Wednesday 30 September 2015

Heavy Attention

Asha looks out the window and sees a bright sunny day.  She wish it would rain -  she is sick of the summer heat and wants it to cool.  But the clouds stay far away as the sun blazes the world with its heat -  even looking outside hurts her eyes and so Asha closes the blinds and walks further inside of the house where it is cool and quiet.

"Maybe I need a shower;"  mutters Asha as she walks towards the shower in a trance.

Bump!  A doo flies open and out steps her mother Clara from her bedroom.

"Bye Hun!"  she calls before she fast disappears.

Max looks out of the bedroom and he waves before he glares at Asha as she lazily strolls up the hallway.  Max curls a grin which is tainted with dark delivery -  he doesn't quite like Asha, in fact he thinks Clara had an affair with her boss before she hitched herself with him.  Something about her seems peculiar, lofty...  Max doesn't like her blonde hair or her green eyes -  his own kids have brown hair and blue or brown eyes... not green... not blonde...

"How's your morning?"  he asks.

"Too hot!"  tells Asha before she continues to walk past.

"I'll say!"  mutters Max before he wipes his brow.

Asha touches the shower door and then she walks into the room.  She gently closes the door behind her and Max smiles before he looks behind him.  There is a bed with lumpy pillows covering his face, he suddenly realizes that he has a back ache, and so he throws away the idea of going back to bed.

Max hears the shower run and he smiles.  He wishes he had a balloon to pop behind Asha's back, but he has nothing.  Max looks around and sees a vibrator on the chair.  He smiles -  his wife has been pleading with him to use it but she had refused.  The toy was plastic, stiff, had an angry but, hurtful... he didn't want anything to do with it.

"But maybe I could frighten Asha with it;"  he mutters before he picks it up.

Max takes his feet and stalks the shower.

Inside Asha glances over her shoulder alarmed!  Max enters and smiles as she puffs in her breaths in pants and covers herself with towel. 

"What are you doing here?"  she asks.

"Inspection time;"  tells Max before he steps towards her.

"What do you mean inspection?"  asks Asha before she gasps at the toy in Max's hand.

"What's the matter?"  asks Max.  "You look like you've seen a ghost;"  he adds.

"Is that for me?"  asks Asha as she glares.

"You want it?"  asks Max as he raises his brows.

Asha smiles and takes it.

"I've always wanted one;"  she tells.

"Then have it;"  adds Max as he laughs.

Asha's towel has fallen down enough to see he cleavage and it is a developing one.  He looks and it and thinks he would like to touch it, before his crotch begins to burn.

"Do you think you can use it?"  he asks.  "There's no instructions;"

"Yes I think I can figure it out;"  tells Asha as she places the item on the nearby bench.  "Can you go I need to shower;"  she tells.

""I think we know what needs to go;"  tells Max before he slips his hand on Asha's towel and steals it away.  "The towel;"  he adds.

Asha nods and she rubs her arms as Max's eyes devour her body.  She wishes she knew how to scream at Max, but with his attention sharp on her all she can do is grow fevered under her skin.  Asha lifts her eyes up to Max with a scream under then -  she wants to run away, but she can't and so she leers.  Max catches the attention and he smiles, but he does not smile for long.

"What are you looking at?"  he asks before he slaps her face.

Asha steps back but gets another slap which makes her step towards the wall and then the sink. 

"Huh?"  asks Max with light pant on the tongue as he glares at Asha's reddened cheeks.

"Stop it!"  screams Asha before she quietens down.

"Make me;"  tells Max before he rubs his lips over her neck and fondles one bare breast in the cup of his hand.

Asha tries to push Max away but he is too heavy.  So she stands there feeling his breath on the length of her neck as his fingers punish her chest until she needs to catch her breath.  Max feels hot, so hot he thinks he might let his pants down, but not before he plays with the vibrator toy.  He grabs it with his spare hand, and then he turn it on.  He knows he shouldn't punish Asha but he does by pushing it inside of her fast and deep.  Asha groans in her throat -  she isn't pleasured but punished by the toy which is cold and angry.

"It hurts!"  gasps Asha as she clutches his shoulders.  "It does!"

Asha walks out of the shower with sore belly and a hit head.  She had been smacked hard and she had bumped her head after a slip on the mat.  With dizzy on her mind Asha makes it to her bed and there she lays down on it.

"Why must the world be so hard?"  she asks as she fails to glue her shaken thighs together.  "That toy hurt!"  she steamed.

Asha can still feel it -  hard cold plastic jiggling inside of her.  She can hear Max's laugh.

'How dare he...' she thinks before she rests.

On the bed Asha wishes to dream, but she can only think of Max.  He its her over again and she screams, but it is not because it is angry; it is because he is turned on. 

Asha opens her eyes and feels her thighs wet -  she can't believe she could have had a wet dream over something so terrible.  Asha feels a chill, and she carefully slips out of bed to grab herself some hot milk.

In the kitchen Max lingers over a boiling kettle.  Asha wishes to throw the kettle at him but instead she ignores him.  Max spies her sneaking around and he pushes the empty tea-cup aside. 

"I'm getting milk;"  tells Asha as she moves to pass.

Asha feels like a sneak trying to steal bread, however she is not the one doing the stealing!  Max hugs her and presses her to his body.  Asha pulls away, but she doesn't take a step before Max pulls her back to him to hug her.  There is desperation in the hug, his body is stiff, his arms clutch too tight.

"Let go!"  orders Asha.

However Max can't let go -  he instead breathes deeper as he fights the guilt in wanting to have a lay. Max is fast to tear Asha's underwear off, and he is even faster at taking his own pants down.  From there it's a series of squeezes before Max has Asha gasping.  He can't believe his score, and he doesn't let go until he creams.

Asha feels the cold kitchen tiles on her back, and she shivers as Max slithers away like a snake.  Asha still has her legs open as the next door neighbour Paul walks inside.

"Door was open;"  tells Paul before he glares at Asha in all undone seduction.  "What's this?  Play rape?"  he asks.

"No, just harmless fun;"  tells Max as he shies away.  "She slept with a boyfriend and wanted to prove it..."  he mutters.

Paul looks to Max and scoffs.  He knows he should hurry home to report a possible case of rape, but with Asha looking so wide opens he grows hot for a taste of her. 

"Best take a shower;"  he tells Max.  "Leave the kid alone;"

Max nods and with an apology he moves to have a shower.  It is a good idea, but half-way up the hall he hears a moan, and he returns to the kitchen to find Paul on top of Asha.  Max watches a rape that turns into an orgy, and he grows hot headed over looking.  Max watches for fifteen minutes before Paul gets off. 

Paul turns and sees Max he then shrugs before walking out of the house.  Asha glares at Max -  she has been filled to the brim but she knows he might come back for more.  He does!  He slaps her face and pulls her hair back.

"You like him better then me?" he asks before he gives it all he has to make her feel warm again.  "There's nothing better then me or you won't live here;"  he adds.

Exhausted Asha is taken to bed, and on her bed she is told to sleep.  Asha does sleep, but as she sleeps her body screams, and that is when Asha wakes up screaming - she has been raped!

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