Saturday 3 October 2015

Emma's Upset

Emma glances at the watch.  She knows she is late, but she can't help it.  The fete is ready and her toffees are still cooling.  Emma checks on the muffins in the oven -  they almost looked cooked and she decides to leave them there.  A phone call distracts her and thinking she has time she races to pick it up.  It is her boyfriend Fred.

Emma tries to tell Fred that she can't talk, but he tells her to stay on the phone with him or she is dropped.  She humours Fred for ten minutes, and then he hangs up.  Emma thinks he is rude but that is just his way.  The only thing is that his talk has destroyed her muffins, and she runs to the oven as she smells them burning.

Emma turns off the oven and pushes the muffins in the bin.  She then checks the toffee and realizes it is not set.  So Emma gives up, and she goes to her room to cry.

Emma hides in the dim.  She cannot touch the light let alone go near the door.  She hides out in secret as she watches time tick by.  She misses the fare, and then she sighs as she realizes the day is over.

"Thank goodness!" she gasps as she wakes from a nap.

Emma looks at the door.  Graham has snuck in while sleeping and she realizes he is looking at her.  Emma thinks it is queer, and she wishes he would go away, but he doesn't move.

"What?"  she asks as she glares.

"Nothing;"  he mutters in deep tone.  "It would have been nice to see you at the fare today;"

"I was tired;"  tells Emma as she sighs.

"Muffins say you screwed up;"  he mutters as he raises his brows.  "That's too bad;"

Emma shrugs.  She can't say anything, but she knows Graham wants to.

"What am I a failure now?"  she asks.

"No, you are just you;"  tells Graham as he leans on the door.  "Special;"  he mutters with a wink.

Emma shrugs and then she looks away.

"Well leave me alone;"  she mutters.

"Okay;"  smiles Graham as he shuffles his stance.  "But just remember you are..."  he trails off and with a finger poke he walks away.

Emma shrugs and she settles down on the pillows.  She knows he is disappointed but she doesn't care.

Two days pass and Emma spends her days reading.  She cannot be bothered going out in the summer heat and so she rests in bed to try and stay out of the sun.  But then she gets bored so she goes to the backyard for a swim in the pool.  She does a few laps and then she sunbakes, and it is sunbaking that her skin turns from pink to red.

Emma slips inside with burns on her skin and she rushes to cool off in a shower.  However her red tan is so hot it has trouble cooking down, and so she rushes to cover herself in a dark room with her light off. 

Graham walks inside at around nine pm.  He is searching for Emma who failed to have dinner at the table.  He finds her reading under a lamp and he sneers.

"Why you hiding in here?"  he asks.

"Don't know why, just am;"  she tells.

Graham nods and he walks up to Emma who is hunched in a chair.

"Time for brooding stop now;"  he adds.  "I know the fare was a disappointment but you can eat meals with us;"  he adds.

Emma nods. 

"Okay;"  she mutters as she grins.

Graham rolls his eyes -  he thinks Emma is being sarcastic, when she is being truthful.

"What am I to do with you?"  he asks as he glares.  "Obviously you are growing a different mind;"  he adds.

Emma blinks -  she isn't sure what he means but he looks shaken.

"What's family mean to you?"  he drawls as he leans in a little closer as he gives her shoulder a rub.

"Everything!"  gasps Emma.

"Doesn't it mean... love?"  he asks he glares.

"Yes;"  she mutters with a nod. 

Graham smiles as he thinks.

"I should be like god - your creator; there shouldn't be any higher love if you love yourself.  Some people think that's conceded but it is true.  I made you as God made man, and you should be proud..."

Emma nods, she knows what he means -  he is everything.  She knows there is logic, but it is macho.  She often wondered when she was told to pray to him if he were not setting her up for some strange future which involved marriage to him.  Sure ancient peoples did it, but she didn't think it was of law.  She thought those ideals were over, until he began to tell her his.

"I would like to be alone;"  tells Emma with a nod.

Graham nods.

"Yes, of course;"  he mutters with grit in his teeth.  "Of course;"  he whispers as he places a hand to her cheek.

Emma glares as Graham takes his time is pushing his hand away.  A short while caressing makes her gut churn, and she thinks to spit as his face which continues to leer as he nibbles on a slightly trembling lip. 

Graham wishes he knew what to tell her, and why.  But his words are stunted and in jam inside of his brain, and he can't move them to fill her with knowledge. 

"You walk fine line between ignorance and ignore;"  he mutters.

Emma hears her mother Betty singing in the hall and she knows she is going to do some shower cleaning.  She wants to shout to her, however she thinks it might put her in the red with Graham, so she lets her mother pass to the shower a door further down and as soon as the water begins to run she feels pampered.

Graham sees the distraction and he fast makes a move on Emma whose mind is far away.  His kisses her cheek and then her ruby lips and Emma squeals and squirms as she drinks down his breath.  Emma tries to push him back but his weight is too firmly in-tact, it is when he needs a breath that he separates his lips from hers, and it is then she smacks him hard on the cheek.

"You shouldn't hit me;"  tells Graham as he feels his cheek.

"Why not?"  asks Emma as she feels her chest pant in panic to her actions.  "What you did was..."

"New ways to teach you godly things is new for the better..."  stammers Graham as he points to her.  "You know your place..."  he adds.

Emma crooks her head - she doesn't want to listen when she knows what she will hear.

"I am your king;"  tells Graham.

Emma nods, but she is mocking Graham this time.  Graham thinks her nod is assent and agree, and so he kisses Emma again until she is gulping his breath and his desire to be her overlord.  Emma thinks him morbid, and she tries to push him away once again.  However Graham is not listening to her halting hands, he fast unzips his pants and he lets himself out of his crotch.  Emma has not time, Graham lifts up her skirt and he pulls her underwear to the side so that he can let himself inside of her.  Emma feels him and she begins to squeal, however her squeals turn to pants within moment and she is caught in the motion of being pumped. 

"I am the king;"  tells Graham as he wipes his mouth over her cheek.  "You are mine;"  he adds.  "You shall worship me;"  he declares.  "You shall live for it..."

Emma grows stitches as she rubs her underwear.  She can't get the feeling of Graham off her no matter how many times she showers.  She feels wet and weak, and she can't think straight.  Emma feel crackers every times she thinks, and she can't handle it.

Emma begins to cry, but her cries are turned into sobs.  She can't even talk to tell anyone what has happened, and so she sits on her own with her hand inside of her underwear.  She has been disturbed, and she has been mutilated.  She feels hurt, and she wishes those sour feelings would go away.  She can't make it to the breakfast table, or the lunch table, or any table... she just wants to sit there alone.  She feels injured beyond believe, and she wishes to not see anyone.

"I can't look at anyone ever again;"  she tells as she wipes a tear.  "I'll just stay here, alone..."

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