Friday 2 October 2015

Guinevere With Lancelot

King Arthur walks along the banks of the river which shines white.  There he meets a fairy which tells him to return to his castle.  King Arthur wonders why this is but he listens to the fair and he takes his horse and rides home.

In the castle Guinevere meets Lancelot -  he is drunk, and he stares at her like a monk on heat.  She doesn't like his stare, he had been stationed to look after her not to look at her.  She clears her throat and she walks to the other side of the room where candles stand to keep the room warm.  He smiles before he traces her steps with his own.

"You look lovely tonight;"  he mutters as he smiles a gruesome smile which shows off foul intent.

"A crude remark;"  she tells insulted as she feels her head turn hot.  "Do not say such wickedness;"  she orders as she grows cross that Arthur, her king, should have asked such an animal to look after her good interests.

"Tis not wickedness to say such a remark, only to say such a remark and not mean it;"  he adds.

"Piss bucket!  It is crude!  You hurt my pride!"  gasps Guinevere as she fans hot.

A cloud of smoke wafts into the room, and it turns into Merlin.

"An argument?"  he asks.

But Lancelot walks through him -  he knows the ghost is an evil effigy and he no longer wishes to see it.  He grabs Guinevere's arms and he leers at her, she tries to struggle but his hands are firm and she cannot get loose.

""I saved you from your enemy, how dare you treat me as such;"  he whispers as he glares at her with red eyes. 

"He had raped me!"  gasps Guinevere as she grows dizzy with weakness.  "You were too late!"

"King Arthur didn't complain on your wedding night;"  tells Lancelot as he draws in a breath -  seeing her naked in a cell had alarmed him but he had thought she had been humiliated not raped, and the disclose of such an evil deed makes him want to run, but he does not do his will.

"He didn't sleep with me;"  mutters Guinevere as she steps back to crush herself against the wall.  "He just violated me and left me to wilt;"

"That is a shame;"  tells Lancelot as he glares at Guinevere.  "I would have..."

Guinevere hits Lancelot hard and he snaps his head even wearing armour.  Lancelot growls, he has been stung but he can fly yet.  He has Arthurs wife in his hands, and he can punish her if he wishes.  He has slain over then thousand men, he can sure punish one evil woman.

"I will..."  tells Lancelot as he drags Guinevere towards the bed.  "Oh yes, you need to be married!"  he adds before he throws her on the blankets.

Lancelot throws off his heavy armour and gets naked within moments.  Guinevere tries to run away, but she is pushed onto the bed once again.  There Lancelot kisses her as he opens her thighs so that his body is able to fill her, and there he gives her all the attention a lover can even while Merlin's spirit objects close behind them.

King Arthur enters the castle and he races up to Guinevere's room.  There he spies her and Lancelot on the bed.

"What is this?"  asks Arthur as he glares at Guinevere who arches her back as Lancelot throws kisses down her throat.   "Is this deceit?"  he asks.

However Guinevere only moans as Lancelot fills her until her belly has been offered his seed.

Arthur grows flint and yells like he has been lit on fire.

"Get out!"  he yells to Lancelot.

Lancelot looks at Arthur and he stops.  Within a moment he dresses and flees, he grabs a horse and runs away.  King Arthur grabs Guinevere's throat and he squeezes it as he stares at her eyes.  Her eyes are black and not blue and he sighs.

"You look different;"  he mutters as he feels his spirit weaken.  "You are evil now!"

"Make love to me!"  gasps Guinevere.

Arthur shakes his head and he backs away.

"No, to prison with you my heart no more;"  he mutters before he moves to collect his men.  "No more!"  he adds before he leaves.

Guinevere looks to the shadow of Merlin and she pleads for him to tell the truth to Arthur.  But then Arthur returns with him men, and she is picked up and taken to prison where she is spat on and left to suffer.

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