Thursday 22 October 2015


Carla looks at the ground -  she has just been dumped by her boyfriend and she feels like the dirt underneath her shoes.  They had shared one single date before splat!  The love bubble had burst the second she had said 'no' to a kiss.  She felt slime all around her when he had ordered her out of the car - he didn't want her anymore, she wasn't willing to be his lover and he wasn't willing to wait.  Her world spiralled through a day of accusing stares when her boyfriend had walked up to her and said she was dumped.  Carla had felt a bump where her throat could no longer breathe and she had nodded.  Now she feels colder wind rush around her shoulders and it makes her feel prickled until Susan comes with polished car.

Carla disappears inside and she doesn't look out the window until she is far away from the school.  Susan stares at Carla and sees her withdrawn figure looking hunched and lethargic. 

"No food today?"  she asks.

"Yes, but I had some issues..."  tells Carla as she wipes a hand over her hair.

"I made some cupcakes;"  tells Susan with a bright smile.  "Cheer you up?"

"Sounds great;"  mutters Carla with a left-over smile.

Carla however stares out the window and as she does black covers her sight.  She is aware that they are driving through a tunnel, however the dark cracks an egg of thought and she cries.

At home Susan butters Carla some cupcakes and she offers her a plate.  Carla takes the dish to her bedroom and she eats slowly as a crust of sore stays lodged on her mind.

Inside the kitchen Susan meets Peter who crawls out of the study for a drink.

"Carla had a rough day today, perhaps cheer her up with some money?" asks Susan.

Peter shrugs -  he doesn't really want to part with the cash if he doesn't have to, but with Susan's insistence he bothers to climb the stairs.

Outside the bedroom door Peter clears this throat before he takes his fingers and knocks twice.  He hears a call that is muffled but the wood but by the tone he knows that he has gained admittance to enter the room.

Carla looks at Peter as he says hello.

"Trouble at school?" he asks.

"Yes, I was dumped by my boyfriend;"  tells Carla.

"Why?"  asks Peter as he raises his brows.

"He didn't like me because I didn't want to make out on our date;"  tells Carla as she shrugs.

"You have to make out;"  tells Peter as he frowns.  "Otherwise why go?" he asks.

"I don't know I have friends who just stay friends when dating until they get serious..."  mutters Carla as she shrugs.

"Dumb;"  tells Peter as he scratches his head.  "Look your mother wanted me to give you money, but I had rather not;"  he tells.  "Would you get over this silly stage by growing up a bit?"

Carla feels a shard of anger towards Peter but she calms it down. 

"I'll try;"  she mutters before she looks away.

Peter shrugs and then he moves forward and placed a ten dollar note on the table.

"To help cheer you up;"  he mutters.

Carla nods as a tear dribbles down her eye.

Peter opens his arms and offers her a hug, and there he holds her for a short time to make her feel more at home .  Peter rubs her back as Carla shivers -  in one sniff all of her emotions have been pushed back into their nest  She hangs onto Peter however to relax herself, she even leans on his torso, it makes her feel at home.  She wishes she could hang onto him forever but with one nudge he pushes her away.

"Now you feel better;"  he mutters as he rubs her hair.  "Cheer yourself up with something tasty;"  he adds before he leaves.

Carla smiles and she tries to keep her smile, however as the door closes her face turns cold.  She wishes she were not so cold, and she holds herself as all of her anguish over her heartbreak comes flooding back.  Carla feels her eyes grow wet and she bites her hand as she shakes -  she still feels low, and she wishes she could get over her feelings as her insides scream.




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