Monday 5 October 2015

Cloe Call

Anne talks on the phone as Doug walks in.  He stares at her standing aloof in the hall with a twisted smile on her face and he grows  tad bit of jealousy.   Anne looks to Doug and waves at him, and he waves back - friendly enough is the gesture however there is some red hitting his chest which he can barely keep in. 

"Made coffee?"  asks Doug as he walks past.

Anne shakes her head and turns her back -  she doesn't want to even see him while she is busy talking.  Doug gets the hint and he walks to the kitchen where he moves to make coffee, but reaching inside of the fridge he cannot find milk and so upset he turns off the coffee machine and walks around the house in search for some alcohol. 

Anne finishes her talk on the phone and she heads towards the lounge in order to watch TV.  Anne settles herself down on the lounge when the knock on the front door diverts her attention.  Anne answers the door to see delivery person on the front step.  She takes the parcel and then she hurries to her bedroom to open it.

"What could this be?  And why for me?"  she asks as she opens the box.

Anne sees lingerie and a note from her boyfriend.

"For Saturday if you want to meet me;"  he writes.

Anne laughs and she hurries to undress to be able  to put the lingerie on -  it is tight but it fits, and what she sees is a red bimbo.

"It's see through!"  she mutters as she crosses her brows.  "I hate it;"  she adds before she takes the top off.

At the door Doug glares as though he has been hit with a surprise.   He smiles as he drinks a flask of alcohol.  Then he leans on the door as Anne throws all of her clothes away.  She pushes the lingerie back into the box, and then she stuffs it under her bed.  She doesn't want to see the gift -  she just wants to think!

"Why shouldn't I like it?"  she asks before a hand touches her shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

Anne turns around and sees Doug and she leers.

"What do you want?"  she asks as he raises her brows.

Doug smiles.

"Just looking;"  he mutters before he gives her an eye-down.

Anne looks down and she sees her naked body.  She spins on her toes and she marches to a chair to get a towel, but when wrapping it around her body Doug takes it away and she is left holding air.

"No need to get overdressed;"  tells Doug with a shrug.

Anne turns to face him -  he in enjoying the tease but she feels utterly humiliated.  Her cheeks fan red. 

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?"  she asks as she looks.

"No;"  chirps Doug as he smiles a wane grin.

Anne looks away and sighs -  she can't stand being looked at but she puts up with it as she pushes invisible cotton balls in her cheeks.

"I like the view;"  tells Doug a she crooks his head.

He is nervous, Anne can tell by the speed in which he is talking.  She wants to shrug her shoulders but her gut holds in tight until it feels knotted.  She doesn't feel strong at all, and her confidence fades into dust.

"How long do you want to see me?"  asks Anne.

"Forever;"  tells Doug as he grins and drinks the rest of the drink he is carrying inside of his hand.

Anne watches as Doug places the empty vial on the floor and then she narrows her eyes as Doug steps around her in a circle  She feels like she is being spied upon and she can't stand the itches on the back of her neck.  Anne thinks that she will scream if Doug looks at her any longer, however he does something else -  he runs a hand down her shoulder; Anne shivers!

"Is it cold?"  she asks as she looks at the window and sees it closed.

"No it's warm..."  tells Doug as he sees her skin shiver.  "You must just be too nervous;"  he adds as he slips a hand around her shoulder.  "How about you come with me to the next room?"  he asks.

"What for?"  asks Anne as she blinks.

"To see if you feel any warmer inside;"   tells Doug as he grins.

Anne shakes her head.

"If it's okay with you I'll rather just have a shower;"  she tells before she steps out of his arm to pick up a towel. 

"Okay;"  sings Doug.  "I'll go fetch another drink;"  he adds.

Anne sighs -  she thinks that is the end of Doug's episode, but she is far from right!  After she showers she is captured by the door in which Doug is standing in front of.  He is holding no drink -  just a pair of knickers he asks her to put on.  Anne takes the underwear and slips them on, and then she moves to her bedroom.

Inside Anne frets!  The knickers are itchy and uncomfortable and she kicks them off before she pushes them away.  A cupboard hides the knickers in their shadow, then a radio helps Anne to forget about her moments of discomfort. 

"Stupid Doug!"  she gasps before she slips on PJ's.  "How dare he pick on me!"

A knock on the door makes Anne jump, and she opens it with the intention to yell, but she sees Jacob there and she sighs that he has returned to the house!

"Am I glad to see you!"  she cries as she smiles.

"Are you?"  asks Jacob as he glares.  "Because house chores aren't done;"  he adds.

"The what?"  asks Anne as she raises her brow.

"Chores;"  tells Jacob. 

"What chores?"  sighs Anne.

"Come to the laundry  -  I'll show you;"  tells Jacob before he marches down the hall.

Inside the laundry Anne grimaces as she sees Doug who orders Jacob to close the door.  Jacob closes the door, and then Doug smiles to Anne.

"You forgot to wash the dirty laundry;"  he mutters before he gives her PJ's one deep sniff.  "That's dirty;" he mutters.  "Put your clothes in the dirty basket;"  he adds.

Anne looks to Jacob who shrugs and laughs.  She scowls and then she takes off her PJ's so that both males and see her naked.

"So now I wash them?"  she asks.

"Yes..."  hisses Jacob like a snake from behind as he sees her bare skin.

Anne blushes -  she thinks Jacob is hot and she wishes they were alone; but with Doug standing there her nipples turn hard and dry.  She feels crusted with something bitter, and she swallows hard. 

"Okay, you want to get rid of your clothes?"  Doug asks Jacob.

"Hell no!"  he wars. 

Doug raises his brows. 

"Do it!"  he tells.

Jacob sighs and then he fast removes his clothes from his body.

Anne rubs her belly to keep herself warm, and then she blushes as Jacob rubs himself against her to keep himself warm.

"So what?"  asks Jacob as he glares at Doug.

"So have sex;"  tells Doug as he shrugs.

Jacob shrugs back and then he grabs Anne's hips and pushes them against his own.  He fast pulses himself inside and Doug laughs as Anne nibbles on quivering lips.  She feels like a virgin and she worries because she didn't think she was.  But as Jacob pushes himself inside something snaps, and she thinks she may have still been one.

"There happy?"  asks Jacob before he pulls away.

Doug smiles. 

"That was great;"  he mutters as he sees Anne's tits swell.  "Now go to bed;"

Jacob leaves and Anne moves to follow, however Doug takes her arm.

"To the other bed;"  he adds.

Anne walks into Doug's room and she is told to slip into his bed.  On the sheets she feels like a log of rubber, and she has a hard time feeling okay.  Anne looks at Doug who gets undressed to show off muscles -  he looks fit and fine, however there is something wrong; he is excited.

"You ignoring me still?" he asks as he slips into bed.

Anne feels tense; Doug's energy is sharp as he moves to touch her skin she shivers.  However then May walks into the room and she shrieks and she finds Anne in her bed.

"To your room!"  she bellows.

Anne sniffs and she races away as fast as she can!

Anne locks the door and she falls onto the floor -  she is humiliated and shaken, and she can't feel anything but weak.  She sobs as she thinks about the afternoon and its pressure -  Doug almost had her, and it makes her feel so bad she faints!

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