Thursday 1 October 2015

Rachel's Guilt

Rachel stretches her legs -  she wishes they weren't so long otherwise they couldn't get guys to leer.  However they are long, long and leggy.  Rachel wishes she could cut them off, but of course the idea was... was...

"Great!"  gasps Rachel as she looks across the hall to see Gary Smith staring.

Rachel lifts her head and she sneers -  he is a film freak who is always looking right her way.  She wishes she didn't know what he did with film to make her so disgusted, but she knows because her friend Emma Wood dated him.

"He puts you in his garage and beats you until you are sick!"  she gasped one summer day.

Rachel shivers -  Gary is a freak and she doesn't want him looking at her!

Rachel picks up her bag and leaves the school -  she can't handle it anymore.  She doesn't care if she is supposed to be there, she doesn't want to be there.  She can't handle the beady little eyes staring at her, it makes her skin crawl.  She would tell the teachers but it just turns them into leering freaks and so when she has had enough she leaves.

Rachel walks home and then she closes herself indoors.  She hates the world, it is cold and staring, and she can't stop of grit from hanging onto her skin.  She needs to wash herself so she goes up to the upstairs shower and opens the door.

Inside is Roger who stands in front of the mirror naked.  He has a mega hot body, and instantly Rachel grows a blush. She knows he is her mothers boyfriend, but she can't help but leer.  Her mother tells her that he stays over when he needs to be closer to work, but sometimes he stays a week and she looks at him and grows hot.  He is the kind of guy with chiselled body, chiselled face, chiselled everything... everything is perfect.  She almost wants to touch him but she is still a virgin so she can't make herself do it.  She has a boyfriend over her own whom she has told herself to be faithful to for at the end of the year when she asks him to marry her she wants to be pure and good and fit for marriage.

"Do you mind clearing out of here?  I'm naked;"  tells Roger as he looks to moon-eyed Rachel.

"Oh!"  gasps Rachel in a snip of a moment.  "I didn't know you were here!" she tells.

"You've been staring at my chest for like five minutes;"  tells Roger as he frowns.

"Sorry..." blinks Rachel as she feels herself draw back.  "I think your hot!"  she blurts out before she thinks.

"You do?"  asks Roger with a pinch of his own.  "I always thought you hated me;"

"Only when watching TV;"  laughs Rachel as she places hair behind her ear.

"Ohhh..."  drawls Roger as he raises his brows.  

Rachel smiles as she looks at Roger closely.  She lowers her eyes and sees his underwear tighter then tight, she laughs and blushes but she still does not move.  Rachel notices Roger turn to her and he winces as he grins.

"I think you've had enough time here;"  he adds.

Rachel smiles -  she feels stiff but her inside blushes.  She grows heated as a furnace and she can only breathe deeply as Roger keeps his stare on her.  Rachel feels her bra tighten and she knows her tits have swollen up -  that means she is turned on and in an instant her boyfriend disappears. 

Roger notices the look at he thinks as he stares.  Rachel looks hot as a kettle, and he knows she has been turned on.  Second pass into minutes and she stands unmoving, a sure sign that she is interested but too shy to tell him.  Roger crooks his head -  he has never been dishonest or cheated, but he thinks in secret maybe he could take a dare.

"You look erect;"  he tells her.

Rachel coughs and then she laughs. 

"Oh?"  she mutters in retort.

"If it's true come in;"  he tells her.

Rachel laughs and then she shrugs and steps into the room.  She walks up to Roger with blush of fire on her cheeks, and then she shivers as he runs a rack of fingers through her hair.  Roger leans over and kisses her, it is a perverted kiss with some flints of tongue, Rachel draws back with moist on her lips and heat on her breath.

"I'm sorry..."  she mutters as she feels some guilt.  "I can't believe you kissed me;"  she adds.

"That's not all I'll kiss if you stay;"  tells Roger as he grows fevered himself.

Rachel moves to turn away, but with her head so lights he turns back.  He heart beat is strong but her skin is already trembling.  She wants to tell herself that she is turned off, but with her blush there she is confused.  She feels virginal and she hates it -  she hates feeling so much weaker then Roger, and she scolds.

"Do something else;" she then says bravely.

Roger feels himself snort -  he can't believe she is ready to fight her feelings just for him.  Her smile has dropped and she seems turned off, but she stands there ready for more.  He wishes she were not such a turn-on otherwise he might tell her to walk; but she stays and so does his interest.

Roger places his hands on her shirt and he gently opens each button.  Her swollen cleavage threatens to break the bra when he opens the shirt, and so he fast takes it off.  Rachel feels cooler and she laughs as Roger touches her cleavage a little.  She can't believe how soft he is, how speeds are his fingers at making her feel good, or how big her tips grow.  Rachel looks in the mirror and sees her girly face and mature bust-line and she cups her face.  She almost looks like a woman!

Roger stands behind Rachel and he wraps his arms around he waist.  Rachel feels her heart-beat pop as their bodies are crusted together.  One second she feels slime on her underwear, and the next she feels slime running down her thighs.  It takes a second before she realizes that her underwear has been taken down, and she gasps.

"Wait!"  she exclaims as her boyfriend pops into her mind.

Roger however is already in her pants and he pumps her fast to avoid his own body from trembling.  Rachel shivers as she is filled up in the only spot she was supposed to keep pure, and she clutches her cleavage until it is spewing in-between her fingers.

Rachel leaves the shower with red scratches all over her cleavage -  she has put them there, and she feels bad as she hears the murky milk inside of her swish.  She has ruined herself because of orgasm, and guilt is bigger then a chocolate cake.  Rachel sighs as she walks to her room, she needs to think and she needs to do it alone.

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