Thursday 1 October 2015

Miserable And Looking For Release

Nathan looks at the mirror -  he looks old and he feels down in the dumps.  His wife Trisha has had another affair, and he feels bad.  Nathan tries to razor blade his face, but he cuts his skin and so he gives up.

"I can't do anything right!"  he gasps before he moves to walk up the hall towards a spot of light by the front door.

On the way Nathan sees Emma as she studies inside of her room.  Nathan stops and laughs as she breaks a pencil and then he listens as she sharpens it up again.  He can't get enough of her study habits -  she chews on the pencil, write, breaks it, and then she chews on it again. With her eyes so glazed he knows she is not learning, and so she stares as she frowns at a blank page.

"You need help?"  he asks.

Emma looks at Nathan and she cringes -  she doesn't like him looking so trash!  She hates the unshaven face, the unbuttoned shirt, the half rolled up pants... she hates everything unkept, and she shivers.

"Go away;"  she tells him in order.

Nathan shrugs and moves on.

At the door he peers outside the window, and he sees a blank street that is perfect and quiet.  He loves streets like it, he feels like the world can never be anything but perfect, and it makes the world around him more perfect and empty.  Nathan however sheds a tear -  he feels miserable!

"A perfect life with the world most deceitful tragedy in my wife's pants;"  he reflects before he looks at a portrait and them together.

Nathan grows fond of the picture, but it makes his heart cold, and so he steps down the hallway like a stray animal who has been starved for far too long. 

Nathan looks at Emma as she scratches her head and reads.  He smiles a watery smile -  she looks cute, but he feels lost and broken inside.  He is cold and damp, and he needs a fire lit inside to warm him.  He can't keep his brain together, he has been cracked, he has been broken, he has been lied to, he has been used, he has been hurt.

"It is a deep injury;"  he tells himself.

Emma crooks her head and she looks at Nathan before she rolls her eyes.

"Can you go away?"  she asks as she feels impatience thread her blood.

"What's with the rudeness?"  asks Nathan as he glares.

"I wasn't being rude!"  snaps Emma.

"Yes you were;"  tells Nathan as he glares.  "In fact you might need to be punished if you don't say sorry;"

Emma rolls her eyes.

"Sorry;"  she mutters quickly.

Nathan shakes his head.

"That will never do;"  he mutters before he strolls inside.

Emma shivers as Nathan steps up to her until she is shadowed by him.  He slaps her fast, once, and she screams a short scream before she breathes out a broken breath.

"That hurt!"  she seethes.

Nathan shrugs.  He is on the plank of no forgiveness and he doesn't care.  He has been hurt.  He is the one bleeding.  He is wet with tears.  He doesn't care as Emma shivers.  He grabs her throat!  He doesn't care!

"Let go!"  gasps Emma with knotted up face.

Nathan shrugs and lets go.  He is not an animal, he just squeezed her throat a bit.

"You animal!"  gasps Emma as she lets go of a couple of tears.

Nathan slaps her again.

"Shut-up!"  he growls before he calms himself down. 

Nathan doesn't care -  he feels sick and wrecked.  He doesn't want the pain to continue, he wants it to go away. 

"Go to bed!"  he orders in a firm tone.

"What?  Why?  It's day!"  gasps Emma.

"To bed!"  shouts Nathan.

Emma reflects that she is in trouble and she puts down her pencil and moves to bed.  It is far too hot to slip under the covers, so she lays on top.  Nathan jumps on her as she settles herself and then he slaps her five times before his rage leaves.  Emma trembles and Nathan gasps before he clutches her to hold her -  he feels mad, so mad he can see cracked glass in front of his vision; the world is broken, and he feels little comfort in holding Emma as tight as he can.  He can't warm his chest, his heart flops instead of beats, he feels cold. 

"I'm sad!"  he mutters into her ear.  "So sad, you can't believe how sad I feel!"  he tells her as tears drip from his eyes. "I can't keep it together!" he mutters as he rakes his unshaven face against her milken cheek.  "I can't!"  he mutters before he stares at Emma's face which has tears streaked over her cheeks.   "What?"  drawls Nathan as he frowns.  "What he repeats;"

A tense moment comes between then and Nathan shakes his head.  He can't fight himself, he can't fight his misery, he can't fight his evil.  He takes down his pants and he slithers a snake up Emma's thighs.  Emma clutches hard as he drives himself inside -  he swears and shivers as he pushes harder and harder, but he can't stop.  The bed makes sound of broken hinges and it doesn't stop not even with Emma screaming in his ear.

Nathan looks to Emma who is pale and shivering.  He smiles as he glares.

"This never happened;"  he tells her.  "It's a secret;"

Emma sheds a tear and she wipes it off her face. 

"I can't look at you;"  she mutters.

Nathan slaps her hard and she cringes as teas pop from her eyes.

"It's a secret;"  he adds.

Emma nods and she trembles once again.  Nathan holds her close but his arms are clutching her, he doesn't want to let go, he wants to hold her forever, his sanity relies on it, he keeps holding her as she weeps, the sound is a melody he doesn't want it to stop.

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