Monday 2 November 2015


Mary holds her cold woes inside of her head.  Her heart is breaking and she know not why.  Something inside of her mind, a day of cold... strikes her and she best hang her head to cry.  She know not why, such a fate!  A night come on too soon, and the light come back too late!  Hark why does she not see the emblem of desire, inside of her eye while her husband does kneel to light fire.

"Oh, dear!"  she cry as fire glisten in her eye.  "Why me?  A heart blooming on hate and coarse skin!"

Mary wishes she had some light to guide her, but to an old bed she follows her woes to rest her head on pillow which does smell of moulded rose.

In her sleep she does dream -  but her dreams do not send her anything but misery.  She wishes she could see more light, but the draft sticks to her skin and turns it blue-grey, and she does in her heat become miserable once more.

So then with a tear falling an image does appear in her room -  a shadow turns into a glisten, and then a glisten into a figure... and lo!  Behold a light does appear and Mary does not wake but it does blaze forth to shine a star so great that by the window even a lamp does pale!

"Mary... Mary..."  beckons the angle with dark face turned light.  "Mary... Mary... I beckon thee... rise... wake from your slumber and see...."

Mary's eyes do stir, and within an instant they flick open -  but the soul inside is still resting, and it takes one last whisper for her to stir to wake.

"Wake!"  calls the angle with such kindness that Mary does waken and as she does stir she gasps at the blazing furnace that near makes her blind.

Mary does try to shade her eyes with a hand, but she is told by the angel to take her hand down.

"You shall not shield your eyes from me;"  he tells her, and so Mary does take her eyes down.

"But I cannot see..."  she complains as she blinks that the light which is so full of strength she fears to be turned blind.

"Then lay down until you can see me, and when you do you shall be blessed;"  says the angel.

So Mary does rest her head, and in her slumber she sees a man of such great beauty that she cannot do naught but feel warmth, and in her last moment of trepidation her thoughts are taken away and she is blessed!

Mary does fear the next few days that something has happened to her.  She feels different, and she fears that inside of her body is a son from the sun who she had met so many hours before.  Mary feels faint that Joseph might find out -  their marriage is months away, and she is sure he is to discover that she has been led astray.

"Whatever shall become of me?"  she asks before she weeps.  "I shall be left nothing, and then I shall have to grow old alone!"

However then Joseph marches through the door and he praises Mary.

"Mary!  You are with child!"  he tells her.  'It is sin, but he shall be holy, as you have given yourself to the lord!" he calls.

"I have?"  gasps Mary as she sits up straight.  "Will you live with me while I have this child?"  she asks.

"Nay!"  tells Joseph with a bow.  "I shall take you to Egypt, and there you shall become sainted and made holy;"  he tells her.

"Oh... if you must..."  mutters Mary with a blush.

"I must!"  tells Joseph with a firm nod.

However travel is weary and along the way Mary falls down on the grass and Joseph is forced to carry her to a manger to rest.  Inside of the Manger with a cloth over her head Mary gives birth.  The stars shine and strangers come, and Mary feels light -  the child is blonde, and he is holy. 

"What a sight!"  gasps Joseph as gold is placed beside the child's skin and shone in likeness.  "He is gold!"  he gasps. 

"He is the lord son!"  agrees a stranger.

Joseph holds reserve the blessing as he and Mary are told to leave house after house after showing their golden child.  Joseph feels Jesus a burden, and he wishes he had not been born as Egypt throws their hands up and yells for him to leave.

Joseph sits by the door as Mary weeps in her room -  it has been thirteen months and the child has grown too heavy to throw into a river and let sail.  So Joseph stares at the stars and he waits for his life to drown as he sits by the door and Mary inside of her room, looking after a child-god who seems to have no right of day even at birth. 

"Oh wind!  Tell the world, the lord is dead, and we have his child!"  he mutters as his heart falls ice-cold.

Many years pass and Joseph is called by messenger to return to Rome.  Mary wishes she can go with him but Joseph says that he will not allow it, so leaving money on the table he leaves. Mary does weep -  she is sure Joseph will not return, and when her thoughts come true she cries harder.

"I shall have to turn slave!"  she gasps.  "For Jesus my son.. and for me..."

It is hard and Mary does feel much grief -  for inside of her heart she does wish for someone to look after her, but she shall not lay down not while she is needed.  She must turn herself to saint and carry her burden while performing tasks of a slave and ignoring the contempt of others.

Jesus tries to understand -  but he does not understand fully   He steals her money to buy wine, and then he steals her savings to plan trips overseas.  He and Mary do quarrel -  but it is a soft quarrel which leaves her exhausted, and in his grief he does take to carpeting to ease his troubled mind.

In time Jesus sells his carpeting but even that turns into awry as people who give him money ask for their money return.  Jesus gives all he can but he tries to keep some money and in time this does give him trouble with the law, who decided to raise taxes to punish Jesus. 

Mary does all she can to turn the law-men away but in time she realizes that they are attacking Jesus and so she tells him to stop working and to walk.

"Roam the fields and let people know you;"  she tells him.

And so Jesus does roam -  but as he speaks people's minds and eyes turn queer and they ask Jesus questions for which he has no real answer.  Jesus however talks, and as he does people discover that he is holy, and so they urge him to perform miracles of which he is not very wise.  But then by a river he discovers fish, and then in someone's house he discovers he can heal, and then when serving break he discovers he can multiply.  So with these gifts he travels and people support him and ask him to places which reach beyond the hills and his name is known.

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