Friday 23 October 2015

Light Headed

Angie walks into the mall - there are nerves in her bones as she hands over a resume.  her nerves show and she is given the callback promise before she leaves.  Angie walks out of the store and sees her resume thrown into the trash -  she feels like trash and with her head hung low she walks home.

On the way home Angie kicks some stones as she thinks foul thoughts - she wishes she lived somewhere else, but she does not.  She lives on Cherry Street where it smells sweet but there is a foul whispered on the air.  Like a girl aged six was murdered at Christmas with an axe that was used to chop the winter firewood, like a guy aged twenty-two jumped off the roof to kill himself after his girlfriend had dumped him.  Yes, on the right day the wind feels too cold and she has to hold herself under a blanket to escape the chill.

Angie loses her color and she moves on towards her street.  She feels too cold and she realizes that she might faint.  The day has been long and with the strain of applying for a job mixed with no lunch has made her week.  She staggers by a lone tree, and she struggles to hold on, when a beep bellows from behind.

Angie turns and sees her fathers car drive up to the curb.  Angie smiles, however the startle of the horn rings her brain and her legs give in.  Angie stumbles to the ground and blanks out and in the distance she hears echo steps.  They walk on and on and she listens to the sound of the quiet pitter patter like it is a tune she can hear.  However then she opens her eyes and she realizes that she was not awake, only asleep in a dream where she was lost and could not hear even as she listened to the sound of feet.

Angie looks to Jack and smiles before she sits up in her car.  Angie rubs her hair.

"Hi;"  she mutters.

"No lunch?"  asks Jack with a tense expression.

Angie shrugs -  she wants to say she forgot the lunch but in truth it rests inside of her bag in a pocket.  She hadn't forgotten she just didn't want to eat it -  the smell of off eat and egg made her feel sluggish.  She had drunk water from the tap instead and rested on a grumbling belly.

"I thought it was off;"  tells Angie after a minute.

"No lunch!"  steams Jack.  "You need to eat!"  he yells.

"I'll have food at home;"  mutters Angie with a shrug.

Jack growls.

"Home!  What's there!"  he gasps as he thumps a hand on the steering wheel.

Jack holds his breath and then he sighs -  it is a strange moment which makes the hairs on Angie's arms prickle.  She tenses as Jack relaxes and not another sound is heard as the car drives home.

In the garage Angie slips out of the car -  she doesn't take a step before pow!  The slap of  a hand apples her cheek!  Angie stumbles and bam! another hit strikes!  Angie moves around the hood of the car when she bumps into a warm body to use as a pillow.  With eyes seeing fog she is rushed into the house and taken to her room where she is placed onto her bed.  Angie feels off -  she can't even see straight all she can hear is her heartbeat pulsing inside of her head.  She feels for her temple and reaches her ear before she blanks out again -  the world is closed, and in a black abyss she sinks as time ticks on.

When Angie wakes a cold sandwich sits next to her bed on the small table and she glares with disinterest -   it is layered with beef and corn beef.  Angie sulks and she turns her head away -  she grimaces as she feels a bruise and she weeps as she closes her eyes.  She has been hit hard and it has exhausted her; she can't do anything but close her eyes as her sad sorries turn into misery.

Thursday 22 October 2015


Carla looks at the ground -  she has just been dumped by her boyfriend and she feels like the dirt underneath her shoes.  They had shared one single date before splat!  The love bubble had burst the second she had said 'no' to a kiss.  She felt slime all around her when he had ordered her out of the car - he didn't want her anymore, she wasn't willing to be his lover and he wasn't willing to wait.  Her world spiralled through a day of accusing stares when her boyfriend had walked up to her and said she was dumped.  Carla had felt a bump where her throat could no longer breathe and she had nodded.  Now she feels colder wind rush around her shoulders and it makes her feel prickled until Susan comes with polished car.

Carla disappears inside and she doesn't look out the window until she is far away from the school.  Susan stares at Carla and sees her withdrawn figure looking hunched and lethargic. 

"No food today?"  she asks.

"Yes, but I had some issues..."  tells Carla as she wipes a hand over her hair.

"I made some cupcakes;"  tells Susan with a bright smile.  "Cheer you up?"

"Sounds great;"  mutters Carla with a left-over smile.

Carla however stares out the window and as she does black covers her sight.  She is aware that they are driving through a tunnel, however the dark cracks an egg of thought and she cries.

At home Susan butters Carla some cupcakes and she offers her a plate.  Carla takes the dish to her bedroom and she eats slowly as a crust of sore stays lodged on her mind.

Inside the kitchen Susan meets Peter who crawls out of the study for a drink.

"Carla had a rough day today, perhaps cheer her up with some money?" asks Susan.

Peter shrugs -  he doesn't really want to part with the cash if he doesn't have to, but with Susan's insistence he bothers to climb the stairs.

Outside the bedroom door Peter clears this throat before he takes his fingers and knocks twice.  He hears a call that is muffled but the wood but by the tone he knows that he has gained admittance to enter the room.

Carla looks at Peter as he says hello.

"Trouble at school?" he asks.

"Yes, I was dumped by my boyfriend;"  tells Carla.

"Why?"  asks Peter as he raises his brows.

"He didn't like me because I didn't want to make out on our date;"  tells Carla as she shrugs.

"You have to make out;"  tells Peter as he frowns.  "Otherwise why go?" he asks.

"I don't know I have friends who just stay friends when dating until they get serious..."  mutters Carla as she shrugs.

"Dumb;"  tells Peter as he scratches his head.  "Look your mother wanted me to give you money, but I had rather not;"  he tells.  "Would you get over this silly stage by growing up a bit?"

Carla feels a shard of anger towards Peter but she calms it down. 

"I'll try;"  she mutters before she looks away.

Peter shrugs and then he moves forward and placed a ten dollar note on the table.

"To help cheer you up;"  he mutters.

Carla nods as a tear dribbles down her eye.

Peter opens his arms and offers her a hug, and there he holds her for a short time to make her feel more at home .  Peter rubs her back as Carla shivers -  in one sniff all of her emotions have been pushed back into their nest  She hangs onto Peter however to relax herself, she even leans on his torso, it makes her feel at home.  She wishes she could hang onto him forever but with one nudge he pushes her away.

"Now you feel better;"  he mutters as he rubs her hair.  "Cheer yourself up with something tasty;"  he adds before he leaves.

Carla smiles and she tries to keep her smile, however as the door closes her face turns cold.  She wishes she were not so cold, and she holds herself as all of her anguish over her heartbreak comes flooding back.  Carla feels her eyes grow wet and she bites her hand as she shakes -  she still feels low, and she wishes she could get over her feelings as her insides scream.




Friday 16 October 2015

Naughty Thoughts

Angie sits on the bus wishing she were not rubbing shoulders on a day that was forty degrees.  Angie looks the time and smiles when she sees that she must nearly be at home.  The bus rounds a bend and then she sees her stop.  She sighs relief -  she is five minutes early.

Angie hops off the bus and then she treks up the front lawn that leads to her house.  Outside she sees a green car, and she shrugs and slips inside.

Inside Beth entertains work colleague Luke and Angie tip toes past the living room to be able to rest inside of her own room.  Angie sighs!  She is finally at home and able to rest!

Late afternoon Angie feels hungry for food and she slips inside of the kitchen.  She makes herself some warmed up pizza before she plates the food and moves to watch TV.  The TV is boring but Angie finds the cartoon watchable and so she stares as she eats her meal.

After ten minutes Angie is distracted by a loud bang!  She gasps and looks around to see nothing but blank afternoon.  Angie shrugs and then she walks around the house to see if she can find the reason for such a loud noise in such a quiet place.  She is clueless until she finds Beth's bedroom.  A eye staring through the crack allows Angie to see Beth dressed as a stripper and firing a fake pistol.  Angie sighs and she leaves the door alone.

"Can't she do that when I am away?"  she asks with a blush under her face.

Angie turns on the shower and she slips inside -  it has been a long day and she wishes to wash the sweat off.  She brushes her hair and then washes it, and finally she soaps herself all over and rinses.  A ten minute shower never felt so good, and when done Angie finds relief and happily dressed into some casual clothes.

Angie walks down the hall and see sees Beth's bedroom door.  She recalls seeing her in her stripper costume and she grows an interest in what she could be doing now that it has been an hour.  Angie slips up to the door and looks inside, she sees Beth on her knees having sex with the guy she brought home.  Angie smiles -  she has seen Beth do this before and it makes her horny for some sex.  She glares as Beth arches her back -  the act looks sexy and she feels tingles. 

Angie slips away from the door and she returns to her room.  Inside of the room Angie feels like touching herself in an intimate way, however she holds back -  she doesn't wish to touch herself because it does little to help calm sexual desires.  She needs a guy to be with her, but her last boyfriend dumped her because he didn't like her anymore.

"I wish I could have a go;"  she mutters before she moves on to listen to some music.

At night Luke slips out and heads for the kitchen to get drinks.  He glares at Angie who is eating ice-cream and he says hello.  Angie shrugs as she stares at him -  he has nice mainstream looks but his imperfections are annoying.  Angie doesn't quite want to sleep with him, so she leans to the side while she eats more ice-cream.

"Nice night;"  tells Luke trying to make small chat.

"It's okay;"  shrugs Angie as she grows a blush.  "Are you staying the whole night?"

"No, going to go soon;"  tells Luke as he shrugs.

Angie shrugs back and then she stands aloof as she eats her ice-cream. 

Luke stares as though he has eyed dinner. He smiles and Angie grows a tingle -  she knows she could have him, it's just that with his looks a bit off her loins turn dry, and so she stops flirting to stare at her ice-cream which she eats with renewed vigour. 

Angie washes her dish and then she leaves Luke in the kitchen - he has hardly moved and she feels her heartbeat extra hard.  She has chills inside of her bones, all of her naughty thoughts feel like a pin and she run from it as it threatens to prick her.

Inside of her room Angie bites on her nail -  she feels stressed out, and she turns the light off as she hears footsteps up the hall.  Angie grimaces and she rushes to bed to make herself feel safe.  The world has turned her off and all she wants to do is hide.


A break in the trees may mean her neck!  Ivy sighs before she scrambles on -  there is a date to go to and she doesn't want to be late!  Ivy climbs down from her high rung and moves to escape -  but a sharp pull turns her around.

"What's this?"  asks Pete.

"What?"   asks Ivy as she pulls hair behind her ear.  'Going out;"  she adds.

"Not at this hour;"  tells Pete as he shakes his head.  "Now get inside the house!"

Ivy turns her head -  in the dim there is a car with its headlights turned off; that is where she had been headed and she grows a frown as it disappears from view.

Inside the house Ivy moves to her room with sulk on every step.  She is depressed that she didn't get to go out and the way Pete trails her makes her feel imprisoned.  Ivy looks at the carpet as Pete tells her to stop.

"You will need to be punished;'  he says.

Ivy nods - last time she was punished it was for not doing the house-chores, she had been told to go to bed without dinner for two nights and she had caved.  She broke into the pantry at twelve, and nibbling on cake and crackers she was stopped by Pete.  He had dragged her back to her room with her hair being pulled might firm, and she had screamed all the way.

"What is the punishment?"  asks Ivy.

"I don't know yet;"  mutters Pete before he leaves to think.

Ivy sighs!  She is glad Pete is out of the room, she hates to have him linger and leer until she has ants crawling over her skin.  Ivy sits on a chair and begins to read a book -  but the words stick on her head as she looks out the window thinking that she could make it to the date if she ran.

"I had better not!"  she mutters as she hears shoes tapping on the wood outside of her room.  "He could come in at any second!"  she mutters.

Ivy reads her magazine and then she slips into bed.  The night has been long and it is past twelve -  it is morning.  Ivy closes her eyes and she begins to dream, in no time at all she is beyond the world.

Morning breaks and Ivy gets dressed and goes downstairs.  There are cold pancakes on the table -  a sure sign that Gail had to leave for work early.  Ivy begins to plate the food when Pete enters the room.

"Hi;"  he greets;

"Hi;"  she mutters before she offers a half-hearted smile.

"I thought of your punishment -  come to the wood chop store today;"  he tells.

"That gross store far away where you buy firewood?"  asks Ivy.

"Yes;"  tells Pete as he grins.

Ivy sighs -  driving for long hours is boring in Pete's car; he won't let her touch the radio and so all she can do is stare out the window to what is fields of brown grass.  She doesn't like to sit in the car and suffer -  she can't chew, she can't go to the toilet, she can't eat... it is draining. 

"Okay I'll take that as punishment;"  she tells after a clearing of the throat.

"Good;" mutters Pete before he gets the car keys.

In the car Ivy glares at the window and sees grass as it speeds past her eyes.  She feels lethargic, she has been staring at the dull brown plain for ages and she can't take it!  Ivy cools her brow on the cool glass before her face, she wants to die! 

A kick in the engine warns Pete that the car needs gas and he stops at the next station. It takes minutes for the car to be filled up, and then the drive continues on.

"Can I have some coffee?"  asks Ivy as she looks to Pete who grabbed a cup of cheap instant coffee when paying for the petrol.

"No;"  he mutters.  "You are being punished;"

That closes any additional pleas and Ivy rubs her lips together -  she feels cold, and by the end of the trip she is going to feel starved.

At the wood chop shop Pete takes forever to choose the right wood to put in the fireplace.  He asks direct questions like 'is this slow burning' etc, and the attendant tries their best to give him the most accurate answer.  In the end Pete chooses pine-tree wood, and he fills the back of the car with it.

The sun sinks down low and the stars slip out from their beds to shine.  Ivy looks at the stars and she blinks her tired eyes, she wishes to sleep.  Ivy thinks of her bed and she nestles on the pillow to be able to take five on her comfortable mattress.  The pillow provides a safe cushion and she is able to count sheep until she dozes off.  The white sheep turn into jumping clouds which are then flanked with fog.  Ivy blinks her eyes and sees she is staring at the cloud by the horizon through a foggy window and she turns away to look at Pete.

"You must be tired... how about dinner?"  she asks.

"Not for you;"  tells Pete with a sneer.

Ivy feels a twang of cross and she wrinkles her nose.  Her stomach grumbles and it begs for food.  Pete smiles before he concentrates on the road.  Ivy gives up -  she chews on her nails and she waits.  The run sinks and dark settles down.  There is no more grass to look at just dark blank.  Ivy is finally sick of the world and she leans back in her stiff-back chair to suffer the rest of the trip.

At home Pete confronts Ivy as she slips out of the car on weak legs.

"I hoe you have learned your lesson;"  he remarks.

"Oh I have!"  tells Ivy before she brushes past his shoulder and slips inside the house.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Jade Surprised

Jade looks at the ocean and sees that it is wide and blue.  The curl of wave collapses and rolled right up to her toes as the wind whistles through her hair.  It is afternoon and the sun is going down, Jade figures she had better go home but a kick inside of her chest stops her.  She doesn't want to go home -  for the past few months Tom has been drinking and acting high strung.  It has gotten her into fights often, and she has been left a broken figure of whom she had been six months ago.

"I wish I could leave this place;" mutters Jade before she kicks up her courage and returns home.

Inside of the house it is quiet.  Joyce has cleaned and so it makes the mood light and fluffy.  However as Jade steps inside there is a darker energy and she stops.  She wants to run but she continues on; she just waits for a surprise and then she gulps.

Jade reaches the bathroom where she washes her mouth out.  She often does it to make herself feel good, and so she slips inside quietly.  Jade plays with the pills and collects a couple of vitamins, then she uses mouthwash to make herself refreshed.  It works there is a buzz inside of her mind in an instant -  but then a voice is heard.

"Yea pal I'll call you back;"  says Tom.

Jade turns her head and sees Tom by the door.  He gives her a wave before he ends his call.

"Nice day?"  he asks.

Jade shrugs.

"It was okay;"  she mutters.

Tom smiles and then he runs a rack of fingers through his hair.

"Want to come upstairs with me?"  he asks.  "Got a surprise;"

"For me?"  asks Jade as she wrinkles her nose.

Last time a surprise was a hit in the face.  She doesn't know what the surprise is but she knows she has to agree to go otherwise she gets beaten up where she stands.

So Jade climbs up the stairs to the top bedroom where Tom closes the door to make the room soft and dusky.  In the dusk Tom breathes hard, and Jade grows tingles up her spine.

"I am going to lay you;"  tells Tom. 

"What?"  asks Jade as she turns around.

Tom pulls her close so that her crotch is rubbing against his pants.  Jade feels silly and she pushes herself away.

"Get on that bed;"  tells Tom.

Jade shakes her head.

"Get on!"  yells Tom.

Jade shivers.

Tom does not take no for an answer and he pushes Jade onto the bed.  There is some wrestle which a slap helps to close, Jade tries her best but her tits pop out of her torn shirt, and then her underwear is ripped off.  She screams, however her scream echoes to empty walls.  Tom rubs his mouth over one of her tits while her body screams -  he ploughs through her thighs like an express train, and Jade feels her body pulse and she is forced into a lay.  She feels hot so hot that sweat shivers through her pores, she wants to let go but she can't and so she closes her eyes as she is robbed.

A door opens and Joyce gasps as Tom creams.  Joyce places a hand to her lips and then she moves out again.  Tom doesn't hear her he only hears his own pulse as it storms through his brain.  He has pushed himself into an orgy swell and he cannot calm down.  He has bitten cat-nip and it makes him want to continue on.  He does, and he cares not about Jade's petty moans.  He is in control and he makes his lay hot as he loses himself over again.

Jade makes it to the shower and she is fast to rub her skin clean.  She has needles on her fingers and she needs to hurry -  but too late!  A thud turns into an echo and she faints.  Water dribbles over her body which is in coma-dead state.  Time rotates but the shower stays on.  It is four hours before she is picked off the tiles and placed into her bed to rest.




Saturday 10 October 2015

Daily Sport

Pearl look outside.  She thinks she better go for a walk so she put her shoes on.

"Off I go!"

Downstairs is Peter with his friend Max.  Pearl look and see that they are drinking.

"Better go out slowly;"

One move and they stare.


Pearl blushes.

"Going for a walk;"

Peter shrugs as Max laughs.

"Better take a hat;"

Pearl reaches the door and opens it - outside the day is so hot tar on road looks melted.  Pearl takes a step outside and sweats.

"Better watch TV instead;"

On the couch Pearl turns on the box.  Peter comes by and he smiles at Pearl.

"Why you not walking?"

Pearl blushes;

"Too hot;"

Peter smiles and then he shrugs.

"I got sport to watch;"

Pearl shuffles to the side.


Peter sits next to Pearl and he takes a drink while she watches his flick the channel.  Max comes in and sits next to Peter.

"Sport on?"

Peter nods and he leans back in the chair.  Pearl looks to him then to Max who looks to her and then to Peter.  Max whispers in Peter's ear, before Peter laughs.

"He says you look good;"

Pearl smiles and then she blushes as four eyes stare at her.  She feels stiff and so she decides she should go to her room.

Peter rubs her hair.

"You stop with the fidgeting?"  he asks.

Pearl looks to her fingers and sees them in a tangled mess.  She shrugs.

Peter puts down his drink and he slips a hand up her skirt.

"Stop it!" 

Peter's red face shows and he throws Pearl off the couch.

Pearl is hit and then dragged onto the carpet as Peter hovers over her.  Two smacks and she lay still and then sharp thrusting makes her bite her tongue. Max laughs from the couch and then at Peters command he too approaches.  More thrusting and then with a shiver the room turns quiet.

Pearl leaves.


She scrambles to her room and locks the door.

Thursday 8 October 2015

A Drink

Kala sits at her study desk -  she wishes for a drink and so she slams her pen onto the table.  Fast she rises to her feet and heads downstairs where a liquor cabinet has the drink she wishes to consume.  Kala fingers the drinks and she almost picks one when Reg enters the room.

"Get your hand off that drink!"  he yells.

Kala drops her hand and bites her nails.

"Sorry;"  she mutters.

Reg shrugs and then he looks to her.  He sees interest and he slips a hand over her waist and slaps her butt.  Kala giggles but her giggles die as she feels his hand rub her backside with sensual pleasure.

"Got a load if you want to be filled;"  he mutters.

Kala shakes her head.

"I'll go to my room;"  she mouths.

Reg stops her and shoves her back.  Kala almost trips back but she stands her ground. 

"I'll leave, okay?"  she asks.

"Don't worry kid, you want a drink;"  tells Reg before he pushes her into a large chair which sits behind her.

Reg unzips his pants and he pushes Kala's face against his crotch.  She kisses it like a porn pro, but her heart turns sour and after ten minutes she has to look away  Reg slaps her face hard and he slips his pants down.  Kala is forced to give him oral and she does it with tears in her eyes. 

"There you happy?"  she asks after ten more minutes.

"Far from;"  gasps Reg before he opens her thighs.

Kala tries to squirm however Reg has his loins in her pants in seconds, and he arches her neck back over the arm of the chair as he pulses.  Kala gasps as she feels him and she moans.  A knock on the door she hears, and she looks over Reg to see her mother Sue.

"Get off me!"  she yells.

However Reg ignores he as he pulses in deep and harder with a thrust that rips her.  Kala moans and gasps before she squeezes his arms.  Reg smiles and then he leans over her as Sue bites on her nails behind him.  Reg pulls one of her legs up high to be able to get closer to Kala -  she moans again as her ribs are crushed.  She looks to Sue as her eyes burn and she blames her for not trying to even help her. 

"Let me go!"  gasps Kala in a wimpy tone.

"Let me in!"  tells Reg before he cools down the thrusting to sit inside of her.

Kala gasps and trembles as Reg creams inside -  she bites on her quivering lip, and then she looks to Sue who trembles in her own skin.  Reg opens Kala's wet top and then he slips onto his knees to be able to lick her out -  he does lick her and eats her thoroughly, and Kala feels her energy pulse as she traces her hands over his head.  She wants to rip it off, but she stays calm as she suffers his tongue.  Her body grows beet red. and her chest gasps.  Kala looks to Sue who still watches as her body turns hot and sweaty.  Kala arches her neck a little bit more and then she slips off her chair.

On the floor Reg kisses her face with passionate kisses.  Kala tries to draw away, but he puts his weight onto her and takes her to the carpet so they can make out. 

"Don't fight me;"  mutters Reg before he kisses her with tongue.

Kala feels her chest heave as her mind screams -  her body has changed into a womans body with its swelling and she feels like a freak.  Reg pushes his loins into hers once again and Kala rubs her tits as they get red hot.  Kala feels like an iron and she moans before she looks to Sue who stands still. 

"Don't!  Don't cream!"  gasps Kala as Reg shakes her body as he loses his loads.  "Get off!"

"Don't fight me!"  growls Reg as he pulls her hair.

Kala bites her lip as Reg creams inside of her like she is a bowl to be sprayed in.  Kala moans as she looks to Sue, and she doesn't stop moaning until Reg has stopped.

Reg pants and he sighs before he slips up from the floor -  his clothes are drenched in sweat, and he gasps as he reaches for a drink.

"Go to your room!" he orders.

Kala nods and she stands.  On wobbling legs she moves towards the door where Sue stands solid still.  As Kala passes Sue says not a word, and she quickly scampers to her bedroom.  Reg smiles and then he turns to look at Kala's shadow and he gulps hard as he sees Sue.

"She wanted to play-role;"  he mutters as he shrugs.

Sue shakes her head.

"This had better be the only time!"  she gasps before she leaves.

Reg shrugs and then he smells in the air -  it smells of hot lay, and he smiles. 

"Of course we can do it again;"  he mutters.  "Next time it will be her doing me;"  he adds before he laughs.

Mothers Chores

Pearl has no idea what she is doing -  she has her hands in the soapy sink and she thinks 'what is this?'  She doesn't know what she is doing -  mothers chores!  She should be scrawling on a I love You notepad and writing nonsense day dreams.

"I shouldn't be doing this!"  she gasps disgusted before she peels off the rubber gloves on her hands and leaves.

Inside of her room Pearl is progressively writing out love lists when a stormy knock breaks on her door.  Pearl looks up as her heartbeat jumps into her throat -  it could only be one person, Chad.

"What is it?"  she calls on trembling voice, but her voice squeaks as the door bursts open.

"Here you are!"  he rages.  "I thought I told you to clean the dishes!"  he growls.

"I am having a break;" tells Pearl.

"Get in the kitchen!"  storms Chad as he points a finger.

Pearl rushes to her feet and hurries back downstairs.  In the kitchen she sobs as she hurries to put on the wet gloves -  they don't fit!  So she dunks her hands in the water and she gasps -  it is really hot!  Pearl pulls her hands away.

"You wash!"  tells Chad as he zips up behind her.  "You wash and I watch..."

"Are you sure this for me?"  asks Pearl.  ""I mean it's mothers chores;"  she tells.  "A mother should be doing this;"  she adds.

Chad looks at Pearl -  her mother is dead, and buried in the local grave.  A night of drinking let to a night of blurry shadows, and one was a car.  He watched the whole dance of her being flung over the front of the car and landing on the street with a sick thunk.  He promised never to go out drinking again.

Chad clears his throat as his belly reels.

"Well okay;"  tells Chad as he pets Pearls shoulder.

Pearl smiles!  She rushes to go back to her room but Chad turns her around and slaps her face hard.  Pearl lands on the floor with dizzy stinging her brain, and she gasps.  She heard the smack but the sting is slow coming and she doesn't know why.  Pearl looks to Chad who glares at her - her skirt has risen almost to her waist and he is startled -  he has never seen so much flesh! 

"Go to hell!"  gasps Pearl before she runs to get back to her bedroom.

On the way to the stairs Pearl grows dizzy and she stops for a moment.  She places a hand to her head and then she continues up the stairs.  The stair is a painful trek - the sting o her face catches inside of her mind and she crawls up.  At the top Pearl sees double vision and she accidentally slips into the wrong room where she crumbles onto the floor and blanks out.

Chad looks at Pearl on the floor of his bedroom -  he is out of breath, after running around the house looking for her he decided to grab his keys and see if he can see her outside; however there in his room on the carpet is Pearl.  He knows she has passed out and he smiles at the sight -  she looks sound asleep, and he fast closes the door to stop the light from entering the room.

Chad slaps Pearl on the face hard -  but she is out cold and he smiles.  He never thought that she were ever going to be his, when he looked at her growing up she seemed to have the world at her feet -  good grades, love interest, friends...  however as he looks to her he knows that he can have her. 

"I can do it;"  tells Chad before he gives her rose mouth a sweet kiss.

He has given her many kisses, however this one is different -  it has a slip of tongue which spells the secret love entwine; it is for a lover, and he grows a blush as he tastes dead lip pulp.  Chad smiles inside of himself -  he knows it is wrong, he should be kissing her when she is awake; however with her so dead even he can keep his secret.  So he gets up off the floor and heads to the drawer.

Inside Chad finds scissor and he returns to Pearl and he cuts her clothes off.  He smiles at her nakedness as he peels the cut fabric away -  it's not that she doesn't look beautiful but she is small.  He wants to be a lone teenager finding a root rather then an adult finding a lay.

"I'm okay with this;"  he tells himself before he strips off his own clothes.

Naked Chad crawls over Pearl and he begins to tumb her privates with his own flesh.  It takes some time -  she is still a virgin and it makes the act a tight squeeze.  However he breaks her down bit by bit and with a cry he is able to pulse inside of her. 

Chad feels his face turn red -  inside of his mind his conscience tells him to go away, jump out a window!  But he grits his teeth -  he knows it is necessary to lay the rules; it is best to let the real world go and build up the surreal world.  Chad sweats as he continues to use his energy to pulse, he never knew it would be this way.

After twenty minutes Chad stops with a gasp!  He has lost himself, his whole body is shivering, he needs to let go!  However as he slips away Pearl stirs.  She moans a low sound, and then she looks up to see Chad with light streaming over his shoulders.  Pearl smiles -  for a second she sees a handsome face of a man with fine features.  She almost sees a creation of God, however then an ache makes her in tune with the reality and she stares down at herself to see blood dribbling over her thighs.  Pearl looks to Chad and sees that his standing loins are the curse to her pain, and she screams.

"How could you!"  she asks.

Chad rushes to grab her and he holds her down.

"I was practising;"  he mutters as he glares at her. "I've broken you in;"

"You've what?"  screams Pearl as she tries to shake his hands off her. 

Chad gasps and rushes to bury his loins in-between Pearls open thighs and she screams as he pulses inside of her.  Chad feels his energy grow black and he thrusts harder as Pearl throws her voice to the ceiling.  Chad ignores Pearls cries for the first time in his life, and he continues to thrust harder until her skin grows hot and clammy. 

Five minutes turns into thirty minutes, thirty minutes turns onto one hour.  Chad continues to fill Pearl up and within two hours he is exhausted.  He has lost his last ounce of energy, and his ribs hurt.  Chad gasps as Pearl moans -  the hair he breaths into it flax and wet, and Chad breathes it in until he is ready to crawl off Pearl.

"Now you can get back to your chores;"  he mutters as he moves to the shower. 

Pearl pulls a face.  She can't move, so she lays still and closes her eyes.  Her body has been torn open, and her thighs are wet.  She cannot even lift her eyes, she sinks, and she blacks out for the second time.

After the shower Chad carries Pearl onto the bed and he closes her inside of a hug.  He smiles as he pets her milken face -  she has been laid and is now his; he knows that he will find it hard letting her go.  He wants to hold her so he does and as he does he makes her his lover.  He wishes he could make himself understand, but he is far from understanding he just wishes to leave things as they are -  in the perfect world, where a hug is compassion and a kiss is love.

"Good-night;"  he whispers before he gives Pearl another kiss.  "See you in the morning;"  he adds before he too closes his eyes.

Monday 5 October 2015

Power and Control

Peter looks to Pearl.

"What you up to?"

Pearl shrugs.

"Get lost!" 

Peter shakes his head and he locks the door.

"You gotta have manners!" 

Pearl fold up a fist.

"Get out!"

Peter shrugs.  He slaps!

"Get down!" 

Pearl gasps as she holds her face.

"No!"  .

Peter slaps again.

"Get down!"

Pearl gets down on the carpet and she sneers.

"That's better Pearl!"

Peter climbs over her and he grunts and Pearl gasps.

"Oh no!"  she scream.

Peter smiles.


Pearl wants to let it go but he drools as he blows.

"Got ya;" 

Peter leave and Pearl slips into bed to hang out as the night dances on.

In her dreams she fights Peter.


His jaw sails to the side and locks.


His eye becomes bloody.


She has bitten off his lip!

She wakes -  night still hangs and she has been forgotten.  She crosses her brows and pushes her head under her pillows to get rid of her headache to sleep.

Cloe Call

Anne talks on the phone as Doug walks in.  He stares at her standing aloof in the hall with a twisted smile on her face and he grows  tad bit of jealousy.   Anne looks to Doug and waves at him, and he waves back - friendly enough is the gesture however there is some red hitting his chest which he can barely keep in. 

"Made coffee?"  asks Doug as he walks past.

Anne shakes her head and turns her back -  she doesn't want to even see him while she is busy talking.  Doug gets the hint and he walks to the kitchen where he moves to make coffee, but reaching inside of the fridge he cannot find milk and so upset he turns off the coffee machine and walks around the house in search for some alcohol. 

Anne finishes her talk on the phone and she heads towards the lounge in order to watch TV.  Anne settles herself down on the lounge when the knock on the front door diverts her attention.  Anne answers the door to see delivery person on the front step.  She takes the parcel and then she hurries to her bedroom to open it.

"What could this be?  And why for me?"  she asks as she opens the box.

Anne sees lingerie and a note from her boyfriend.

"For Saturday if you want to meet me;"  he writes.

Anne laughs and she hurries to undress to be able  to put the lingerie on -  it is tight but it fits, and what she sees is a red bimbo.

"It's see through!"  she mutters as she crosses her brows.  "I hate it;"  she adds before she takes the top off.

At the door Doug glares as though he has been hit with a surprise.   He smiles as he drinks a flask of alcohol.  Then he leans on the door as Anne throws all of her clothes away.  She pushes the lingerie back into the box, and then she stuffs it under her bed.  She doesn't want to see the gift -  she just wants to think!

"Why shouldn't I like it?"  she asks before a hand touches her shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

Anne turns around and sees Doug and she leers.

"What do you want?"  she asks as he raises her brows.

Doug smiles.

"Just looking;"  he mutters before he gives her an eye-down.

Anne looks down and she sees her naked body.  She spins on her toes and she marches to a chair to get a towel, but when wrapping it around her body Doug takes it away and she is left holding air.

"No need to get overdressed;"  tells Doug with a shrug.

Anne turns to face him -  he in enjoying the tease but she feels utterly humiliated.  Her cheeks fan red. 

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?"  she asks as she looks.

"No;"  chirps Doug as he smiles a wane grin.

Anne looks away and sighs -  she can't stand being looked at but she puts up with it as she pushes invisible cotton balls in her cheeks.

"I like the view;"  tells Doug a she crooks his head.

He is nervous, Anne can tell by the speed in which he is talking.  She wants to shrug her shoulders but her gut holds in tight until it feels knotted.  She doesn't feel strong at all, and her confidence fades into dust.

"How long do you want to see me?"  asks Anne.

"Forever;"  tells Doug as he grins and drinks the rest of the drink he is carrying inside of his hand.

Anne watches as Doug places the empty vial on the floor and then she narrows her eyes as Doug steps around her in a circle  She feels like she is being spied upon and she can't stand the itches on the back of her neck.  Anne thinks that she will scream if Doug looks at her any longer, however he does something else -  he runs a hand down her shoulder; Anne shivers!

"Is it cold?"  she asks as she looks at the window and sees it closed.

"No it's warm..."  tells Doug as he sees her skin shiver.  "You must just be too nervous;"  he adds as he slips a hand around her shoulder.  "How about you come with me to the next room?"  he asks.

"What for?"  asks Anne as she blinks.

"To see if you feel any warmer inside;"   tells Doug as he grins.

Anne shakes her head.

"If it's okay with you I'll rather just have a shower;"  she tells before she steps out of his arm to pick up a towel. 

"Okay;"  sings Doug.  "I'll go fetch another drink;"  he adds.

Anne sighs -  she thinks that is the end of Doug's episode, but she is far from right!  After she showers she is captured by the door in which Doug is standing in front of.  He is holding no drink -  just a pair of knickers he asks her to put on.  Anne takes the underwear and slips them on, and then she moves to her bedroom.

Inside Anne frets!  The knickers are itchy and uncomfortable and she kicks them off before she pushes them away.  A cupboard hides the knickers in their shadow, then a radio helps Anne to forget about her moments of discomfort. 

"Stupid Doug!"  she gasps before she slips on PJ's.  "How dare he pick on me!"

A knock on the door makes Anne jump, and she opens it with the intention to yell, but she sees Jacob there and she sighs that he has returned to the house!

"Am I glad to see you!"  she cries as she smiles.

"Are you?"  asks Jacob as he glares.  "Because house chores aren't done;"  he adds.

"The what?"  asks Anne as she raises her brow.

"Chores;"  tells Jacob. 

"What chores?"  sighs Anne.

"Come to the laundry  -  I'll show you;"  tells Jacob before he marches down the hall.

Inside the laundry Anne grimaces as she sees Doug who orders Jacob to close the door.  Jacob closes the door, and then Doug smiles to Anne.

"You forgot to wash the dirty laundry;"  he mutters before he gives her PJ's one deep sniff.  "That's dirty;" he mutters.  "Put your clothes in the dirty basket;"  he adds.

Anne looks to Jacob who shrugs and laughs.  She scowls and then she takes off her PJ's so that both males and see her naked.

"So now I wash them?"  she asks.

"Yes..."  hisses Jacob like a snake from behind as he sees her bare skin.

Anne blushes -  she thinks Jacob is hot and she wishes they were alone; but with Doug standing there her nipples turn hard and dry.  She feels crusted with something bitter, and she swallows hard. 

"Okay, you want to get rid of your clothes?"  Doug asks Jacob.

"Hell no!"  he wars. 

Doug raises his brows. 

"Do it!"  he tells.

Jacob sighs and then he fast removes his clothes from his body.

Anne rubs her belly to keep herself warm, and then she blushes as Jacob rubs himself against her to keep himself warm.

"So what?"  asks Jacob as he glares at Doug.

"So have sex;"  tells Doug as he shrugs.

Jacob shrugs back and then he grabs Anne's hips and pushes them against his own.  He fast pulses himself inside and Doug laughs as Anne nibbles on quivering lips.  She feels like a virgin and she worries because she didn't think she was.  But as Jacob pushes himself inside something snaps, and she thinks she may have still been one.

"There happy?"  asks Jacob before he pulls away.

Doug smiles. 

"That was great;"  he mutters as he sees Anne's tits swell.  "Now go to bed;"

Jacob leaves and Anne moves to follow, however Doug takes her arm.

"To the other bed;"  he adds.

Anne walks into Doug's room and she is told to slip into his bed.  On the sheets she feels like a log of rubber, and she has a hard time feeling okay.  Anne looks at Doug who gets undressed to show off muscles -  he looks fit and fine, however there is something wrong; he is excited.

"You ignoring me still?" he asks as he slips into bed.

Anne feels tense; Doug's energy is sharp as he moves to touch her skin she shivers.  However then May walks into the room and she shrieks and she finds Anne in her bed.

"To your room!"  she bellows.

Anne sniffs and she races away as fast as she can!

Anne locks the door and she falls onto the floor -  she is humiliated and shaken, and she can't feel anything but weak.  She sobs as she thinks about the afternoon and its pressure -  Doug almost had her, and it makes her feel so bad she faints!

Saturday 3 October 2015

Afternoon Wreck

Trish eats ice cream in the pool.  Her mother Emily watches her and she smiles.  Trish doesn't care and she licks as she sunbakes while floating in the water.

A car comes home and Emily moves inside the house to make dinner.  In five minutes her father Reg comes to the back to look at her.  Trish waves and he waves back.  Reg walks over to Trish and he offers her a kiss -  one on the lips to say hello.  Trish takes it and then she goes back to eating ice-cream.  Reg smiles and rubs her hair.  He likes her hair it is like wheat, and it smells like baby shower.  Reg rubs Trish's hair and then he takes off his clothes and slips into the pool.

"What's this?"  asks Trish.

Reg shrugs and then he pulls her close.  He kisses her with tongue -  Trish takes it and tastes him, but she cringes as he touches her bikini bottoms.  She is still a virgin and she doesn't want to be touched there.

"Are you drunk?"  she asks.

"A bit high maybe;"  tells Reg before he kisses her again.

The kiss is long and Trish swallows his tongue before she cranes her neck back.

"A little close isn't it;"  she mutters as she smiles.

Reg shrugs, and then he rubs her bikini bottoms to try and get her interest.

"Are you insane!"  gasps Trish.

"I'm horny;"  tells Reg.  "Give me some sweet;"  he adds as he rubs her harder until her loins feel bruised. 

Trish tries to push his hand away, but he brings it back, and then he rubs her under her legs want to melt.  Trish wants to get away but she is caught, Reg has a hold on her she can't get rid of and so she stays as he pushes her to get excited. 

Reg smiles as he feels some warmth and then he slips his hand under her bikini.  Trisha tries to object but he gets his fingers probing deep and she feels humiliated as she trembles over the sting.  Trish feels a tear and Reg laughs at her, he knows she is a virgin and he can't believe he gets to break her just because he feels like it.  Trish glares at Reg accusingly as he dips his fingers in deep as his loins get hard.  He is excited, and he opens her legs as he gets hard.

Trish feels speared as Reg pushes himself inside of her.  She trembles, her thighs tremble, and her loins tremble as he digs deeper and deeper.  Her loins split open and they bleed like a cut, and it fills the pool with tendrils of blood.  Trish gasps as the blood washes over her belly.

"Feeling warm?"  asks Reg as he crawls on top.

He speeds up the momentum and Trisha clutches him as he opens her up.  Trisha feels her nails naked over his shoulders and she closes her eyes -  she feels sick that Reg be her first lover, and she wants to hate and blame, but at the moment she can only suffer as he fills her up with his juices.  She doesn't want him but he is inside, and she moans as he spills.

Reg kisses Trisha's face to wake her up -  some time she has fainted and she wakes to his kisses with a frown.  She looks to him and she sighs.

"Why you have to ruin my day?"  she asks before she pushes him away.

This time Reg moves and Trisha struggles to walk in a straight line as she heads towards the house.  She passes every room and when she is in her own room she crawls to the bed to sleep.  She sheds a tear, and then she rests.  She can't believe what has happened -  Reg had broken her and she doesn't even know why.  He just has and she feels miserable.

Naughty Kia

Kia walks through the house with her party dress on.  No one wanted to be her friend at the party so she ended it early.  There are bowls of melted ice-cream on the bench still and it sits melting because it is warm.  Kia bites her nails -  she wishes she could feel older, but she can only feel like the little girl she was the day before.  She can't even feel good about it, and she crosses her brows.

"I have to find a way to feel older!"  she gasps before she spies Everett walk into the house.

Kia sneers -  he is dolled up in business suit and looks all powerful.  Her mother Greta gives him a kiss and then he passes her like she is wind.  Kia hates him, she hates him because she is always treated like nothing!  Kia wants to steam and quickly she climbs the stairs to go to her room.

At the top of the stairs Kia sees Everett close his bedroom door and she pulls a face.  However then she realizes that he is going to get undressed, and surely he won't mind if she takes a peek!

Kia walks into the room and she sees Everett taking off his shirt -  his back is to her and he doesn't notice her.  He strips off his shirt, his belt, his pants, his socks, and then with a sigh he lays on the bed. 

Everett closes his eyes as he rests in the dim.  He is glad the day is over, and he is glad that he is able to cool his overheated body.  The car drive home was hot and sweaty, and he couldn't keep cool not even with the air conditioner on.  Everett relaxes as he draws in a breath, and then he rubs his crotch.  It is moist and his razer burn itches like hell!  He touches it only a second before he lets his itch go.

Kia giggles inside of her head and she takes off her party dress to be naked.  She then slips onto the bed and she warms herself against Everett's naked body.  Everett keeps his eyes closed as he gives her a hug -  of course he thinks she is Greta and he gives her back a rub.  Kia likes it and she bothers to lean over to run some kisses over his chest -  Everett enjoys it, and he bothers to stroke her hair; and he slips his eyes open as he realizes it is too short and straight to be Greta's.

"What you doing here?"  he asks as he sits up and rubs his chest. 

"Just playing;"  mutters Kia as she grins.

"Oh-no!"  gasps Everett as he grows a tint of shy.  "Not here!"  he adds as he scratches his head -  a sign he is nervous. 

"Why not?"  gasps Kia as she looks at him from the bed.

Everett shakes his head and he bends to pick up her dress.

"Oh no!"  he tells Kia as he looks at her.

Everett scans her body and bust and he spits -  he knew it seemed too juvenile, he had only fakes it had been familiar.  But he had enjoyed her kisses, they had been soft and gentle, and he had felt a buzz.  But then he sees who she is and he knows he has to get rid of her!

"You've got to get dressed!" he gasps as he feels tight in the throat.

Kia crooks her head and she slips the dress on -  she doesn't want to get into trouble, but she thinks he should find her a turn on.  Kia smiles at Everett who shakes his head and turns away.  He is embarrassed, her dress looks nice and he finds it cute she wants to be sexual all of a sudden. 

Everett turns back and smiles at Kia who sits on the bed still.  He walks up to her and he gives her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Better get back to your room;"  he mutters before he runs some fingers through her hair.

Kia nods and she leaves the room.  In the hall Greta climbs the staircase, and she smiles at Kia before she walks into her room.  Inside Everett grabs her and he kisses her, they fast make out, and he coaxes her towards the bed.  Kia notices the kissing and she peers into the room.  On the bed Everett fast undresses Greta with urgency before he twists her body so he can enter her.  Greta moans and Kia feels a rush -  but she feels betrayed; she doesn't know why Everett didn't want to do that with her and she lowers her head as she flutters her eyes on the duo having a lay on the bed.  Kia grows crossed brows as Greta moans, she then spits and leaves them alone to thump the wall.

Kia looks at herself in the mirror and she sees a young person still.  She has all of her juvenile traits and she tries to flip her hair to get rid of them.  It doesn't work, she still looks young, but she doesn't care.  She slips on a nightie and then she heads back to the other bedroom where Greta rests in light slumber as Everett lays there limp.

Kia slips into the room and walks towards the bed.  She looks at Everett who stares as she crosses the room towards him.  Kia smiles as she slips onto his side of the bed.  Then she slips over his pelvis like a tourist mounting a lion to see if she can get a free ride. 

Everett walks to shout at Kia, in fact he grows beet red in the face over her sport, however Kia rocks on him to get him interested, and he ends up sitting up to get her weight off his crotch. 

"You are being very naughty;"  he whispers as he takes his loins out of his underwear.  "But I can treat you;"  he adds.  "To one birthday kiss..."  he mutters before he gets her to sit down. 

He slips himself through her underwear and into her sex hole -  it burns like hot iron, but Kia tries to pull a brave face but sooner or later it falls down again. 

"I told you... you wouldn't listen;"  he tells before he flips her onto the bed.  "Now it's too late..."  he gasps before he pushes himself in deep.  "You're... open... wide..."  he gasps before he shakes the bed with her under him.

Greta moans as she feels the bumping.  She wonders what Everett is doing and she opens her eyes.  She looks across and she gasps as she sees Kia with her face swollen and sore.

"What are you doing?"  she screams.

"Birthday hug;"  mutters Everett with a frown.

He knows he is going to get into trouble, but Kia got herself into the fix and he was going to close her naughty daydream with a hot ride too hard to handle.  Greta gasps as she watches with tears in her eyes as Everett continues to shake the bed. 

After one whole hour he offers a sigh -  his orgy is through, and Kia can go to bed. 

"Go to your room;"  he mutters.

Kis nods and she slips away and leaves.  Her legs are wonky and she wishes she didn't have to walk.  But Greta takes her arm and leads her to her room where she tucks her into bed.

Everett notices the energy Greta walks with when returning to the room, and he grabs her and throws her to the carpet as she enters.  He beats Greta before she can him, and she screams out over and again bloody murder before she is hit so hard she faints.

Everett straightens up and then he nods.

"There, no need for aggression;"  he mutters before he leaves.

Everett heads to Kia's room and he slaps her as he approaches her bed.  She screams, and then she sobs as he slaps her again.  Everett rips off the blanket and then he touches his body like he in an orgy. 

"You wanted me didn't you... have to come into my room and disturb me didn't you..."  he tells her as he grows wild eyed.

"I'm sorry...."  mutters Kia as she grows a tremble.  "I just wanted to be a grown up..."  she adds.

"A what?"  asks Everett before he slaps her again.

"I grown  up!"  repeats Kia.

"I'll show you grown up!"  gasps Everett before he slaps her again.  "This time!"  he adds before he kicks her in the ribs so hard she can only cough.

Everett shows a tornado of a temper and it leaves Kia in a pool of blood on her own white sheets and unconscious.

"No one wrecks my marriage;"  tells Everett with a scowl.  "No one;"  he adds before he slaps her cheek and leaves her alone.

Emma's Upset

Emma glances at the watch.  She knows she is late, but she can't help it.  The fete is ready and her toffees are still cooling.  Emma checks on the muffins in the oven -  they almost looked cooked and she decides to leave them there.  A phone call distracts her and thinking she has time she races to pick it up.  It is her boyfriend Fred.

Emma tries to tell Fred that she can't talk, but he tells her to stay on the phone with him or she is dropped.  She humours Fred for ten minutes, and then he hangs up.  Emma thinks he is rude but that is just his way.  The only thing is that his talk has destroyed her muffins, and she runs to the oven as she smells them burning.

Emma turns off the oven and pushes the muffins in the bin.  She then checks the toffee and realizes it is not set.  So Emma gives up, and she goes to her room to cry.

Emma hides in the dim.  She cannot touch the light let alone go near the door.  She hides out in secret as she watches time tick by.  She misses the fare, and then she sighs as she realizes the day is over.

"Thank goodness!" she gasps as she wakes from a nap.

Emma looks at the door.  Graham has snuck in while sleeping and she realizes he is looking at her.  Emma thinks it is queer, and she wishes he would go away, but he doesn't move.

"What?"  she asks as she glares.

"Nothing;"  he mutters in deep tone.  "It would have been nice to see you at the fare today;"

"I was tired;"  tells Emma as she sighs.

"Muffins say you screwed up;"  he mutters as he raises his brows.  "That's too bad;"

Emma shrugs.  She can't say anything, but she knows Graham wants to.

"What am I a failure now?"  she asks.

"No, you are just you;"  tells Graham as he leans on the door.  "Special;"  he mutters with a wink.

Emma shrugs and then she looks away.

"Well leave me alone;"  she mutters.

"Okay;"  smiles Graham as he shuffles his stance.  "But just remember you are..."  he trails off and with a finger poke he walks away.

Emma shrugs and she settles down on the pillows.  She knows he is disappointed but she doesn't care.

Two days pass and Emma spends her days reading.  She cannot be bothered going out in the summer heat and so she rests in bed to try and stay out of the sun.  But then she gets bored so she goes to the backyard for a swim in the pool.  She does a few laps and then she sunbakes, and it is sunbaking that her skin turns from pink to red.

Emma slips inside with burns on her skin and she rushes to cool off in a shower.  However her red tan is so hot it has trouble cooking down, and so she rushes to cover herself in a dark room with her light off. 

Graham walks inside at around nine pm.  He is searching for Emma who failed to have dinner at the table.  He finds her reading under a lamp and he sneers.

"Why you hiding in here?"  he asks.

"Don't know why, just am;"  she tells.

Graham nods and he walks up to Emma who is hunched in a chair.

"Time for brooding stop now;"  he adds.  "I know the fare was a disappointment but you can eat meals with us;"  he adds.

Emma nods. 

"Okay;"  she mutters as she grins.

Graham rolls his eyes -  he thinks Emma is being sarcastic, when she is being truthful.

"What am I to do with you?"  he asks as he glares.  "Obviously you are growing a different mind;"  he adds.

Emma blinks -  she isn't sure what he means but he looks shaken.

"What's family mean to you?"  he drawls as he leans in a little closer as he gives her shoulder a rub.

"Everything!"  gasps Emma.

"Doesn't it mean... love?"  he asks he glares.

"Yes;"  she mutters with a nod. 

Graham smiles as he thinks.

"I should be like god - your creator; there shouldn't be any higher love if you love yourself.  Some people think that's conceded but it is true.  I made you as God made man, and you should be proud..."

Emma nods, she knows what he means -  he is everything.  She knows there is logic, but it is macho.  She often wondered when she was told to pray to him if he were not setting her up for some strange future which involved marriage to him.  Sure ancient peoples did it, but she didn't think it was of law.  She thought those ideals were over, until he began to tell her his.

"I would like to be alone;"  tells Emma with a nod.

Graham nods.

"Yes, of course;"  he mutters with grit in his teeth.  "Of course;"  he whispers as he places a hand to her cheek.

Emma glares as Graham takes his time is pushing his hand away.  A short while caressing makes her gut churn, and she thinks to spit as his face which continues to leer as he nibbles on a slightly trembling lip. 

Graham wishes he knew what to tell her, and why.  But his words are stunted and in jam inside of his brain, and he can't move them to fill her with knowledge. 

"You walk fine line between ignorance and ignore;"  he mutters.

Emma hears her mother Betty singing in the hall and she knows she is going to do some shower cleaning.  She wants to shout to her, however she thinks it might put her in the red with Graham, so she lets her mother pass to the shower a door further down and as soon as the water begins to run she feels pampered.

Graham sees the distraction and he fast makes a move on Emma whose mind is far away.  His kisses her cheek and then her ruby lips and Emma squeals and squirms as she drinks down his breath.  Emma tries to push him back but his weight is too firmly in-tact, it is when he needs a breath that he separates his lips from hers, and it is then she smacks him hard on the cheek.

"You shouldn't hit me;"  tells Graham as he feels his cheek.

"Why not?"  asks Emma as she feels her chest pant in panic to her actions.  "What you did was..."

"New ways to teach you godly things is new for the better..."  stammers Graham as he points to her.  "You know your place..."  he adds.

Emma crooks her head - she doesn't want to listen when she knows what she will hear.

"I am your king;"  tells Graham.

Emma nods, but she is mocking Graham this time.  Graham thinks her nod is assent and agree, and so he kisses Emma again until she is gulping his breath and his desire to be her overlord.  Emma thinks him morbid, and she tries to push him away once again.  However Graham is not listening to her halting hands, he fast unzips his pants and he lets himself out of his crotch.  Emma has not time, Graham lifts up her skirt and he pulls her underwear to the side so that he can let himself inside of her.  Emma feels him and she begins to squeal, however her squeals turn to pants within moment and she is caught in the motion of being pumped. 

"I am the king;"  tells Graham as he wipes his mouth over her cheek.  "You are mine;"  he adds.  "You shall worship me;"  he declares.  "You shall live for it..."

Emma grows stitches as she rubs her underwear.  She can't get the feeling of Graham off her no matter how many times she showers.  She feels wet and weak, and she can't think straight.  Emma feel crackers every times she thinks, and she can't handle it.

Emma begins to cry, but her cries are turned into sobs.  She can't even talk to tell anyone what has happened, and so she sits on her own with her hand inside of her underwear.  She has been disturbed, and she has been mutilated.  She feels hurt, and she wishes those sour feelings would go away.  She can't make it to the breakfast table, or the lunch table, or any table... she just wants to sit there alone.  She feels injured beyond believe, and she wishes to not see anyone.

"I can't look at anyone ever again;"  she tells as she wipes a tear.  "I'll just stay here, alone..."

Friday 2 October 2015

Jack's Naughty

Jack looks at the summer outside -  it is perfect but he is not.  He looks at Trisha pouting on the lounge and he grows attracted to her.  However he grits his teeth and tells himself that he should worry about her pout and not her longs legs.  He clears his throat.

"What's up?"  asks Jack as he heads over.

"The others went water skiing without me;"  tells Trisha as she glares at the television.

"Oh well maybe tomorrow;"  tells Jack as he grins.

Trisha shrugs and she grows a tear she has to blink away.  She feels gross and so she moves to the kitchen to fetch a drink. 

Jack watches her take a drink and he smiles.  She is hot, and he wishes she were drinking him.  However he pops his thoughts as she glares at him.

"I am going to my room;"  she tells him.

Jack almost drools!

In moments the kitchen is quiet and Jack is alone again.  He can hear his thoughts they tell him to go to Trisha's room.  Jack climbs a winding staircase and he heads to her room.  Inside Trisha reads a magazine, and she glares at Jack as he lingers in the doorway.

"What?"  she asks.

Jack shrugs and walks forward.  He steps up to Trisha who pushes her magazine away from her face. 

"It's some summer;"  tells Jack as he grins.

Trisha shrugs.

"Whatever;"  she mutters.

Jack smiles and then he lets his smile go.  He doesn't know how to break the ice that he is wanting her, and so he jumps on the bed!

Trisha screams!  Jack hold her down and tells her to be quiet, however she hits him and he slaps her so hard she gasps!  Jack kisses her and he pulls her singlet down over her shoulders.  Her tits pop out and he gives them a squeeze and a lick a Trisha arches her back and makes war against his body press.  :Jack slaps her again, hard.  She is a threat, she is taller then other teens, and stronger -  but not as tall as he, not as strong as he!

"Weak!"  he scowls before he opens his pants.

Trisha screams 'help!' all around but Jack only laughs.  He kisses her face and opens her legs, and he slips his loins inside.  Trisha pants and tries to rip his hair out, but another hit and she drags her strength to blubber.  Trisha groans as Jack fills her, and she doesn't stop crying.

"What are you?  Who are you?"  she cries as she grows trembles. 

Jack smiles and he throws his pelvis in and out, and her sex hole bleeds.  Jack grows mean and he pulses hard as he swell, and Trisha only sobs to herself as she is raped.

Trisha stares at Jack with evil eyes.

"Look what you did;"  she whispers as he  rubs the blood on his crotch. 

"Hey kid, someone do it, but here's special;"  he mutters before he offers her brow a kiss.

Trisha groans and she rolls her eyes to the right.  She can't even think she just lays like fresh kill and she harms her heart.

Jack shrugs and has a shower.  When he finishes he enters Trisha's room again -  she is asleep and he leaves her to her dreams.

At dinner however Trisha blurts out that she was raped by Jack.  Sue looks to Jack and so do his other three kids.

"Lies;"  he mutters.

"No it's true!"  seethes Trisha.  "I have blood on my underwear!"

""It's periods;"  tells Sue as she raises her brows.

"No I was raped!"  gasps Trisha as she trembles.

"Go to bed;"  sighs Sue.

Trisha looks around and sees smiles and she huffs before she moves to her feet and out the door.

"I'd better get her;" tells Jack with a sigh. 

"Get her to go to bed!"  warns Sue before she shakes her head.

Trisha runs through the woods and Jack catches her.  They fumble to the grass where he slaps her face good.  Trisha screams, and Jack slaps her until her words turn into blubbers.  Then he opens her legs and he unzips his pants.

"Don't!"  gasps Trisha as she feel burn in her crotch.

Jack enters her within a minute and in no time they are panting over each other's necks. 

"It ain't nothing; you get used to it;"  he mutters as Trisha groans.

Trisha can't be bothered telling the truth, so she spreads her legs and tells herself lies - that she wanted it, that she lives Jack, that it turns her on.  She can't believe it, his movement burn her and she wants to scream, but she closes her eyes and she prays and sooner or later she finds herself in bed.

Trisha stays close to her mother the rest of the vacation and soon it is over. Jack has not been able to harm her and she sighs out relief.  However on the drive home Jack parks the car when it is night and he wakes Trisha from her sleep.  He tells her it's time to go to the toilet, and she nods and slips out of the car before she notices that everyone is asleep.  Trisha walks into the grass and she squats -  Jack curls over her and he pushes his loins as she tries to urinate.  Trisha closes her eyes and she weakly moans as Jack pumps her deep.  She feels hurt but it doesn't burn as much, and as she creams she wishes she were somewhere else.

At home Trisha moves to her bedroom and she scratches her head.  She is tired and she gets undressed.  She doesn't want to shower, but she feels she needs to, so she slips into the shower to wash herself.  Trisha loves to lather soap over her body, it de-stresses her and she is able to find a high which she has not touched in days.

Trisha moves to her bedroom and she slips into the cover.  It has been an off vacation and she is ready for sleep.

The Hard Life

Gary is drunk.  He thoughts are violent and he only sees blurs.  He hits his wife Trish for standing in the kitchen and with her howling behind him he heads towards the living room.  There he spies Kym and she peers at him with solid stare.  Gary smiles at her and he heads towards her.  She tries to fight him but one slap and she settles down.

Gary pushes her onto the lounge and he hops onto her.  He spreads her legs and he enters her pumping all the way.  He hears jingle bells inside of his head and he works on rhythm as he builds a trance.  Kym feels her tits swell as Gary pleasures himself and she thinks how weak she is.

Kym is pregnant and she marries Tim.  They have a kid and they grow it up.  Gary looks at their girl Belle as she plays with toys.  He remembers Kym's rape and he thinks how perfect this new one is.

"Hi Belle;"  tells Gary as he waves.

"Hi;"  tells Belle as she shivers.

Gary can see she thinks of him as evil and  he drops his act.  He pulls Belle close and he kisses her face in abundance.  She squirms, and she tries to squeal, but Garry pulls her onto the carpet where he unzips his pants.  Gary pushes the head of his one eye into her mouth and she is told to suck.  Belle does it and she tries to twist her head, but Gar holds her face and he smiles as her lips wipe against his loins.

"Just the top for a sweet young'n like you;"  he mutters before he takes his loins away.

Belle fingers the gel on her lips and she begins to blubber.  Gary picks her up and he puts her on his lap.  He takes down her underwear and he dips his loins inside.  Belle grows quiet and he goes in all the way -  he knows he is hurting her but he doesn't care, he is perverse, he wants to do it, he wants to be sick. Gary feels good, and he smiles as he glares. 

Belle's tits grow big, then bigger, then her legs grow.  She is a young adult and she moans as Gary fills her for the millionth time.  Gary laughs and he pushes her away. 

"You're trash;"  he mutters.

Bells sighs and then she leans back on the bed.  She has been raped over and again and she can't get enough of her wet pants.

"So what?"  she asks as she opens her legs.

Gary smiles and then he crawls into her legs and takes her.  She is just visiting his house for the weekend, and every hour he fills her.  Belle moans but there is no one to hear her, just silence.

"This was a long weekend;"  she tells.  "I'd better get back to the city;"  she smiles.

Gary nods and lets her go.  He then watches as she picks up her bags and leaves.

Belle drives down the street and into the bush.  There she sits in silence.  She doesn't need to leave, she just wants to; seeing Gary's face turns her off and she grows grit over their activities.  She remembers her telling her dad that he had raped her and he slapped her good.  She wasn't able to marry after, and so she just moved to the city to live.

Belle grows a shiver.  She wants to mate again, but this time another person.  She hops out of the car and she moves to the road. 

Belle sticks out her thumb and a car pulls over.   A guy in a suit greets her and she asks him for a lay.

"No money;"  he tells her.

"Just give me a free one!"  gasps Belle.

The guy looks her up and down -  she is pretty and he raises his brows.

"Okay;"  he mutters before he exits the car.

Belle is laid on the grass with her legs high in the air.  She sighs relief as she is given the good blow and when the guy leaves she grins  -  she feels good and it makes her heart light.

"I'm in love;"  she groans as she rolls over.  "Now I can go home;"

In The Red

Lilly sits in her room reading a book.  She blurs her words and so she has to read slow.  Sometimes she reads out loud and Roger catches her.  He thinks she is cute, but he knows better then to lean on the door frame.  Lilly is startled easily and her passion to gab makes him turn away over and again -  but today he thinks she is super cute and so he lingers.

"Nice reading;"  he tells her.

Lilly looks to Roger and smiles.

"Yes;"  she blushes.

Her mother Cara calls to them both.

"Dinner in ten minutes!"  she cheers.

Lilly shrugs as Roger calls back.

"Cool!" he says before he closes the door.

Lilly glares as Roger approaches.

"What do you want?"  she asks.

Roger leans over and tastes her lips - he knows it is naughty to take a taste but her lips love it!  They blush pink and he knows she has enjoyed herself.

"How's that?  Young girls can't kiss;"  he tells her.

Lilly rolls her eyes.

"You kissed me;"  she mutters as she grows a bead of sweat.

Roger shrugs as he shoves a finger through her lips.  Lilly tastes it, and as it dips inside of her mouth and out he grows fever.

"Stop it!"  warns Lilly as her takes his finger away.

Roger sees Lilly inside of his arms -  she is younger then she in now and she cries after he has pushed his loins into her butt.  She sits on him in the study with tears streaming down her face, she knows what he is done but she can't say.  She screams and he holds her in place as he moans over her shoulder.  He can't stop it, he is evil, he is perverse, he is angry, he is in love with her anguish.  He keeps spoiling her, and she screams.

"I love to see you naked;"  he mutters.  "Show me;"

Lilly grows pale of face.  He hasn't ever asked her to undress and she grows pricks on her spine as he leers expecting her to show him her body.

"No;"  she mutters as she blinks.  "I can't;"

"Sure you can!"  smiles Roger before he takes his shirt off to show her his well formed body.

"Put your clothes on please;"  she tells him.

Roger shrugs before he puts on his shirt.

Lilly sighs -  she has said something right and she can't believe he is going to retreat!  Cara enters the room and tell them dinner.  Roger hurries out and Lilly slowly follows.

At the table Cara talks as Roger munches on his meal.  Lilly drinks her juice and nibbles, but she grows embarrassed as Roger looks to her.  Cara sees there is friction and she offers a new subject to talk about -  but Roger is unresponsive, and Lilly can't really appreciate the talk.  So Cara talks to herself as they sit around the table as the other two listen.  Roger looks to her and smiles before he tosses his knife and fork away and moves to stand behind Lilly who grows heavy in the belly at his presence.

Roger coaxes Lilly to stand and she does so.  Cara smiles as Roger kisses her head quite lovingly however her smile fades as he rips her top open.  Lilly gasps as Cara raises her brows.  Roger shows Cara Lilly's breasts, and then he takes off her underwear.  Cara drools at the mouth as Roger kisses Lilly's face and then fondles her bare body.  Lilly grows hot and her tits swell, and Cara only stares as Roger opens his pants to be able to ride her.

Lilly is pushed over the table and Roger bends over her to be ale to own her.  His loins slap inside and he doesn't want to let her go. He drills her as Lilly pants.  Cara leaves as she moans out a sound that is half-scream, and Roger grunts as he pleasures himself with her body.

Cara hits Roger as he enters the bedroom.

"What were you doing tonight?"  she asks.

"She needs a lay;"  tells Roger as he smiles.  "She was too sticky too ignore;"

"Why do you tear me apart by showing me?"  asks Cara with tears in her eyes.

"Because I wanted you to see;"  tells Roger.  "I wanted you to see me;"  he adds.

Cara nods her head and then she retreats to the wardrobe to cry.  Roger sighs and then he moves to Lilly who is asleep in bed.

"Wake up;"  he tells Lilly.

Lilly opens her eyes and she feels her skin crawl as she spies Roger.

"Are you hurt?"  asks Roger as he raises his brows.

"A little;"  mutters Lilly as she throws a sour face.

"I didn't mean to hurt you;"  tells Roger as he kisses her face. 

Lilly squirms and she sobs in her chest -  she doesn't want Roger near her, but his lips are on her skin and he won't back off.  Lilly cries, and then she closes her eyes as Roger wipes his tongue over her face.  She has not been able to settle herself down, and she feels her heart grow sore and he smothers her.

The next day Cara watches Lilly eat breakfast and she loses her taste.

"Go quickly to school;"  she tells her.

Lilly nods, and she fast leaves.

At work Cara can't get Lilly off her mind, and distracted she invites some work friends home. At home however Roger still can't keep his mind on the crowd, and he pardons himself from company to catch Lilly in the hallway. 

Friend Anthony stares at the chase and he moves to inspect.  He sees Roger kiss Lilly's face before whispering that she should return to her room.  At first Anthony thinks it innocent, however then Roger enters the room behind and Anthony moves to inspect.

In the room Lilly takes down her dress as Roger watches.  Anthony steps into the room and claps.

"Nice show!"  he gasps before he looks to Roger.  "You wife wants to see you;"  he tells.

Roger nods and leaves.  Anthony smiles and looks to Lilly.

"What are you a whore?"  he asks.

Lilly wants to scream 'yes' but she just turns away as she grows cold.  Anthony nods and retreats, and he leaves her alone.  Lilly wants to scream, but instead she slips into bed.

Pearl Wants Dave

Pearl looks around her shoulder as she bathes -  she feels a draft and she wonders why.  Jacob is there standing in the door and she shivers.  She wishes he were not there but his presence brings out her heart murmur.  Pearl bites her lip as he walks close.

"I am bathing!"  she argues.

"Quiet;"  tells Jacob as he approaches the bath.

Jacob looks at Pearl -  she is nice and innocent, but he caught her smiling at Dave and he can't stand her flirting.  He wants her first, he wants to break her first, he wants to be her lover, he wants to be number one.

"You can't think what seeing you flirt does to me;"  he mutters as he runs fingers through he wet hair.

Pearl shivers and then she rolls her eyes -  she doesn't want Jacob, she only wants Dave.  Her heart has been knotted and as Jacob touches her bare skin she knows that she is in trouble.  Pearl tries to get up but he holds her down -  he is so much stronger and his hands pulse with red.  Jacob kisses Pearls lips and she struggles to breathe!  She can't push him away so she drinks down his breath, his tongue, his passion.  She rubs her fists against his chest, and he stands up.

"Better join you;"  he mutters before he takes off his clothes.

Pearl gasps as Jacob slips into the bath.  There he smiles as he crawls over her, and Pearl cringes.  He wants her, the first thing he does is spear her sex hole -  Pearl feels like a fish caught and she catches her breath. 

"No!"  she gasps as she tosses her head.  "I am supposed to be with Dave!"

Jacob slaps her face hard!  He pulses himself heaving until she can feel him, and then he bites her ear.

"I own you!"  he gasps as her blood stains the water.  "You are mine!"

Pearl rolls her eyes as she look at the door.  It is empty and so is her heart, and she winces as Jacob digs himself deep inside of her.  She can't feel anything but pain and she lets a tear fall from her eye.  Why can't she stop it?  She is being owned before she is ready to give herself, she is being made his!  She wants to scream!

Jacob kisses Pearls lips.

"Don't scream!  You are mine!"  he whispers as he glares.  "Mine!"  he adds once again.

Naughty At School

I take a look at the teacher and know he is trying to see through my shirt. I feel strange because he is not supposed to be trying to see through me but at me. I shrug and pretend it doesn't matter, but then I drop a pencil and he rushes to pick it up. I feel his breath on my legs and I grow wet in-between my thighs. He wants me, as he pants on my skin I know he wants me, but school isn't out.

"Thanks;" I say as he gives me my pencil.

"Don't mention it;" he mutters before he returns to the table.

I rub my thigh - the skin is damp with sweat and I feel tingles. I want to tell myself to calm down, but with my thighs so hot I threaten to urinate. Quickly I plug my loins with my fingers, and I hold on before the bell chimes. The students leave but I sit still with my fingers under my skirt. The teacher looks to me and he approaches my table.

"Time to go home;" he tells me.

"I know but I am stuck;" I say before I push my chair back to show him my hand stuck under my skirt.

The teacher lifts the skirt and there he gasps as he sees my fingers inside my underwear.

"Let me help you;" he tells before he pushes his own hand inside.

I let go of myself and he plugs up my loins with his fingers and it makes me gush.

"You're good;" I say, but something goes wrong - I get a kick and urine starts spitting out.

The teacher gets onto his knees and puts his mouth on me and he drinks down the water that I have to empty. It makes his face red, and makes me tits burst. I open my top and let them out to cool them, and they swell as they flop out of my shirt.

The teacher touches my breasts and then he unzips his pants. He masturbates to them, and with his loins on fire he slips himself inside of my sex hole and fills me up.

We moan together as we huff breath and licks tongues in dance of a wild orgy that comes with sex. I can't stop the wetness and neither can he, he cream and my body is filled and then he creams again. Guilt hits me hard and I peel myself away and head to the door with my underwear down to my ankles.

"You are naughty!" I gasp before the principal comes behind.

"What's going on?" he asks.

"Nothing just fun;" I mutter with guilt.

"Fun;" tells the teacher as he shows off his swollen loins.

The principal glares at me - tits hanging out and skirt hitched to my belt. He laughs and tells me I am naughty. I agree and I touch his crotch to feel the heat. It is loaded and I help it out of his pants. I then press my ass against his crotch and he fills me up. It is a little cold but the dick does a good job - only the other teacher is hungry and he heads to me to make sure I know of his hunger.

He grabs my face and shoves his dick inside. I choke but it is good - he is not too big and I can swallow him whole. He stuffs my face while the principal stuffs my ass - it's orgasm to experience, and I get creamed out.

Guinevere With Lancelot

King Arthur walks along the banks of the river which shines white.  There he meets a fairy which tells him to return to his castle.  King Arthur wonders why this is but he listens to the fair and he takes his horse and rides home.

In the castle Guinevere meets Lancelot -  he is drunk, and he stares at her like a monk on heat.  She doesn't like his stare, he had been stationed to look after her not to look at her.  She clears her throat and she walks to the other side of the room where candles stand to keep the room warm.  He smiles before he traces her steps with his own.

"You look lovely tonight;"  he mutters as he smiles a gruesome smile which shows off foul intent.

"A crude remark;"  she tells insulted as she feels her head turn hot.  "Do not say such wickedness;"  she orders as she grows cross that Arthur, her king, should have asked such an animal to look after her good interests.

"Tis not wickedness to say such a remark, only to say such a remark and not mean it;"  he adds.

"Piss bucket!  It is crude!  You hurt my pride!"  gasps Guinevere as she fans hot.

A cloud of smoke wafts into the room, and it turns into Merlin.

"An argument?"  he asks.

But Lancelot walks through him -  he knows the ghost is an evil effigy and he no longer wishes to see it.  He grabs Guinevere's arms and he leers at her, she tries to struggle but his hands are firm and she cannot get loose.

""I saved you from your enemy, how dare you treat me as such;"  he whispers as he glares at her with red eyes. 

"He had raped me!"  gasps Guinevere as she grows dizzy with weakness.  "You were too late!"

"King Arthur didn't complain on your wedding night;"  tells Lancelot as he draws in a breath -  seeing her naked in a cell had alarmed him but he had thought she had been humiliated not raped, and the disclose of such an evil deed makes him want to run, but he does not do his will.

"He didn't sleep with me;"  mutters Guinevere as she steps back to crush herself against the wall.  "He just violated me and left me to wilt;"

"That is a shame;"  tells Lancelot as he glares at Guinevere.  "I would have..."

Guinevere hits Lancelot hard and he snaps his head even wearing armour.  Lancelot growls, he has been stung but he can fly yet.  He has Arthurs wife in his hands, and he can punish her if he wishes.  He has slain over then thousand men, he can sure punish one evil woman.

"I will..."  tells Lancelot as he drags Guinevere towards the bed.  "Oh yes, you need to be married!"  he adds before he throws her on the blankets.

Lancelot throws off his heavy armour and gets naked within moments.  Guinevere tries to run away, but she is pushed onto the bed once again.  There Lancelot kisses her as he opens her thighs so that his body is able to fill her, and there he gives her all the attention a lover can even while Merlin's spirit objects close behind them.

King Arthur enters the castle and he races up to Guinevere's room.  There he spies her and Lancelot on the bed.

"What is this?"  asks Arthur as he glares at Guinevere who arches her back as Lancelot throws kisses down her throat.   "Is this deceit?"  he asks.

However Guinevere only moans as Lancelot fills her until her belly has been offered his seed.

Arthur grows flint and yells like he has been lit on fire.

"Get out!"  he yells to Lancelot.

Lancelot looks at Arthur and he stops.  Within a moment he dresses and flees, he grabs a horse and runs away.  King Arthur grabs Guinevere's throat and he squeezes it as he stares at her eyes.  Her eyes are black and not blue and he sighs.

"You look different;"  he mutters as he feels his spirit weaken.  "You are evil now!"

"Make love to me!"  gasps Guinevere.

Arthur shakes his head and he backs away.

"No, to prison with you my heart no more;"  he mutters before he moves to collect his men.  "No more!"  he adds before he leaves.

Guinevere looks to the shadow of Merlin and she pleads for him to tell the truth to Arthur.  But then Arthur returns with him men, and she is picked up and taken to prison where she is spat on and left to suffer.

Wicked Intent

Amanda looks at her watch.  She is late for tutoring.  She steps fast down a lane towards a brick house at the end of the block.  She wishes she were not so late, she wishes that she could show up on time.  But there are clocks in her head which make her go mad, and she wonders if she will ever make it.

Amanda knocks on the door and the teacher opens.  His name is Adam and he shakes his head as Amanda stands there with two apples on her cheeks. 

"Here I am!"  she cheers.

"Late!"  gasps Adam as he steps to the side. "By thirty minutes;"

"So, here's still here!"  tells Amanda before she steps inside and heads towards the study.

The study smells of wood and Amanda smiles.  It is such a nice house that she feels immediately comfortable.  Her warm cup of hot milk sits cold to the side.  She sips it and Adam circles around her to sit on the next chair.  His presence makes her feel warm and she smiles before she pushes the milk to the side.

"So, we're gong to practise language?"  she asks.

"Sure;"  tells Adam and he smiles.

Amanda laughs and she places hair behind her ear as she takes out some books, but Adam stops her.

"No need, the tutor is almost over;"  he warns.

Amanda nods and she looks to Adam who shrugs.

"We could practise body language;"  he tells her.

"Like mime?  Drama?"  asks Amanda as she wrinkles her nose.

"Sure, drama;"  tells Adam as he leans back in his chair.  "What am I doing?"  he asks before he pushes back on the hinges and pulls a sour face.

"Brooding boy?"  asks Amanda as she raises her brows.

The teacher shakes his head and continues to pose.

"Tough kid?"  she asks.

"Detention;"   tells Adam as he loses his patience.

"I would have never guessed!"  gasps Amanda before she smiles.

Adam smiles back and then he looks out the window.  It is quiet, the sun is dipping down to the horizon, and the birds are sleeping.  Adam blinks at Amanda who sits in prep pose and he grows interest. 

"Have a rest your brain is tired;"  he mutters before he rubs her knee.

Amanda looks at his hand and blushes, then she looks to him.  His eyes are fixed on her face and she feels timid.

"Can you put your hand off my knee?"  she asks.

"Why?  Do you find it annoying?"  asks Adam as he wipes his fingers over her knee.

"Yes;"  tells Amanda as she grows cold.

"Okay;"  tells Adam before he stands.  "Come to the library with me I shall find you a book to take home;"  he mutters.

Amanda stands and follows him to the library then there he finds her a book.  Amanda takes a look at the book and sees it is a German kids story to study.  She smiles.

"Thanks;"  she mutters.

Adam shrugs.  There is a security camera on the shelf and he turns it on.  It blinks and images of the room are recorded and he smiles as Amanda discovers that the door is locked and cannot be opened.  Adam takes off his shirt, and he walks to Amanda half naked.  As he shadows her she turns around and her mouth drops open as she sees him naked. 

"Why is your shirt off?"  she asks.

Adam shrugs again.

"It's hot..."  he mutters as Emma steps around him. 

Adam grabs her arm and pulls her towards him.

"Don't be coy!"  he steams.  "I can be nice to you;"  he adds.

"Let me go!"  tells Emma sharply.

"I want to let you in;"  tells Adam before he kisses her face.

Emma pulls back and Adam slaps her face hard.  She begins to cry and he rubs his tongue over her face as his mouth drools all over her cheeks.   He knows he is being wicked, but it  hurts her for him to be so crude, and he doesn't want to stop.

"Are you a virgin?" he asks as she trembles in her skin.

"Maybe..."  gasps Emma before she pulls away.

Adam pushes Emma towards him and he rubs her backside.  His hands surf under her skin and they pull down her underwear until they are on the floor by the soles of her shoes. 

"Don't!  This has gone far enough!"  gasps Emma as Adam unzips his pants.  "Let me go!" 

Adam pulls Emma to the nearby table and he throws her over it.  Emma screams as he drills her butt hole like a drilling expert, and she chugs out her breath as he towers her like a beast on heat.  Pulses burn her for ten minutes before the sound of a car-horn is heard.  Adam pushes harder and harder as Emma screams enough to fill the room.  The door bell is heard and he doesn't stop, he rips Emma's butt open as he swells and he laughs as Emma cries for help.  His room is sound proof, no one can hear, and he pushes his groin so hard she can only turn pale face.

"Help me!"  cries Emma as a door bell rings.  "Help!" 

However Adam covers her mouth with his hand as he picks up a telephone call. 

"Hello?  Oh sorry the kid didn't show up so I went shopping;"  he tells the caller as he continues to pulse into Emma.  "Okay, I will -  bye;"  he adds.

The car goes away and Adam laughs as Emma cries.  She is broken hearted that no one came to help her, and she screams as she is dragged to the floor to be beaten.

Broken down with her face swollen Adam tears Emma's clothes off her.  She is pulled to stand and shown towards the camera with her breasts flaming with pink tips which are heated and swollen.  Adam pushes her onto a large chair and there he gets her to open her mouth.  Sobbing she swallows him and she chokes.  She tries to turn her head but she only hurts her throat.  Adam pulses into her face until she gurgles and then with split lips her heart stops -  she has choked.

Adam laughs and he pulls himself away.

"I forgot to tell you I'm a cannibal;"  he mutters before he picks up a knife.  "I eat everything;"  he adds before he cuts her throat and presses his lips to the draining flow of blood to take in a heavy drink.

Cops come to Adam's house several days later and he tells them he has not seen Emma.  The cops leave and Adam picks at his teeth.  He has been eating her for days and his gums still taste her blood. 

Adam walks to the library where her bones sit on the floor.  There he crushes them, before he puts them in the fireplace and lights the bones on fire.  They disappear and Emma is not seen again.