Thursday 8 October 2015

Mothers Chores

Pearl has no idea what she is doing -  she has her hands in the soapy sink and she thinks 'what is this?'  She doesn't know what she is doing -  mothers chores!  She should be scrawling on a I love You notepad and writing nonsense day dreams.

"I shouldn't be doing this!"  she gasps disgusted before she peels off the rubber gloves on her hands and leaves.

Inside of her room Pearl is progressively writing out love lists when a stormy knock breaks on her door.  Pearl looks up as her heartbeat jumps into her throat -  it could only be one person, Chad.

"What is it?"  she calls on trembling voice, but her voice squeaks as the door bursts open.

"Here you are!"  he rages.  "I thought I told you to clean the dishes!"  he growls.

"I am having a break;" tells Pearl.

"Get in the kitchen!"  storms Chad as he points a finger.

Pearl rushes to her feet and hurries back downstairs.  In the kitchen she sobs as she hurries to put on the wet gloves -  they don't fit!  So she dunks her hands in the water and she gasps -  it is really hot!  Pearl pulls her hands away.

"You wash!"  tells Chad as he zips up behind her.  "You wash and I watch..."

"Are you sure this for me?"  asks Pearl.  ""I mean it's mothers chores;"  she tells.  "A mother should be doing this;"  she adds.

Chad looks at Pearl -  her mother is dead, and buried in the local grave.  A night of drinking let to a night of blurry shadows, and one was a car.  He watched the whole dance of her being flung over the front of the car and landing on the street with a sick thunk.  He promised never to go out drinking again.

Chad clears his throat as his belly reels.

"Well okay;"  tells Chad as he pets Pearls shoulder.

Pearl smiles!  She rushes to go back to her room but Chad turns her around and slaps her face hard.  Pearl lands on the floor with dizzy stinging her brain, and she gasps.  She heard the smack but the sting is slow coming and she doesn't know why.  Pearl looks to Chad who glares at her - her skirt has risen almost to her waist and he is startled -  he has never seen so much flesh! 

"Go to hell!"  gasps Pearl before she runs to get back to her bedroom.

On the way to the stairs Pearl grows dizzy and she stops for a moment.  She places a hand to her head and then she continues up the stairs.  The stair is a painful trek - the sting o her face catches inside of her mind and she crawls up.  At the top Pearl sees double vision and she accidentally slips into the wrong room where she crumbles onto the floor and blanks out.

Chad looks at Pearl on the floor of his bedroom -  he is out of breath, after running around the house looking for her he decided to grab his keys and see if he can see her outside; however there in his room on the carpet is Pearl.  He knows she has passed out and he smiles at the sight -  she looks sound asleep, and he fast closes the door to stop the light from entering the room.

Chad slaps Pearl on the face hard -  but she is out cold and he smiles.  He never thought that she were ever going to be his, when he looked at her growing up she seemed to have the world at her feet -  good grades, love interest, friends...  however as he looks to her he knows that he can have her. 

"I can do it;"  tells Chad before he gives her rose mouth a sweet kiss.

He has given her many kisses, however this one is different -  it has a slip of tongue which spells the secret love entwine; it is for a lover, and he grows a blush as he tastes dead lip pulp.  Chad smiles inside of himself -  he knows it is wrong, he should be kissing her when she is awake; however with her so dead even he can keep his secret.  So he gets up off the floor and heads to the drawer.

Inside Chad finds scissor and he returns to Pearl and he cuts her clothes off.  He smiles at her nakedness as he peels the cut fabric away -  it's not that she doesn't look beautiful but she is small.  He wants to be a lone teenager finding a root rather then an adult finding a lay.

"I'm okay with this;"  he tells himself before he strips off his own clothes.

Naked Chad crawls over Pearl and he begins to tumb her privates with his own flesh.  It takes some time -  she is still a virgin and it makes the act a tight squeeze.  However he breaks her down bit by bit and with a cry he is able to pulse inside of her. 

Chad feels his face turn red -  inside of his mind his conscience tells him to go away, jump out a window!  But he grits his teeth -  he knows it is necessary to lay the rules; it is best to let the real world go and build up the surreal world.  Chad sweats as he continues to use his energy to pulse, he never knew it would be this way.

After twenty minutes Chad stops with a gasp!  He has lost himself, his whole body is shivering, he needs to let go!  However as he slips away Pearl stirs.  She moans a low sound, and then she looks up to see Chad with light streaming over his shoulders.  Pearl smiles -  for a second she sees a handsome face of a man with fine features.  She almost sees a creation of God, however then an ache makes her in tune with the reality and she stares down at herself to see blood dribbling over her thighs.  Pearl looks to Chad and sees that his standing loins are the curse to her pain, and she screams.

"How could you!"  she asks.

Chad rushes to grab her and he holds her down.

"I was practising;"  he mutters as he glares at her. "I've broken you in;"

"You've what?"  screams Pearl as she tries to shake his hands off her. 

Chad gasps and rushes to bury his loins in-between Pearls open thighs and she screams as he pulses inside of her.  Chad feels his energy grow black and he thrusts harder as Pearl throws her voice to the ceiling.  Chad ignores Pearls cries for the first time in his life, and he continues to thrust harder until her skin grows hot and clammy. 

Five minutes turns into thirty minutes, thirty minutes turns onto one hour.  Chad continues to fill Pearl up and within two hours he is exhausted.  He has lost his last ounce of energy, and his ribs hurt.  Chad gasps as Pearl moans -  the hair he breaths into it flax and wet, and Chad breathes it in until he is ready to crawl off Pearl.

"Now you can get back to your chores;"  he mutters as he moves to the shower. 

Pearl pulls a face.  She can't move, so she lays still and closes her eyes.  Her body has been torn open, and her thighs are wet.  She cannot even lift her eyes, she sinks, and she blacks out for the second time.

After the shower Chad carries Pearl onto the bed and he closes her inside of a hug.  He smiles as he pets her milken face -  she has been laid and is now his; he knows that he will find it hard letting her go.  He wants to hold her so he does and as he does he makes her his lover.  He wishes he could make himself understand, but he is far from understanding he just wishes to leave things as they are -  in the perfect world, where a hug is compassion and a kiss is love.

"Good-night;"  he whispers before he gives Pearl another kiss.  "See you in the morning;"  he adds before he too closes his eyes.

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