he takes his finger away.

"You are one of those girls aren't you?"  he asks as he takes off his belt.

Max dabs Meg's face with his loins, and she sucks the head a little.  With a soiled face Max pulls Meg onto his lap and he pushes his loins inside of her little pink rose.

There is a noise like an alarm and Max pushes his finger inside of Meg's face.  His loins rake inside of her body pushing her organs too far to the right.  Max rocks and he gasps as Meg's mouth sucks on his finger.  He is not sure she feels it, but he feels her -  a hot wet doll, glazing his loins and smearing it with blood.

Max pulls Meg off him and he puts her back into her bed.  He has done an evil and he wipes his face with his hands before he leaves her alone.

One Drunk Afternoon

Nathan looks at Angie who sleeps in her crib.  He grows annoyed at her - hours have turned into days, and days months; there have been many countless hours of infatuation with the child and it has all come at a pace which he had never anticipated.  It has been a rocky ten months and he has spent afternoons getting drunk.

Nathan pokes at Angie's face.  It is a pure milken face which is like any childs - round and doughy.  Nathan puts a finger inside Angie's lips and the child sucks.  Nathan pulls the finger away.

"I hate you;"  he mutters.  "I really don't like the adulation of others or you;"  he tells.  "I wish you were never born;  I wish so many thing;"  he drawls.  "But here you are;"

Nathan sighs and he paces the room.  He feels like he hasn't drunk enough.  He feels on edge.  Nathan heads back to the crib and he takes Angie out.  He places her gently on the floor and he sucks in his breath as his fingers crawl around her neck.  He tries to squeeze but he only goes so far before Angie wakes up with a cough.  Nathan watches her eyes open and he feels his gut wobble -  she is alive; and so he takes his hands away to wipe them on his pants.

"What am I?  Who am I?  Who can I be?"  he asks as he touches his body.  "Am I a monster?"  he questions.  "Is this who I am?"

The sounds of stillness echoes and Nathan sweats - he is alone with the child, he can do anything he wants.

Nathan calms himself and he leans away from Angie who glares at him.  She makes a sound, and he rushes to slap her face!  It stings Angie and she cries -  but Nathan shoves his finger inside of her mouth and her cries fade into nothing as she sucks.

"You like sucking don't you?"  asks Nathan as he calms down.  "You like it don't you?"  he asks.

He gets no response and so he takes his finger away and he leaves the child on the floor.

Nathan walks into the bedroom where his wife Betty sleeps.  She is rested, and he takes his clothes off and masturbates to her sleeping face.  Nathan wants to rape her, but as he hovers over her body he feels his gut shrink -  there is something wrong with Betty, and so he pushes a pillow on her face and he listens as her breathing chokes and then stops within the next seven minutes that pass.  She hadn't even woken, she had just died; and Nathan sighs as he peels himself off the bed.

Nathan returns to the nursery and he picks Angie off from the floor.  She is almost asleep and so he puts her inside the crib and he leaves her alone.  Nathan then walks down the hall where he meets Kym who wrinkles her nose as she sees him.  Nathan grabs her and he forces her onto a chair, before he rips her underwear away, and claims her as his own.  He rapes her hard, and then after he puts her in his bed next to her dead mum.  Kym screams, and she has her mouth taped and her hands handcuffed to the bed in a short time.

Nathan walks away to get drunk, and he doesn't return to the room for hours.  When he does return he comes in with a chainsaw, and he cuts Betty up until her body is ready to be buried in the backyard.  Then Nathan digs -  he digs himself a grave as his mind is troubled by his thoughts, and he doesn't stop until Betty is planted in her grave in the sheets he has bloodied.

Nathan has a shower and he gasps all the way.  His mind is weak, his limbs are weaker still, and he struggles to breathe.  Nathan pushes himself to dress and then he slips onto a couch where he passes out, and when he wakes it is a new day with many hours to waste as he picks up the nerve to tell Kym that she is his.

Flirt and Punishment

Jade hears the quiet of the house and feels relaxed for a change.  Usually the house is filled with agitation between her and her parents who hate her.  Jade usually bickers and then is sent to her room, and she grows cross and upset bellowing foul thoughts while sitting on the carpet.  It feels like a war with the heat flowing to and fro, to accent the fact that she just does not belong.

Jade sighs and she pours herself some lemonade.  She loves lemonade; its sweetness is the only thing she craves when she has an afternoon alone.  She can drink a whole bottle on her own, it is her addiction.  It's like wine on the first date that goes with ice-cream dipped in champagne.  It's nice.

Jade drinks and then she wanders around the house.  The house is dull and filled with all the trimmings it has had for years.  The atmosphere is dull - dull in the way everything is so thick and heavy.  The decorations are blocks of marble which hold little substance.  Jade wrinkles her nose.

"I know where I would rather spend my money;"  she mutters before she walks past an oval egg which has a disc of gold in the middle.

In the foyer Jade lingers.  She has drunk more then half her cup and she feels like she wants to fill it.  However she has little interest in her drink as she stares at her parents bedroom.  Jade pushes her finger against the door, she opens it, she walks inside.  There is still, the curtains are closed, everything is tidy, everything is barren.  Jade looks at the bed, and she turns away.

"I wish I could pee on it;"  she mutters before she walks towards a bookshelf which has her with her family on year nine graduation.

Jade turns the photo around so that she can't see it.  She hates seeings photos of her with her family - they are so cardboard; she doesn't even like them because she knows before that picture had been taken they had had an argument and a bitter one; it makes the memory of the photograph foul.

"I hate these old photo's;"  she mutters.

A cough is heard by the door and Jade spins around.  Jade looks at Jacob who stares at her as he pushes his suitcase away;

"Can you correct that photograph?"  he asks.

Jade does so.  She feels nervous having had been  caught so raw and exposed in her parents bedroom -  she feels naked, and her blood makes her feel shamed.

"What are you doing in here?"  asks Jacob who raises his brows.

"Nothing, I was just looking for money;"  tells Jade in lie.  "Pizza craving;"

"Oh no, no, no!"  gasps Jacob as he shakes his head.  "No pizza;"  he adds.

Jade shrugs and she nods.

"Okay, sorry I came in;"  she mutters.

Jacob walks to the photograph to inspect it and he turns to Jade.

"This was taken six months ago; what's the matter with it?"  he asks.

"I think everyone looks unfriendly;"  tells Jade as she grows tingles under her skin.

"We're smiling;"  tells Jacob.  "Even you are smiling - sort of;"  he mutters.

"I don't like it!"  yells Jade.

Jacob throws a frown and he touches Jade's shoulder.  Jade grimaces and he gives it a squeeze.  He can touch a nerve that makes her writhe on the floor for a few minutes before blacking out; it's annoying.

"It's not the end of the world;"  tells Jacob before he takes his hand away.

Jade shrugs as Jacob stares at her like she is meat on a stick.  She feels strange, tingly, silly; she wants to hit him for looking at her that way; she wants to yell;

"Do you want to watch me shower or something?"  she jokes.

"No;"  tells Jacob as his eyes widen.  "Why would you suggest such a thing?"  he asks.

"No reason;"  tells Jade as she looks away.  "I just thought you were staring at me too long;"

"You think I am rude?"  asks Jacob with a gasp.

"Yes;"  tells Jade as she stares back.  "Yes I do;"  she adds.

"Beg my pardon miss, if I were not in a good mood I would give you a spanking;"  tells Jacob as he sneers.

"Well my apologies then - I'll just leave and go to my room;"  tells Jade as she steps away.

Jade feels a rush as she walks away; she feels like there is a gun at her back;  but there is no gun, just her, leaving the room.

In the hall Jacob spins Jade around.  She gasps and then she looks at Jacob who seems out of sorts.  Jacob shrugs.

"Are you feeling well?"  he asks.

Jade pulls back some hair that has been forced out of place.

"Oh yes;"  she tells.

Jacob rubs her back like he does when she is upset and crying; however she is not crying now and so it seems out of place.

"You've not been dumped by a boyfriend?"  he asks as he stares.

Jade laughs.

"No!"  she gasps between stitches.

Jacob hears a car outside and he flicks his eyes to the foyer windows and he sees a red sports car slowing down before speeding on and around a curb.  The sound of a motor fades.  Jacob looks back to Jade then to the clock that reads four thirty.  Time ticks inside of his head as he works out seconds and minutes for someone else to come back home.  The answer is five to six.

"Are you wanting to be a lover?'  he asks as he narrows his eyes.

Jade cringes and then she recoils -  she wants to scream but then her scream turns into small laughter.  Jade thinks about it - what he would be like, what he would do, how it would feel, what it would mean;  Jade shrugs to Jacob when she thinks that it would be cool for her school friends to know that she has done it with someone she shouldn't have.

"I thought you looked turned on; maybe you want to shower with me;"  she mutters.  "Are you turned on?"  she then asks.

Jacob feels his mind recoil and it pushes a button for him to abort.  He feels a portion of his brain explode, and he trembles as he feels wetness that spreads over his brain until it hits his pants.  His underwear is wet, he had creamed, he needs to be fixed;

"Shoot me!"  he gasps as he looks at his crotch and sees a bump.

Jade breathes out -  she gasps, she shivers; Jacobs hands work faster then his mind and soon they are clutching her backside like she is a school sweetheart during a drunk party.

"I don't know;"  she mutters before she bushes his hands away.

Jacob feels dull, dead, on edge; and then he feels mad.  Jacob slaps Jade's face hard, and when she screams he slaps her again.  He slaps her into his bedroom and then he pushes her onto the bed where she is covered in kisses and ripped apart by a rape that takes her from coy to coward.  Jade screams out mercy as he propels and breaks her crotch apart, and then she blubbers - an hour has passed and they are both exhausted.

Jacob moves off Jade and he shivers to a corner of the bed.  He has used a years worth of pelvis power and now he is dead.  He is broken from his loins to his mind, and he can't think straight.  He feels cold, he feels stiff and sore, he feels like he needs a cigarette; but then the door opens and Angie appears.

"What's happened?"  asks Angie as she hears Jade sobbing.

Jacob turns his head and he scolds before he rushes to get his clothes back on.  Angie sees it clear -  the skin, the scene, the guilt, the rage; she looks to Jacob and she backs away.

"I can't see this!"  she screams before she leaves.

Jacob follows.

A few seconds it takes before she returns with Jacob pulling her.  Jacob commands Angie to sit and she sits with tears in her eyes.

"It's just fun;"  tells Jacob before he undresses.  "I'll show you;"

Jacob then heads towards Jade and he drags her onto the carpet before he fills her bruised thighs up with another rape which she cannot fight.

Angie covers her ears as she hears Jade scream.  He insides scream, and she picks up her shoes and runs out of the house.

Jacob shivers and he crawls off Jade.  He has had enough with her, she is broken and boring and he wants nothing to do with her.

Jacob heads to the kitchen and he pours himself a drink.  He is dead.  He feels shaken like he might faint, and so he fast drinks to power himself.  He has had a long day, and he can't take the hours back, the world has ended; and he will not be relieved of guilt until the next day.

"Well she wanted it;"  tells Jacob as he thinks hard.  "She wanted the flirt, and so she has had the rush;"  he mutters with a  shrug.  "Then she will wake up tomorrow and remind herself, not to give me a hard time again;" he adds.

But inside of his mind he hears a gun-shot, and he knows he has just killed a portion of himself that had been pure before that moment.  Jacob shrivels up inside and then he screams.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Lucky Nickle

Archie had a nickle he wanted to keep.  He flicks it inside of his fingers, and he shows it to his friends.

His friends do want it so much now that Archie has found a coin with luck! However Archie runs far away from all his friends and at a river he hides the ring before he runs off again.

Lo and behold that ring is lost as the river sweeps it out from behind a rock  When Archie comes to take back the ring, he can only scream! His nickle is gone, and so is his luck!

Creepy Spiders

Creepy spiders crawling down the slim-infested drain.

Creepy spiders crawling over lawn and all things standing.  Creepy spiders makes dog wail in fright as they crawl, make webs, and bite!

Creepy spiders over everything and when they reach the bedrooms screams do ring!

Sunday 16 October 2016


Trisha does her dance practise.  She feels good when she moves, but it is her balance that is wrong.  One one leg she wobbles, and she know that will cost her points in the dance exam.  Trisha sulks and she turns away -  she can do it, she knows she can; it is just that she can't actually do it -  it is hard.

"What will I do if I can't fix it up?"  she asks as she shakes her head.

A laugh is heard.  Trisha rubs her ear like it is a vibration on her ear drum, but it is not; it is real and as Trisha turns her head she realises fast that she is being watched by Greg.  Trisha blushes, and she moves to push her jumper on.

"What are you doing here/"  she asks as she glares at Greg with slit eyes.

He looks at her, her skin crawls -  she doesn't know who he is or what he thinks; she just knows he is gross and tears wipe over her eyes.  Trisha looks away and she sighs - so many kodak moments are stored in the back of her mind, and they are all smiles and good times; who knew there was anything else?

"What do you want?"  she asks as she looks to Greg once more.

Greg shrugs.

"I like to watch you dance;"  he mutters.

Trisha gasps and crosses her arms.

"Well you can't do that for long!"  she tells.  "I need privacy;"  she adds.

Greg smiles, and then he looks away.  He feels different about Trisha as she grows; she is a growing woman and he grows bitter as she matures.  He wants to tell her, but he can't; he wishes she knew that he wants to tell her that he feels good about her being who she is.

"Well just leave me then;"  tells Trisha as she waits for Greg to leave.

"Okay;"  mutters Greg.  "I'll leave you alone;"  he mutters before he goes away.

Trisha sighs.  She feels relief as she watches him go.  She knows that he has thoughts of his own, but he really needs to leave when she tells him.  Trisha feels proud that she has talked to his beast and told him to leave in order - if only all arguments ended in the same way!

"Well better practise!"  she mutters before she takes off her jumper.

Hot and sweaty Trisha trembles -  she has just completed her jumps, and she is tired.  She has had enough - her skill is good, her jumps are better; now time for dinner!

Trisha undresses and picks up a towel before she moves down the hall.  She needs to shower, and she does -  she hops into the shower and feels relief!  All her sweat stains dribble down the drain and she washes herself with vigour; she feels good and fresh - it is only when she leaves the shower that her good mood drops.

Trisha glares at Greg and she rubs her arms as she clutches the towel to her body.

"Are you wanting something?"  she asks as she blushes.

Greg draws his eyes over her exposed skin -  he likes the sight of her, but he wishes she were naked.  Trisha grows a shiver and she steps back.

"Maybe you should leave?"  she asks after a moment.

The question is almost a gasp, and Greg laughs as he reaches out and takes the towel away.  It is all fun, he thinks it a joke as he plays the moment like a computer game.  Trisha blows her top and out of her nose comes smoke which bellows.  Greg uses his hands to take hold of her and he throws her into the shower with ease.  He feels like someone strong -  superman of sorts - and when he walks into the shower he feels like a serial killers as he watches Trisha gasp as blood dribbles over her body.  She has hit her nose, and Greg hits it to make sure that is the spout where the red is running from.  Trisha falls and blood falls with her splattering the white of the tiles.

Greg takes out a knife.  He stabs at Trisha -  she screams, she winces, and then at last she moans.  Her voice is weak, and the knife stabs at her groin over again.  The mood settles, and the computer game is turned off as welcomes reality; the reality has turned that knife into his loins and that groin into her love-hole.  Greg can't turn to the shadow any more -  it has become clear that he has his knife in her and in reality that knife is his snake.

'I am the snake!"   Greg voices as he grows strong.  "I am inside!"

A stiff dinner is met with brittle hurt.  Kay looks to Greg and then to Paula who eats quietly her meal of eggs and ham.  Kay rolls her eyes as she fights the urge to tells Paula what Greg has done, and she soon focuses on her bread to try and eat it.

A telephone call rings and Paula leave.  Kay flinches -  she begs Paula not to leave inside of her mind; but she leaves.

"Leave then!"  gasps Kay before she pushes her plate away.  "I plan to go to bed early;"  she tells Greg before she leaves.

A cold bed turns into a safe place to hide as Kay lays there for hours.  She tosses her head to and fro and then she sobs a little.  Her tears are weak, and so she turns away to sulk as she nibbles on her fingers.  She can hear her parents talk, but they are far away; to far to hear her as she lays there awake.  She doesn't want to talk to them, she wants to leave; but there is no where for her to go and so she stays feeling blue until she falls asleep.

Dragged Away

A tooth ache in Kay's face makes her feel bad.  She broods over the store and she wipes her tongue over it over and again.  Kay grows more glum and she decides she needs to visit a dentist, and so she picks up her phone and scans through her address book before she dials.

"Hey a 2 o clock for tomorrow?"  she asks.

The receptionist books her in.

Kay smiles and she puts down the phone - her job is done.  Pride makes her crave for ice-cream and so she moves to the kitchen to make herself a bowl.  After scooping two scoops into a cone the door bell rings and Kay moves to answer the door.

Ash is there at the door with a charming grin on his face.  Kay smiles at him and she welcomes him, but he just grabs her and forces her down the lawn and into his car.  Kay drops her ice-cream on the way, and she screams as she is locks in the back of Ash's black jaguar.  Ash hops into the front and he drive, he doesn't stop until he is home.

Kay moves into Ash's room and she then slaps him hard.  He slaps her back and then he ties her onto his bed.  Kay trembles as he leaves her alone and she begs that someone come to her rescue - but no one does; and so Kay falls asleep and when she wakes her whole body feels like pins and needles.

Ash comes to her early morning and he looks at Kay who frowns.

"What do you want?"  she asks.

Ash shrugs.

"Just you with me;" he mutters in a vacant tone.

Kay grimaces - she is afraid to move, so intense are the pins and needles.

"Let me go;"  she whines as she winces.

Ash laughs before he vacates the room.

A day and a night Kay is starved.  She grows heavy and weak, and she can't stand it.  Kay feels off and sore and hurt.  Is there no end to her pain?  The answer is no.

Ash wakes Kay with a slap, and then he tortures her with some intense kisses.  There is little love - it is as dry as wood, and it makes Kay feel unsettled.  Kay suffers a moment more before she begs.

"Let me go;"  she whines.  "I want to go home;"

However Ash just crooks his head, and then he leaves.

Kay sobs and then in a moment she screams!

Kay wakes and she feels nervous as a range of black shadows stand before her.  Kay feels bad, and then she feels worse - the hit her and call her names, and she cries out as her body is given sores, and then she faints; she is too weak, she hasn't eaten, she hasn't drunk.  The world vanishes, and so does Kay.

Days, weeks, months, pass and Kay is alive.  She feels like a hero doomed, and who finds it hard to die.  She turns limp, she turns useless, she hibernates to hide her mind from her reality.  She grows skinny - so skinny she can't even lift her eyes; she sleeps.

A scream is heard!  Is it hers?  No?  A shot!  Who?  What?  Where? When?  How?  A light so warm it feels like the sun shines on Kay as she rests under closed eyes.  Her skin is touched, the fastenings on her wrists and ankles are cut, then her body is lifted, and she is moved.  Kay floats - she still can't open her eyes, even when she thinks she feels the sun, even when she thinks she feels a bed.

Days in hospital turn into weeks and Kay can finally open her eyes.  She has been fed, she feels full in a way, and she looks around and sees a hospital.  Kay smiles, she has been saved!  A nurse rushes to her,then a cop, then a stranger; they all ask her questions and she talks in a daze.  She tells them her name, her phone number, her age; then she falls limp - her brain has been hit too hard and she falls asleep.

When awake Kay finds her parents who hover over her - it has been a crazy world, but she is safe once more.  Her torture has ended, and she is sure to smile as she is told she will soon go home.  Kay is glad -  she can't wait to go back home, then she can start over again a free and happy person.

Ice Cold

An ice cold draft crawls up Eve's spine.  She feels its touch and she shivers inside of her skin.  It is late, it is dark, she is cold, she is scared.  Eve rushes her steps to get closer to home.

Street after street pass and there is an edge on Eve's heels - she is nervous, and it is the night that makes her so.  She has a stitch in her ribs, and her feet are swollen; she is tired, and she slows to a stop at the end of the next street.

A breath of wind is like a breath of ice.  Eve drinks in the cool and feels her ribs turn to ice.  She knows it is cold, her skin feels like snow - so cold; one touch and there is a bitter sting which is caused from chill.

A car passes by - a lone car with ice on its heels.  Eve watches it roll on by and then she watches it leave.  Eve feels down that she is stuck and she looks down at her shoes.  They look cold, so cold that Eve moves to step - she cant!

A spiral of wind circles around Eve as she tries to lift her shoe off the street - it is frozen and she looks up before she too turns to ice.  The wind moves on now that it has chilled its victim to the bone, and there stands Eve still as a statue frozen to the curb.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Dark Act

Anne walks home - it is dark.  The school dance had gone over-time two hours and she has to walk home by herself.  Everyone else has left in their cars and she has wandered off to be able to walk.  Anne feels like it is a drag to be felt to walk home after a dance so active; but that is what her parents has told her before she had gone out - 'go out and you walk home!' they had said.

Anne sighs as she hears a car stop behind her.  She turns and sees school hot-throb Reg who waves from the inside of the car.  He beeps the horn and Anne acknowledges that is a sign for a date.  She rushes towards the car like she has a fan-book to have signed; and she fast slips inside.  Reg smiles.

"What made you come inside?  You don't know me;"  he mutters as he glares at her.

"I know you from school;"  tells Anne as she shrugs.

"But you don't know me;"  tells Reg as he raises his brows.  "I could be anyone;"  he adds.

"I know, but you're from school so it's fine;"  tells Anne as she blushes.

"Then I am glad you are fine with that;"  tells Reg before he drives away.

The woods is spooky at night - the brittle twigs scrape against the car like they are cats claws, and it makes such a noise that Anne has to cover her ears.  It takes ten minutes but a clearing is soon sighted and the car is able to park.  Anne smiles.

"So why did you take me here?"  she asks.

"I thought you looked nice in that dress and thought some privacy would be adequate;"  tells Reg as he grins.

"Privacy?  Well sure is quiet;"  tells Anne as she grows tingles on her spine.

 "I know, I like the quiet;"  tells Reg before he slips out of the car.  "Wanna get out please?"  he asks.

Anne slips out of the car.

Reg meets her and he tells her to lay down.

"Why?"  asks Anne.

"Just do it;"  tells Reg before he moves to the back of his car.  "Close your eyes too!"  he adds.

Anne lays down and closes her eyes.  She feels relaxed as the cool wind blows over her skin, however the hairs on her arms do rise.  Anne feels her heart murmur all of a  sudden -  it is like her body is telling her signals and she doesn't want to listen to break the trust inside of her head.

Anne feels a shoe next to her head and she opens her eyes to take a look up when bang!  The head of an axe hits her neck hard.

Anne gasps as blood gurgles from her broken neck and she feels ice cold.

"It's a tradition to ruin a great night with a missing person's act;"  tells Reg as he leans over her pale face.  "They'll read about it in next weeks paper;"  he adds before he lifts up her head and kicks it over a fallen log in the near distance.

Anne feels her head sink down into the mud and she tastes a swallow before he eyes roll up and her head blacks out. Reg digs a grave for her body, puts it inside, and covers it.  His deadly deed is done, and he is to go home.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

A Date Leading Towards Trouble

Pearl scratches at her drawing as she dribbles tears down her face.  Her boyfriend Peter has dumped her and for the last time.  Pearl draws a scrawl and then she write a swear word at the top.  Finally she rubs so hard at a black spot the pencil breaks, and then is when Pearl stops to suck in her breath.

"What will I do?"  she asks as the pencil trembles within her fingers.

Pearls tears break loose and then she sobs.  She has been hurt by Peter and she doesn't know how not to feel bad.

"What will I do?"  she asks before she screams.

Pearl walks through her day at school and then she walks to the mall.  With tears in her eyes she buys a drink, and that is when Troy scraped behind her.  He is the boy no one knows much about, who is cool but secretive.  Pearl looks at him and she feels a shiver and a kick, but with her heart feeling so down the kick feels like a milk murmur.

"Hello;"  she greets.

"Hello;"  retorts Troy who smiles.

His teeth are shining white and Pearl blushes.

"Are you alone?"  asks Troy with a mild stammer.

Pearl nods and Troy smiles.

"How about we see a movie/" he asks.

Pearl looks at the cinema - there is nothing on, and she doesn't want to waste the money; but with Troy so interested she can't say no; so she nods.

"Okay;"  she mutters.

Troy smiles and then he runs fingers through his hair as though his hair is messy.

"What do you want to see?"  he asks.

"Whatever;"  tells Pearl as she stands.

The movie is boring.  Pearl sits lounging with Troys arm stretched behind her.  Every time she looks to Troy he seems as bored as she, and she stops sucking on the straw of her drink.  She feels warm, but she doesn't know if she can last the whole movie and so she clears her throat.

"Are you bored?"  she asks.

Troy shrugs.

"A movie is a movie;"  he retorts.

Pearl nods, and then she tries to watch the movie.  However the movie is a bore and so she finds herself looking to Troy.  There are so many questions she wants answered -  is she being true to herself, does she like Troy, could he give her a good time?  However her questions are dabbed with boredom and she no longer cares.  Pearl sighs.  She's not into the good time ahead, and so she stands up.

"I want to go; sorry it's not doing anything for me;"  she says before she leaves.

Pearl walks home and then at home she bites on her finger nails.  She wonders if she had stood Troy up because she was too nervous to be with him, or if she just found him lame?  The questions puzzle her mind until bed where she sleeps through her misery.

The next day at school Pearl is pushed by Troy.

"A bitter end?"  he asks as he pushes her against lockers.

"What's wrong with you?"  asks Pearl as students stare.

Troy kisses her -  it's a long kiss that lasts for many seconds; it grows warm and it feels half-decent;, but as soon as their lips no longer touch Pearl smacks Troy hard in the face.  Troy grunts and then he slaps Pearl back.  Students scream, and soon teachers are separating the two.  There are tears, there are sobs, then there is Troy who yells at Pearl who hides behind the back of a teacher.

Pearl looks at the principal with tears inside of her eyes.  She blinks and then she fingers her face.

"I went on a date with him;"  she tells the principal.

The principal nods and then he writes a note.  Finally he tells Pearl to leave and she does.

At home Pearl feels glum.  She feels bad about Troy and she feels bad about herself.  Her life is a mess, nothing but trouble; she sulks.

"I hate life;"  she mutters.  "It's a mess;"  she declares.

The next day at school Troy approaches Pearl and he stops her.  He passes her a flower, and then he smiles.

"Forgive me;"  he mutters.  "I just want you to finish the date;"

"Sorry I am not interested;"  says Pearl.

"Yes you are;"  tells Troy.  "Or I am mad;"

"I am not!"  tells Pearl.  "Now leave me alone!"  she wars before she walks away.

The day runs smooth without any issues - it's only when walking home Peal runs into trouble.   She is stopped by Troy who has a car, and then he grabs her and pushes her into the car.  Pearl screams, she kicks, she tries to get away but he ties her up with seat-belt straps.  Caught in a fix Pearl in driven away, and in an abandoned park she is beaten.

"I hate you!"  gasps Troy over and over.  "You suck!"

Pearl sobs, shes creams, she begs, and then she just lays there as she gives up.  Troy takes out a knife and cuts her throat and then he runs away.  Pearl feels her blood rush out, her face turns cold, and then she lays there dead until someone finds her.

Ambulance pick up Pearl and take her away.  She is hardly alive, but she is somehow.  She wakes breathing in the hospital and she is treated for weeks.  Then she is able to talk, and she tells police Troy had hurt her.

Back home Amber rubs her throat, and then she shivers.  Troy had hurt her, but on her desk are flowers and a note.  Pearl smiles - the gift is from Peter, he wants to talk to her.  Pearl pushes the paper to the side.  When she is well again she will call Peter, and with any luck he will ask her to be with him again, and she will be relieved;  she won't be alone to meet Troy again, he will be gone as she is given escort by her new boyfriend.

Bad Memories

Emma looks out the window during the last ten minutes of school.  She does not care for school, her heart is not there, she feels as empty as a shell, and so she thinks of how she would like to take a walk to lead her far away.  Emma stays lost in her thoughts as the teacher asks her a question.  Finally the bell rings, and she is asked to stay behind.

"What for?"  asks Emma as she places a hand on her hip.

"A short detention - you were miles away from the class today;"  tells Mr Grigg.

Emma sits and she sulks.  She turns to the window with a frown, and she looks at the kids leaving school.  She wishes she were with them flooding out of the school gates rather then stuck inside smelling the sour scent of stale school-room.

Mr Grigg stares at Emma and he notices her melancholy.

"Do you have something you wish to talk about?" he asks.

Emma shrugs and then she turns her head away.

"Nothing comes to mind;"  she declares refusing to meet eye contact.

"Then I've let you sit for the next hour;"  tells Mr Grigg as he fiddles with some papers.

Emma feels an ice-cold chill.  She does not want to wait an hour, an hour later is sun-set and she has to walk home.  Emma shivers and she pulls on a cardigan to keep warm. The material does it's work it keeps her warm as the sun sinks, but the teacher does not.  His sterile company makes her mood drop as he stares at her like she is a question mark to figure out.  Emma rolls her eyes and then she looks to the floor, and after an hour she stands to leave.

"I'm done?" she asks as she approaches the desk.

Mr Grigg stares and he smiles.  Outside a crash of thunder warns of rain and then seconds later the rain buckets down.

"Oh no!'  gasps Emma as she sucks in a breath.  "I have to walk in this?"

Emma sulks, and then she offers a resigned sigh.  She wishes she could call for a bus to take her home, but all she has is her feet.

"I'll be staying for half an hour more if you want to wait to see if the rain moves on;"  tells Mr Grigg.

"No!"  gasps Emma but a flash of lighting changes her mind.  "Maybe I should;"  she then states before she sits once more.

Half an hour passes and the rain is so heavy Emma can't see any shape or form, just white blur.  Emma sulks once more -  she is going to be thrashed if she walks out there in the rain.  Emma looks to Mr Grigg who turns off the light.  He smiles to her.

"I'm sorry I can't wait;"  he tells her as he stands for her to walk past.

Emma picks up her bag and she moves.  She walks past Mr Grigg and into the corridor, however she turns around spooked.

"Can you give me a ride?"  she asks as he emerges with suitcase in hand.

"You're T for Trouble aren't you?"  asks Mr Grigg with a smile.

Emma laughs and nods, and then she clasps her hands together.

"Please;"  she mutters.

Mr Grigg shrugs.

"You can follow me to my car, if you wish;"  he adds.

Emma nods and she follows Mr Grigg to the car.  There she slips inside, and she smiles to the teacher who bothers to dust his glasses after he slips into the drivers seat.  Emma smiles as he looks at her, and then she tells him her address as he turns the engine on.

"If it's too wet I might have to drive home and wait for the rain to stop before I drive you home;"  he announces before he backs up the car.  "For safety's sake;"  he adds as he emerges from the shelter to have his hood barraged with rain.

Emma immediately knows he is going to drive home to his house, and she rolls her eyes - it is going to be a second detention kind of afternoon.

Emma rubs her thighs together as she sips on some tea.  She looks at the photos nearby, and she smiles.  Some of the photographs are of war, and she looks to Mr Grigg.

"Who's that in the photos?"  she asks.

"Those are my army days;"  he tells as he shifts in his seat.

"Oh;"  mutters Emma as she looks again.  "Did you hurt your leg?"  she asks.

"It was shot at;"  he tells as he takes a sip of tea.  "I'd rather not talk about those times, I'm a little distressed about the subject;"  he mutters.

"Oh;"  adds Emma before she shrugs.

A snort from Mr Grigg tells her he is not fine, and he sobs as he leans over his tea-cup rather heavuly.

"Are you okay?"  asks Emma as she stares from her seat.

"I'm sorry, it was just more cruel then any problem you have ever faced!"  he tells before he forces himself to push his tea-cup onto a table.  "We were tortured!"  he adds before he stands and moves out of the room.

Emma sucks on a finger.  She wishes that she could erase her curiosity but she can't.  So she stays seated and when it gets dark she bothers to give in to her guilt and she searches for Mr Grigg.

The rooms are cold and dark.  On the way through her traipsing Emma bothers to turn on some lamps, and they pave the direction she has come from as she wanders from room to room trying to find Mr Grigg.

Emma finds him in a study looking at an old film on a small television.  He weeps over a finger as a scream is heard, and then bang another explosion before all the people standing around get blown into portions.  Emms gulps.

"Are you okay?"  she asks.

Mr Grigg looks to Emma.

"I'm sorry - it's hard when you remember;"  he mutters as he bends his head.

Emma nods.

"Can you take me home?"  she asks.

Mr Grigg shrugs.

"It's still raining - best to wait;"  he says.

Emma feels a shiver and she steps back.

"Then I guess I will watch television.

Emma falls asleep before the rain stops, and she dozes through the afternoon which turns to evening.  At one am Emma wakes to find herself alone.  She feels cold, and so she gets up to turn on the heater but it does not work.

Emma wanders to the kitchen the fetch a glass of water.  She then eats some cherries before she moves on to find Mr Grigg.  The teacher is still in his study watching movies, but this time the door is locked and Emma cannot get in.  So she wanders through the house until she finds a warm place to sleep, and within another instant she is snuggled in bed.

Morning breaks and Emma wakes with sunlight in her eyes.  She gasps.

"The sun is out!"  she declares.

Emma moves to find Mr Grigg but he is still locked inside of his room.  Emma knocks but he still does not answer, and so she takes her shoes and goes to school.

"I hope he's okay;"  she mutters as she closes the front door.  "I'd hate to think he's become upset;;"  she mutters.  ":I am sure he is fine!"  she reasons.  "Some times ignorance is the best when you are being told to leave!"

Monday 10 October 2016

Begging For A Second Chance

Amber walks into the house - she is hot all over from the sun being so warm.  Amber moves through the house ignoring Reg who is sipping on some beer by the kitchen door.  Amber dives into the bathroom and undresses fast.  She has hot sweat dribbling over her face and she has to cool down.

Amber turns on the shower and she sighs!  It is like feeling ice to fire - she cools down excessively and it makes her feel good.  Amber closes her eyes as she thinks about her day - her boyfriend Carl has dropped her and she had refused a lift from him.  Amber feels a sulk -  Carl is so great, and she is so small, she can't believe he would dump her two weeks before the school dance.  Amber wrinkles her nose as she looks at herself inside of her mind -  she is pretty, but there is one thing wrong; she is alone.

"Stupid Carl dumping me!"  she mutters under her breath as she opens her eyes.  "Dumb jerk!"  she adds with bitter spite.

The shower curtain opens and Amber gasps as she snaps her head across.  Reg glares at her and she shivers as she backs to the further wall.

"What do you want?"  she asks.

Reg shrugs as he glares her up and down.

"Get lost!"  declares Amber as she feels her skin tremble.  "How dare you!"  she adds.

Reg winks and then he reaches for Amber.  Amber shrieks!  Reg scratches her arm and then he makes a firm grab and he pulls her close to him.  Amber gulps as she feels her insides turn to jelly.

"Are you drunk?"  she asks.

"No, I am sober;"  tells Reg as he wanders his hands all over her body.

Amber grimaces.  She wish Carl were there to beat Reg up, but he is nowhere; he is probably at home counting rocks.  Amber grows a twig of spite and she snaps her temper over it.

"Let go of me!"  she yells as she feels her cheeks turn red.

Reg ignores her and he wipes his mouth over her shoulder.  Amber feels her heart sink, and then she gulps -  she wishes she were somewhere else, and she sobs as she looks to the ceiling gutter as she feels Reg's breath rake against her skin.  Amber whimpers -  she was pure, she is pure, an angel of living purity; she was waiting for Carl to marry her but Carl doesn't feel like being hers anymore; his caramel face has turned away and she is not feeling very good being so alone;  Amber closes her eyes, she doesn't feel like being alive as her skin crawls.

Amber looks to the telephone as she bites her nails. She has been raped, Reg has raped her and she feels cheated.  Amber picks up the phone and calls Carl.  He answers.  Amber holds her breath as she thinks about slamming down the phone; after a minute she talks.

"Hey babe!"  she tells Carl who shivers.

"Amber don't call me pet names;"  he scolds.

Amber rubs her lips together -  Carl is already in a bad mood and she doesn't know why.

"Can we go out again, I feel like some company and you can pick me up;"  she encourages.

"No;"  retorts Carl with a snap like a twig being broken in a hurry.

"Please;"  whimpers Amber.  "I've have sex, or hang out, just take me out!"  she begs.

"Why?"  asks Carl with a snort.

"Because I am lonely!"  tells Amber with a gasp.  "Please, for old times sakes?"

Carl fidgets as he crooks his head.

"I don't know if that's a good idea; I told the whole school you were suck;"

Amber bites the nerve to make her mad.  She instead shivers as she holds onto the phone with desperation.

"So, we're friends;"  she mutters.

Carl laughs - the laugh is bitter, cold, edgy; it makes Amber upset that he should have such a cold heart after they have shared so much together.  A history of decent romances passes through her mind - the cinema, the school parking lot, the walk to the park; all a mass of flirting conversations mixed with hand-holding -  a good time long past;

"Please!"  gasps Amber as she begs once more.

Carl looks at his watch.

"Maybe;" he mutters with a resigned sign.

"Yes!"  gasps Amber with a smile.

"I'll be there in ten;"  tells Carl before he hangs up the phone.

In the car Carl remarks on Ambers dress which is blue and pretty.  Amber smiles and she tells him where she had brought the dress, and he nods.  He is not interested in the details, and when he is told them he feels uncomfortable.  He hates how Amber has to make everything such a big topic of conversation -  why can't she just take the compliment and run around with it?  Carl wipes his fingers through his hair and he leans against the window.  He feels agitated that Amber should be such a girl, and he is angered that he has picked her up.  He should have left her home alone, she has been dumped, she has no right to a free ride.  Carl glares at Amber who smiles.  Amber lifts a cigarette to her lips and Carl fights to light it for her.  She doesn't smoke she just does it to invigorate his asthma.  He often lets her tease him for a few seconds before she nubs the cigarette out.  She has no appetite for cigarettes inside of her mind, she just likes to annoy him.

"My asthma's almost gone;"  tells Carl as he lights her cigarette with the lighter from the dashboard.

"How great!"  mutters Amber before she begins to smoke.

One drag is all she gets before Carl throws the cigarette out the window.

"Sorry, not inside the car;"  he shakes his head.

Amber shrugs before she turns her head -  she doesn't want to tell Carl she is upset, she just wants him to make her feel special for one more night.

Carl pulls the car into the beach-side parking lot; he feels tired, but Amber is not asleep she is happy to just talk through the night to stretch out his ear.  Carl is sick of listening to her and he puts up his hand.

"Enough;"  he mutters.  "My ear's split a drum;"

Amber drops her talk and she stares at Carl as he looks at her.  He looks unimpressed and she feels sunk; she has used her best conversation and still he cannot smile.  Amber throws a downcast face his way.

"Why don't you like me?"  she asks as she fidgets with her fingers.  "We were in love so many times, and now here you are a rock;"

Carl shrugs.

"You just annoy me;"  he argues.

Amber shrugs.

"I guess that would be it but I wish you would give us some more time to grow;"  she mutters in a quick tone.

Carl shakes his head.

"Not for you;"  he mutters.  "You are not what I need;"

Amber quivers.

"What do you need?"  she asks with a shrug.

"Not you;"  tells Carl before he leans back to stare at her.

Amber feels a bite -  it could be spite, it could be bitter; she feels it and she sinks.

"Is there someone else?"  she asks.

Carl shakes his head.

"Not yet;"  he mutters.

Amber sighs and then she tosses Carl another look.  She can't stand him being so mean and single while she's sitting trembling like someone who has been hurt.  Amber gulps.

"Why are you being so cold?"  she asks.

"I am not going to be with you again;"  tells Carl as he rolls his eyes.

Amber nods; she feels the silence in the car circle around her until it is sitting on her shoulders strangling her.  Inside of her mind she reaches to Carl to beg him for mercy, but all he does is stare.

"I want to be with you;"  she mutters as he feels herself grow pale.

"You didn't just hear me?"  asks Carl as he glares.  "No way!"  he adds.

Amber rolls her eyes and she glares at Carl.  She wishes he would not be so hard on her, but he is enjoying himself so much she wishes she had a gun to shoot him.  Amber however calms herself down and she stops making herself so mad.

"I want you;"  she mutters as she feels her skin crawl.

"Not with you loser!"  gasps Carl as he hits the steering wheel with a fist.

Amber flinches.

"Can we just have sex then?"  she asks.  "I'm lonely; I feel alone;"

Carl rolls his eyes and he looks at his fingers.

"I didn't know you were that kind;"  he mutters before he looks to Amber once more.

Amber shrugs; she was never that kind of person to give herself away, but since her bad fall-out she has lost her virginity and it has made her feel sore and soiled.

"I just want to be with you;"  she whines as she sulks.

Carl shrugs.  He doesn't like to get sexual without a solid relationship, but he always has his exceptions.  Amber is young and very attractive, he almost wants her.   However he feels like dirt as he realises he will not want to take her home, and so he shakes his head.

"I can't;"  he mutters.  "Not for you;'  he adds.

Amber nods and looks away -  this time she wants to cry for she finally realises that Carl means it when he calls her suck; they are over.

Amber returns home feeling cold and empty -  she does not wish to be alive; and so she heads for her room and lays on her bed.  Her purse is on the floor dangling off the rim of her fingers; she can't move.

A gust of wind reaches her even though the windows are closed.  Amber thinks it is a draft, but then her skin crawls and soon hand touch her skin.  Amber moves to turn her head, but the scent of cologne hits her and she knows it is Reg once again.  Amber hears his breathing and thinks he sounds like a beast, and his lips move over her body and she knows he is a beast and he has returned to ravage her.

Amber calls Carl and gets his answering machine.  She trembles as she fingers the telephone call and she grows nervous as she waits to speak.

"Hey, can you call me?  I thought we could get together.  I really want you;  I really need you; can you call?"  she asks as her eyes start to grow foggy.  "Call me, we can do stuff and go places; like a car;"  she adds.  "Like a ride;"  she adds.  "any ride;"

Carl picks up the phone and he sucks in his breath.

"Amber go to sleep!"  he steams before he hangs up the phone.

Amber sighs and she puts down the telephone.  She feels alone and she thinks she will cry, but she doesn't; she just sits there waiting.

Ten minutes pass and Amber sits bent and hung low like a tree that has wilted.  Only when the phone rings does she pick up her head and she answers.

"How about six pm tomorrow; we have a dinner and you end up at my place;"  tells Carl as he forces a smile.

Amber feels a spark and she smiles like she has just been given a bag of candy.

"Great!"  she sings.  "I'll be up at six!"

Carl nods and hangs up the phone.

Amber smiles as she sinks into bed -  she will soon be with Carl again and things will be so great that he will want to be with her forever.

"I have him back!"  she cries out as she hugs her pillow.  "Back for me!"  she adds before she smiles and closes her eyes to dream.

Amber paints her lips and walks outside to meet Carl.  He lets her inside the car and they drive away.  Amber feels a lot of tension lift from her shoulders the farther they get, and in no time they reach the local restaurant.

Dinner consists of steak and salad.  It is an easy meal to swallow and after a quick dessert they leave.

Carl drives Amber to his house and there he escorts her to his bedroom.  Amber thinks it all fun when undressing, but on the bed Carl rapes her and she ends up a bucket of tears.  His body his hard, his face is cold; he hurts her on purpose just because she wants his body more then being alone.

Amber shivers as she crawls on a portion of the bed, and she glares at Carl who has turned into Reg.

"You are sick!"  she mutters accusingly.

"You made me do it!"  wars Carl as he tries to run a couple of fingers through her hair.

Amber slaps at his hand and then she spits.

"You made me meat!"  she gasps as she bumps against the wall.

Carl shrugs.

"You are;"  he adds.  "I told you I didn't want to be with you; you said you wanted my body;"  he tells.  "So I gave you it!  All of it! You should say thank-you!"

Amber recoils.

"I meant I just wanted you;"  she mutters as she runs fingers up her freezing cold arms.

Carl moves to Amber and he offers her a kiss which touches her cheek and makes her blood run cold.  Amber pushes him away -  she wants to slap him down, she wants to murder him!  But then she softens, and reminding herself she would rather be with him then anyone she offers him one kiss.  They touch lips, it is like an old romance come back again, and it lasts.  Amber feels her heart jump and she allows herself to be held by Carl who is like her old lover come back to be with her.  However Carl breaks the kiss off fast just before he gets comfortable.

"I still don't want to be with you;"  he mutters.  "You can't stay;"

Amber flinches.

"I'm sorry, I keep thinking there's some warmth there for me;"  she adds.

"There is, but it's all old news;"  tells Carl.  "You suck!"

Amber returns home with wobble on her legs.  She falls down at the foyer, then she moves on and falls down in the corridor.  She has been used and let down, and she feels broken inside.  She crawls towards her bedroom door, and there she lays on the carpet and drops into sleep.

"He doesn't want me!"  she mutters with tears all over her face.  "Not at all!"  she adds before she wakes up screaming.

A hand covers her mouth and Reg's voice tells her to be quiet.  Amber gasps, she is naked, her body is wet, and she feels hot! Reg holds her down as he uses her body for his pleasure and Amber screams until she is forced to quieten with a hard whack that knocks her off until she is diving down into a pit she won't remember when she wakes.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Lonely Bear

There was a lone bear,
Sitting still at Christmas;
He felt so sad,
That he cried;
The angle in the tree,
Called to the bear,
And told him to walk towards her light;

So the bear stood up,
And he walked to the angel,
And there he saw delight!
There were many toys under the tree,
And then tree turned on the Christmas light -
"Merry Christmas!" the toys cheered,
The bear did grin,
He did not have to be alone again;

Saturday 8 October 2016

Christmas Bear

This is a cute ornamental bear which holds things in its belly cup.  It is very interesting figure.

Christmas Angels

This is a cute Christmas ornament which is a tealight candle holder.

Dragon Ornament

This is a cute little dragon ornament which is very nice.  It has effective metallic shine paint, and is rather attractive.  It is a great collectable for those who love to embrace fantasy figures.